
More Zoom in the Editor [duplicate]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +2
Topic Starter
Problem: Right now inside Edit mode, there is a limit on the zoom from [+] [-] for the note hit slide.

i.e. this:

This makes it very hard to select specific circles inside streams of 1/4 when wanting to re-sort them. Why does this limit exist? Please remove it.
Also, please make a visual display of the current zoom level and let the user type it down.
i.e. lets arbitrary call the current max zoom 80, and lets say the lowest zoom right now is 20, make a little box that the mapper can just type a number into to get exactly the zoom they want (for example, I try 100, it gives me that zoom level), instead of having to use the Add/Subtract buttons.

Right now every time the mapper uses F5 to playtest the map being edited, the zoom returns to the default value instead of staying like it was before the F5. This is very annoying and having to use Add/Subtract to return to your desired zoom level is a waste of time that would be solved by simply being able to set it to a level.

Visual example of the suggestion:

Functionality: the mapper simply clicks with the mouse inside the zoom box, and types a number (it would override the old number as soon as you start typing, no need to use backspace/delete like regular text boxes). While typing the number down it would be in color A, lets say red? then when you press Enter/Return, it would change to color B, lets say white like in the image, and the zoom display would set itself to your choice.
The editor surely needs to support further zooming. Would help loads when mapping taiko diffs, too.
The Design tab has the capacity to zoom 3 - iirc -levels more than the Compose tab. Use that to your 'advantage' for now?
Shohei Ohtani
Go to timing tab -> Zoom for days

CDFA wrote:

Go to timing tab -> Zoom for days
oh, I did not know of this

nevermind then
Topic Starter
The fact remains that using Add/Subtract is less convenient than being able to simply set the zoom level to a specific level of your choice.
Also, it's very slow to mash Add every time after using F5 to test play. Either make the zoom level always stay without resetting itself to default, or allow us to simply set the zoom instantly (or better, both).

Either way the GUI needs to be fixed. Not being able to change the zoom in compose while in timing you can... come on.


Please search before you make a feature request. "zoom + editor"
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