
KOTOKO - unfinished [Osu|Taiko]

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ertyukjh010 wrote:


ertyukjh010 wrote:


popner wrote:

E+太鼓多无聊 来 做个像这样的extra diff
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

popner wrote:

E+太鼓多无聊 来 做个像这样的extra diff

No_Gu wrote:

Topic Starter

goodbye wrote:
Hi there~~~mod for request~~
Nearly forget~~ XD

  1. 00:30:628 (1,2,3,4) - 这个stack变节奏感觉好。。。奇怪……到00:31:552 (4) - 的时候感觉上已经off了……
  2. 00:57:237 (2) - 这里也是感觉不应该是3/4的节奏,而是在前后红白线上的两个1/2会更舒服,后面倒是3/4无误
  3. 01:06:484 (8) - 依然是不舒服的节奏……为什么不放到前面白线上呢……
  4. 02:38:025 (3,4,5,6) - 这里感觉上更适合红线三连~
  5. 03:09:052 (2,3,4,1,2) - 这里应该是1/3的节奏把…………
  6. 03:14:189 (3,4,1,2,1) - ^
[Pokie's Normal]
  1. 00:05:970 (1) - 感觉上这里应该是1/1的折返slider+note的结构……
  2. 00:07:614 (2) - 这里则是2个1/1slider……依然是直觉
个人看法的mod先不予置评 有关1/3那边我只想说

确实那边是有1/3的一轨但是并不是只有1/3 本身也有1/2的一轨。


Oh hi there

00:19:943 (1) - This slider is doesn't looks like a wiggle slider, since there is 6 white sliderpoint in beginning of slider
00:58:984 (5) - I think this slider needs more wavy
01:13:470 - This break space are too short, remove it?
03:43:265 - ^

[Pong ki's Normal]
00:04:943 (1,2) - Overlapped by spinner-osu and hitbursts. It makes beginners are hard to read (sometimes, beginners are slowly to read)
01:08:847 (4) - Move 2 grid up (using grid level 2) for make a better pattern (Nazi)
00:42:957 (4,3) - Ohhhh hohohoho, when you move the (4) it become like this
03:04:943 (3) - Add whistle?
03:05:148 (1) - Add finish at start slider?

[EeArTee's Hard]
00:27:340 - Useless green timing section
00:27:443 - ^
00:28:984 - ^
00:29:087 - ^
00:33:093 - ^
00:33:504 - ^
01:13:573 (2,3,4,5,6) - Any reason why you silence this note? Just curious o.o
03:29:806 (3) - New combo?

* Hitsound still WIP?

Goooood luck!!!
Thx Leorda :)

Leorda wrote:

[EeArTee's Hard]
01:13:573 (2,3,4,5,6) - Any reason why you silence this note? Just curious o.o I don't know, just copy in Insane


Leorda wrote:

* Hitsound still WIP?No it's finished!
Topic Starter
Finished Taiko.update

00:05:251 (13) - snap 1/4 eariler
00:06:073 (16) - ^
00:06:895 (19) - ^
00:07:717 (22) - ^
you need to snap all these notes orz
00:19:943 - no 1/8 thanks
00:27:135 - refer to vocal with higher pitch use k?
00:33:093 - ...
01:14:600 - the vocal appears right after the drums, and it feels empty if you put nothing here.
01:27:751 - orz
01:31:039 - like before you place d at the heavy beats, dkkkdk here
01:40:902 - ~
01:53:641 - ^ 不要1/8好麼
02:35:148 - ...
02:38:436 - same as 01:31
02:48:299 - ._.
03:16:552 - add a ntoe coz I feel like the drum in the music didn't stop here
03:44:189 - no
03:47:477 - same as 01:31
03:57:340 - ...
04:01:861 - ~

... / ~ / ._. / whatever -> no 1/8 thanks, the rests fit the complicated drum well and I can see potential there.
i ball ball u
hi www


  1. eveless难度没tags
  2. 另外add tags black lotus silver crow scarlet rain cyan pile lime bell sky raker 大概吧(....

  1. 毫无人性
  2. 00:07:614 (1,2) - 放这里吧
  3. 00:09:874 (3) - 这样节奏比较好玩w
  4. 00:19:943 (1) - 1/8吧这里是
  5. 00:31:347 - 这里节奏这样
  6. 00:27:854 (3) - 3/4,, 后面叠个note
  7. 01:06:176 (6,7,8) - 总感觉比较诡异;-;
  8. 01:20:251 (2) - 叠一个
  9. 01:39:361 (8) - 这个去掉吧>.> 比较符合"sonna site"的vocal
  10. 01:40:491 (2) - 这样
  11. 02:27:654 - 我感觉这一段适合这种三角形转圈的
  12. 02:38:025 (3,4,5) - 没叠好..?
  13. 02:40:902 (1,2) - ctrl+r ._.
  14. 02:46:758 (8) - remove? 同01:39:361
  15. 03:09:669 (1,2) - 这么鬼畜居然不放1/3不科学
  16. 03:14:395 (4,1) - ^
  17. 03:29:498 (5) - 这不是应该放3/4比较科学么...
  18. 03:31:450 (1) - meidiehaoa
  19. 03:44:600 - 都开burst link了不加速? /_\
  20. 03:45:422 (4,5) - blanket (1)
  21. 03:55:799 (8) - remove? 同01:39:361
  22. 03:59:087 (8) - ^
Pokie's insane

  1. n:c2 clap好违和...
  2. 00:49:121 (3) - 这是1/2还是1/4, 不如中间再加个note
  3. 00:50:765 (4) - 拉远一点.?
  4. 01:13:470 (1) - 转盘不好接啊..
  5. 01:21:587 (1) - 这个柔和一点
  6. 01:25:182 (4) - clap去掉吧..
  7. 02:20:867 (1) - 短转盘接跳后面有点紧张...
  8. 02:35:148 (4) - 间距小点嗯 4-1
  9. 03:54:463 (1) - 中间点往左一格o.o
  10. 03:55:696 (5,6,7) - 摆的不是很标准233
  11. 03:59:395 (7) - 往外点..
Ert's hard

  1. break里一堆绿线, 去了吧
  2. 00:58:573 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 四方跳自重
  3. 02:03:710 (2) - 往外吧
  4. 02:28:984 (1) - 六边形摆好..
  5. 03:07:614 (1,2,3,4) - don't jump here lol
  6. 03:54:463 (1,3) - 对称
Pokie's normal

  1. 00:10:902 (1) - spacing
  2. 01:18:299 (1) - blanket
  3. 01:21:176 (3) - ^
  4. 02:45:422 (1) - 形状...
  5. 03:11:724 (1,3) - 这滑条看着不对称啊 上面比较紧 下面松一点o.o

  1. 00:12:340 (2) - zhebukexue
  2. 00:19:943 (1) - hao
  3. 00:31:552 (2) - 这个有点违和,,, 既然是easy不如00:30:628 (1) 3/2下去折返
  4. 00:33:093 (3) - zheyinxiaohao(hainengzhemeyonga233haogaoduan
  5. 00:54:052 (2) - blanket,,, 往里点
  6. 00:55:696 (4) - 3/2折返?
  7. 01:24:874 (1) - ^
  8. 01:38:847 (2) - ..这个两个3/4折返?
  9. 02:29:395 (2) -

m4m plz 还是算了这个吧
Topic Starter
fixed my diffs and ERT's.update
I'll mod yours soon
Checking unranked stuff xD (irc mod)

18:19 gudbye: : Mickey,do you accept mod request?
18:20 0OoMickeyoO0: : idk orz
18:20 gudbye: : =A=
18:20 0OoMickeyoO0: : checking is ok
18:21 gudbye: : then..
18:21 *gudbye is listening to (KOTOKO - unfinished)[]
18:21 gudbye: : have a look if you have time plz =A=
18:21 0OoMickeyoO0: : My checking is just like irc suggestion =A=
18:22 gudbye: : orz I only mapped easy and taiko for this map
18:22 0OoMickeyoO0: : nono, overall checking \o/
18:23 0OoMickeyoO0: : unranking stuff & else
18:23 gudbye: : =A=
18:24 0OoMickeyoO0: : Slider tick rate should be 1 at all diff~
18:24 0OoMickeyoO0: : Pokie's normal is 2
18:25 gudbye: : ok fixed
18:27 0OoMickeyoO0: : Inconsistency kiai times in taiko diff
18:28 gudbye: : =A= fountain effect by kiai time isn't allowed in taiko diff
18:28 0OoMickeyoO0: : idk =A= thanks
18:30 0OoMickeyoO0: : resnap all notes in taiko diff?
18:30 0OoMickeyoO0: : Many of them are unsnapped
18:30 gudbye: : ohhh I see
18:30 gudbye: : don't know why this happened =A=
18:30 0OoMickeyoO0: : xD
18:31 0OoMickeyoO0: : delete 1 .osb in your folder~
18:31 0OoMickeyoO0: : (No_Gu)
18:31 gudbye: : ohh yes
18:32 0OoMickeyoO0: : ok that's all :D
18:32 0OoMickeyoO0: : wait for ranked ww
18:32 gudbye: : www post the log to fourm
18:33 0OoMickeyoO0: : :O

/o/~ ☆
Topic Starter
Thx for useful checking.update
/cut down some shitty hitsound mods

00:41:929 - is it intended not to add whistles when sampleset is normal?
00:56:313 (6) - maybe clap here?
01:34:224 - i'd add a note here if possible, it'll fit the music very well and sounds great imo.
02:45:011 (1) - this combo is quite short and it's in middle of symmetrical pattern, it's better to remove newcombo imo
02:45:730 (3) - copy paste from 02:43:778 (1) - and ctrl+H?
03:42:135 (3,4,5,6,7) - rotate them a bit so that (7) is stacked under (2)'s end?
03:55:285 (3,4,5,6,7) - ^

00:53:025 (2) - this slider doesnt fit music very well, consider change it into another one
01:25:696 (1) - finish sounds nice imo
01:57:751 (1) - remove finish please it sounds really odd to me
02:28:470 - consider adding note here to follow the music better and for consistency with previous parts.
02:41:621 - ^
02:47:066 (5) - finish
03:37:511 - add note
03:50:662 - ^

00:51:998 (2,3,1) - make them symmetrical?
01:33:093 (3) - awkward flow imo, i prefer something like this
02:05:148 - soft sample set here? because there's no percussion here so it sounds a bit odd imo
02:29:806 (2,3) - i'd place them a bit above for better looking
03:39:258 (2) - sorry for nazi>< place this at x256 please
03:58:984 (3) - clap? sounds nice to me

00:10:491 (4) - put a whistle here instead of (3)'s end? since there's no piano to be followed around here and this one sounds better to me~
00:15:936 (1) - this spinner is too sudden (appears before (3)), it's pretty confusing for newbie imo.
start it on next whitetick so that it will appear right after the note
00:33:504 - nice hitsound, but volume is way too loud compared with 00:20:354 - . maybe it's better to reduce it a bit
00:58:984 (5) - make this more wavy? (match the shape with the next slider) the current one doesntlook that great imo
01:39:772 (1) - start this at 01:39:669 -
02:32:272 (1,2) - it may be better to use same shape
02:47:169 (1) - same as first one... delete (3) and start on whitetick?
03:33:504 (4,1,2) - i prefer placing them like this
03:45:011 (2) - this is nazi, but i think you can make the blanket a bit better imo try something like this?
03:59:498 (1) - ~~whitetick or 1/4 later atleast?

love pokie's diff

Melophobia wrote:

love pokie's diff


EDIT 8/28:
咦 原来是改来这了 :<

00:28:367 (4,5) - the distance is hard to know
02:03:504 (3) - move to 02:03:504 (3)
03:30:628 - add note
03:30:319 - ^

Pokie's Insane
01:18:299 (1) - it looks not beautiful
02:04:943 (5) - move to (336.44)
02:06:381 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - increase the distance

ERT's Hard
delete unuseful green lines
00:14:189 (1,2) - try to increase the radian
01:11:724 - add a note

Pokie's Normal
03:11:724 (1,3) - symmetric?


that's all,good lucky
Topic Starter
post for counting: 26th progress.
signature updated.
no kds.
no creator's word.

※ 注意

紅色是unrankable的 一定要改


  • Settings
    (For the setting/general issue.)
  1. ERT's Hard第一條綠線必須刪掉 重疊無用綠線


  • mapping
    (These are about your patterns.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:03:299 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - dkdkkd
  2. 00:05:559 (14,15,16) - dkk?

  3. 00:06:381 (17,18,19) - kdk?

  4. 00:13:367 - add note

  5. 00:15:833 (51) - 用slider結尾到00:17:066 - ? 這段空白太多 感覺有些奇怪

  6. 00:17:477 (52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68) - ddkdkddkdkddk kddkk

  7. 00:19:943 (68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84) - 1/8真的很難打 不要一直放1/8而且放這麼長 kana是這樣做我知道 但是146BPM放1/8真的很難打

  8. 00:46:552 (24,25,26,27,28,29) - dkddkd

  9. 00:52:819 (44,45,46,47,48,49) - dk kd k D會比較適合這個地方

  10. 00:55:285 (53) - 00:56:929 (58) - 00:58:162 (63) - 如果上面那個有改 這些都改成D

  11. 01:00:217 (77) - k/K 這兩個比較適合 ((我是偏向於用K 這地方是音樂轉折處 而且又是重音 剛好你的排列是允許使用1/4 stream大圓的

  12. 01:27:751 (214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222) - 同樣不建議使用 而且1/4接1/8再接1/4略微鬼畜了

  13. 01:53:539 (391,392,393,394,395,396,397,398,399,400,401,402,403,404,405,406,407,408) - 1/8就不再說了~ 都是建議不要放 必竟合音樂不一定好打

  14. 02:00:011 - add k? 這個位置仔細聽 有個比較高的音可以突顯 我會建議加個k 不然這段感覺有些空

  15. 02:07:614 (455) - 同前段 建議用k/K

  16. 03:01:449 (734) - k 後面有鼓點 你這個Taiko應該是跟鼓的 所以我提出來看你要不要改

  17. 03:31:039 (845,846,847) - kkk/kdk 這段我的看法是03:31:039 (845,846,847) - 在音樂上都是電子鼓音 但是三個都用d的音打起來會奇怪 因為前面的note也是d 那為什麼這三個有電子鼓音的note也是d呢 所以我會提出來讓你作參考



  1. Custom combo colours
    Custom combo colours do not really matter to taiko as they will be overwritten in actual gameplay. The case is the same with combo numbering, but you may wish to use the numbering to mark out red/blue notes visually within edit mode (assuming no custom colours have been set), this would make modding for other people easier and could make mapping easier:

good luck~
Snowy Dream
Mod request from PM Req
00:33:093 (4) - newcombo since this is a special slider...

[Pokie's Insane]

00:28:367 (4) - 00:28:470 还是总感觉放这里舒服点...
00:30:422 (5,1) - 这俩间隔1/2 后面都3/4 别叠在一起...
01:35:046 (2) - 这里不好听 这里应该单circle 然后01:36:792开始slider到01:36:998原来地方结束
01:36:689 (2) - ^
03:51:485 (2) - 哇e姐别这样 偷懒很明显啊啊啊(要偷懒也至少应该全体旋转个180°)...同上改
03:53:128 (2) - ^
Wonderful Mapset
T T 没什么好挑的..
Topic Starter
Topic Starter
  1. Unused Image Files: storyboard\lrc\3q4playing.png. Please check it again.
  2. There are 2 osb in the file, please delete 'KOTOKO - unfinished (gudbye)' and then do a full submission!
  3. Combo colour5 resembles combo colour6. Consider changing it.
  1. Issue/unrankable stuff
    (Something bad in gameplay or unrankable staff,you should take a look on it.)
    1. 00:04:121 (x) - Unused green line section, please remove it if possible!
    2. 00:30:628 (1,2) - I highly suggest to fix this because newbie don't have the ability to identify the rhythm, thus, they always miss there.
      I would say change an another rhythmical pattern here.
    3. 01:10:080 (1,2) - ^
    4. 01:24:874 (1,2) - ^
    5. 01:27:648 - , 01:27:956 - unused green line sections. (後面不列出來了)
    6. 01:38:025 (1,2) - Same as 00:30:628 - (後面就不列出來了)
    7. 02:00:217 (3,1) - For consistency, you shoudn't place 1/2 note here because of the following reasons. 1) This is an easy diff but you had put a lot of variable rhythm. 2) This is the only 1/2 in this diff, remove it can maintain the coherence.
  2. Beatmap design/suggestion
    (These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
    1. 00:19:943 (1) - This slider is so weird, I recommend to remove it because it may confound the player.
    2. 01:26:929 (x) - I think you can stuff some notes or sliders here becuase it is too empty compare to the whole difficulty, also, the drum sounds is still playing so I can't find any reason that why you don't put some notes here.
    3. 01:32:682 (3) - ...用一條長slider把重音都帶過不科學...感覺省略的重音這段就沒感覺了
    4. 02:34:121 (x) - Same as 01:26:929-
    5. 02:47:169 (1) - I guess the spinner should start at 02:47:272 - because the pitch is changed at 02:47:272 -
    6. 03:43:162 (x) - Same as 01:26:929-
    7. 03:59:498 (1) - I think you should start the spinner at 03:59:600 - because of previous reason.
  3. Hitsound
    (These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
    1. 00:10:902 (1) - You can consider a finish at the beginning of the slider because of the strong accnet.
[Pokie's Normal]
  1. Issue/unrankable stuff
    (Something bad in gameplay or unrankable staff,you should take a look on it.)
    1. Check the unused green line section in this diff.
  2. Beatmap design/suggestion
    (These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
    1. 02:27:751 (4) - How about changing this to 1/2 slider to follow the vocal? Since you have followed it from 02:26:929 - to 02:27:751 - . It is quite quirky if you follow the drum sound abruptly.
    2. 02:43:367 (x) - Please and please, add a note here because it is incoherent from missing a note there.
    3. 03:49:532 (5) - Could you add 2 reverse on this slider and then remove 03:50:354 (6) - .After that, add a note at 03:50:765 - . This way fits the music better in my opinion.
  3. Hitsound
    (These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
    1. 01:13:367 (2) - I would like to change the beginning of the slider to soft hitsound with a whistle (SC2) if I were you. Or in either way, you can reduce the volume here. This is becuase the normal hitsound sounds too 'rough' here.
    2. 01:31:450 (1) - Add a finish sound at the end of the slider because of strong accent.
    3. 02:20:765 (2) - Same as 01:13:367 (2) -
[ERT's Hard]
  1. Difficulty setting
    (I suggest the difficulty setting for better gameplay.)
    1. AR7 fits the map better.
  2. Issue/unrankable stuff
    (Something bad in gameplay or unrankable staff,you should take a look on it.)
    1. Check all the unused green line in this diff please.
  3. Beatmap design/suggestion
    (These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
    1. 01:13:573 (2,3,4,5,6) - Remove these note please, muting it is really meaningless, I would rather remove it than keep it in muting status.
    2. 01:26:004 (2) - Could you move this note to 01:26:107 - because there is nothing to support the note if it stays at 01:26:004 -
    3. 02:20:970 (2,3,4,5,6) - Same as 01:13:573 (2,3,4,5,6) -, or you can increase the volume.
  4. Hitsound
    (These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
    1. 01:00:217 (1) - Probably change the finish to NC1?
[Pokie's Insane]
  1. Beatmap design/suggestion
    (These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
    1. 01:16:244 (6) - Please stack it properly.
    2. 02:01:655 - Could you add a note here and probably make a small jump here to follow the vocal?
  2. Hitsound
    (These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
    1. 03:12:546 (2) - Remove the clap sound here?
  1. Beatmap design/suggestion
    (These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
    1. 00:26:929 - I think it would sound better if you could add a note here.
    2. 01:07:203 (1,2,3) - 這個3/4有點怪..
    3. 03:14:189 (3) - I would say adding a new combo here would be nice.
  1. 00:19:943 (69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82) - Listen to the music carefully. Not all of them are 1/6, so please remake this part and use the correct snap.
  2. 01:00:217 (77) - This is unrankable! Please do not put any big note at the end of the stream which the note is same as its previous note.
  3. 01:18:093 (151,152,153,154) - ddkd here seems more reasonable, dkdk doesn't fit the music that much.
  4. 01:31:039 (237,238,239,240,241,242) - dkddkd here?
  5. 01:40:902 (299,300,301,302,303,304) - Please don't do this. It doesn't make sense, I don't know why you want to put 1/6 here but obviously 1/4 should be enough and 1/6 doesn't fit the music.
  6. 02:07:614 (446) - I would change it to kat if I were you becuase the pitch here is higher than 02:07:511 (445) - , so the kat can be prominent.
  7. 02:25:491 (520,521,522,523) - kdkd here? At least it is better than dkdk.
  8. 03:00:216 (709,710,711,712,713,714,715,716,717,718,719,720,721,722,723,724,725) - This stream is more difficult than overall. For consistency, please simplify the stream.
  9. 03:34:532 (854,855,856,857) - kkdk?
Find more Taiko mod before calling me back.
Taiko IRC modded w

16:58 No_Gu: =A= I want taiko mod
16:58 Netsukawa: owo...
16:59 Netsukawa: Which'
16:59 *No_Gu is listening to [ KOTOKO - unfinished]
16:59 *Netsukawa is listening to [ KOTOKO - unfinished]
16:59 Netsukawa: Can be irc ?
17:00 Netsukawa: Lazy to post =3=
17:00 No_Gu: yeah
17:00 No_Gu: Let's begin =A=
17:00 Netsukawa: ww
17:02 Netsukawa: 00:03:813 (9) - feel weird when play, suggest you to delete
17:03 No_Gu: If you delete the note。。you can hear the sound in music
17:04 Netsukawa: Yup but not drums
17:04 Netsukawa: isn't it ?
17:04 Netsukawa: drums stop at 1/2
17:04 Netsukawa: so if you remove that note 00:03:299 (4,5,6,7,8) - try dkddk
17:05 Netsukawa: 00:04:326 (9) - Change to D
17:05 Netsukawa: 00:06:381 (16) - k ?
17:06 Netsukawa: 00:07:203 (19,20,21) - k k d ?
17:06 Netsukawa: Gu, you didn't ask me which you change or not =A=
17:07 Netsukawa: bwaaakaaa
17:07 Netsukawa: 00:08:641 (25) - add note
17:07 Netsukawa: d
17:07 Netsukawa: 00:08:847 (26) - k
17:09 No_Gu: k
17:09 Netsukawa: seems I spam to you =w=
17:10 No_Gu: =A= sorry for my slow replying
17:10 Netsukawa: np
17:10 Netsukawa: 00:09:669 (1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - change to kddkdkddkkddk
17:10 Netsukawa: It's more playable
17:11 No_Gu: ok
17:12 Netsukawa: 00:19:943 (27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39) -
17:12 Netsukawa: err..
17:12 Netsukawa: fine
17:13 No_Gu: =A=
17:13 No_Gu: moe baka Net
17:13 Netsukawa: I just miss that stream w
17:14 No_Gu: going to have dinner
17:14 Netsukawa: 00:29:292 (98,99,100,101) - kkdk
17:14 Netsukawa: whattt
17:14 Netsukawa: T_T
17:15 No_Gu: ...the dinner isn't ready
17:15 No_Gu: let's go on
17:16 No_Gu: 00:29:292 (141,142,143,144) - I use d to follow drums and k for other sound,so here is kdkk
17:17 Netsukawa: oh
17:18 Netsukawa: 00:29:292 (98,99,100,101) - kddk
17:18 Netsukawa: =A="
17:18 Netsukawa: my mistake sorry
17:18 Netsukawa: ;w;
17:18 No_Gu: same as above www
17:18 Netsukawa: baka
17:18 No_Gu: baka net
17:19 Netsukawa: 00:30:525 (108) - add note ?
17:19 Netsukawa: d
17:19 Netsukawa: 00:30:628 (109) - k
17:20 No_Gu: added note
17:20 Netsukawa: 00:40:491 (7) - reccommend to change it to D
17:21 No_Gu: ok
17:21 Netsukawa: 00:47:066 (29) - k
17:22 Netsukawa: it will be dkkddk
17:22 No_Gu: d for drum=A=
17:22 Netsukawa: k for vocal =A=
17:22 Netsukawa: ww
17:22 No_Gu: =A=no
17:22 Netsukawa: =A=yes
17:22 *Netsukawa runs
17:22 No_Gu: =A=
17:22 Netsukawa: up to you then :P
17:23 No_Gu: =A= SAO didn't change op
17:24 Netsukawa: YES
17:24 Netsukawa: DDDD:
17:24 Netsukawa: ED TOO
17:24 Netsukawa: DDDDDDD:
17:24 Netsukawa: WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK
17:24 No_Gu: let's wait next ep
17:24 Netsukawa: orz...
17:26 Netsukawa: D:....
17:27 No_Gu: .
17:27 No_Gu: what
17:27 No_Gu: when did I set to 1.2x...
17:27 No_Gu: mistake..
17:27 Netsukawa: 1.2
17:27 Netsukawa: DDDD:
17:27 Netsukawa: 01:15:011 (132,133) - Change it just D
17:28 No_Gu: sounds good
17:28 Netsukawa: like this
17:28 Netsukawa: ww
17:29 Netsukawa: 01:25:182 (198) - k
17:30 Netsukawa: 01:25:902 (202) - add note here sound better
17:31 Netsukawa: 02:07:614 (446) - k !!!!
17:32 Netsukawa: K
17:32 Netsukawa: 02:14:189 (466) -
17:32 Netsukawa: K
17:33 Netsukawa: Gu /
17:42 No_Gu: =A=goes to have dinner just now
17:42 *Netsukawa is playing [ KOTOKO - unfinished [eveless]]
17:42 Netsukawa: =A+
17:43 No_Gu: go on
17:43 Netsukawa: baka
17:43 Netsukawa: wait
17:44 *Netsukawa is playing [ KOTOKO - unfinished [TaiGu Oni]] <Taiko>
17:44 Netsukawa: you delete sb in this diff ?
17:44 No_Gu: no
17:44 Netsukawa: Why ;A;
17:44 No_Gu: seems this SB fits taiko diff
17:45 Netsukawa: but it may lag when play
17:46 Netsukawa: some playyer are not supporter, They can't disable an SB
17:46 Netsukawa: ;w;
17:46 No_Gu: let me consider it =A=
17:46 Netsukawa: 02:22:409 (501,502,503,504) - Make this same as first kiai
17:47 No_Gu: yes
17:47 No_Gu: I copied them from 1st kiai =A=
17:47 Netsukawa: =A=//
17:48 Netsukawa: then you should edit 2 kiai same as 1
17:48 Netsukawa: =w=
17:48 No_Gu: =w= yeah
17:49 Netsukawa: 03:13:983
17:49 Netsukawa: (768,769,770,771,772,773,774,775,776,777,778,779,780,781,782,783,784,785,786,787,788,789,790,791,
17:49 Netsukawa: 792,793) -
17:49 Netsukawa: =A=
17:49 Netsukawa: 03:13:983 (768,769,770,771,772,773,774,775,776,777,778,779,780,781,782) -
17:49 Netsukawa: too normally
17:49 Netsukawa: ww
17:49 No_Gu: normal is enough
17:49 Netsukawa: add k at hed and end of slider
17:49 Netsukawa: =w=b
17:50 *Netsukawa slaps
17:50 Netsukawa: jk jk
17:50 No_Gu: the drums are all bass drum not snare drum
17:50 Netsukawa: I khnowwwww
17:51 Netsukawa: 3 kiai, make it same as 1 and 2 \=w=/
17:51 No_Gu: yeah
17:51 No_Gu: that's all?
17:52 Netsukawa: 04:01:039 (1023,1024,1025,1026,1027) - add note ?
17:52 Netsukawa: owo]
17:52 Netsukawa: sounds missing w
17:52 No_Gu: yeah
17:53 Netsukawa: THAT's ALL
17:53 Netsukawa: UPLOAD AND SPEC ME
17:53 Netsukawa: wwww
Topic Starter

Netsukawa wrote:

IRC modded w

16:58 No_Gu: =A= I want taiko mod
16:58 Netsukawa: owo...
16:59 Netsukawa: Which'
16:59 *No_Gu is listening to [ KOTOKO - unfinished]
16:59 *Netsukawa is listening to [ KOTOKO - unfinished]
16:59 Netsukawa: Can be irc ?
17:00 Netsukawa: Lazy to post =3=
17:00 No_Gu: yeah
17:00 No_Gu: Let's begin =A=
17:00 Netsukawa: ww
17:02 Netsukawa: 00:03:813 (9) - feel weird when play, suggest you to delete
17:03 No_Gu: If you delete the note。。you can hear the sound in music
17:04 Netsukawa: Yup but not drums
17:04 Netsukawa: isn't it ?
17:04 Netsukawa: drums stop at 1/2
17:04 Netsukawa: so if you remove that note 00:03:299 (4,5,6,7,8) - try dkddk
17:05 Netsukawa: 00:04:326 (9) - Change to D
17:05 Netsukawa: 00:06:381 (16) - k ?
17:06 Netsukawa: 00:07:203 (19,20,21) - k k d ?
17:06 Netsukawa: Gu, you didn't ask me which you change or not =A=
17:07 Netsukawa: bwaaakaaa
17:07 Netsukawa: 00:08:641 (25) - add note
17:07 Netsukawa: d
17:07 Netsukawa: 00:08:847 (26) - k
17:09 No_Gu: k
17:09 Netsukawa: seems I spam to you =w=
17:10 No_Gu: =A= sorry for my slow replying
17:10 Netsukawa: np
17:10 Netsukawa: 00:09:669 (1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - change to kddkdkddkkddk
17:10 Netsukawa: It's more playable
17:11 No_Gu: ok
17:12 Netsukawa: 00:19:943 (27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39) -
17:12 Netsukawa: err..
17:12 Netsukawa: fine
17:13 No_Gu: =A=
17:13 No_Gu: moe baka Net
17:13 Netsukawa: I just miss that stream w
17:14 No_Gu: going to have dinner
17:14 Netsukawa: 00:29:292 (98,99,100,101) - kkdk
17:14 Netsukawa: whattt
17:14 Netsukawa: T_T
17:15 No_Gu: ...the dinner isn't ready
17:15 No_Gu: let's go on
17:16 No_Gu: 00:29:292 (141,142,143,144) - I use d to follow drums and k for other sound,so here is kdkk
17:17 Netsukawa: oh
17:18 Netsukawa: 00:29:292 (98,99,100,101) - kddk
17:18 Netsukawa: =A="
17:18 Netsukawa: my mistake sorry
17:18 Netsukawa: ;w;
17:18 No_Gu: same as above www
17:18 Netsukawa: baka
17:18 No_Gu: baka net
17:19 Netsukawa: 00:30:525 (108) - add note ?
17:19 Netsukawa: d
17:19 Netsukawa: 00:30:628 (109) - k
17:20 No_Gu: added note
17:20 Netsukawa: 00:40:491 (7) - reccommend to change it to D
17:21 No_Gu: ok
17:21 Netsukawa: 00:47:066 (29) - k
17:22 Netsukawa: it will be dkkddk
17:22 No_Gu: d for drum=A=
17:22 Netsukawa: k for vocal =A=
17:22 Netsukawa: ww
17:22 No_Gu: =A=no
17:22 Netsukawa: =A=yes
17:22 *Netsukawa runs
17:22 No_Gu: =A=
17:22 Netsukawa: up to you then :P
17:23 No_Gu: =A= SAO didn't change op
17:24 Netsukawa: YES
17:24 Netsukawa: DDDD:
17:24 Netsukawa: ED TOO
17:24 Netsukawa: DDDDDDD:
17:24 Netsukawa: WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK
17:24 No_Gu: let's wait next ep
17:24 Netsukawa: orz...
17:26 Netsukawa: D:....
17:27 No_Gu: .
17:27 No_Gu: what
17:27 No_Gu: when did I set to 1.2x...
17:27 No_Gu: mistake..
17:27 Netsukawa: 1.2
17:27 Netsukawa: DDDD:
17:27 Netsukawa: 01:15:011 (132,133) - Change it just D
17:28 No_Gu: sounds good
17:28 Netsukawa: like this
17:28 Netsukawa: ww
17:29 Netsukawa: 01:25:182 (198) - k
17:30 Netsukawa: 01:25:902 (202) - add note here sound better
17:31 Netsukawa: 02:07:614 (446) - k !!!!
17:32 Netsukawa: K
17:32 Netsukawa: 02:14:189 (466) -
17:32 Netsukawa: K
17:33 Netsukawa: Gu /
17:42 No_Gu: =A=goes to have dinner just now
17:42 *Netsukawa is playing [ KOTOKO - unfinished [eveless]]
17:42 Netsukawa: =A+
17:43 No_Gu: go on
17:43 Netsukawa: baka
17:43 Netsukawa: wait
17:44 *Netsukawa is playing [ KOTOKO - unfinished [TaiGu Oni]] <Taiko>
17:44 Netsukawa: you delete sb in this diff ?
17:44 No_Gu: no
17:44 Netsukawa: Why ;A;
17:44 No_Gu: seems this SB fits taiko diff
17:45 Netsukawa: but it may lag when play
17:46 Netsukawa: some playyer are not supporter, They can't disable an SB
17:46 Netsukawa: ;w;
17:46 No_Gu: let me consider it =A=
17:46 Netsukawa: 02:22:409 (501,502,503,504) - Make this same as first kiai
17:47 No_Gu: yes
17:47 No_Gu: I copied them from 1st kiai =A=
17:47 Netsukawa: =A=//
17:48 Netsukawa: then you should edit 2 kiai same as 1
17:48 Netsukawa: =w=
17:48 No_Gu: =w= yeah
17:49 Netsukawa: 03:13:983
17:49 Netsukawa: (768,769,770,771,772,773,774,775,776,777,778,779,780,781,782,783,784,785,786,787,788,789,790,791,
17:49 Netsukawa: 792,793) -
17:49 Netsukawa: =A=
17:49 Netsukawa: 03:13:983 (768,769,770,771,772,773,774,775,776,777,778,779,780,781,782) -
17:49 Netsukawa: too normally
17:49 Netsukawa: ww
17:49 No_Gu: normal is enough
17:49 Netsukawa: add k at hed and end of slider
17:49 Netsukawa: =w=b
17:50 *Netsukawa slaps
17:50 Netsukawa: jk jk
17:50 No_Gu: the drums are all bass drum not snare drum
17:50 Netsukawa: I khnowwwww
17:51 Netsukawa: 3 kiai, make it same as 1 and 2 \=w=/
17:51 No_Gu: yeah
17:51 No_Gu: that's all?
17:52 Netsukawa: 04:01:039 (1023,1024,1025,1026,1027) - add note ?
17:52 Netsukawa: owo]
17:52 Netsukawa: sounds missing w
17:52 No_Gu: yeah
17:53 Netsukawa: THAT's ALL
17:53 Netsukawa: UPLOAD AND SPEC ME
17:53 Netsukawa: wwww
thanks for taiko mod

kanpakyin wrote:

[Pokie's Normal]
  1. Issue/unrankable stuff
    (Something bad in gameplay or unrankable staff,you should take a look on it.)
    1. Check the unused green line section in this diff.
  2. Beatmap design/suggestion
    (These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
    1. 02:27:751 (4) - How about changing this to 1/2 slider to follow the vocal? Since you have followed it from 02:26:929 - to 02:27:751 - . It is quite quirky if you follow the drum sound abruptly. Fixed.
    2. 02:43:367 (x) - Please and please, add a note here because it is incoherent from missing a note there. Fixed.
    3. 03:49:532 (5) - Could you add 2 reverse on this slider and then remove 03:50:354 (6) - .After that, add a note at 03:50:765 - . This way fits the music better in my opinion. (´・ω・`) 3 reverses in total? Not a suitable way to me.
  3. Hitsound
    (These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
    1. 01:13:367 (2) - I would like to change the beginning of the slider to soft hitsound with a whistle (SC2) if I were you. Or in either way, you can reduce the volume here. This is becuase the normal hitsound sounds too 'rough' here.
    2. 01:31:450 (1) - Add a finish sound at the end of the slider because of strong accent.
    3. 02:20:765 (2) - Same as 01:13:367 (2) - All fixed.
[Pokie's Insane]
  1. Beatmap design/suggestion
    (These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
    1. 01:16:244 (6) - Please stack it properly. Fixed T.T
    2. 02:01:655 - Could you add a note here and probably make a small jump here to follow the vocal? 喔企
  2. Hitsound
    (These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
    1. 03:12:546 (2) - Remove the clap sound here?
8-) 謝謝mod
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:

  1. Unused Image Files: storyboard\lrc\3q4playing.png. Please check it again.I couldn't find it...
  2. There are 2 osb in the file, please delete 'KOTOKO - unfinished (gudbye)' and then do a full submission! OK..also moved code to each osu diff since someone told me SB in taiko may cause lag
  3. Combo colour5 resembles combo colour6. Consider changing it.[/color]
[*]Beatmap design/suggestion
(These are totally suggestion only,you can ignore them if you disagree.)
  1. 00:19:943 (1) - This slider is so weird, I recommend to remove it because it may confound the player.It fits the music very well imo
  2. 01:26:929 (x) - I think you can stuff some notes or sliders here becuase it is too empty compare to the whole difficulty, also, the drum sounds is still playing so I can't find any reason that why you don't put some notes here.yeah...but If i only add one for snare becomes more strange for me...if I add 4.they will be hard
  3. 02:34:121 (x) - Same as 01:26:929-^
  4. 03:43:162 (x) - Same as 01:26:929-^
[ERT's Hard]
(These are totally my thought only,it base on my taste,feel free to ignore them)
  1. 01:00:217 (1) - Probably change the finish to NC1?for balance in each part,no hcange

  1. 00:19:943 (69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82) - Listen to the music carefully. Not all of them are 1/6, so please remake this part and use the correct snap.
  2. 01:18:093 (151,152,153,154) - ddkd here seems more reasonable, dkdk doesn't fit the music that much.
  3. 01:31:039 (237,238,239,240,241,242) - dkddkd here?
  4. 01:40:902 (299,300,301,302,303,304) - Please don't do this. It doesn't make sense, I don't know why you want to put 1/6 here but obviously 1/4 should be enough and 1/6 doesn't fit the music.
  5. 02:25:491 (520,521,522,523) - kdkd here? At least it is better than dkdk.
  6. 03:34:532 (854,855,856,857) - kkdk?
    about 1/6.I think them are 1/8 snap,but I hear of that 1/8 in taiko diffs isn't allowed.I saw Kana used 1/6 instead in her taiko map of this song and get ranked,so I do so
    As for the rythm I didn't fix above.I use d to follow snare drum and bass drum,and use k to follow others things
what I deleted is fixed
Thank you very much,update
Sun Rainbow
[Taiko Mod]
01:00:217 (77) - 你让别人怎么接,不允许这样

本来看好的了可文件不见了QAQ就这样了=A= 注意cmn那句话。。。。
  1. 有個storyboard\lrc\3q4playing.png沒用上,看不見的話redl看看。
  2. storyboard\lrc\Thumbs.db,storyboard\Thumbs.db 這兩個刪。(我應該教過你怎刪的,不會看QQ記錄。)
  3. 1.png很多餘;這東西反正由頭到尾都在,直接p上BG就好。
  4. 1.png,2.png,3.png,4.png,Black.png全轉jpg。
  5. 轉了jpg之後把修改.osb:Black.png=>Black.jpg,4.png=>4.jpg.如此類推。
Hi No_Gu, random mod here.


  1. "storyboard\lrc\3q4playing.png" Unused image file. Remove it and full submit if you don't need to use it
  2. Maybe it's just me but I think you should use an other BG instead of this one. Not being centered: it's ugly and bothering to see.

  1. 00:02:683 (1) - 5% volume is unrankable. Increase it till 15-20%
  2. 00:09:258 (2) - I'd add a clap on the slider's head to emphasize that sound in the song
  3. 00:13:367 - Being this hole too empty what about to add a circle here?
  4. 01:18:299 (1) - Finish here, it'd emphasize the cymbals
  5. 01:19:943 (3) - ^
  6. 01:21:587 (1) - ^ (You used these finishes in the next part so you should keep consistency)
  7. 01:24:052 (4) - Make it more curved to improve the blanket with the previous slider?
  8. 01:25:285 (2) - Still to improve the blanket move the 3rd waypoint to x:312 y:64
  9. 01:38:025 (5) - New combo to keep consistency with 01:24:874 (1)
  10. 01:40:902 Unused green line, remove it
  11. 02:04:326 (1) - Finish on the slider's head to emphasize the cymbals
  12. 02:05:251 (2) - Wrong spacing, just use distance snap. This pattern confuses the players since the spacing you used for 02:04:326 (1,2) is the same of 02:05:970 (3,4) that is 1/1
  13. 02:05:765 Unused green line, remove it
  14. 02:05:970 (3) - To advice players about the rhythm changes (I'm talking about the 1/4 snap you used for the previous (1,2) ) I highly suggest you to set New combo
  15. 02:35:046 and 02:35:354 Unused green lines, remove
  16. 02:43:778 (3) - Move this circle some grid up? :\ Maybe to x:48 y:376 to avoid this "off screen"
  17. 02:48:299 Unused green line
  18. 03:13:367 and 03:13:470 ^ and the same for the next 2.
  19. 03:17:888 and 03:31:039 ^
  20. 03:31:450 (1) - Why SC:1 finish? Use the custom normal one. This soft finish sounds so bad IMHO
  21. 03:43:059 and the next 3 unused green lines, remove them
[Pokie's Normal]

  1. Remove the same unused green lines I wrote in the Easy diff ;3
  2. 00:47:066 (1) - Finish on the slider's head to emphasize the clash in the cymbals
  3. 01:54:463 (1) - ^
  4. 02:20:765 (2) - New combo?
  5. 02:27:751 (4) - This slider's reverse arrow is covered by the HP bar: Consider to fix it
  6. 02:27:751 (4) - Still here use finish on the slider's end to keep consistency with 02:26:929 (2). It sounds really good
  7. 02:41:313 (5) - Finish on the slider's head for the same reason
  8. 03:10:080 (1) - I'd use finish on the slider's end too to emphasize that cymbals
  9. 03:28:162 (1,3) - Finishes
  10. 03:31:450 (1) - Same of Easy. Don't use SC:1 finish. Use the Normal one.
  11. 03:42:956 (3) - New combo to keep consistency with 03:28:162 (1,2,3,4)
  12. 03:48:710 (3) - Finish instead of whistle
  13. 03:59:806 (1) - I'd start this spinner on 03:59:498 since it should start on the long white tick where is snapped the (4)
[ERT's Hard]

  1. 00:03:915 (3) - 5% volume is unrankable. Increase it till 20%.
  2. 02:00:628 (3) - S:C1 clap
  3. 02:04:326 (3) - To advice player about the new 1/4 rhythm with 02:05:251 (4) I would use New combo here
  4. 03:11:724 (4) - ^
[Pokie's Insane]

  1. 00:03:915 (1) - Same of Hard
  2. 00:19:943 (1) - Move this slider to x:224 y:224 because being an 1/4 slider its reverse arrow is semi-covered by previous spinner's hitburst and it could be unreadable:
  3. 00:57:751 (6) - 80% finish? It's be awesome together with 00:56:929 (3)'s one and 00:58:573 (5)'s
  4. 01:06:792 (1) to 03:55:285 (3) - Hitsounds suggestions (I think you should follow to improve the consistency of your map):
    01:06:792 (1) - Finish
    01:08:436 (1) - ^
    01:19:121 (3) - ^ on the head
    01:24:052 (5) - ^
    01:25:696 (5) - Finish instead of whistle
    01:32:272 (3) - Finish on the head
    01:37:203 (3) - Finish
    01:38:847 (1) - ^
    02:07:614 (2) - Finish on the head
    02:10:902 (1) - ^
    02:12:546 (1) - ^
    02:14:189 (1) - ^
    02:15:833 (3) - ^
    02:26:518 (3) - ^
    02:27:340 (1) - ^
    02:27:340 (1) - ^
    02:29:806 (3) - ^
    02:31:450 (6) - ^
    02:33:093 (3) - ^
    02:39:669 (3) - ^
    02:41:313 (6) - ^
    02:42:956 (4) - ^
    02:44:600 (3) - ^
    02:46:244 (3) - ^
    03:06:792 (1) - ^
    03:10:902 (3) - ^
    03:35:559 (3) - ^
    03:38:847 (3) - ^
    03:39:669 (1) - ^
    03:42:135 (3) - ^
    03:48:710 (3) - ^
    03:51:998 (5) - ^
    03:53:641 (3) - ^
    03:55:285 (3) - ^


  1. 00:03:915 (1) - Same of Hard
  2. 00:09:874 (3) - Reduce by 1/2 adding a circle on 00:10:285 to fit the vocal
  3. 00:27:956 (3,4) - This rhythm totally don't fit the music or the vocal sound. You should follow this rhythm instead, much better:
  4. 00:29:703 (3) - This part is again mapped randomly. Use this rhythm.
  5. 00:30:628 (1,2,3,4) - This elements aren't snapped according a costant rhythm. I'd avoid to overlap the 00:30:936 (2,3,4) with (1).
  6. 00:32:169 (1) - Why? This slider should start 1/4 later. You can add a circle here instead moving this slider 1/4 later and reducing it by 1/4.
  7. 01:07:203 (1,2,3,4,5) - Uh, again this no sense overlap. Don't overlap (1,2) with the others. It's really confusing since the rhythm isn't the same.
  8. 01:08:436 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - The same
  9. 03:31:450 (1) to 03:59:395 (1) - What. This part it totally the same of the previos kiai time. Lazy to map? Then select all and flip vertically and horizontally.
[TaiGU Oni]

  1. 00:03:299 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - dkdkdd
  2. 00:03:915 - Add kat to complete the stream
  3. 00:58:778 (66,67) - kk
  4. 01:00:217 (77) - k
  5. 02:55:080 (690) - k
Oh god, I spent more than 3 hours to mod all the diffs.
Anyways, overall the mapset is pretty nice to me, except for the eveless diff.
Some parts (or maybe every part) are totally overmapped or, at least, mapped randomly without to use a consistant rhythm.
I don't know, I would like to bubble it but the eveless diff still needs to be improved a lot before to get the mapset bubbled, sorry.
Well, that's all, good luck (:

uploaded for eveve too
Topic Starter
@Chewin thanks for modding but I have no time to reply what I fixed.also I have already planned to make kpy bubble this map..thank you all the same.


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kanpakyin wrote:



I've received multiple complaints about the eveless diff, so you might want to check with eveless, since it's using a total random rythm. Will follow up on this later when i am more free.

Hp-1 combo is pretty long and having a standard hp drain could make you lose hp way faster than you gain it.

[ERT's Hard]
00:33:915 (1,2,3) - These sliders feel off, it's like you're trying to follow the lyrics but then dont follow them anymore midway or something, could you explain to me what this is following?

00:19:943 (1) - Well at least you're already speeding up the slider so that it has the same speed as a regular one despite the wigglyness, however it really surprised me when the sliderball jumped considering i wasn't ready for a wiggly slider. Nevertheless there's an issue in the fact that the slider is more compressed midway hence changing the slider speed in the middle of the slider. so please even it out.

Edit: I just looked through Chewin's mod, could you specify what was changed? since i think eveless' diff is still in a pretty bad state.
@Sakura , sorry but i wont change my diff because i have already deleted my OSU files, yes I'm sure i wont back atm.Btw i dont think the diff itself have anything wrong or else, it's the reason why i havent changed it.

if you think my diff shouldnt be rank, i think no_gu will move my diff away.

that's all.

OD+1 is ok, i guess
I love Pokie's diff !!
gogo rank :3
No_Gu requested for a reply here:

Chewin wrote:

[Pokie's Normal]

  1. Remove the same unused green lines I wrote in the Easy diff ;3 I'm lazy :cry:
  2. 00:47:066 (1) - Finish on the slider's head to emphasize the clash in the cymbals I get your meaning. But, just saying. Everyone having their own hitsound sense. Nothing could be a must to enforce mapper following all of them. So I may reject parts of your suggestions here. Sorry.
  3. 02:20:765 (2) - New combo? Such like a baka which using only single notes for a combo. D: I mean easier diff for sure.
  4. 02:27:751 (4) - This slider's reverse arrow is covered by the HP bar: Consider to fix it Fixed in last update.
  5. 03:31:450 (1) - Same of Easy. Don't use SC:1 finish. Use the Normal one. Done.
  6. 03:59:806 (1) - I'd start this spinner on 03:59:498 since it should start on the long white tick where is snapped the (4) If suitable for Normal. Done.

[Pokie's Insane]

  1. 00:03:915 (1) - Same of Hard Um, any supportable rules for this?
  2. 00:19:943 (1) - Move this slider to x:224 y:224 because being an 1/4 slider its reverse arrow is semi-covered by previous spinner's hitburst and it could be unreadable: Should be done in last update.
  3. 00:57:751 (6) - 80% finish? It's be awesome together with 00:56:929 (3)'s one and 00:58:573 (5)'s Um, no?
  4. 01:06:792 (1) to 03:55:285 (3) - Hitsounds suggestions (I think you should follow to improve the consistency of your map): Keeping consistency doesn't meant to be follow exactly. Anyway, done some of them. Thanks for pointing out all of them, although it was bit of meaningless here. Sorry again. ほれ

Mythol wrote:

I love Pokie's diff !!
gogo rank :3
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:


  1. 00:09:258 (2) - I'd add a clap on the slider's head to emphasize that sound in the songthere is no clap sound in music
  2. 00:13:367 - Being this hole too empty what about to add a circle here?ehh not enough imo
  3. 02:05:970 (3) - To advice players about the rhythm changes (I'm talking about the 1/4 snap you used for the previous (1,2) ) I highly suggest you to set New combo1/1 now
[TaiGU Oni]

  1. 00:03:915 - Add kat to complete the streamno strong sound here so I think no problem
  2. 00:58:778 (66,67) - kk
  3. 01:00:217 (77) - k
  4. 02:55:080 (690) - k for above 3.I mapped this taiko based on the drum in music.base drum and snare drum for d and other sounds for k.

Sakura wrote:

Hp-1 combo is pretty long and having a standard hp drain could make you lose hp way faster than you gain it.all center for taiko diff is OK
fixed all diffs and wrote down what I didn't fix except goodbye's.
In fact I don't think the diff isn't suitable for rank.It's just a little different from people's standard mind.but you guys think so..OK
I can't get this map to graveyard because this map is full of others' efforts and excpets.of course including eveless'.So I have no choice but to do this.sorry
Recheck requested via MP.


  1. I don't know if the taiko diff counts as a standard diff. According to ranking criteria the creator of the beatmap must map the same number of map or more than a guester. I mean that Pokie has mapped 2 standard diffs while you have mapped just 1 standard diff. According to rules a guest CAN'T map more standard diff than creator, but I'm not 100% sure about it since now the taiko mapset are rankable. I will ask other MATs/BATs about it. It's ok ;3

  1. 01:22:819 (3) - (maybe nazi) Make it symmetric :\

    (Using this slider I have also fixed the spacing of the next slider)
  2. Very nice.
[Pokie's Normal]

  1. 01:00:217 (1) - Finish on slider's head
  2. 01:03:504 (1) - ^
  3. 01:13:367 (2) - 5% is unrankable, I repeat. It's rankable just on spinner's end. According to this increase the volume of this slider's tail at least till 20% thanks
  4. 01:54:463 (1) - Finish on the head
  5. 02:20:765 (2) - Same of 01:13:367 (2)
  6. 02:26:929 (2) - I'd use new combo here
  7. 02:43:778 (1) - Remove new combo to keep consistency with 01:36:381 (3)
  8. 03:11:724 (1,2,3) - I don't like this pattern, honestly. What about to make something symmetric like this?

  9. 03:28:984 (3) - Add finish here
[ERT's Hard]

  1. 00:03:915 (3) - 20% volume, 5% is unrankable, again.
  2. 00:11:724 (2,3) - I would CTRL + G the (2) and (3) too, it'd flow better IMO. I mean: and maybe also fixing the (4)'s placement if you think it's too far from the previous slider
  3. 00:39:258 (4) - Why don't you use new combo here to keep consistency with 00:33:915 (1,2,3)? Also to advice about different spacing you used there since it should be 0.51x like the previous elements since it is on the same combo (and in this case is enough confusing IMO)
  4. 00:58:573 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Players will hate you for this squares çwç
  5. 01:24:874 (4) - New combo?
  6. 01:34:224 (3) - This circle is overmapped and it sounds really bad with music and vocal sound IMO Then.. remove it.
  7. 01:38:847 (2) - I guess you used finish on this slider's head for mistake
  8. 02:06:792 (5) - New combo according to the vocal sound?
  9. 02:24:463 (2) - What about to ctrl + g it?
  10. 03:29:806 (3) - New combo
[Pokie's Insane]

  1. 00:03:915 (1) - You know.
  2. 03:54:463 (1) - I'd move this slider some grid down because it almost touches the HP bar and it's bad c.c
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

[ERT's Hard]
  1. 01:34:224 (3) - This circle is overmapped and it sounds really bad with music and vocal sound IMO Then.. remove it.if you keep 25% to can hear some sound like base-drum.01:21:073 (5) - here has similar arrangement.I think that's ERT's thought
  2. 01:38:847 (2) - I guess you used finish on this slider's head for mistakeehh...if you remove can clearly hear a strong sound in music
others were fixed
wait for pokie

Chewin wrote:

[Pokie's Normal]
  1. 01:13:367 (2) - 5% is unrankable, I repeat. It's rankable just on spinner's end. According to this increase the volume of this slider's tail at least till 20% thanks So can you provide a supportable rules that I mentioned last post? I could only find out this from wiki.

    The end of a spinner (or even the entire spinner) the sliding sound of a slider, and the end of a slider can be silent, but only do it if it makes sense.

    But anyway. Seems you're sure it couldn't be a rankable stuff. Me fixed.
  2. 02:43:778 (1) - Remove new combo to keep consistency with 01:36:381 (3) My fault.
  3. 03:11:724 (1,2,3) - I don't like this pattern, honestly. What about to make something symmetric like this? As you expect.
  4. 03:28:984 (3) - Add finish here On (1) too.

[Pokie's Insane]

  1. 03:54:463 (1) - I'd move this slider some grid down because it almost touches the HP bar and it's bad c.c Done. ほれぇ
Topic Starter
Pokie I don't think that using 5% volume there or where you have used it makes sense, really. It has always been confusing to don't hear a sound where it should be during gameplay. You could use 5% volume on a slider's end that closes the map or on a slider's end before than a break time, so it'd be ok and also used with a sense, IMO.

BTW, the mapset is really much better now ;3 I guess I can rebubble this, No_Gu!
Good luck with rank :3
Topic Starter
thanks very much!

AmamiyaYuko wrote:

你欺騙我感情, 點負責先 :(


@Chewin: Okay, I got it. Thanks for explanation :P

AmamiyaYuko wrote:

me 2!
Topic Starter

Kotone wrote:

AmamiyaYuko wrote:

me 2!
Don't you need to provide more difficulties than guests have provided? Your one easy vs. Pokie's 2 difficulties...
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Don't you need to provide more difficulties than guests have provided? Your one easy vs. Pokie's 2 difficulties...
there is not only easy but also taigu.and i saw Chewin's seems that he has already made sure that's ok
Oh derp. Assumed TaiGu was another guest difficulty. Why not name it like a normal taiko difficulty considering your nomenclature for the Easy? Anyway, I'll mod when I get a chance then. Was waiting due to the diff thing.
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Oh derp. Assumed TaiGu was another guest difficulty. Why not name it like a normal taiko difficulty considering your nomenclature for the Easy? Anyway, I'll mod when I get a chance then. Was waiting due to the diff thing.
In fact I have named all my taiko diff as Taiko (Oni) for many maps.But if you really want me to change it.Write down in your mod post,I really don't want to have any other trouble in this map.
The name is fine. Was just confused as to who did it at first.

Tick rate 2 fits this song best

00:05:970 (1) - remove new combo
00:07:614 (2) - New combo
00:09:258 (1) - Remove
00:12:546 (1) - ^
00:42:135 (1) - ^
01:24:052 (1) - ^
02:15:833 (1) - ^
03:03:504 (1) - ^
03:06:792 (1) - ^
03:10:080 (1) - ^
03:24:874 (1,1,1) - It would be nice if there was a more unified spacing amongst these.
03:26:518 (1) - Remove new combo
03:29:806 (1) - ^
03:33:504 (1) - ^
03:34:737 (2) - new combo
03:36:381 (1) - remove

This feels... really unbalanced. You have a really easy map until the chorus. Then it just goes crazy. It might be better overall if you could spruce up the slower parts between the chorus' so that the map is more consistent difficulty-wise.

00:19:943 (1) - You may as well center this so it doesn't look so ugly with the hitburst misaligned.
01:34:224 (3,4) - This curve with the 1/4s is a little sharp. Maybe shape the 2 slider so that it flows into that curve a little better?
03:06:792 (3) - New combo
03:07:614 (1) - remove new combo
03:11:107 (1) - ^
03:11:724 (1) - ^

00:46:655 (1) - Not a fan of single note combos like this

Nice set. Let me know when things get fixed up~
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Tick rate 2 fits this song before,I don't like it at all,neither playing nor sounding.
This feels... really unbalanced. You have a really easy map until the chorus. Then it just goes crazy. It might be better overall if you could spruce up the slower parts between the chorus' so that the map is more consistence difficulty-wise.Yeah maybe you're right.but I'm still a noob mapper of taiko.I don't know how to map a full Oni diff.I just map this according to the drums in music.but in kiai time I use d to follow all drums and k for other sound.So it seems a little unbalanced.But I think it's no problem

00:19:943 (1) - You may as well center this so it doesn't look so ugly with the hitburst misaligned.k
01:34:224 (3,4) - This curve with the 1/4s is a little sharp. Maybe shape the 2 slider so that it flows into that curve a little better?hmm this is good enough imo
03:06:792 (3) - New combok
03:07:614 (1) - remove new combok
03:11:107 (1) - ^k
03:11:724 (1) - ^ehh I think this is fine

Garven wrote:

The name is fine. Was just confused as to who did it at first.

Tick rate 2 fits this song best

00:05:970 (1) - remove new combo
00:07:614 (2) - New combo
00:09:258 (1) - Remove
00:12:546 (1) - ^
00:42:135 (1) - ^
01:24:052 (1) - ^
02:15:833 (1) - ^
03:03:504 (1) - ^
03:06:792 (1) - ^
03:10:080 (1) - ^
03:24:874 (1,1,1) - It would be nice if there was a more unified spacing amongst these.
03:26:518 (1) - Remove new combo
03:29:806 (1) - ^
03:33:504 (1) - ^
03:34:737 (2) - new combo
03:36:381 (1) - remove

00:46:655 (1) - Not a fan of single note combos like this

Nice set. Let me know when things get fixed up~
Almost done. :)
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gogo :D
Enna Alouette

Kuria wrote:

gogo :D
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as you want

I won't change anything about the taiko diff.Sorry if you're expecting this map.
update eveless diff and let's get this map unfinished like the song's name.
How funny the ranking system is =3=

No_Gu wrote:

as you want

I won't change anything about the taiko diff.Sorry if you're expecting this map.
update eveless diff and let's get this map unfinished like the song's name.
How funny the ranking system is =3=

No_Gu wrote:

as you want

I won't change anything about the taiko diff.Sorry if you're expecting this map.
update eveless diff and let's get this map unfinished like the song's name.
How funny the ranking system is =3=
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goodbye wrote:

Hard difficulty is star difficulty 4.847
The beatmap should be returned to pending!
Topic Starter

sospk0011 wrote:

The beatmap should be returned to pending! ranked ver
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