
Lizzehb's tooth issue.

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A couple weeks ago I had a root canal on the left side or my mouth because my mouth was swelling. What happened? My cavity got infected so badly that puss was building up under it. So, it was an EMERGENCY that I had my root canal done then. Because of that, I have to pay almost $600 back in 6 moths or My interest goes up by 26%. That one was perfectly fine and I can pay that back. BUT. Now the molar on my other side needs to have the same thing done within a few days or I could get really sick because of the infection. I don't know how much it would cost to get another one done, since my insurance is already maxed out for the year. Right now I don't have any money to get even groceries and now I have to pay for another one? It really seems impossible and I really need your help. Even $1 can help me buy a meal at this point.

You can donate to: with paypal or anyother way you can send me money. I really don't care at this point. And let's be honest, I can't map pretty maps for you like ztrot can, but I can still map and I can mod. I'll do pretty much anything to pay you guys back.

Hmm maybe I can get a picture of my x-rays, that would be cool right? (Maybe Sinstro will get a kick out of it.)

Honestly, I have no idea what I am going to do if I don't get my root canal done and get this money. I don't know what will happen to me if I just let this infection go anymore. All I know is that it's NOT GOOD.

If you read all that, thank you.

tl;dr version:
My mouth is infected, I could get very sick. Need money, donate to for paypal if you have one.
I really want a Ducky Shine because my current keyboard is a piece of shit.

Please help me raise 155 dollars, paypal:

but in all seriousness i sent you some dosh, just don't spend it on drugs.
lol I sent you a little bit even though I gave my job away to a friend recently and am looking for another source of income. D:

Also, make lots of sandwiches. Cheap and not completely as junky as instant ramen.

<3 lizzehb. Take care of yourself. :(
If I had any money, I'd totally donate to this. I really hope you get well soon and I hope for you the best, Lizze. Do be careful.
I still don't have enough money for that dentist.

Well... I had. But I had to spend it on ASM. Fuck.
What is your current "goal"?

jjrocks wrote:

WHat is your current "goal"?
Probably to get her root canal done while maintaining a decent quality of life like she suggested. As a jobless goon, I don't have anything to contribute as usual.
I mostly mean money wise, like is there an amount you're hoping to raise?
Have some bagnz0r money. A round sum of 666 cents ($6.66).

I will totally send next batch of bagnz0r money upcoming Friday.
Topic Starter
Thanks guys! Can't wait till I can actually go grocery shopping soon!

It's really not a lot but I might as well do something
Too bad you're not attractive, or else you could've just gone to reddit and got your money in 20 minutes.

Also, why are people donating without OP providing any proof...?

Schneizel wrote:

Also, why are people donating without OP providing any proof...?
Because lizzehb is known around these parts of town and we are nice people. I figured that even though I may not have a lot of disposable income, if lizzehb is going to post about not even having enough money to get groceries and on the osu! forums out of all places, then she needs the money much more than I do.

Schneizel wrote:

Too bad you're not attractive
No need to be a cunt now.
That's why I really need a credit card right now.
Kanye West
Stay classy reddit.

Sorry, I'm a jobless broke indebted college student who lives off ramen, but if I had any money I would surely help you out.

Jarby wrote:

Schneizel wrote:

Too bad you're not attractive
No need to be a cunt now.
I honestly don't see what's wrong, some people are born attractive, some are not. Some are born into rich families, or with high IQs, while others are not; it's not in a person's control--I am just stating truths...

I'm sure she has a lot of other stuff going for her, like a good degree so she doesn't have to flip burgers at mcdonalds her whole life...
Please, don't be a idiot right now, the only thing are you gaining is the hate of the other users.

btw, some BAT/Admin could please delete these stupid comments, please?

Schneizel wrote:

I honestly don't see what's wrong, some people are born attractive, some are not. Some are born into rich families, or with high IQs, while others are not; it's not in a person's control--I am just stating truths...

I'm sure she has a lot of other stuff going for her, like a good degree so she doesn't have to flip burgers at mcdonalds her whole life...
I honestly don't see why you assume that Lizzehb isn't attractive.
Because, you know, she kind of is.

I also don't see why you feel a need to post things like that here. But it's just for the sake of being a dick, right ?

Anyhow, best of luck to you, Lizzehb. Sandwiches are awesome.
Do note: Attractiveness is, to a degree, subjective and varies from person to person and IQ is not the be all and end all definition of intellegence.
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Jarby wrote:

Do note: Attractiveness is, to a degree, subjective and varies from person to person and IQ is not the be all and end all definition of intellegence.
If you wanna learn about what makes IQ, stupid (lol) then you NEED to read Guns, Germs, and Steel. Only book I read for a class that was interesting.

Also thanks for the donations guys, I'll post a total when it says that I have money. I think it might not go unill monday, or it may take a few days? Idk how all of this works. I can also post my treatment plan for you all to see.

foulcoon wrote:

I really want a Ducky Shine because my current keyboard is a piece of shit.

Please help me raise 155 dollars, paypal:

but in all seriousness i sent you some dosh, just don't spend it on drugs.
I really want a Topre Realforce 88 UB, I know your pain
Aren't Topres pretty much glorified rubber domes? Get a Filco!

If I don't forget very suddenly, then I'll donate a modest amount to the cause. As for this new member, they should spend a little bit of time lurking, so that they can see how the community works. I appreciate that dickish statements aren't always intended as outright spite, but it's generally a bad idea to wade in with controversy--it'll probably make people hate you.
I wish I had money in my account, I'd help you as much as I can. Because tooth is an important issue. (Same for Mara, but looks like he doesn't give a fuck about it.)

Take care, Lizzy ;.;

D33d wrote:

Aren't Topres pretty much glorified rubber domes? Get a Filco!
I tried a Topre at a store and I liked it more than keyboards with MX Cherry switches

thelewa wrote:

D33d wrote:

Aren't Topres pretty much glorified rubber domes? Get a Filco!
I tried a Topre at a store and I liked it more than keyboards with MX Cherry switches
Oh, you're lucky. I haven't seen a single store here which packs mechs, so I'm not sure what I'm getting into. Either way, Topres are bloody expensive and I wouldn't wish one on a person's wallet, unless they were packing some serious cash money.
Tsukimi Luna
is 10,000 yen enough?
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Still accepting any money so yeah. O_O

Had my root canal done today, $800 in the hole and $200 more in 3-4 weeks for my filling weeeee.
Why the hell dont you have health insurance????
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Health insurance doesn't cover dental, that would be dental. And yes I have dental, I already maxed out on my first root canal.
It's sad how Americans have to pay for their health care.
We get it free.

Oh well, brace yourself for a brand new pack of bagnz0r money.
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Yay! Thank you~
On another hand, I have horrible tooth decay. Looks like it's time for me to visit the dentist too.
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bagnz0r wrote:

On another hand, I have horrible tooth decay. Looks like it's time for me to visit the dentist too.
NOOOO :( Not you too, I hope yours isn't as bad as mine.
Now then, if I had not donated my last pennies yesterday I would donate although you are a total stranger to me.

Lizzehb wrote:

bagnz0r wrote:

On another hand, I have horrible tooth decay. Looks like it's time for me to visit the dentist too.
NOOOO :( Not you too, I hope yours isn't as bad as mine.
I can't even eat it's so painful... :/
3 in horrible shape and 1 is starting to decay.

bagnz0r wrote:

I can't even eat it's so painful... :/
3 in horrible shape and 1 is starting to decay.
Brush your teeth. It's not hard.
i stopped brushing my teeth 5 years ago
Your teeth prob look pee stained then. Gross dude.
oh wait sorry this isnt off-topic.
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You'd be surprised on how many people don't brush their teeth. I brush twice a day when I brush my hair, 'cause if I don't, my hair gets so tangled it's UNBEARABLE. Bango you know my issue, right? x_x
argh tangles, i hate them. my hair is full of them 24/7, even after i brush them.
my hair is not as long as this but this is about what my hair looks like all the time

silmarilen wrote:

argh tangles, i hate them. my hair is full of them 24/7, even after i brush them.
my hair is not as long as this but this is about what my hair looks like all the time
Nice, hair.

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

Brush your teeth. It's not hard.
It's fun to brush teeth.

Lizzehb wrote:

You'd be surprised on how many people don't brush their teeth. I brush twice a day when I brush my hair, 'cause if I don't, my hair gets so tangled it's UNBEARABLE. Bango you know my issue, right? x_x
Yeah... I do.

Brushing teeth is pain in the ass.
I always used this instead:

Seems like shit doesn't work!
Brush your teeth AND use mouthwash, you dunderhead. Mouthwash is not a replacement and you should be flossing if you can.

Personally, I'm far too lazy to get used to flossing and I always feel like I've done it horribly wrongly.
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Bumping this 'cause I can.
I sent whatever was left on my PayPal account.
Right now I've gotten myself in mid-level shit, and I need to get out of it.
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