
Do you play with Hitsounds? [2012]

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What is your hitsound volume?

High volume, I play with hitsounds
Low volume, very quiet hitsounds
Muted volume, no hitsounds at all
Total votes: 369
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After watching some play videos, got very curious about this. The title is pretty much self explanatory - do you play today with hitsounds or without them?

Some people say they can't play without hitsounds at all, and that they even hear hitsounds while listening to music even outside of osu because of playing with them. I can't bring myself to play with hitsounds at all and don't know how people do it :p started osu with low-volume hitsounds, now they're just muted completely, 0% on the effect slider. Doesn't it feel to you like they ruin the song? Or maybe you think it adds to the song or to the map? Lets hear what everybody thinks
It's gay to play without Hitsounds.
Shohei Ohtani

TheNutritiousGuy wrote:

It's gay to play without Hitsounds.
Sometimes hitsounds are really good at beatmaps (I even enjoy listening to music with osu hitsounds than without them D:)

I'll just post that for thelewa, so he doesn't have to raise his postcount
I play with low volume, but I feel like I need to play with hit sounds because it's just a added confirmation that I hit the circle... Not sure how to explain it, but maps without hit sounds throw me off a lot. Also I think most hit sounds add to the map.
Hitsounds 100% volume.
Music 75% volume.

It's the best way.
Today I learnt that I can change the hitsound volume.
Successful day.
Hitsounds more important than music

those wrote:

Hitsounds more important than music
25% volume more important :D

YodaSnipe wrote:

Hitsounds 100% volume.
Music 75% volume.

It's the best way.
This. I need to hear some type of confirmation that I hit the beat
25% more confirmation. :D
I'd go further than just amplifying hitsounds. I'd even make my ears bleed for max accuracy
0% music
100% hitsounds

The best way.
on some of lesjuh's maps i like the songs with the hit sounds more, but i love how Shiirn's maps you can barely hear any hit sound. Strange Program is better with sounds too imo.

but meh, I don't really like hit sounds at all, but I don't mind them.
High volume for CtB, and Low volume for standard... what can I vote ? xD
I can perceive or memorize hitsounds and the actual rhythm easier than the song itself, so I prefer high hitsounds and low music.
I keep both music and hitsounds turned to about 80%. I used to keep hitsounds turned lower than music but eventually mappers learned to not always use 100% hitsound volume (it almost never belongs) so I keep them even to get what I think is probably the most "authentic" experience?
What's the option for, "I keep the hitsounds at the same setting as the music"?
This is silly. osu! is a rhythm game. Like, can anybody play taiko without the drum sound?
Kanye West
Hitsounds: 100%
Music: 75-80%
i prefer high volume and hitsounds
i can relate to that ;)

CDFA wrote:

TheNutritiousGuy wrote:

It's gay to play without Hitsounds.
Topic Starter

Drafura wrote:

High volume for CtB, and Low volume for standard... what can I vote ? xD
Ohhh right needed options for other game modes. Taiko with 0% music and 100% hitsounds; pure drum style so fun :D
Play this without hitsounds and you may have no soul. it's so much better with hitsounds than without.

also, I prefer to play with hitsounds in general. I need some kind of response for my hits, especially with a skin that has invisible and/or small/transparent hitbursts.
Baron Nefarious

darkmiz wrote:

This is silly. osu! is a rhythm game. Like, can anybody play taiko without the drum sound?
But maps are supposed to be designed to already flow with the rhythm of the song, that's the main reason I turned off hit sounds in the first place. Don't even get me started on the damn whistles.

I've also been hesitant to create maps because I don't care for hit sounds, but I know people will expect them.
I can't play without hitsounds x_x. i absolutely HATE it when there are no hitsounds in songs or very very quiet sections. When i don't hear anything when i click a circle it feels as though i missed it or didn't get 300


nope, i turn off hitsound...
i can't enjoy the music if hitsound is turn on...
and i delete all hitsound in every beatmap folder
F m L_old

LunaticMara wrote:

0% music
100% hitsounds

The best way.
75%-80% Music Volume
100% Effect Volume

I prefer soft hitsounds than normal ones.
Xylem Beer
High Volume hit sounds. I use the hitsounds from osu!'s default skin and I find it easier to play insanes with loud hitsounds rather than soft hitsounds.
Hitsounds are half of the point of playing a map and they make a map much more satisfying to play. It'd be extremely rude to disable hitsounds when the mapper has (usually) put a substantial amount of thought into how they augment the feel of a map. Furthermore, hitsounds should be set at a reasonable level in the map itself--if they require the player to reduce their volume a lot, then they've almost certainly been done wrongly.

TheNutritiousGuy wrote:

It's gay to play without Hitsounds.
This mostly was an experiment to see where I could get with refined hitsounds selection and so

otherway, no hitsounds is so gay. And I would prefer to say I prefer Hitsounds at the volume they need to be, not less,not more.
Baron Nefarious

D33d wrote:

Hitsounds are half of the point of playing a map and they make a map much more satisfying to play.
:| i'm not convinced. They definitely make a map much less satisfying for me to play.
I almost don't want to address the bit about muting hitsounds being insulting to mappers. That seems silly on at least a couple levels. It's like saying that adding hitsounds in the first place is insulting to the song's artist.
Muting hitsound is insulting the mapper in part.
Using Hitsound is not insulting the producer. Never asked yourself why major don't usually delete covers, piano version and so on youtube, but they delete normal versions?

Muting hitsounds completely is like muting the music when you listen it. Isn't this more insulting?

Just don't mute hitsounds more than they need to be.
Baron Nefarious

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

Muting hitsound is insulting the mapper in part.
Using Hitsound is not insulting the producer. Never asked yourself why major don't usually delete covers, piano version and so on youtube, but they delete normal versions?

Muting hitsounds completely is like muting the music when you listen it. Isn't this more insulting?

Just don't mute hitsounds more than they need to be.
I don't think any of this is insulting to anyone. I don't think mappers get hurt feelings every time some one disables sound effects on a game client. I find it all terribly silly.

That's where I'm coming from. Can't people just play the game the way they prefer without others getting hurt in the process? :(

And yeah, if no ones feelings are hurt then it isn't insulting and we can stop using that word
If you're insulted because a player mutes your hitsounds, you seriously need to think things over.

Anyways, definitely not. Hitsounds are a huge element to this game that I enjoy a lot. Besides, it makes it harder to play without them.

Sync wrote:

If you're insulted because a player mutes your hitsounds, you seriously need to think things over.
To me, it's more of a "wasted effort" thing. Thankfully, the majority appreciates good hitsounds, so it's nowhere near a waste. Either way, an insult is still an insult, even if the recipient isn't offended.
i dont play a map for the hitsounds, i play it for the map, but i do keep the hitsounds on.
Map without hitsound = Taiyaki without red bean paste

Spydra wrote:

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

Muting hitsound is insulting the mapper in part.
Using Hitsound is not insulting the producer. Never asked yourself why major don't usually delete covers, piano version and so on youtube, but they delete normal versions?

Muting hitsounds completely is like muting the music when you listen it. Isn't this more insulting?

Just don't mute hitsounds more than they need to be.
I don't think any of this is insulting to anyone. I don't think mappers get hurt feelings every time some one disables sound effects on a game client. I find it all terribly silly.

That's where I'm coming from. Can't people just play the game the way they prefer without others getting hurt in the process? :(

And yeah, if no ones feelings are hurt then it isn't insulting and we can stop using that word
If you would do it in my last maps, I would feel insulted however.
I really put some effort in it and, as so, I really hate people not listening minimally to my efforts. It usually take some hours to find the good custom hitsounds to use.

D33d wrote:

Sync wrote:

If you're insulted because a player mutes your hitsounds, you seriously need to think things over.
To me, it's more of a "wasted effort" thing. Thankfully, the majority appreciates good hitsounds, so it's nowhere near a waste. Either way, an insult is still an insult, even if the recipient isn't offended.
I think of it like this: you should be grateful that the player is playing your map at all
Its just like with the "deleting custom skins bundled with maps" discussion, simply don't get grumpy just because some people don't like what you like.

Suit yourself for putting the effort into making/adding them, but majority of people do after all still play your map for the map itself and not for what fancy pansy skin and hitsounds you slapped on. I don't mind custom skins and hitsounds unless they are annoying, in which case I delete them. Deal with it.

I play with hitsounds, but I keep them at like 70% in comparison to 100% on the music volume as I play taiko and having them far to loud doesn't sound well.

Sync wrote:

I think of it like this: you should be grateful that the player is playing your map at all
That doesn't really make sense, as a mappers goal should be to make something enjoyable to play rather then farming e-peen.

If people like your map, be happy about that you did a good job on making it, not be grateful.
If they're not playing with hitsounds, then obviously they can enjoy maps without them.

Besides, playing without hitsounds doesn't give you an advantage like deleting skin elements/SBs/Backgrounds. In fact, it's more of a detriment if anything. Not really sure how you got "farming for e-peen" out of not using hitsounds.

saymun wrote:

I can't play without hitsounds x_x. i absolutely HATE it when there are no hitsounds in songs or very very quiet sections. When i don't hear anything when i click a circle it feels as though i missed it or didn't get 300
Basically this; I keep both at the same volumes.

@Sync post mentioned mappers farming e-peen, not players

Sync wrote:

If they're not playing with hitsounds, then obviously they can enjoy maps without them.

Besides, playing without hitsounds doesn't give you an advantage like deleting skin elements/SBs/Backgrounds. In fact, it's more of a detriment if anything. Not really sure how you got "farming for e-peen" out of not using hitsounds.
You're completely misinterpreting it all, perhaps read it again.

A skin does neither necessarily give you an advantage or disadvantage, it just looks differently, you'll play it in the same way, but it does amuse me how you're claiming that its fair to slap on a skin that in your opinion can give people a disadvantage in comparison to if you'd be using the default skin. Thats just right out being a dick, and then the people who does that also get grumpy over that some people don't like what they supposedly like? lol
Play this map with 0% music volume and 100% effect volume and you will start loving hitsounds.

Tshemmp wrote:

Play this map with 0% music volume and 100% effect volume and you will start loving hitsounds.
hitsound is very confusing for me...
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