
Sort by highest achieved score in comparison to the max

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Since we can't have the sort by online ranking p/1601124#p1601124
and that'd be pretty impossible and crazy. but with this, we finally can! (and even better than just online rank.) This will literally show you where scores that you have to improve on are (to get higher online ranks), and scores that cannot be improved on any more are. (already top)

Just like grouping/sorting by rank, this will take your highest achieved score and compare it to the maximum score of the map. Greater amounts of score on difficulties will be sorted to the top and vice versa. Normal ranks can lie. It doesn't matter if you have a SS or S. The S rank can always have more points by some reason. Sorting by score is more accurate if you want to know what online rank you have, etc. To make this even more accurate, I think it should take the max score of the mods used in the top online rank and sort scores closer to the top if you have achieved the closest possible score to the max top online score.

Example: Let's say the max score on an easy uses all mods and no spinners are around. This means your top rank will match the top possible online rank this map will ever get. These scores will be listed to the top and you will most likely see that all of them are #1s, unless there's the same top scores.
The scores that will be listed next will be your scores using all mods but with spinners. It's quite impossible to get all extra spinner points and these will then be listed further down.
The top onlines scores further down will have less mods in their replays and improving on these scores will always be possible.
At the very bottom, your online scores will be so far down, that you have to do a lot in order to get that top online rank. (just not enough points), the points missing in-between the top online rank and your online rank will be the greatest.

So it's basically taking the mods used in the top online rank, find out what the max score for those mods are on that difficulty, and compares it to your current score. The closer you are, the higher up you will be listed and cannot improve any more and the scores further down can always be improved upon. This should be called "Sort by Online score". This will give even more interesting result than if you were able to search by online ranks like suggested before but denied because its impossibility.

You'd find it so much easier to improve your online ranking. The difficulties listed to the top will be your best score on that beatmap no matter what. If you were to list with online ranks, it wouldn't tell you if you could improve even more on that rank.

Yes, top ranks change all the time, but because this takes the maximum possible score from the top mods used, the score will pretty much stay the same until someone beats that maximum score with even more mods used.

So what do you think?

Took awhile to make sense of, but I guess this could work, I don't know how hard this is to implement, but you have my support.
Topic Starter
In comparison to the top score on a beatmap would be nice. You do want to reach the top of the top right, as close as possible.
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