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01:38:15 (1,2) - I've never been a fan of putting a note exactly on top of an endpoint of a slider that's right after it. Could potentially be incredibly difficult to read.It's just one, and will not screw people over and over again. Does it really need to be changed?
02:09:30 (6) - Ew overlapping sliders (this goes for any other slider i haven't mentioned actually. It's just the smaller ones aren't as big a deal).... Is it really being overlapped? O_o (unless my definition of overlapping is not the same as what's supposed to be (apparently that's the case)) and I tried to make sure these type of sldiers were easy to read. Could you specify?
01:07:77 (9) - Please take the start point off the slider track.Why? It's easy enough to read and doing it would ruin its intent to make it look like a P. If possible, could you provide me with a better explanation or how I should take it off of the slider? I don't know if I'm making myself clear, but if you could give me an idea of how it should look like, that'd be great.
03:12:38 (3,4) - You broke osu! (delete 4)Oh, wow. O_o How did I miss that?!