
Z.R.E.O Team - Kokiri Forest

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, January 03, 2009 at 10:32:15 PM

Artist: Z.R.E.O Team
Title: Kokiri Forest
BPM: 145
Filesize: 1689kb
Play Time: 01:23
Difficulties Available:
  1. Donjo's Hard (4.83 stars, 185 notes)
  2. Hard (4.55 stars, 172 notes)
  3. Normal (4.28 stars, 131 notes)
  4. Shin's Insane (4.9 stars, 257 notes)
Download: Z.R.E.O Team - Kokiri Forest
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Song from Kokiri forest from Zelda Ocarina of Time
--thanks to donjo and shin for making their diff of it and to all mods who have helped make improvements :)
You may have to alternate between 1/4 and 1/6 divisors.

00:02:07 (2) - Make the slider end at 00:02:615 using the 1/6 divisor, then do the reverse arrow extension. 00:03:167 should be the place where this slider ends afterwards.
00:10:14 (5) - New combo.
00:20:78 (1) - Move back 1 tick. 00:20:68.
00:28:54 (5) - New combo.
00:29:16 (8) - Extend this till it reaches 00:29:57.
00:36:71 (5) - New combo.

00:01:96 (3,4,5) - Move 3 to 00:02:06. Move 4 to 00:02:61. Move 5 to 00:03:16.
00:10:13 (9) - New combo.
00:10:13 (1) - Move farther from 2.
00:17:37 (4,5) - Consider using distance spacing/snapping.
00:19:64 (2,3,4,5) - Those are huge jumps from 2 to 3 and 4 to 5
00:20:78 (1) - Move back a tick. 00:20:68.
00:25:02 (1) - Move closer to 2.
00:27:30 (3) - Move 3 closer to 2
00:28:54 (6) - New combo.
00:31:02 (3) - Move closer to 2.
00:32:06 (2) - Move closer to 1.
00:34:13 (4) - Move closer to 3.
00:36:71 (5) - Make a new combo then move back to 00:36:61 using 1/6 divisor.
00:37:49 (6) - Move back to 00:37:44.
00:38:32 (7) - Move back to 00:38:26.
00:56:47 (4,5) - Possible switch these 2 beats around.
00:57:71 (3) - Move closer to 2.
00:59:78 (1,2,3) - Consider using distance spacing/snapping making these closer to each other.
01:08:88 (3) - Move closer to 2.
01:12:19 (4,5,6) - Make these closer to each other like the other triplets.
01:14:88 (6) - Make a new combo.
01:18:19 (5) - ^
01:18:81 (4,5,6) - Should be closer together like the other triplets.

Donjo's Hard~
00:03:09 (3) - Move a tick forward. 00:03:16 using 1/6 divisor.
00:25:13 (1,2,3,4) - Move all forward to 00:25:23.
00:31:75 (1,2,3,4) - ^ to 00:31:85.
01:03:30 (4) - This slider doesn't need every sound, remove 2 sound effects and keep 1, or perhaps just remove 1 and keep 2.
Also make the slider end at 1:05:78

Shin's Insane~
00:04:02 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Move all forward to 00:04:09.
00:07:54 (3,4,5) - Move forward to 00:07:64.
00:25:85 (4) - Move up 1 tick on the grid so it aligns with 6.
00:33:40 (1,2,3,4) - Move all forward to 00:33:51
00:35:06 (1,2,3,4) - Move all forward to 00:35:16.
00:47:26 (1,2,3) - Move back to 00:47:19.
00:58:85 (1) - This doesn't sound good anywhere. I suggest removing this and extending the slider a little bit more.
01:08:16 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Move forward to 01:08:26.
01:29:67 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Move back to 01:29:60
01:32:16 (1,2,3,4) - Move forward to 01:32:26.

Overall everyone needs to use Distance Snapping. Except Donjo, he did good with it.

Possible errors that I've made: I forgot to mention to resnap.
Topic Starter
thank you for all of the work mafia :) *gets to changing map*

Nice beatmap :P

Only problem was the slider on Danjo's hard.
which you fixed nicely.

I don't see why this shouldn't be ranked

BPM should probably be a round number. Besides, it sounds too early sometimes. And the offset is on the off-beat, which just confuses me personally though it doesn't really matter.

BPM: 145.000
Offset: 6,836

[All difficulties]
00:00:40 - I'd suggest not mapping this part.

[Donjo's Hard]
Slider tick rate: anything but 3. It makes the whole map feel off-balance.
00:00:40 (1) - Ugly.
00:25:23 (1,2,3,4) - Spacing.
00:43:75 (7) - Rhythmically, this doesn't fit. Move it forward on 1/2 snap or remove it.
01:03:30 (4) - Ugly.

00:10:13 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Ugly spacing.
00:13:02 (4,5,6,7) - Bad spacing, it's supposed to be tricky but it just turns out bad.
00:32:88 (4,1) - Spacing.
00:40:54 (1) - Move this 1/2 later, and respace accordingly.
00:59:78 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Spacing.
01:03:30 (4) - Ugly and goes off the screen.
01:09:92 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Spacing.
01:18:19 (1,2,3) - Spacing.

Why is this the only difficulty with a background? And why does it still look like crap? I fixed it up a bit, but I still think you could find a nicer image.

[Shin's Insane]
This whole map has spacing issues that are acceptable for Insane, but could look nicer.
00:21:71 (5) - Shouldn't end here.
00:44:37 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Ugly mapping.
00:50:99 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Ugly mapping.
00:58:12 (3) - Shorten or lengthen by 1/4.
01:04:74 (3) - Same.
01:34:02 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - Bad ending. The music just cuts out at the end with the mapping; leave the last part of the song blank, I say. Up to you where exactly you end it.

Donjo's Hard (first find out what distance snap multiplier he used):

00:23:57 (2,3,4) - 3 and 4 are under 2. Move - You can't see the beats. This is a no-no.
00:25:85 (4) - move up a tiny bit. The bottom edge is barely off screen, and this is ugly. No really.
00:25:23 (1,2,3) - Wait a goddam secon- OH just respace these notes and 4, as already said.
00:26:88 (1,2,3,4,5) - redo this little segment, since the 4 is in a very, very ugly position.
00:30:20 (1,2,3) - Move 2 and 3 out from under the slider.
00:32:37 (4) - Make horizontal please, looks nicer.
00:35:57 (3) - Move 1 grid level 3 to the left, so it has correct spacing.
00:39:92 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Stack each of the groups of 3 here, please. Looks a lot nicer + more playable
00:43:23 (6) - One grid level 3 down
00:44:27 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - What the- Okay, if you're going to keep the spiral, have the slider continue in the direction of the spiral, at least. So have 7 come down at a down-left angle so it flows better, and have it continue to gently curve to the right.

01:01:43 (8,9,10) - stack
01:02:05 (1,2,3) - stack
01:02:68 (1,2,3,4) - respace so they're a little bit apart from each other, like the rest of the map.
01:10:12 (2) - Turn distance snap off and space it.
01:10:74 (5) - Same here. Both look ugly due to the inconsistency

01:11:57 (1,2,3) - too close to each other
01:12:19 (4,5,6) - stack, respace 7 after
01:15:09 (7) - move 1 grid level 3 to the right
01:15:50 (9,10,11) - Move 9 one grid level 3 tot he right, stack 10 and 11 on 9. Respace 12 after
01:16:95 (2,3,4) - Turn off distance snap, respace each of these notes (carefully, and in the same basic pattern)
01:18:20 (5,6,7) - respace with a little space in between each note, like the other ones
01:18:81 (8,9,10) - After doing above, move 8, and stack 9 and 10 on it. Then respace 11
01:21:50 (6) - move 6 one space to right
01:23:67 (1) - move 1/4 back, extend by 1/2 beat

Super nazi job done. Too blown out to do other difficulties, sorry.
This is a message from Donjo, creator of Donjo's Hard, to Ekaru, modder.

While many of your fixes, while kinda really nitpicky at times, are quite justifiable and worth fixing, I refuse to fix the following "errors":

00:39:92 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Stack each of the groups of 3 here, please. Looks a lot nicer + more playable
01:01:43 (8,9,10) - stack
01:02:05 (1,2,3) - stack
01:12:19 (4,5,6) - stack, respace 7 after

This beatmap is called "Hard" for a reason. To just make these stack would make these part too easy :)

01:02:68 (1,2,3,4) - respace so they're a little bit apart from each other, like the rest of the map.

First, there is not a four in this combo. Second, the notes are so rapid that spacing them a bit apart would screw up the spacing :O

01:15:50 (9,10,11) - Move 9 one grid level 3 tot he right, stack 10 and 11 on 9. Respace 12 after

Part of this WAS done, but not the stacking.

Thanks for looking though, but I'm not looking to make this "Donjo's Kinda Hard". This song is slightly boring and I added a bit of spice to it :P
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Offset: 6,816

Also, use grid level 3 when making these changes.


00:06:82 (1,2,3,4) - I'd shift forward 1/2 beat, since there's more emphasis on that note. Distance snap accordingly.
00:13:44 (4) - Use whistle on both ends of the slider.
00:14:06 (1) - Decrease length by 1/4 beat.
00:29:16 (4) - Move above the 3. Distance snap accordingly.
00:36:71 (1) - Shift back 1/4 beat. DSA.
00:39:09 (4) - Place farther from 3.
After 00:56:68 (5) - Gap is too big. Either fill it in or place a break.
01:23:67 (1) - A bit too long. Shift back 1/4 beat, then end at 01:29:58 (a red tick)


00:02:58 (4) - Should be using 1/6 here.
Delete and re-add the first break (it's slightly off)
00:08:47 (5,6,7,8) - Fix the distances, please.
00:10:75 (4) - Closer to 3. DSA.
00:14:06 (1) - See normal
00:40:65 (1) - Shift back 1/4 beat. DSA.
01:23:67 (1) - See normal.

Donjo's Hard

00:02:07 (2,3) - Should be using 1/6 snap here.
Delete and re-add the first break (it's slightly off)
00:14:06 (1) - See normal.
00:31:74 (1,2,3,4) - Shift forward 1/4 beat.
Delete and re-add the third break (it's way off)
01:03:29 (4) - Increase length by 1/4 beat.
01:23:57 (1) - See normal

Shin's Insane

00:13:64 (5) - I'd do something here so that the repeat is more visible under 3.
00:14:88 (4,5,6) - Make 6's repeat more visible.
00:20:26 (5) - See above.
After 00:47:36 (3) - Fill in the gaps, or since you don't have any breaks, you can delete 1,2,3,4 and have a break here.
01:04:74 (3) - Decrease length by 1/4 beat.
01:08:16 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Shift forward 1/4 beat. Move 3 closer to 2. Distance snap accordingly.
01:29:57 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I'd delete this.

Auxillary wrote:

Nice beatmap :P

Only problem was the slider on Danjo's hard.
which you fixed nicely.

I don't see why this shouldn't be ranked

You have a good ways to go to becoming a BAT then. ;)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Donjo Here. There seems to have been some kind of ERROR in updating my difficulty of this beatmap, and it has somehow reverted to the condition it was at before Ekaru modded it. I will get working on this when I can, and I still won't stack those moving triplets :P.

EDIT: Okie dokie all fixed. If more problems persist in a "going back in time" way, I didn't do it :P
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
le sigh... ALL DIFFICULTIES -- The last spinner is very long, and doesn't end on anything major in the song. Change this because it looks and sounds STUPID <<< !!!! thanks. (i hope that point got across)


00:23:58 (2,3,4) - super ugly overlap
00:25:85 (4) - unnecessary and terrible jump


the whole first steam is pretty and all, but its not snapped to anything
00:05:26 (1,1) - not sure if this makes sense, but the last 2 notes are confusing because the whole zigzag starts from up to down, but these last 2 are flipped.
00:14:88 (4,5) - looks bad, anything else you can do?
Wizard Of Orz
00:10:747 (3) too far from 4
00:11:574 (5) too close to 4 move like 1 level 1 grid left?
00:54:609 (5) 1 level 1 grid up
00:06:815 (1,2) (3.4) these pairs seems a bit far away
00:40:540 (1) intended jump?
01:15:505 (4) too far from 3
01:19:229 (7) delete and space out 4,5,6 from 1
-snap beginning and your set
i dont want to list all these spacing changes
Offset should be 6,842.

[All difficulties]
The last spinners just end at random times, and they're all different! Make them end at 01:29:600, which is a white tick with the new offset.

[Donjo's Hard]
Still has a tick rate of 3. Still sounds like crap because of it.
01:03:30 (4) - Still ugly.

00:11:26 (6) - Move back to the blue tick and respace.
00:17:91 (6) - Same with this.
00:54:33 (6) - And this.
01:00:95 (6) - This one's spaced fine but timed wrong.
01:15:50 (4) - Poorly spaced.

00:06:81 (1,2,3,4) - Move back 1/2.

[Shin's Insane]
00:04:04 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - What foulcoon said.
00:48:63 (3) - Shorten by 1/4.
01:19:67 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Bad spacing.
All difficulties:
Srsly, this song needs no breaks~


00:00:42 (1,2,3) - This is unmappable, it does not have the same BPM as the rest of the song

00:03:81 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - I absolutely don't want this mapped :(
01:10:74 (x) - I miss a beat here~
01:29:57 (x) - ^

There are pretty much ugly looking things in that map, but all of them are rankable and well.. they just aren't pretty.

Larto starred DUN DUN DUUUUUN
Cheese darling I think your offset is 8ms late. I thought it was more than that, then I looked again, and I got 6834. Timing needs to be universal across the four though, Insane was too early.

At any rate:

26:282 - missing a note here? It sounds like there should be a note here.

Nothing really jumped at me as an unrankable dick move. The overlap at 00:36:62 (1,2,3,4) [Insane] - is a tad risky, but I think it's neat and I'd let it go. A couple spots here and there across the four difficulties were a tad messy and could have used the playfield a bit more, if you're really bored you can nitpick those out.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Spacing... Check
Timing... Check
Background... Check
General Aesthetics... Check
Hitsound Diversity... Check

Meet standards, get bubble.

Download: Kozato snow - Rengetsu Ouka (_Kiva) [Snowy Koi].osu
Ranked. :)
Chaos Anime X
Insane is hard/fast enough to make anyones hand hurt after a while -_-
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