English Ver.
Don't join this tournament if you can't "卍".
It's so "卍", You won't be able to stop "卍"ing......!
What is "Manji" ?

Mappool selector:
Broadcasting / Streaming / Commentator:
It's so "卍", You won't be able to stop "卍"ing......!
- Manji (as a character 卍) is an ancient religious icon and used as a spiritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism
- The MANJI(卍) sign is NOT associated with Nazi symbolism.
- equals to "YABAI"
- This is a taiko tournament.
- Rounds are 4 player Free-for-All (read rules for in-depth information).
- All matches will use ScoreV2.
- This tournament is based in Japanese but will accept players regardless of country or rank.
- The tournament will run at a minimum player count of 16, Up to a maximum of 32 players.
- Registration phase: Until February 2th (Saturday) 23:59 UTC+9
- 2/3(Sun.) Drawing & Mappool release
- 2/9(Sat.) 1st Round
- 2/16(Sat.) 2nd Round
- 2/23(Sat.) 3rd Round
- 3/2(Sat.) 4th Round
- 3/9(Sat.) Final Round
※Depending on playercount, Dates can be subject to change.
※Maches will generally be played on weekends, But if both players and staff agree, Matches can be held on weekdays.
How to register
- Make sure you read the rules.
- Join the tourney discord server.
- Enter your information on the registeration page.
- Matches will be held as a 1vs1vs1vs1, With points given to players who placed 1st and 2nd.
- Players will play a map in ScoreV2. 1st place gets 1 point, 2nd place gets 2 points
- Matches will end when there are 2 or fewer players left in the match.
- Players must reach the following points to leave the room. 1st and 2nd players who reach the points progress in the tourney.
- 1st Round 7 points
- 2nd Round 7 points
- 3rd Round 8 points
- 4th Round 9 points
- Final Round
- K1 10 points
- E1 11 points
※Winners in D1 get 1 extra point in match E1 before the match begins.
- Mappool
- Beatmaps are chosen from the mappool.
- The number of maps in the mappool will differ depending on the round. (details omitted)
- The 1st map will be picked by the player chosen by the !roll command.
- From the 2nd map, The player who placed 4th in the previous map will pick.
- If there are two or more lowest ties, they do !roll and the player who get the highest will pick.
- Maps in the map pool are separated by groups "M" "A" "N" "J" "I", And players cannot pick a map from the same group of the previously played map.
- Mods
- HD, HR, DT, NC, HT, EZ, FL, SD, combinations of them and FM will be used.
- When FreeMod, We give you 60 seconds to freely select available Mods after !mp start 60.
- Each map has its own probability set for each mod, And the mod will be determined by the map picker's !roll.
- The probability is shown in the mappool, So be sure to check it.
- Ban
- There are no bans in this tournament.
- How match placements are determined
- The players' placements are determined by score, Highest being 1st, 2nd highest being 2nd, and so on.
- Like most tournaments, If there are two 1st place players (from the same score) the 2nd highest score will be considered 3rd place.
- If you failed, You will be placed behind everyone who passed.
- In the case of a tie
- If both 1st and 2nd place are a tie, All players will receive the corresponding points.
- If 1st ties, The 2nd highest score will be considered 3rd place.
- If two players reach the required points on the same beatmap, The player who placed 2nd on last map will be prioritized.
- Other
- You will lose by default if you are 10 minutes late to the match.
- Warm-up maps will be pre-determined.
- You can be penalized if you behave in such a way that can hinder the tournament or other players' experience.
- This is a world-wide tournament but will progress in Japanese. Toorun12 and jyake will be responsible for translations. (Looking for more translators!)
- In the case that there is a very large number of registered players, Preliminary rounds may be held.
- All times will be in the Japanese timezone (UTC+9).
- Tournament dates can be changed without warning.
- If you would like to request your match schedule to be changed, You must first consult your opponents, Then send the request to staff by Wednesday each week.
- You cannot register if your account was created after January 20th, 2019
- Staff excluding mappool selectors have the right to join the tournament.
- Any changes or additions to the rules will be announced in the Discord server
Mappool selector:
Broadcasting / Streaming / Commentator:
- ヒンドゥー教や仏教で用いられる吉祥の印であるとともに、日本では仏教を象徴する記号としてよく知られ、漢字であり家紋でもある
- 「ヤバイ」と同じ意味である
- Taikoモードの大会です
- 1試合4人で戦う勝ち抜き個人戦です
- スコアシステムは全てV2を採用します
- 日本語進行ですが、ランク国籍関係なく誰でも参加可能です
- 最低大会開催人数は16人で、最高は32人です
- ~2/2(土) 23:59 UTC+9 参加申請期間
- 2/3(日) 組み合わせ抽選 譜面公開
- 2/9(土) 1st Round
- 2/16(土) 2nd Round
- 2/23(土) 3rd Round
- 3/2(土) 4th Round
- 3/9(土) Final Round
- 1vs1vs1vs1の勝ち抜け個人戦です
- ScoreV2で譜面をプレイし、1位に1点、2位に2点が与えられます
- 残り人数が2人以下になった時点で試合終了です
- 規定の点数を獲得したプレイヤーから勝ち抜けします
- 1stRound 7点先取
- 2ndRound 7点先取
- 3rdRound 8点先取
- 4thRound 9点先取
- Final Round
- K1 10点先取
- E1 11点先取
- 課題曲について
- 課題曲は、Mappoolで公開された譜面の中から選曲します
- 各Roundごとに譜面の数が異なります(詳細は割愛)
- 1stMapは、rollコマンドで選ばれたプレイヤーが選曲します
- 2ndMap以降は、前の曲で4位であったプレイヤー(最低スコアのプレイヤー)が選曲します
- もし、最下位が複数名いる場合は、rollコマンドで一番数値の高いプレイヤーが選曲します
- 課題曲は、"M" "A" "N" "J" "I"の区分で分けられ、連続して同じ区分の譜面を選ぶことはできません
- Modについて
- HD, HR, DT, NC, HT, EZ, FL, SD, 及びそれらを組み合わせたMod、またはFreeModが使用されます
- FreeModでは、60秒以内(コマンド[!mp start 60]で開始)に利用可能なModを自由に選択することができます
- 各譜面ごとに選ばれるModの確率が異なり、選曲者がrollコマンドを使用し選択します
- Modの内容はMappoolに記述されますので、ご確認ください
- Banについて
- BANはありません
- 順位の決定方法について
- スコアの高い順から1位、2位...とします
- 一般的な順位計算と同じく、1位が2人の場合は次に低いスコアのプレイヤーは3位となります
- ノルマクリア失敗した場合、ノルマクリア成功したプレイヤーの下の順位となります
- 同点の場合について
- 1位タイ、2位タイの場合、該当するプレイヤー全員に点数が与えられます
- 2人同時に既定の点数を超えた場合、その時プレイした課題曲で2位であったプレイヤーが優先されます
- 特殊ケース
- 工事中
- その他
- 試合開始時間から10分以上遅れた場合、不戦敗となります
- 試合前に指定のウォームアップ譜面をプレイします
- 大会の進行を阻害する行為または迷惑行為等を行った場合、ペナルティを与える可能性があります
- 日本語進行の世界大会です、Toorun12とjyakeが責任持って日英翻訳を行います(日英翻訳可能な方運営募集!)
- 万が一参加者が多い場合は、予選を行う可能性があります
- タイムゾーンは、全て日本時間(UTC+9)で表記されます
- 大会の期間は変更される可能性があります
- スケジュール変更の希望は、対戦相手と相談の上、原則水曜日までに運営に伝えてください
- 2019/1/20以降に作成されたアカウントは参加できません
- マップセレクター以外の運営スタッフは、大会に参加する権利を所有します
- ルールまたは注意事項等、何か追加または変更点があれば、大会用Discordサーバーで通知します