
nano - Now or Never [Osu|Taiko]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年9月23日 at 12:16:13

Artist: nano
Title: Now or Never
Source: Phibrain ~Kami no Puzzle~
Tags: puzzle of god opening spboxer3
BPM: 138
Filesize: 17326kb
Play Time: 04:02
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.34 stars, 192 notes)
  2. Hard (4.53 stars, 326 notes)
  3. Never (5 stars, 718 notes)
  4. Normal (3.85 stars, 247 notes)
  5. Now (4.94 stars, 580 notes)
  6. Sp3's Taiko (4.83 stars, 1302 notes)
Download: nano - Now or Never
Download: nano - Now or Never (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Thank you for Aoix's Video help~
Never - 100%
Now - 100%
Taiko (Thank you for Sp3) - 100%
Normal+ - 100%
Normal - 100%
Easy - 100%
nano - No pain, No game
Source is: Phibrain ~Kami no Puzzle~
instead of: Phibrain ~Kami no Pazzle~
Also, some tags: puzzle of god, anime, opening, Sunrise, NHK
no kds~
Topic Starter

Kurokami wrote:

Source is: Phibrain ~Kami no Puzzle~
instead of: Phibrain ~Kami no Pazzle~
Also, some tags: puzzle of god, anime, opening, Sunrise, NHK
no kds~
D; I'm gonna dieeeee

Want a 1024 x 768 bg?

00:14:138 (1) - Use slidertick hitsound?
00:15:877 (3) - Clap at end
00:22:833 (3) - ^
00:28:051 (1) - ^, delete Finish, doesn't sound right imo
00:41:964 (1) - ^
01:08:051 (2) - Clap at end, delete clap from 01:08:920 (3), 你用了在 1/2 beats like 01:06:311 (1)
03:06:311 - 在这里开始的 break, looks cool :D if you use this, don't forget the other diffs
03:32:398 (2) - Clap at end, delete clap from next note
04:02:072 (1) - End spinner at 04:05:007 , "yeah" is the last syllable and the vocals only hold it out..if that makes sense xD

00:14:138 (1) - use clap? 有一个原因吗?
00:45:224 (1,2,3) - Try this rhythm:
01:20:225 (1) - Make blanket around (2)?
02:40:225 (1) - Finish at beginning
03:06:311 - Easy的样
03:53:268 (4) - I think you should shorten this, doesnt fit music that much?
04:02:072 (1) - End spinner at 04:05:007

Normal +
03:06:311 - Easy的样
03:47:832 (1) - Delete NC...unless it was on purpose :lol:
03:50:225 (3) - Clap
03:50:659 (4) - Clap on end
more similar notes ^
03:55:007 (1) - Finish on beginning
Hitsounds are done or not?
04:02:072 (1) - End at 04:05:007

00:26:746 (3) - Move a little to the left so (1,2,3) make a nicer triangle
02:05:225 (8) - NC?
02:41:746 (1) - Move a little to the right, ignore distance spacing

01:47:942 (6,1) - Match spacing of this and 01:49:681 (4,1)

Love it :cry:
note: most of this is just my opinion!

00:21:529 (3) - needs to be a clap here, since you hear it in the music
00:23:268 (3) - ^
00:25:007 (3) - ^
00:30:116 (2) - ^(will stop mentioning these)
01:47:072 (1,2,3,4) - why is the distance snap at 1.6 here(the part before this aswell)? 01:54:246 (5) - here it's at 1.8 again

same with claps 00:21:529 (2) - still just my opinion though

same with claps 00:23:268 (2) -

same with claps 00:25:442 (2) -

^^ 00:28:051 (1) -

wasn't able to find much :/

▲ ▲
already gave some kudosu :)

LunarSakuya wrote:

Want a 1024 x 768 bg?
Lunar so pro xD


03:04:572 – 這段break是不錯,但我建議在03:06:311開始 (有些diff沒有在03:06:311開始)
03:13:268 – 其實我覺得這段kiai不太適合,只做成一個fountain看看?
01:37:616 – 我覺得30%太小聲,40%比較好
04:05:333 – 我很在意為什麼都沒人發現這裡其實還有一個音lol 我覺得spinner都在這裡結束比較好


00:36:964 – add a note
01:46:529 – ^

02:26:638 – 建議加圈,然後做成三連
02:43:268 (4,5,6) – 白線開始的三連Orz(好吧我真覺得白線開始的都不太合曲子)

00:55:007 – 這有跟沒有還不是一樣xD,建議remove break
03:46:094 (3) – x:332 y:20
03:46:203 (4) – x:260 y:56

瞎了 mod 不出东西 orz

\rank rank/
wow, nano's voice is so moe! I love nano's song!

I should self-heavy.
Hi there~~mod for request~

  1. Audio Lead-in 意义不明请去掉……
  1. 00:15:659 (6) - 不是很确认这个是否允许,因为出现的时候前面的slider还没完全消失。而且其实这里真拆成2个note也没有问题的。
  2. 00:24:246 (5) - 这个不但被前面slider遮挡,而且reverse arrow完全不可见了
  3. 00:25:985 (5) - ^
  4. 00:31:855 (2) - 考虑删掉……?
  5. 00:33:920 (3) - 这里的鼓点不在蓝线上……所以不建议蓝线折返……
  6. 01:20:007 (4) - ctrl+r一下?
  7. 01:46:529 (2) - 考虑不要叠?
  8. 03:44:355 (4) - 这里也是,ctrl+r一下?
  1. 01:00:659 (6) - 各种Ctrl+r建议……
  2. 01:03:485 (3) - 这感觉一个note就刚好……没必要slider....
  3. 01:05:333 (4) - 类似上面,考虑删掉?
  4. 01:08:811 (3,1) - 很容易造成读图失误(看成1/2)的地方……
  5. 03:48:703 (3) - 继续Ctrl+r建议……
Alright let's get started. Mod requested in-game.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice or if i'm curious about something.

The lead in is unnecessary since the map starts at around 15 seconds, so change it to zero.

00:14:138 (1) - reduce this slider by 1/2. since this is the easiest diff and we're at the beginning, i think it'd be hard for beginners to know when to hit the next note since this ends at a 1/2 tick. basically i felt uncomfortable when this ended at the 1/2 tick.
00:17:616 (1) - ^
00:20:224 (5) - for consistency purposes, replace the finish for a whistle since it's whistles at every 3rd downbeat.
00:21:094 (1) - ^
00:24:572 (1) - ^
00:27:181 (4) - add a whistle at the beginning to keep the hitsound pattern going for the whistles. like i said it's whistles at every 3rd downbeat.
00:29:790 (2) - how about extending this slider by 1/2 to be consistent with your other patterns?
00:41:964 (1) - i don't like the finish implanted at the end, it'd sound nicer if you can replace it for a clap and to start the clap consistency.
00:45:442 (1) - what does the whistle match in the song? remove it because since this part is mainly claps, the whistle would get in the way during gameplay.
00:52:398 (1) - reduce this slider by 1/2. it'll follow the vocals a lot accurate and the flow would keep going during gameplay. i wasn't feeling the flow on this slider since it doesn't flow to the vocals nor the instrumental that well IMO.
01:46:311 (3) - to keep the flow going, i suggest that you make this a curved slider like (3). this straight slider breaks the flow since (1) is shaped like a curved slider. i think (4) should be a straight slider to keep the flow going like the last 2 notes in this combo.
01:48:051 (1) - ^, but leave (2) as it is.
01:51:529 (1) - maybe a finish at the beginning to match the vocals in the song? if i'm right, you added finishes on some parts in the vocals as well.
02:05:551 (1) - move this spinner up by 1/4. with the spinner this close, i think it'll surprise beginners causing them to start spinning a bit too late.
02:36:746 (1) - replace the spinner for notes. i think beginners will become tired after 2 straight long spinners. adding notes would be easier it gives them an opportunity to relax for a bit IMO.
03:04:790 - move the break to 03:06:311. that's where the vocals start in the song.
04:02:072 (1) - same as 02:05:551, also extend the spinner by 1/4 because that's where the vocals really end in the song.

00:20:224 (4) - same as easy.
00:29:138 (2) - that finish at the repeat arrow sounds unfitting with this part since i don't hear any cymbals in the song. You should remove it because of that.
00:36:529 (3,4,5) - my concern is this rhythm because it doesn't follow the vocals and it doesn't follow the instrumental that well. i suggest that you do something like this as it follows the vocals pretty nicely. if you ignore this, then you can do something similar to this pattern.
00:40:224 (3) - add a finish at the beginning. you did it on (1) which has the same vocal pitch as this one.
00:41:311 (4) - either extend this slider by 1/2 to follow the vocals or add a circle at the red tick to follow the bass in the song. i feel that something is missing at that spot since the vocals or instrumental didn't stop.
00:45:877 (2) - replace this for a circle followed by a 1/1 slider to follow the vocals in the song. i find that 1/1 slider unfitting with this part because i didn't feel the flow on this.
00:52:398 (4) - you should make this a NC because the lyrics change from here.
00:53:920 (1) - if you follow the suggestion above, make this a NC. yes the lyrics change from here, but the combo would be too short with just 2 notes.
01:09:572 - add a circle to follow the vocals in the song?
01:39:355 (2) - rotate this slider like this. the path would be easier and straightforward for players, also it'll technically blanket the previous slider during gameplay.
01:56:094 (2) - either add a circle or a repeat to follow the bass in the song. it'll flow a lot smoother to the next note during gameplay.
02:22:833 (1,2) - for this one, remove this and try to follow the vocals for this. i suggest something like this as it goes well with the vocals during gameplay. again if you ignore this, then you can do something similar to this.
02:36:746 (1) - same as easy.
03:04:790 - ^
03:13:268 (1) - for consistency with your NCs in the song, remove the NC for this note.
03:19:572 (2) - same as 01:56:094 but to follow vocals.
03:33:268 (2) - ^
04:02:072 (1) - same as easy.

The settings look like they belong in a normal diff, so i suggest AR7 and HP and OD6 to give it a bit of a challenge for players.
00:20:224 (4) - same as easy.
00:41:529 (1,2) - remove the NC for (1). the long pause in the vocals is still going. (2) should be a NC because of new lyrics.
00:45:877 (2) - reduce this slider to a 1/2 repeat slider and add another 1/1 slider starting at 00:46:529 to follow the vocals a lot accurate.
01:42:833 (4) - same as 00:45:442 on easy.
02:23:703 (2,3) - are you sure that these 2 sliders look the same? if not make them look the same as the other for a smoother flow to the next note.
02:56:311 (1) - to be consistent with your combos in the previous patterns, remove the NC for this note.
03:00:225 (1) - ^
03:04:790 - same as easy.
03:47:832 (1) - remove the NC for this. you need to be consistent with 01:22:833.
04:02:072 (1) - same as easy.
with this many sliders, i feel that this is a normal diff, and there's not that many jumps which makes the diff boring. i'm not saying that you should do a re-map of this, but you should change up your patterns, and replace some of the sliders for circles to make the diff fun for players.

If this is an insane diff, increase the HP and OD by 1 to give a bit of a challenge for players.
00:55:007 - This break is unnecessary so remove it. also it's for consistency with the other diffs.
04:02:072 (1) - same as easy.
besides that break, everything looks good.

either increase the HP or OD by 1 since this is the last diff which i'm guessing this is an extra diff.
00:55:007 - same as Now.
01:09:572 (4) - omg i was expecting a diamond pattern out of this, so move this move at the right side to form a diamond and i think it'd look fun for players to do. for me i had a lot of fun with just this shape.
01:22:978 (4) - this clap sounds unfitting to the song so remove it.
03:33:920 (4) - same as 01:09:572.
03:47:616 (1) - same as 01:22:978.
04:02:072 (1) - same as easy.
i'll do the rest in the morning so dont give me kd or reply to my mod until im done with the full mod. remember that deal we made.

ahh it's ok. just remember in the future that you should follow the suggestions, and if you find it helpful, give that modder kd, but then again you should reply to their mod. anyways GL :D
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

Alright let's get started. Mod requested in-game.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice or if i'm curious about something.

The lead in is unnecessary since the map starts at around 15 seconds, so change it to zero. FIX~~

00:14:138 (1) - reduce this slider by 1/2. since this is the easiest diff and we're at the beginning, i think it'd be hard for beginners to know when to hit the next note since this ends at a 1/2 tick. basically i felt uncomfortable when this ended at the 1/2 tick.
00:17:616 (1) - ^
00:20:224 (5) - for consistency purposes, replace the finish for a whistle since it's whistles at every 3rd downbeat. FIX~~
00:27:181 (4) - add a whistle at the beginning to keep the hitsound pattern going for the whistles. like i said it's whistles at every 3rd downbeat. FIX~~
00:29:790 (2) - how about extending this slider by 1/2 to be consistent with your other patterns?
00:41:964 (1) - i don't like the finish implanted at the end, it'd sound nicer if you can replace it for a clap and to start the clap consistency. FIX~~
00:45:442 (1) - what does the whistle match in the song? remove it because since this part is mainly claps, the whistle would get in the way during gameplay.
00:52:398 (1) - reduce this slider by 1/2. it'll follow the vocals a lot accurate and the flow would keep going during gameplay. i wasn't feeling the flow on this slider since it doesn't flow to the vocals nor the instrumental that well IMO.
01:46:311 (3) - to keep the flow going, i suggest that you make this a curved slider like (3). this straight slider breaks the flow since (1) is shaped like a curved slider. i think (4) should be a straight slider to keep the flow going like the last 2 notes in this combo.
01:48:051 (1) - ^, but leave (2) as it is.
01:51:529 (1) - maybe a finish at the beginning to match the vocals in the song? if i'm right, you added finishes on some parts in the vocals as well.
02:05:551 (1) - move this spinner up by 1/4. with the spinner this close, i think it'll surprise beginners causing them to start spinning a bit too late.
02:36:746 (1) - replace the spinner for notes. i think beginners will become tired after 2 straight long spinners. adding notes would be easier it gives them an opportunity to relax for a bit IMO.
03:04:790 - move the break to 03:06:311. that's where the vocals start in the song.
04:02:072 (1) - same as 02:05:551, also extend the spinner by 1/4 because that's where the vocals really end in the song.

00:20:224 (4) - same as easy. FIX~~
00:29:138 (2) - that finish at the repeat arrow sounds unfitting with this part since i don't hear any cymbals in the song. You should remove it because of that.
00:36:529 (3,4,5) - my concern is this rhythm because it doesn't follow the vocals and it doesn't follow the instrumental that well. i suggest that you do something like this as it follows the vocals pretty nicely. if you ignore this, then you can do something similar to this pattern.
00:40:224 (3) - add a finish at the beginning. you did it on (1) which has the same vocal pitch as this one.
00:41:311 (4) - either extend this slider by 1/2 to follow the vocals or add a circle at the red tick to follow the bass in the song. i feel that something is missing at that spot since the vocals or instrumental didn't stop.
00:45:877 (2) - replace this for a circle followed by a 1/1 slider to follow the vocals in the song. i find that 1/1 slider unfitting with this part because i didn't feel the flow on this.
00:52:398 (4) - you should make this a NC because the lyrics change from here.
00:53:920 (1) - if you follow the suggestion above, make this a NC. yes the lyrics change from here, but the combo would be too short with just 2 notes. FIX~~
01:09:572 - add a circle to follow the vocals in the song?
01:39:355 (2) - rotate this slider like this. the path would be easier and straightforward for players, also it'll technically blanket the previous slider during gameplay.
01:56:094 (2) - either add a circle or a repeat to follow the bass in the song. it'll flow a lot smoother to the next note during gameplay.
02:22:833 (1,2) - for this one, remove this and try to follow the vocals for this. i suggest something like this as it goes well with the vocals during gameplay. again if you ignore this, then you can do something similar to this. FIX~~
02:36:746 (1) - same as easy.
03:04:790 - ^
03:13:268 (1) - for consistency with your NCs in the song, remove the NC for this note.
03:19:572 (2) - same as 01:56:094 but to follow vocals.
03:33:268 (2) - ^
04:02:072 (1) - same as easy.

The settings look like they belong in a normal diff, so i suggest AR7 and HP and OD6 to give it a bit of a challenge for players. FIX~~
00:20:224 (4) - same as easy. FIX~~
00:41:529 (1,2) - remove the NC for (1). the long pause in the vocals is still going. (2) should be a NC because of new lyrics.
00:45:877 (2) - reduce this slider to a 1/2 repeat slider and add another 1/1 slider starting at 00:46:529 to follow the vocals a lot accurate.
01:42:833 (4) - same as 00:45:442 on easy.
02:23:703 (2,3) - are you sure that these 2 sliders look the same? if not make them look the same as the other for a smoother flow to the next note. FIX~~
02:56:311 (1) - to be consistent with your combos in the previous patterns, remove the NC for this note.
03:00:225 (1) - ^
03:04:790 - same as easy.
03:47:832 (1) - remove the NC for this. you need to be consistent with 01:22:833. FIX~~
04:02:072 (1) - same as easy.
with this many sliders, i feel that this is a normal diff, and there's not that many jumps which makes the diff boring. i'm not saying that you should do a re-map of this, but you should change up your patterns, and replace some of the sliders for circles to make the diff fun for players.

If this is an insane diff, increase the HP and OD by 1 to give a bit of a challenge for players.
00:55:007 - This break is unnecessary so remove it. also it's for consistency with the other diffs. FIX~~
04:02:072 (1) - same as easy.
besides that break, everything looks good.

either increase the HP or OD by 1 since this is the last diff which i'm guessing this is an extra diff. D:....Maximum Score will be trouble.....
00:55:007 - same as Now. FIX~~
01:09:572 (4) - omg i was expecting a diamond pattern out of this, so move this move at the right side to form a diamond and i think it'd look fun for players to do. for me i had a lot of fun with just this shape.
01:22:978 (4) - this clap sounds unfitting to the song so remove it.
03:33:920 (4) - same as 01:09:572.
03:47:616 (1) - same as 01:22:978.
04:02:072 (1) - same as easy.
i'll do the rest in the morning so dont give me kd or reply to my mod until im done with the full mod. remember that deal we made.

ahh it's ok. just remember in the future that you should follow the suggestions, and if you find it helpful, give that modder kd, but then again you should reply to their mod. anyways GL :D
hi. 看了下 说实话你这种风格图做太多了 我就简单挑一下now难度


01:03:703 (1,1) - 这间距不太理解 2没必要那么大?
03:26:311 (1,1) - ^ 2的结尾点在左侧 折返弧度貌似也不太舒服
03:28:485 (1) - ^
01:16:740 (1) - blanket不太好


差不多这些 其实到这个程度后有种无法避免的问题 虽然图可以算做的not bad 但有一种整体上仍然不够完美的感觉 而且对这种感觉十分无力 差不多算是bottleneck 但来的虚幻的多 (个人见解)
Haiii~ Here's my poor mod

Shot a star because I found nothing and the song is epic~


00:56:529 (1,2) those claps sound a bit strange, how about lowering the volume a bit?


00:37:833 (5) I think deleting the repeater might be better


OD and HD +1?

Aww, nearly nothing orz
I belive in you getting this ranked :)

Good luck~ :)
Hi from my queue

8-) Yeah I must be blind because i really didn't see anything wrong with this map, just this

Now and Never
CS +1

Good luck in the ranking process :)


01:22:833 (1,2) - 这音效声音真心大了

01:22:833 (1) - 这个折返好别扭,拉一个纤细的slider吧~
03:47:181 (1) - ^

00:26:311 (4,5) - 不放在一条直线上么

- inconsistancy in preview time
- [Never] 03:15:002 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end).
- 感覺第3個kiai不用存在...

00:25:002 (3,4) - 避免重疊(5)
00:31:959 (3) - 結尾那一下音效有點糾結
01:23:263 (1) - remove NC (和00:13:698 - 一樣
03:47:611 (1) - ^

00:15:654 (6) - highly covered by (3)
03:06:306 - start the break here exactly

00:27:176 (5) - 頭+whistle (之前也是這樣

00:16:959 - kdd k?
00:32:611 - kk聽起來糾結 還不如不要
01:04:133 - vocal -> kdddk
01:05:872 - 感覺不適合1/6
01:09:350 - vocal最後一下才高音, 所以ddddk更好
01:20:437 - move 1/4 later
02:27:176 - 這太鬼畜了
02:28:698 - ^
03:38:480 - 再見


wmfchris wrote:

00:16:959 - kdd k?
00:32:611 - kk聽起來糾結 還不如不要
01:04:133 - vocal -> kdddk
01:05:872 - 感覺不適合1/6
01:09:350 - vocal最後一下才高音, 所以ddddk更好
01:20:437 - move 1/4 later
02:27:176 - 這太鬼畜了
02:28:698 - ^
03:38:480 - 再見

Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

- inconsistancy in preview time
- [Never] 03:15:002 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end).
- 感覺第3個kiai不用存在...

00:25:002 (3,4) - 避免重疊(5)
00:31:959 (3) - 結尾那一下音效有點糾結
01:23:263 (1) - remove NC (和00:13:698 - 一樣
03:47:611 (1) - ^

00:15:654 (6) - highly covered by (3)
03:06:306 - start the break here exactly

00:27:176 (5) - 頭+whistle (之前也是這樣

00:16:959 - kdd k?
00:32:611 - kk聽起來糾結 還不如不要
01:04:133 - vocal -> kdddk
01:05:872 - 感覺不適合1/6
01:09:350 - vocal最後一下才高音, 所以ddddk更好
01:20:437 - move 1/4 later
02:27:176 - 這太鬼畜了
02:28:698 - ^
03:38:480 - 再見

我的部分也all fix~
alright~ let me see this again~. found this on #modreqs

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice, or if i'm curious about something.


00:25:437 (2) - perhaps you can make the slider like this for a smooth transition to the next note?
00:36:741 (3) - make this slider look like (1) since the vocal tone here is the same in this part of the song. this straight slider breaks the flow during gameplay.
00:43:698 (2) - same as above, but for a smoother flow during gameplay.
01:46:959 (4) - same as 00:25:437, but like this.
01:51:524 (1) - maybe a finish at the beginning to emphasize the vocals?
02:01:524 (1) - replace this for a circle and a 1/1 slider, or you can remove (1) and extend (4) by 1/2 to follow the vocals. add a 1/1 slider if you do this as well. also make that slider a NC because of new lyrics.

perhaps increase the HP, AR and OD by 1 to make it a bit challenging for players?
00:37:828 (5) - i don't like this repeat slider. it doesn't follow the vocals that accurate here. i suggest removing it and adding 3 circles like this as it follows the vocals accurately increasing the flow in this part of the song.
00:41:306 (5) - extend this slider by 1/2 for emphasis in the vocals in this part of the song.
00:45:872 (2) - hmm...reduce this by 1/2 and add a circle at the next 1/2 tick. same reason as above.
00:53:480 (2,3,4) - re-arrange the pattern like this. the flow will increase and the transition as well during gameplay.
01:02:828 (3) - NC here because of new lyrics.
01:03:698 (1) - remove the NC if you follow the suggestion above, the lyrics are connected here.
01:04:567 (3) - same as 01:02:828.
01:05:437 (2) - same as 01:03:698.
01:06:306 (4) - same as 01:02:828.
01:08:915 (2) - maybe you can add another repeat since the vocals are still going?
03:02:393 (4) - make this slider look like (2). i feel that the flow is broken by hitting this note during gameplay.
03:19:350 - how about a circle here to follow the drums?
03:33:263 (2) - same as 01:08:915.

00:45:872 (2) - replace this for a circle and a 1/1 slider at the next 1/2 tick here. it'll follow the vocals accurately during gameplay.
01:51:524 (1) - maybe you can move this down so that it'd be aligned to the end of the purple (5). i think the flow would be smoother during gameplay if you do this.
02:32:828 (3) - maybe a finish at the end for emphasis in the drums. the finish acts as the cymbals here.
03:12:828 (2) - same as 01:09:350.

[Sp3's Taiko]
00:54:785 - add another D. the drums and guitar are still going here.
03:26:088 (1) - this K sounds unfitting to the song and it ruins the flow in this part. a k should fit perfectly here to avoid any distractions.
are you sure that you don't want to map the end? i mean the drums are still going here. other than that, it's a pretty fun diff to play.

04:01:959 (7) - how about stacking this on (1)? it'll look like as if the pattern is going around in a circle during gameplay.

01:10:980 (5) - perhaps you can move this between (4,6)? idk...that overlap bothers me during gameplay.
02:20:980 (1) - i feel that this 1/4 slider doesn't fit here since the beginning isn't following anything here. replace this for a circle at the downbeat to make it easier for players to read.
02:22:393 (6) - maybe you can add a repeat for emphasis in the vocals, and to follow the guitar?

i guess that's it. catch me in-game for a re-check after you're done with the fixes :D. i feel that this is ready.
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

alright~ let me see this again~. found this on #modreqs

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice, or if i'm curious about something.


00:25:437 (2) - perhaps you can make the slider like this for a smooth transition to the next note?FIX~
00:36:741 (3) - make this slider look like (1) since the vocal tone here is the same in this part of the song. this straight slider breaks the flow during gameplay.FIX~
00:43:698 (2) - same as above, but for a smoother flow during gameplay.FIX~
01:46:959 (4) - same as 00:25:437, but like this.FIX~
01:51:524 (1) - maybe a finish at the beginning to emphasize the vocals?FIX~
02:01:524 (1) - replace this for a circle and a 1/1 slider, or you can remove (1) and extend (4) by 1/2 to follow the vocals. add a 1/1 slider if you do this as well. also make that slider a NC because of new lyrics.FIX~

perhaps increase the HP, AR and OD by 1 to make it a bit challenging for players?FIX~
00:37:828 (5) - i don't like this repeat slider. it doesn't follow the vocals that accurate here. i suggest removing it and adding 3 circles like this as it follows the vocals accurately increasing the flow in this part of the song.I really like this part so no change >_<
00:41:306 (5) - extend this slider by 1/2 for emphasis in the vocals in this part of the song.FIX~
00:45:872 (2) - hmm...reduce this by 1/2 and add a circle at the next 1/2 tick. same reason as above.FIX~
00:53:480 (2,3,4) - re-arrange the pattern like this. the flow will increase and the transition as well during gameplay.
01:02:828 (3) - NC here because of new lyrics.FIX~
01:03:698 (1) - remove the NC if you follow the suggestion above, the lyrics are connected here.FIX~
01:04:567 (3) - same as 01:02:828.FIX~
01:05:437 (2) - same as 01:03:698.FIX~
01:06:306 (4) - same as 01:02:828.FIX~
01:08:915 (2) - maybe you can add another repeat since the vocals are still going?FIX~
03:02:393 (4) - make this slider look like (2). i feel that the flow is broken by hitting this note during gameplay.FIX~
03:19:350 - how about a circle here to follow the drums?I dont think it follow the rhythm Orz...
03:33:263 (2) - same as 01:08:915.FIX~

00:45:872 (2) - replace this for a circle and a 1/1 slider at the next 1/2 tick here. it'll follow the vocals accurately during gameplay.FIX~
01:51:524 (1) - maybe you can move this down so that it'd be aligned to the end of the purple (5). i think the flow would be smoother during gameplay if you do this.FIX~
02:32:828 (3) - maybe a finish at the end for emphasis in the drums. the finish acts as the cymbals here.FIX~
03:12:828 (2) - same as 01:09:350.FIX~

[Sp3's Taiko]
00:54:785 - add another D. the drums and guitar are still going here.
03:26:088 (1) - this K sounds unfitting to the song and it ruins the flow in this part. a k should fit perfectly here to avoid any distractions.
are you sure that you don't want to map the end? i mean the drums are still going here. other than that, it's a pretty fun diff to play.

04:01:959 (7) - how about stacking this on (1)? it'll look like as if the pattern is going around in a circle during gameplay.FIX~

01:10:980 (5) - perhaps you can move this between (4,6)? idk...that overlap bothers me during gameplay.FIX~
02:20:980 (1) - i feel that this 1/4 slider doesn't fit here since the beginning isn't following anything here. replace this for a circle at the downbeat to make it easier for players to read.FIX~
02:22:393 (6) - maybe you can add a repeat for emphasis in the vocals, and to follow the guitar?FIX~

i guess that's it. catch me in-game for a re-check after you're done with the fixes :D. i feel that this is ready.

Byakugan249 wrote:

[Sp3's Taiko]
00:54:785 - add another D. the drums and guitar are still going here. Umm... I want keep my pattern because 00:54:785 - to 00:55:654 - it's a sentence. but I want used empty to emphasize kiai time.
03:26:088 (1) - this K sounds unfitting to the song and it ruins the flow in this part. a k should fit perfectly here to avoid any distractions. fixed

are you sure that you don't want to map the end? i mean the drums are still going here. other than that, it's a pretty fun diff to play. added
Re-check~. no kd for this post.

01:41:089 (1) - *nazi* move this down a bit so that it'd be stacked perfectly on the other (1).

00:53:480 (2,3,4) - you forgot about this suggestion. consider doing this to make the diff fun for players.
00:57:611 (3,1) - NC here. it'll be consistent with the other (1,2) (not at the same time)
00:59:133 (3) - remove the NC if you follow the suggestion above because of new lyrics.

00:15:002 (3,1) - remove (1) and add a repeat on (3) for consistency with the other (3). add a circle at the downbeat and make it a NC if you do this.
00:46:089 (3) - *nazi* move the end point down. it looks unparalleled during gameplay.

01:41:524 (2) - can you tilt the slider end a bit to the left for the repeat arrow to be fully visible?
02:22:828 (1,2) - make these 2 sliders the same as the other for a smoother transition during gameplay.

and that's all i got :D.
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

Re-check~. no kd for this post.

01:41:089 (1) - *nazi* move this down a bit so that it'd be stacked perfectly on the other (1).FIX~

00:53:480 (2,3,4) - you forgot about this suggestion. consider doing this to make the diff fun for players. :O I forgot to reply this..because it look very well between slider1 and slider3 :D
00:57:611 (3,1) - NC here. it'll be consistent with the other (1,2) (not at the same time) FIX~
00:59:133 (3) - remove the NC if you follow the suggestion above because of new lyrics. FIX~

00:15:002 (3,1) - remove (1) and add a repeat on (3) for consistency with the other (3). add a circle at the downbeat and make it a NC if you do this.It play very well in this part so I dont want to change it >_<..
00:46:089 (3) - *nazi* move the end point down. it looks unparalleled during gameplay. FIX~

01:41:524 (2) - can you tilt the slider end a bit to the left for the repeat arrow to be fully visible? FIX~
02:22:828 (1,2) - make these 2 sliders the same as the other for a smoother transition during gameplay. FIX~

and that's all i got :D.
And here you go~
Topic Starter
Thank you!
I'm so sleeeepy.

- For me, it makes more sense to end the second kiai at 02:33:263 on all difficulties.

02:41:741 (1) - Move to x:384,y:200 and fix (2)'s spacing, it looks nicer.
02:48:698 (1) - Same idea, move to x:128,y:184 and fix (2)'s spacing.
03:38:263 (3,4,5,6,1) - Separate (3) and (1) so they don't touch?

I don't have a problem with the other difficulties, this is all.

Edit: For the record, the taiko had a MAT (Byakugan249) and BAT (wmfchris) mod and I tested it myself.
Go Go get ranked x333 I love the song and the beatmap x3
Good Luck =D
Topic Starter

SapphireGhost wrote:

I'm so sleeeepy.

- For me, it makes more sense to end the second kiai at 02:33:263 on all difficulties.

02:41:741 (1) - Move to x:384,y:200 and fix (2)'s spacing, it looks nicer.
02:48:698 (1) - Same idea, move to x:128,y:184 and fix (2)'s spacing.
03:38:263 (3,4,5,6,1) - Separate (3) and (1) so they don't touch?

I don't have a problem with the other difficulties, this is all.
all fix ^_^
Shouldn't have a problem with ranking this now. Nice job with this long map.
oh wow i guess my bubble did pay off. congratz :D

omfg this taiko

oh wait, no mods
no wonder it sucks

are you even allowed to get a taiko diff ranked anymore without at least 3 mods? seriously.
>1 legitimate mod

Did no one notice how poorly structured the taiko is? Does no one care that it plays like crap? There's literally random 1/6 and 1/3 lying everywhere. Crazy overlaps and overmaps that make absolutely no sense at all.

02:17:067 (1,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,1) - I mean, what in God's name is this?
Congratz x3 So happy it is ranked now :D

Nano <3
When you will make a good map? Please :C, because this is another crap.
Topic Starter

Alduric wrote:

When you will make a good map? Please :C, because this is another crap.
you need make sure,I believe there have many player like this map, more than hate this map ^_^

Alduric wrote:

When you will make a good map? Please :C, because this is another crap.
This map is great, if you think it sucks go and make it by yourself.
lol Alduric again :D

anyway, congratz tutuhaha ~~~

Alduric wrote:

When you will make a good map? Please :C, because this is another crap.
I would like to apologize for my rude words ;c

(peppy you bunny ban me!)
You can back up this map¿ is because can't download more :c and i like the song but the song no more avaliable
Use bloodcat or any other external beatmap mirror.
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