We have a huge problem here...
after a beatmaps name, artist or alike is changed, it is unable to update,couldnt just the update Procedure go with the map ID and Ignore things like name etc, so that I dont have to search for maps which ahve been changed.
Edit: also it is annoying when ppl change the names of their diff's coz this also requires a re-DL, not to forget Style, SB and MP3 filechanges...
after a beatmaps name, artist or alike is changed, it is unable to update,couldnt just the update Procedure go with the map ID and Ignore things like name etc, so that I dont have to search for maps which ahve been changed.
Edit: also it is annoying when ppl change the names of their diff's coz this also requires a re-DL, not to forget Style, SB and MP3 filechanges...