
Icicle Heat Tournament 3.0 (5k-20k) Team Signups Closed

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Temporary Banner, maybe.

This is the 3rd installment of the Icicle Heat Tournament series.
The rank range for this tournament will be 5k-20k and it will be a 32 team, 2v2 tournament with 3-4 players per team and ScoreV2.

Prizes are as follows:

1st place: 2 months of supporter for each player + Badge (CONFIRMED!)
2nd place: 1 month of supporter for each player

If you wish to contribute to the prize, please direct message me on discord: Athrun#0622


  1. If you have a team of 4, the team captain must sign up using the 'team signup' form.
  2. If you do not have a team, please use the 'solo signup' form.
  3. Should any changes occur, please contact the host.
  4. Please join the discord channel, all players must do so, as well as changing your name to
    your osu! username.
  5. If you are a solo player, please also remember to post on #looking-for-team.
  6. Please regularly check the information sheet, as it contains valuable information, such as mappools, schedules, team listings and rules of the tournament.

Information Sheet (Has mappool link,schedules and team lists)

Player Registration (Team)

Player Registration (Solo)

Registration Form (Staff)

Staff registration form is only for commentator, streamer and referee roles. If you wish to be a mappooler, please direct message the host on discord: Athrun#0622


  1. Warmups will not occur in qualifiers. However, they are optional from Group Stage onwards, with the song length being 4 minutes at maximum.
  2. Rolls are done after warmups have finished, and the winner may either choose to:
    - Ban 1st and Pick 2nd
    - Ban 2nd and Pick 1st
  3. 1 ban for Group Stage and 2 bans for Bracket Stages.
  4. Teams are only given 2 minutes to pick a map.
  5. The same mod category cannot be picked more than once except for NoMod.
  6. If a freemod is picked, both teams must have at least one mod on both sides (HD, HR and EZ).
  7. If there is a match point, the mappool tiebreaker will be picked.
  8. Tiebreakers are freemod, but it is not an obligation to pick a mod.
  9. Disconnections after 30 seconds are allowed to be replayed, but only once.
  10. If a player fails, then their score is counted as 0.
  11. If an entire team fails during the map, the point is given to the other team.
  12. If both teams fail, then the point is given to the team that has the most amount of points.


Staff Registrations: 12th January
Player Registrations: 2nd February
Player Registrations end: 2nd March

Everything else will be given in the discord channel as well as updated in the information sheet.


Staff list will be constantly updated on the information sheet.
Beautiful banner
banner is so hot
Topic Starter
if this tournament is badged can the badge design be as high quality as the banner
Stupid Idiot
The banner never fails to impress!
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-Added the Badge Weighting System, which inflates your rank according to how many badges you have
how the OWC banner should be, smh
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Player signups are now open!
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