
Are the BATs/MATs starting to ignore Star Priority?

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I can see a lot of map with 30+ Star Priorities that have no MAT or BAT post. While some other maps get ranked even with just 8-20 stars.
It seems that the essence of Star Priorities are quite lost now. Am I the only who's been thinking of this?

So, Are the BATs/MATs starting to ignore Star Priority?

As much as possible, I want this thread to be clean. Watch your words.
Just wondering... who are you (to judge what the MAT/BAT does)?
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I'm just a curious user who wants to know the answer for a simple question. A quick yes or no would do.
Then, no. We aren't starting to ignore star priority.
They aren't. Nothing more to add here.
No. In fact, Sakura has been ranking and modding the top SP bubbled maps.
There has been a general push towards modding higher priority bubbles, though I do not know about unbubbled maps as those can vary in quality quite a lot compared to bubbled maps (in theory). Stick around and observe for awhile. I'm sure you won't be too disappointed.

Jacob wrote:

No. In fact, Sakura has been ranking and modding the top SP bubbled maps.
This, pretty much

We are actually doing the opposite...
Starting to ignore? The star priority system only worked for about a week or two before it slipped off. There's barely anyone in the BAT that follows the star system strictly. But i think every mapper in the community knows that already, hence why most people don't really bother with it that much anymore, just asking a BAT in chat is a lot faster.

Gabi wrote:

Starting to ignore? The star priority system only worked for about a week or two before it slipped off. There's barely anyone in the BAT that follows the star system strictly. But i think every mapper in the community knows that already, hence why most people don't really bother with it that much anymore, just asking a BAT in chat is a lot faster.

Gabi wrote:

just asking a BAT in chat is a lot faster.
We are starting to consider SP even more, and not ignore it. If your map doesn't get modded, then some people must have a problem with you personally. That's too bad.

Gabi wrote:

just asking a BAT in chat is a lot faster.
Exactly what I did to get my first map ranked.
We have been focusing on focusing on looking at higher SP maps recently.
i am an idiot and i'm posting in this serious thread for no reason
Just looked at this map t/82089 and...

Seriously? Just because you starred your own map a shitload of times doesn't make it deserve more attention from bats/mats than any other map. Would be a different story if all these stars were by other people though

Natteke wrote:

Just looked at this map t/82089 and...

Seriously? Just because you starred your own map a shitload of times doesn't make it deserve more attention from bats/mats than any other map. Would be a different story if all these stars were by other people though
Oh wow... now this makes this thread completely useless, lol
...and it's been pending for only 3 fucking weeks. People these days are so gay.
if shit like this happens there needs to be a stricter policy about giving out kudosu~

EDIT: ↓ Or that.
Let's make it so that you can only star your own map once?
Apparantly, someone didnt understand the purpose of the kudosu-system

those wrote:

Just wondering... who are you (to judge what the MAT/BAT does)?
Hopefully you know me, and this has been a concern of mine for as long as I can remember. I almost always lead by example though, rather than bringing it up in the forum.
Starring your map many times is fine. You earned those stars by helping others with their maps. Getting high priority is your reward for giving back to the community.
that doesnt guarantee that someone will look at it

peppy wrote:

We have been focusing on focusing on looking at higher SP maps recently.
It's not a guarantee, but it does help.
I didn't know that SP is related to be ranked faster.

(Just see some BAT ranked some map within 24 hour after first bubble)

For me, just bubble is ok \:D/

(I'm newbie mapper sorry orz)
I'm going to focus on focusing on modding maps so that I can start helping out again, too.
Amefuri Koneko
If I was MAT\BAT member I'd personally ignore all animu OP\ED maps, well, too bad I'm not one :D

peppy wrote:

peppy wrote:

We have been focusing on focusing on looking at higher SP maps recently.
It's not a guarantee, but it does help.
Yes, it does help. But only bubbled maps for now.
Why? Because Bubbled maps have high priorty than Pending maps, and there isn't any option that ignores bubbled maps in the topic list.
Frankly, it would be useless if there is an option like that, though... (imo)

Oh. And if the BATs/MATs ignore pending maps that have a very high priorty, and if they don't have a mind to make bubbled maps to ranked, the kudosu system will be useless and remain completly failure.
I just use one star for my own beatmap. I think using more its completely useless, since the map won't be perfect just because you use 10 or more kudosu. I just get some mod and they eventually gave me 7 starts already. Its not impossible to get stars from others, but if your map is completely unplayable, well...

Ami Furi Koneko wrote:

If I was MAT\BAT member I'd personally ignore all animu OP\ED maps, well, too bad I'm not one :D
And this attitude will never get you into the MAT/BAT.

those wrote:

Ami Furi Koneko wrote:

If I was MAT\BAT member I'd personally ignore all animu OP\ED maps, well, too bad I'm not one :D
And this attitude will never get you into the MAT/BAT.
you know some people do do that right?
Star priority doesn't means nothing.

All the maps needs to be modded, with or without star priority...

The only thing I just give importance is the SP +8... then nothing else matters.
Star priority DOES mean something. If you want to keep your own maps at +8, good luck trying to find someone to bubble it (compared to someone with a +50 map).
A good map with SP +8 (or more) deserves a bubble... A LOT of maps are being ranked with 8 or 12, 13 stars...

Mostly Opening/Endings/Short Ver. maps.
Locked because people are missing the point.

Starring your map many times is fine. You earned those stars by helping others with their maps. Getting high priority is your reward for giving back to the community.
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