
The Scrantones - The Office Theme

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on March 20, 2009 at 7:59:10 PM

Artist: The Scrantones
Title: The Office Theme
Source: The Office (American)
Tags: office theme
BPM: 170
Filesize: 1276kb
Play Time: 00:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,97 stars, 45 notes)
  2. Normal (4,44 stars, 57 notes)
  3. Hard (4,96 stars, 87 notes)
  4. Dwight's Challenge (5 stars, 104 notes)
Download: The Scrantones - The Office Theme
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My first beatmap!
This is the theme from the American version of The Office. Short and sweet. Enjoy!
BPM's pretty close but not quite there, and the offset is a bit tricky since the song actually begins a bit before the mp3.

BPM: 170.000
Offset: 5,679

And maybe set the grid size to something smaller? Your Distance snap is turning out a bit strange.

Aside from that, just do what you said you were going to in your post. Though it's an odd choice of song given how short it is.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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yet another bump
you have 2 pairs of the same difficulty, fix it, delete the duplicate and resubmit with the three you want
oh, and you don't have to bump it, upload the beatmap and check the box "bump this topic" to bump it, k
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That's the problem, in the song folder there AREN'T any duplicates. I don't know where they came from or how to get rid of them...

I tried full submitting but that didn't work...

and will do with the bumping lol

EDIT: oh.. ok, the problem was there were 2 directories for some reason.. one named The Office Theme Song and the other named The Scrantones - The Office Theme Song. Not sure how that happened, but it's fixed now.
Good theme. Ahh, it's a bit relaxing you know.

• Oh my, notes aren't snapped. -_- Resnap all notes, at the Timing menu, please.
• I don't understand why did you lose the opportunity of changing to Normal Sampleset in 00:16:97. It would fit alot better IMO. (Of course, only if you lower down a bit the Normal Sampleset)
• The song's pretty short. I like it. :)
• Err, stack leniency needs to be abit higher to get it ranked; I don't know the exact reasons, but mods are saying that.
• I think there is a general lack of Finishes in the entire song. There is only 1 on each diff? Oh man. Sure, there can be more places to put finishes, like at 00:16:97 (If you're not going to change sampleset of course).

Easy's fine.

00:10:62 - feels so lonely without a beat here.
00:14:14 (4) - You might want to stack this beat properly to (2).
00:15:91 (8,9,10,11,12,13) - I don't have any problems with these beats, just sayin' looks a bit ugly with stacking.
00:21:29 (7) - Stack this one too.

I don't have any problems with the jumps. I just hope they are intended.
Also, claps do not sound pretty good. You should relocate them, but I think there are just too many.
00:00:00 (1,3) - whistle? and the repeats too. (Like normal, you know)

To stack just delete the beat and redraw it, or use Distance Snap 0.0x without Grid Snapping. Ta-Da.
You get my fake-starz.

EDIT: You get my real starz!
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Done :)

Use [New combo] !
19,20 is too high

10:798(7),(8)--> make closer from (6).
25:780(9)--> New combo.
26:151(10)--> New combo.
27:208(15)--> New combo.
27:555(16)--> New combo.

I'll give you a homework(?)
Use a New combo properly on [Dwight's Challenge].
Good luck~
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Done :) Thanks!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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aww, you don't like my orchestra of hitsounds? lol fine, tuned them down a little bit. I only touched the claps in hard, but if you really want me to i could *sigh* get rid of some of the whistles too.

fixed medium, and I'll get to insane in a bit, my mouse is out of battery and i don't have any AAA's lying around (and mapping with the trackpad sucks lol)

thanks for the star :D

EDIT: Fixed Dwight :)
Funny short map

Nothing to say

00:11:67 (1) - Intended Jump? if yes I think it should be further.

00:08:14 (1) - Following far away notes, and spacing weirdly changing. I know it's esthetic but...
00:22:96 (1) - ^

Nothing to say

Yeah! ;)
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00:11:67 (1) - Intended Jump? if yes I think it should be further.
Wasn't intending for a jump, but I moved that note anyway.

00:08:14 (1) - Following far away notes, and spacing weirdly changing. I know it's esthetic but...
00:22:96 (1) - ^
Changed the second one, but I do really kind of like the first one.. I'm gonna need a second opinion for me to change this.

Thanks! :D
I really LOVE this bm on Insane!!!! Good Job! I don't know why it says not played yet though.
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Thank you! :D It was a challenge to make because I can barely pass it myself :P

And I believe it only records the number of plays when it's ranked.
00:06:03 (1) - end of this slider hand clap. (When I say end, I mean select the slider, click the circle the ball ENDS on twice so it turns red)
00:08:50 (4) - ^
00:10:62 (5) - clap
00:12:03 (2) - whole thing clap
00:14:14 (4) - ^
00:14:85 (5,7) - ^
00:28:97 (1) - Move this form the white to the red right before it (so move it from 28:97 to 28:796 and don't bother adjusting the length. It sounds better this way)

^(I think this is all the claps I added... I can't remember)

00:28:97 (1) - Same thing on this spinner as Easy

Personally I think the whistles sound a little out of place. But if you don't, don't change them :)
00:28:97 (1) - Same spinner thing.

[Dwight's Challenge]
Maybe change the black hitcircle. Really, really hard to see.
Same whistle thing here, although, it sounds better in this difficulty for some reason. IDK.
00:28:97 (1) - same. thing.. you'll have to move your timing point a little so it works on the sound... (wait, the timing point doesn't need to be moved, the end of the spinner is after it :P XD)

Really good map though. and I love love the office 8-)

Star from me
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ok, I DID sort of like the whistles in Hard, but that's been an issue with quite a few people so I guess it just sounds better in my head.


Not from Insane though. I'm gonna need a little more convincing to get rid of these. I'll keep your claps and see how I like them, I'm so accustomed to hearing what I had before I just have to get used to it.

I made the black hitcircles a little liighter, personally I don't have a problem seeing them, but that may be because I know the map pretty well lol

And spinners are fixed; Insane I just made it cut 1/2 short instead or moving it back because I felt the spinner came up too quickly otherwise.

Thanks! And yes, the office is pretty much awesome 8-)
This is turning out pretty well.

Woo I got 63% accuracy on Dwight's Challenge. BTW, make that timing section inherited.

Time for No More Mister Nice Guy modding. (Like I do anything else?)

Some things aren't snapped. Resnap all notes, make sure everything's in its right place. It's only a few milliseconds, but that difference sort of defeats the purpose of having a well-timed map.

This map as a whole still suffers from a bit of hitsound abuse. When I went to mod this I was using the Elite Beat Osu! skin, and it sounded really awkward. Optimally, the user's skin choice shouldn't make the map play inherently worse.

The other thing that you could do is improve the note placement and slider shapes; Hard is pretty nice but other difficulties seem randomly placed at times. Though that's sort of hard to define, and I wouldn't let anything in particular stop this from being ranked.
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Thanks Cheese, I didn't realize how whistle-happy I was with the soft set until I tried it using that skin :P Should be better now, although again I didn't do a whole lot with the second half of Insane, just because I liked it sounding different from the other difficulties, but if that's still too much then I cut those down too.

The sliders should be nicer now as well as some note placement, although I'm not exactly sure how much I should change in Insane (what qualifies as "random"..)
Only one thing sticks out in my mind:


00:08:50 (4) - Symmetry; seems a bit odd after the curve right before.

Also consider moving your song select preview a bit earlier (it doesn't trigger a save, and you have to do it for all difficulties). Otherwise, star.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Offset +6, 'cause even I'm not perfect. (I know, it's news to me too!)

00:14:85 (5,6,7,8,9,1,2) - Still too many claps if you ask me.
00:22:62 (1,2) - I like it better with the massive layering of hitsounds on the beginning of 2.

00:10:62 (7,8,9) - Mehh. I'm not too fond of this thing, but at least when it happens again a few seconds later it sounds cool.

00:10:62 (6,7,8) - Well if it isn't my archnemesis, This Thing.
00:28:79 (1) - Go back to the soft sampleset for this.

This map is turning out really well now. Things feel a lot cleaner, a lot more professional. And your Insane is probably better than my first Insane was. (Though maybe that's some kind of EMO SELF-HATE BIAS?)
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Haha that one part just has a tendancy to be ugly doesn't it :P OK, those SHOULD look better now..

And for Easy I just took out all of the claps in the first half (sorry Skyripper lol), I kind of like the hitsound intensity increasing with each difficulty

But thaaaaaaaaannnnnnnks :) made all of the changes

No real problems.


Same again, even though the spacing on the last combo is a bit neh.

Dwight's Challenge
Black combo is very hard to see in this one. It's not as bad in the other difficulties, though especially here I'd suggest changing the colour a bit to make it more visible (other diffs could do with the change as well although it's not as required for them).

All difficulties
00:28:79 (1) - Maybe add an inherited section with a lower volume? Just a suggestion.

Gets a star because this is quite the good map (though the colours on Dwight's kinda put me off).
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Allrighty, I really wasn't sure why the black notes were hard to see, I could see them fine.. but I changed them, and I actually like the new colour better anyway :D

Good idea w/ the quiet spinners, I like it.

Bleh, yeah I can see what you mean about the spacing on the last part of hard, I'm just not sure how I should change it.. I'll get to it tomorrow.

Thanks for the mod/star! :D

EDIT: Actually.. idk, I think I'll wait for a second opinion on the spacing thing, I really don't know I should change it so I just want to make sure that's really something that I should do...

EDIT 2: I just noticed that Dwight's Challenge actually has a lower Star Rating than Hard (4.93 and 4.94). Should I increase the HP Drain on Dwight? I lowered it because I thought it was too hard, but if someone who can actually pass it thinks otherwise...
Don't trust star rating too much when you start closing in to 5 star rating, it doesn't work "perfectly" for every map.

Either way, a really lovely intro and great mapping. A star from me and some suggestions that usually devoid your Distance Snapping and such for symmetry and angles.

[Dwight's Challenge]
00:08:149 (7) - It would be really lovely for symmetry and prettiness if you could move this ever so slightly to the left without grid snap to overlap with the end circle of (1) orange slider.
00:09:208 (1) - Any chance that you could move the end control point of this to closer correspond to precious orange slider, to make them more symmetrical alike, specifically grid snap it so the control point is at the base of the "1" in the previous slider that shines through.
00:09:914 (2) - Maybe move this 1 grid up to the grid line, horizontally with (1)?

00:00:31 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This part is trippin' me up. (1,3) is 13 grids away from from (4) and 20 grids away from Y-axis while (6,8) are 16 grids away from (5) and 22 grids away from Y-axis. This doesn't look right in symmetry and without remaking first combo, you could fix the symmetry by moving (4) one grid to the right to make (4) and (5) symmetry to Y-axis good. Then you can move (1,2,3) 2 grids to the left to fix that, making the distance between (1,2,3) and (4) + Y-axis same as the distance between (6,7,8) and (5) + Y-axis.
00:02:855 (1,2,3) - I would personally move these 1 grid up.
00:16:620 (3,4) - 1 grid to the right to align (3) with (2) vertically.
00:16:973 (4) - The placement of this looks wrong when you consider the angle of the (3) slider. Moving it 1 grids to the right looks good to me, and spacing also looks better when you consider spacing between end of (2) and (3) which is the same distance in the timeline as (3) to (4), even though I know you aren't that much after perfect spacing here.
00:26:149 (1,2,3,4,5) - This shape's angles makes me cringe. Maybe move (1) left over above (3) and then 1 grid up, followed by moving it all 1 grid to the left and 1-2 grid down and then move (2) and (4) 1 grid to the right, but I'm not sure.

[Easy] and [Normal]
Nothing wrong here, good symmetry and angles.
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Thanks for the makeover! :P I fixed everything to the best of my ability (I'm not sure how well I did those overlapping sliders in Insane though, I don't have a great eye for that sort of thing).

I basically overhauled the last part of Hard, so hopefully both yours and An64's concerns about that section are fixed now.

And my only concern with the Difficulty of Dwight being lower is that it will appears above Hard on the difficulty list, when I think might confuse some people.. plus I'm a little OCD :P

Thanks again! :D
Dwight's Challenge
00:09:20 (1) - Nyah Hidden Slider.
00:23:85 (1) - Maybe you could move this down below the straight slider? (Suggestion)

Easy looks fine

00:10:79 (8) - Perhaps move this up 1 level 3 grid (Suggestion)

00:10:79 (6,7) - Perhaps move this down so it's next to 4. (Suggestion)

Yeah most of these were suggestions.

The main problem was the hidden slider. Fix plz.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
And just when you thought I couldn't nazi it any more!

00:10:26 (6,7,8,9) - My concern with this Thing wasn't its appearance, but its playing. Thinking of the "dananananaaaa" as "1-2-3-4-5", it forces the player to hit on the 1, 2 and 5, which goes against the feel of the song itself. The second instance in Hard, like I said, sounds nice so I'll forgive that one. Though you could change that too.

00:10:62 (5,6,7) - The dreaded Thing.
00:21:56 (3,4,5) - Spacing: move 3 just a little farther away.
00:26:14 (1,2,3,4,5) - Not fond of the layout here. Can't remember what it was before, but it looks nicer as a horizontally stretched V than this "the 3 sort of fell from where I hung it up" you've got now.
00:28:26 (5) - Add a finish.
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OHH ok, I get what you mean now. This should be better; in Hard i just kinda went screw it and took out the sliders all together :P

Still though, I really want Dwight to appear as a harder difficulty than Hard.. I don't understand for the life of me how osu! thinks that Hard is more difficult than Dwight, every difficulty setting besides HP drain is harder, the distance snap is much larger, faster sliders.. I know its kind of OCD but I just really want this to look right :P Are there any difficulty settings that I could afford to change?
Well, you could turn the HP drain on Dwight's Challenge up one more notch. That brings it up to a full 5 stars. It's the solution that involves the least change.

Or you could cut back on the 1/2 note streams on Hard, but you'd have to change quite a few to get it below 4.93.

Changing the difficulty settings on Hard doesn't do much, unless you want to turn everything down one notch on Normal and Hard, and circle size down 1 on Easy.

Aside from the difficulties (and I agree it would be a lot nicer to have Dwight's Challenge last), everything's in order and I'm prepared to finally bubble this.

Edit: Bubbled.
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OK, I increased the HP Drain.

Dang, I was almost able to pass it too :P

Also, killed the changelog because it was ridiculously long and pointless ^_^

Also2: It just occurred to me, this isn't really a theme song because there are no lyrics, so I changed the title to just "The Office Theme"
-00:16:973 - Inherit timing section here; make the hitsound type Normal.
-00:28:26 (6) - Align this with the endpoint of 5.

-00:16:973 - Inherit timing section here; make the hitsound type Normal.

Hitsound overhaaaaaul. With some other stuff thrown in there.
-00:01:09 (5) - Remove the Clap, add a Whistle.
-00:02:50 (10) - ^
-00:03:91 (5) - Remove the Clap.
-00:05:67 (1) - Remove the Clap and Whistle.
-00:06:73 (2) - Remove the Whistle.
-00:07:44 (3) - ^
-00:07:79 (4) - New Combo mark goes here.
-00:08:14 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:09:20 (2) - Remove the Clap from the starting point and endpoint; add a Whistle to the endpoint.
-00:09:91 (3) - New Combo mark goes here.
-00:09:91 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Highlight and remove all the hitsounds. Replace with these:
8 = Whistle
9 = Clap
-00:11:67 (1) - Remove the Whistle.
-00:12:03 (1) - Place a Whistle on the endpoint.
-00:12:73 (2) - Remove the Claps.
-00:14:14 (7) - Make this have no hitsounds.
-00:14:50 (8) - New Combo mark goes here; remove the Clap.
-00:15:56 (5) - ^
-00:15:91 (1) - Remove the Clap and Whistle.
-00:16:26 (2) - New Combo mark, remove the Clap and Whistle, and place Finishes on both ends.
-00:16:62 (2) - Remove the Clap and Whistle, place a Finish on the endpoint.
-00:16:97 (3) - Remove the Clap.
-00:17:32 (1) - Clap goes on endpoint, not the start.
-00:18:03 (2) - ^
-00:19:09 (4,5,6,7,1,2) - Make the following changes:
New Combo mark on 4.
Remove the Clap on 6 and replace it with a Whistle.
Put a Clap on 7.
Remove the New Combo mark on 1, make the starting point only have a Finish and let the endpoint have a Clap.
On 2, the starting point should have a Finish both times, and add a Whistle the second time.
-00:21:56 (3) - New Combo mark goes here, remove the Clap, add a Whistle.
-00:21:91 (4,5,6,7,8) - Sounds are as followed:
4 = Whistle
5 = Clap
6 = Whistle
7 = Clap
8 = Finish
-00:22:97 (1) - Remove the Finish.
-00:23:32 (2) - Remove the Clap from the track, place a Clap on the endpoint.
-00:24:03 (3) - Make this slider's sounds exactly like 2.
-00:24:73 (4) - New Combo mark goes here.
-00:25:09 (6) - Remove the Clap, add a Whistle.
-00:25:26 (7) - Add a Clap.
-00:26:85 (5) - New Combo mark goes here, add a Whistle, add a Finish.
-00:27:20 (1) - Add a Whistle, remove the Clap, add a Finish.
-00:27:56 (1) - Add a Whistle.
-00:27:91 (3) - ^

Again, hitsound overhaul + other fun stuff.
-00:00:03 (1) - Whistle goes here.
-00:00:73 (1) - Remove the Clap.
-00:01:44 (4) - Add a Whistle.
-00:02:14 (1) - Remove the Clap.
-00:02:50 (1) - ^
-00:03:56 (1) - ^
-00:03:91 (1) - ^
-00:04:26 (4) - New Combo mark goes here.
-00:04:62 (1) - Remove the Clap and Whistle.
-00:05:32 (2) - Remove the Clap.
-00:05:67 (1) - Remove the Clap, Whistle, and New Combo mark.
-00:07:09 (1) - Remove the Clap.
-00:07:44 (1) - ^
-00:07:79 (1) - Remove the Finish.
-00:09:20 (1) - ^
-00:09:56 (2) - Remove the Finish, add a Whistle.
-00:09:91 (3) - New Combo mark, remove the hitsounds.
-00:10:62 (1,2,3,4,5) - Remove the hitsounds, replace with these:
2 = Whistle
4 = Whistle
5 = Finish
-00:11:67 (1) - Remove the Finish.
-00:12:03 (1) - Remove the Clap.
-00:12:73 (1,1) - Remove the Finishes.
-00:14:14 (5) - New Combo mark, remove the Finish.
-00:14:50 (1) - Remove the Clap.
-00:15:20 (3) - ^
-00:15:56 (5) - New Combo mark goes here, add a Finish.
-00:15:91 (6) - Remove all but the Finish, add a New Combo mark.
-00:16:26 (7) - New Combo mark, Finish on the endpoint.
-00:16:62 (8) - Finish on the endpoint.
-00:16:97 (1) - Remove the Clap and New Combo mark.
-00:17:32 (1) - Remove the Finish.
-00:17:67 (2) - ^
-00:18:38 (3) - Make the sounds exactly like 2.
-00:19:09 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Remove the hitsounds and make the following changes:
3 = Whistle
4 = Clap
5 starting point = Finish
5 slider track = None
5 endpoint = Clap
7 starting point = Finish
7 slider track = None
7 endpoint = Clap
-00:21:20 (1,1) - These should have only Finishes and Whistles.
-00:21:91 (1,2,3,4,5) - Hitsound pattern should be this:
1 = Whistle
2 = Clap
3 = Whistle
4 = Clap
5 = Finish
-00:22:97 (1) - Remove the Clap.
-00:23:32 (1) - Whistle on the starting point and slider track, Clap on the endpoint.
-00:23:85 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:24:03 (2) - Same thing as 00:23:32 (1).
-00:25:09 (3) - Whistle goes here, remove the Clap.
-00:25:26 (4) - Clap goes here.
-00:25:44 (5) - Finish on starting point, nothing on track, Clap on endpoint.
-00:26:14 (1) - Whistle goes here.
-00:26:50 (3) - ^
-00:26:85 (1) - Whistle and Finish go here.
-00:27:20 (1) - Add a Whistle, remove the Clap.
-00:27:38 (2) - Whistle goes here.
-00:27:56 (1) - Remove the Clap and Finish, add a Whistle.
-00:27:73 (2) - Add a Clap.
-00:27:91 (1) - Remove the Clap and Finish, add a Whistle.
-00:28:09 (3) - Add a Clap.
-00:28:26 (1) - Remove the Clap.

I like the map, just not your hitsounds. Bubble popped.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

0_o wrote:

haha wow

although honestly, I really can't say I didn't expect this :P I'll get to it later tonight, thanks a lot for your time! ^_^

EDIT: Ahh, this sounds so much better now! Although I kept the soft sampleset in Easy and Normal, I want Hard and Dwight to be more intense that way. I'll change it if you insist though.

Thanks again! :D
I insist on the change, really. Mostly since keeping the soft sounds during the more intense parts just sounds wrong. :P
Topic Starter
Oh fine :P tis done. I moved a whistle or two around in those sections to adjust.
[Dwight's Challenge]

Can't find anything here.


Spacing is inconsistent: compare 00:10:62 (3,4,5,6,7) with 00:13:44 (3,4,5,6,7), 00:14:85 (1,2,3,4,1) with 00:21:91 (2,3,4,5,6) and with 00:24:73 (1,2,3,4,5) (this is again different) and with 00:26:14 (1,2,3,4,1) and with 00:27:56 (1,2,3,4,5)

Can't find anything else.


Can't find anything here.


Can't find anything here also.

To be clear: this was a mod on request, not for kudosu whoring :P


***Edit: Great job for your first beatmap!***
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I am aware that the distance snap is not stable throughout Hard, but that was intentional. From what I know, distance doesn't have to be perfect so long as it's intuitive, which I believe it is. So for now I'm keeping it as it is, however, I did move 00:21:56 (1) further away to emphasize that 00:21:91 (2,3,4,5,6) are half beats apart.

Thanks for the mod :)

Download: cranky - La Campanella Nu Rave (Rena-chan) [lepidon! - Taiko Oni].osu
I guess it might be safe for me to rebubble it.
Offset to late in the song, starts on the wrong beat, and is 4ms early.

Use 35ms please.
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le fixed
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Awesome, Thanks! :D
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