
ZUN - Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Freitag, 05. April 2013 at 23:23:28

Artist: ZUN
Title: Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me
Source: Touhou
Tags: mountain of faith minoriko aki ticclick thevileone tvo jenny onosakihito nitojgrem thenutritiousguy tng th10 ctb catch the beat
BPM: 160,97
Filesize: 4770kb
Play Time: 01:23
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,88 stars, 80 notes)
  2. Jenny (5 stars, 412 notes)
  3. Nito's Rain (5 stars, 410 notes)
  4. Normal (3,76 stars, 115 notes)
  5. Ono's Taiko Oni (4,89 stars, 489 notes)
  6. TicCl!ck's Hard (4,94 stars, 238 notes)
  7. TVO's Lunatic (5 stars, 325 notes)
Download: ZUN - Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
= from me
= from me
= from TicClick
= from TheVileOne
= from Jenny
= from OnosakiHito
= from Nitojgrem

Thank you for your effort
  1. All Guest Diff Mapper of course.
  2. bomber34 for his Diff, download the .osz with his difficulty here.
  3. Cyclone for the Skin Elements of the Touhou Skin.
  4. meiikyuu for the Combobursts.
  5. To all people which checked the Map.

Prev Map <- Map #003 | Background by はるひぽ -> Next Map
Done! Also, here is a different bg for my diff; it you like it, apply it to your diffs as well.
Finished in... round about an hour and ten minutes.
Please keep diff name~

Download: ZUN - Because Princess Inada Is Scolding Me (TheNutritiousGuy) [Jenny].osu

Also, here's my BG:

-> Full Submission

Jenny wrote:

Finished in... round about an hour and ten minutes.
Wird aber auch nur daran liegen, dass ein etwas größerer Teil der zweiten Hälfte schlicht und ergreifend ein Copy-Paste aus der ersten Hälfte ist (lediglich mit Strg + H). Sowas wird nicht unbedingt gerne gesehen. Wollte es nur gesagt haben~
hi there! request from queue

Inconsistency in Countdown
Inconsistency in Kiai Times

Inconsistency in Tags
too many kiai >3<

too loud hitsounds (a specially claps :< ) use soft hitsounds for beginning part or reduce volume?
00:16:024 (1) - dafuq D: this shape is weird for me
00:21:987 (1) - you can remove new combo here :>
00:59:254 (1,2,1) - can confuse beginners ~_~
01:20:124 (2,3) - overlap

too loud hitsounds and weird sliders ?_? maybe it's just me >3<

personally i thinkhitsounds are too loud ~_~
put fisishes on every big white line (for kiai times)
00:14:534 (3) - add reverse on this slider
00:38:757 (2) - don't like this sliders :< use some triple notes and 1/2 sliders here instead?
01:17:888 (3) - lol, this sliders areb't good for normal diffs :<

yay~ TicClick's diff
i can mod in TC's native language :D/

вместо стаков на концах слайдеров может так?
00:05:590 (3) - свисток на начало?
00:11:925 (3,3) - просто для красоты стакнуть?
00:27:391 (4) - свисток?
00:46:583 (6) - задевает хп бар
01:23:105 (1) - нк на слайдере после спиннера не надо разве?

00:05:590 (1,4) - not symmetrical >3<
00:19:565 (5) - i want to see new combo here ;_;
01:02:236 (3) - a bit weird for me
01:11:739 (9) - new combo?

OD -1 feels too hard now
nothing to say, nice diff



Ylinestra44 wrote:

Jenny wrote:

Finished in... round about an hour and ten minutes.
Wird aber auch nur daran liegen, dass ein etwas größerer Teil der zweiten Hälfte schlicht und ergreifend ein Copy-Paste aus der ersten Hälfte ist (lediglich mit Strg + H). Sowas wird nicht unbedingt gerne gesehen. Wollte es nur gesagt haben~
Bin mir dessen durchaus bewusst - da das beim Song aber genau so is is es imo passend und akzeptabel - außerdem sollen die Leute ma nich rumbitchen, schließlich is der ganze Nightcoredreck den sie spielen permanent so.

-Bakari- wrote:

вместо стаков на концах слайдеров может так?Не подходит, увы
00:05:590 (3) - свисток на начало? — Не-а, мне не нравится
00:11:925 (3,3) - просто для красоты стакнуть? — Какая красота, о чем ты? Этого стека никогда не будет видно, кроме того, он не повлияет ни на что. Во время игры не редактируют, а в редакторе не играют, это разные режимы
00:27:391 (4) - свисток? — Я его там специально пропустил, но еще подумаю
00:46:583 (6) - задевает хп бар — Задевает не значит «лежит под». Не влияет ни на читаемость, ни на геймплей. Упоминай это, только если половина или больше элемента под хп/скорбаром, и то даже тогда у автора дифки есть право отклонить твое предложение, если это мало что изменит
01:23:105 (1) - нк на слайдере после спиннера не надо разве? — Ок, поставят
Так или иначе, спасибо за мод.
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

hi there! request from queue

Inconsistency in Countdown Fixed.
Inconsistency in Kiai Times They are rankable as long they make sense.
Inconsistency in Tags Fixed.
too many kiai >3< Really? It fits at every Diff well.

too loud hitsounds (a specially claps :< ) use soft hitsounds for beginning part or reduce volume? Reduced to 70%.
00:16:024 (1) - dafuq D: this shape is weird for me Fixed.
00:21:987 (1) - you can remove new combo here :> Fixed.
00:59:254 (1,2,1) - can confuse beginners ~_~ Fixed, but position is almost the same.
01:20:124 (2,3) - overlap Fixed.

personally i thinkhitsounds are too loud ~_~ Same as Easy.
put fisishes on every big white line (for kiai times) I dislike this. Sorry.
00:14:534 (3) - add reverse on this slider Fixed.
00:38:757 (2) - don't like this sliders :< use some triple notes and 1/2 sliders here instead?
Nothing's wrong with this slider. I cut it a bit up.
01:17:888 (3) - lol, this sliders areb't good for normal diffs :< Removed old one and set a boring new Slider. orz
Thanks for your Mod!

Jenny wrote:

[...] schließlich is der ganze Nightcoredreck den sie spielen permanent so.

TheNutritiousGuy wrote:

Jenny wrote:

[...] schließlich is der ganze Nightcoredreck den sie spielen permanent so.
So als kleine Gegenfrage:
Wenn es schon ein "Dreck" ist, warum machst es dann genauso? Damit stellst du dich auf die selbe Stufe~
Topic Starter
Es ist letztlich so, dass sich die Meinungen zwischen Mapping-Styles spalten.
Meine Meinung (und die von Jenny) ist, dass ca. 80% der Nightcore-Maps gleich sind. Nicht aber nur vom Mapping-Stil.
Dass die meisten sich ähnlich sehen, ist eher ein kleiner Grund, warum ich NC Maps hasse.

-Bakari- wrote:

hi there! hi :3

00:05:590 (1,4) - not symmetrical >3< it should be symmetrical now
00:19:565 (5) - i want to see new combo here ;_; if you are happy then <3 aka ok :)
01:02:236 (3) - a bit weird for me would help if you tell me why it is weird but idk i think you may find the spacing awkward so i increased it a bit
01:11:739 (9) - new combo? it fits ... combo was a bit long i admit ;)


Here is fix'd version
Sorry again, I forgot that I finished the Taiko diff. a week ago. xD

Download link:
Topic Starter
Moved to Pending. Let's go. \:D/
Alrighty let's get started :)

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. Just putting this for fun :P

I think you can put "Minoriko Aki" in the tags since this her Stage theme.

Increase the OD and AR by 1. as it stands it's too slow and beginners might hit too early or late. the OD would make a nice challenge for beginners. it should be OD2 and AR3 as it flows a lot smoother to the song.
00:01:118 (1) - maybe add a finish at the beginning to represent the starting point of the song?
00:13:043 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - for this, add whistles at every 1st and 3rd downbeat but not with the finishes, and for clap, every 2nd and 4th downbeat. i think it'll fit with the song during gameplay, but for (1) and (4) at the last combo, keep the whistles at the sliderbodies. it fits with the instrumental.
00:36:894 (2,3,4) - remove this because it doesn't follow the piano at all. instead do something like this. the sliderticks goes well with the piano and it flows a lot smoother during gameplay.
00:44:347 (1) - same as 00:01:118 but it starts all over again.
01:19:378 (1,2,3) - ^
note placement is fine, but i think the hitsounds needs a bit of work on this diff. try to add more whistles because they fit with some parts of the song, and i think some of the sliders can look a lot nicer, but it's nothing big.

same as easy: increase the OD and AR by 1. same reason as easy.
00:01:118 (1) - same as easy.
00:05:590 (5) - remove the red points because it makes the wave slider look ugly. try to do something similar to this. i think it'll flow a lot smoother during gameplay.
00:07:080 (1) - add a finish at the beginning to match the piano mainly?
00:25:341 (1) - delete this circle. the instrumental doesn't change till the next circle.
00:38:757 (2) - i understand that this is a normal diff, but try to do something fun for players. this kick slider looks hard because players might not know when this slider ends. try this: 2 1/2 repeat sliders and a circle. it plays nicely and it's fun for players to play this part. if you ignore this, then you can do something similar to this.
00:44:347 (1) - same as easy but at the beginning.
01:02:236 (1) - *nazi* move this to the left a bit. i don't like the slight overlap on (3)
01:07:453 (3) - add another repeat to continue the instrumental pattern.
01:21:987 (5) - same as 00:38:757.
same comment on easy.

00:01:863 (1,2) - make this slider look like (1) and vice versa. the flow looks weird when i played this.
00:04:099 (1,2) - ^
00:05:962 (4) - Ctrl+R for a nice anti-jump between (4,5). make sure the DS between them is at 2.00. anything over that would look bad during gameplay.
00:09:316 (4,5) - i see a potential pattern for these 2 notes. do Ctrl+R for these 2 sliders. the jump would look fun for players to do.
00:10:062 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - if you follow the suggestion above, move all this to the point that (1) is stacked on (4) at 00:08:198. the DS would be between 1.9-2.0.
00:11:925 (3) - i think you forgot to add a clap here. add it to keep the consistency in claps.
00:13:043 (1,2,3) - to flow a lot smoother, make these sliders look like (4).
00:24:223 (3,4,5,6) - replace this for a 1/4 kick slider. it'll look easier for players since a small stream might give players a hard time.
00:36:521 (1,2,3) - maybe you can do something like this? same reason as 00:09:316.
00:37:639 (1) - maybe add a finish on the spinner? IMO, it goes well with the piano.
00:55:155 (2) - same as 00:11:925 but at the beginning.
01:07:453 (3,4,5,6) - same as 00:24:223.
01:08:571 (2) - make this a curved slider like (1,3).
idk this is just my opinion: i think this map can improve with more whistles and finishes.

same as Jenny's suggestion about the AR. i did Jenny's diff first.
00:07:267 (9) - make this a NC. the instrumental changes. well it changes on (8) but it'll ruin the stream.
00:15:465 (1) - idk about this 1/1 slider. ik that the slidertick follows the instrumental, but it plays weird and i felt uncomfortable when i hit this slider. replace it for either a 1/2 repeat slider, a 1/2 slider and a circle, and vice versa.
00:19:565 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - switch the notes for (4,6). it'll look easier in a way as players might mess up going back and forth.
00:25:155 (10) - same as 00:07:267.
00:27:391 (8) - maybe you can make this a NC. the instrumental changes and that combo only follows that part.
00:38:757 (1) - make this a NC for consistency on 00:43:229.
00:46:583 (1) - remove the NC because the piano is still going.
00:47:329 (11) - make "This" a NC if you follow the suggestion above. the piano starts all over again.
00:57:763 (7) - *nazi* this plays weird because the sliders aren't stacked perfectly make sure that this slider is aligned with the other slider.
01:09:316 (6) - move this note up so that it'd form a trapezoid. the jump would make a nice challenge for players.
01:27:577 (13) - add a finish at the end to show that the song is over.
pretty nice but add more whistles and finishes.

with patterns like this, AR9 would fit perfectly with the song
00:12:484 (5) - a NC here because the instrumental changes. (1-4) follows the piano while (5-7) follows the trumpet.
00:21:055 (4) - you should add a clap here. it'll make a nice clap pattern if you follow the suggestion below.
00:21:801 (8) - if you follow the suggestion above, remove the clap and listen to the pattern. if you ignore these 2, then remove the clap on (8) because it ruins the consistency in claps.
00:23:850 (7) - add a clap here. same reason as above.
01:04:286 (4) - same as 00;21:055.
01:05:031 (8) - same as 00:21:801.
01:27:670 (1) - add a finish at the spinner. i think it goes well with the piano.
you should add claps at the streams and streaming sliders. i don't understand why the clap pattern has stopped but i've seen so many opportunities where you can add claps.

I guess that's it. the comments are just my personal opinions so it's up to you whether you want to do it or not. GL :D
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

Alrighty let's get started :)

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. Just putting this for fun :P

I think you can put "Minoriko Aki" in the tags since this her Stage theme.

Increase the OD and AR by 1. as it stands it's too slow and beginners might hit too early or late. the OD would make a nice challenge for beginners. it should be OD2 and AR3 as it flows a lot smoother to the song. Okay.
00:01:118 (1) - maybe add a finish at the beginning to represent the starting point of the song? Okay.
00:13:043 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - for this, add whistles at every 1st and 3rd downbeat but not with the finishes, and for clap, every 2nd and 4th downbeat. i think it'll fit with the song during gameplay, but for (1) and (4) at the last combo, keep the whistles at the sliderbodies. it fits with the instrumental. I dislike it very. The current hitsounds are ok at the moment.
00:36:894 (2,3,4) - remove this because it doesn't follow the piano at all. instead do something like this. the sliderticks goes well with the piano and it flows a lot smoother during gameplay. I did not changed (4), because if I extend it, the time for break would be too short and there would be no break. Deleted (2) and (3) and made a Slider at their times.
00:44:347 (1) - same as 00:01:118 but it starts all over again. Okay.
01:19:378 (1,2,3) - ^ Okay.
note placement is fine, but i think the hitsounds needs a bit of work on this diff. try to add more whistles because they fit with some parts of the song, and i think some of the sliders can look a lot nicer, but it's nothing big.

same as easy: increase the OD and AR by 1. same reason as easy. Okay.
00:01:118 (1) - same as easy. Okay.
00:05:590 (5) - remove the red points because it makes the wave slider look ugly. try to do something similar to this. i think it'll flow a lot smoother during gameplay. Okay.
00:07:080 (1) - add a finish at the beginning to match the piano mainly? Sounds odd.
00:25:341 (1) - delete this circle. the instrumental doesn't change till the next circle. Okay.
00:38:757 (2) - i understand that this is a normal diff, but try to do something fun for players. this kick slider looks hard because players might not know when this slider ends. try this: 2 1/2 repeat sliders and a circle. it plays nicely and it's fun for players to play this part. if you ignore this, then you can do something similar to this. This should be fine now.
00:44:347 (1) - same as easy but at the beginning. Okay.
01:02:236 (1) - *nazi* move this to the left a bit. i don't like the slight overlap on (3) Good.
01:07:453 (3) - add another repeat to continue the instrumental pattern. I want to hold the short break between (3) and (1).
01:21:987 (5) - same as 00:38:757. Okay.
same comment on easy.
Thanks for your Mod!

Byakugan249 wrote:

Alrighty let's get started :) yeah!

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. Just putting this for fun :P

same as Jenny's suggestion about the AR. i did Jenny's diff first. have no problems with that
00:07:267 (9) - make this a NC. the instrumental changes. well it changes on (8) but it'll ruin the stream. k
00:15:465 (1) - idk about this 1/1 slider. ik that the slidertick follows the instrumental, but it plays weird and i felt uncomfortable when i hit this slider. replace it for either a 1/2 repeat slider, a 1/2 slider and a circle, and vice versa. HC + 1/2 Slider
00:19:565 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - switch the notes for (4,6). it'll look easier in a way as players might mess up going back and forth. feels kinda dull ... i take it for now but not sure if i really want to keep that
00:25:155 (10) - same as 00:07:267. ok
00:27:391 (8) - maybe you can make this a NC. the instrumental changes and that combo only follows that part. ok
00:38:757 (1) - make this a NC for consistency on 00:43:229. not sure ~ i agree for now
00:46:583 (1) - remove the NC because the piano is still going. 00:46:770 - made this a NC
00:47:329 (11) - make "This" a NC if you follow the suggestion above. the piano starts all over again. 00:47:329 - and 00:48:074 - NC
00:57:763 (7) - *nazi* this plays weird because the sliders aren't stacked perfectly make sure that this slider is aligned with the other slider. o.o they are perfectly stacked ... i deleted (7) and copied (5), haven't changed so they should be perfect now
01:09:316 (6) - move this note up so that it'd form a trapezoid. the jump would make a nice challenge for players. I don't get it ~ maybe a picture to show what you mean~
01:27:577 (13) - add a finish at the end to show that the song is over. ok
pretty nice but add more whistles and finishes. we will see where i can add that stuff

I guess that's it. the comments are just my personal opinions so it's up to you whether you want to do it or not. GL :D
thanks :3
i sent the data to TNG <---
Applied suggestions, thanks for mod!
Hi~ Midas here....
Request from my queue

Combo colours is different in some diff~ I hope you can fix it. Though i know the rule doesn't say this. >.<


00:57:763 (3) - remove finish at end. too loud here DX
00:58:881 (4) - add clap
01:19:751 (1) - remove NC
01:20:869 (2) - add NC

00:30:931 (1) - remove NC
00:31:304 (2) - NC
00:46:583 (6) - this slider touch the HP Bar. move to x:296 y:20
Nice map!

HR 8
hitsound just a little bit noisy D:
00:11:552 (5) - NC
00:13:788 (5) - ^
00:16:770 (5) - ^
00:34:472 (1) - remove NC
00:35:217 (1) - ^
too many NC here and it's not a good idea imo.
00:49:192 (1) - remove NC
00:54:782 (1,2,3,4,5) - it's isn't beautiful for a star jump
try to set like this
01:08:944 (4) - NC
01:16:770 (9) - ^
01:24:223 (5) - ^
01:25:341 (8) - ^

00:56:273 (4) - NC
00:56:832 (1) - remove NC

That's it~ :3
Hope I can help you~


Midasmens wrote:

Hi~ Midas here.... Hi

HR 8 8 is to high. I increased it to 7 though
hitsound just a little bit noisy D: not clear what you mean by that!? Is the Hitsound volume to noisy? the whistle? claps and finishes? everything? I don't think it is that noisy ...

00:11:552 (5) - NC fine
00:13:788 (5) - ^ ^
00:16:770 (5) - ^ no previous notes fit to that part together ~ music does not change much
00:34:472 (1) - remove NC meh ... no it fits the style imo. It isn't even NC spam really ~ music emphasize it imo
00:35:217 (1) - ^ ^
too many NC here and it's not a good idea imo. ~
00:49:192 (1) - remove NC unsure ~ it gets harder to read ~ but well ... why not :P
00:54:782 (1,2,3,4,5) - it's isn't beautiful for a star jump well --- ok ... it is a bit to easy for my taste now though ~~ I made the jump 0,3 DS farther away ~ looks identical to yours :P
try to set like this
01:08:944 (4) - NC no does not fit with music --- maybe i would do NCs on (3,7) if someone else complains at that part
01:16:770 (9) - ^ maybe ~ NC or not ... both fits imo. so no change unless a good argument
01:24:223 (5) - ^ I guess i could think about that ~ but it just looks ugly ~ it fits though. But something says no in me
01:25:341 (8) - ^ ^

That's it~ :3
Hope I can help you~

ZUN - Because Princess Inada Is Scolding Me [Insane]
hello from my modding queue

zun owo, /me won't mod [Insane]

  1. 00:21:987 (4) - finish at the start of this slider?
  2. [optional] 00:35:403 (1) - make it like this :
  3. 00:39:503 until 00:43:975 - empty gap, it's better if you fill it with something, it feels like something's gone if you're not filling it
  4. 00:47:329 (1) - add finish
  5. 00:48:819 (3) - add finish at the end... (00:50:310)
  6. [optional] 00:56:273 (1) - make it like this :
  7. 01:02:236 (1) - delete whistle at the start of this slider, and then add finish at the start of this slider
  8. 01:05:217 (4) - ^, and make it like this :
  9. 01:11:180 (1) - finish at the start of this slider
  10. 01:14:161 (1) - ^
great map


  • hitsounds fix same as Easy
  1. 00:39:503 until 00:43:975 - empty gap, it's better if you fill it with something, it feels like something's gone if you're not filling it
  2. 00:54:782 (3) - too long, divide it to 2 sliders or 5circles, keep the hitsounds btw
  1. 00:46:583 (6) - blocked by healthbar, move it down a little
  2. 00:40:062 until 00:43:975 - empty gap, fix same as normal and easy

    great map
  1. 00:01:677 (3) 00:03:959 (7) 00:12:158 (3) - they should be 1/6 repeated slider, not 1/8, make it into 1/6 rhythm, but end of the slider at the same place and time as the one before modded
  2. 00:25:807 (9,10) - ^, and don't make it that far, keep all spacings to 1.9x, so it doesn't really far
  3. 00:26:739 (4,5,7,8,9,10) - don't make it that far, , keep all spacings to 1.9x, same as reason as above
  4. 00:29:813 (5,6,7,8) - ^
  5. 00:44:068 (4,5,6,7) - don't stack it, looks ugly on play mode
  6. 01:09:130 (10) - they should be 1/6 repeated slider, not 1/8, make it into 1/6 rhythm, but end of the slider at the same place and time as the one before modded, and don't make it that far, keep all spacings to 1.9x, so it doesn't really far
  7. 01:09:969 (4,5,7,8,9,10) - ^
  8. 01:13:043 (5,6,7,8) - ^
  9. 01:27:298 (4,5,6,7) - don't stack it
Athena Tennos
A-tan's mod.....form M4M~


01:05:217 (4,1) - distance~maybe u can try~just move a bit~

01:10:434 (3,1) - distance so far~

00:44:347 (1,2,3,4) - distance not unform~try~

im feel good~

00:24:223 - to 00:26:739 - feel a little overmap....but idk how to change...sor...just let u know~:D
00:29:534 - delete this note?~then move 00:29:440 (1) - to x:144 y:4 ~?~~~just suggestion~
00:34:006 - ^ delete it~then move 00:33:913 (1) - ~
00:34:751 - ^~
01:12:763 - ^~

00:07:639 (3) - move to x:404 y:316~~
00:17:515 (8) - make like this~>?

00:44:254 - time move to 00:44:347 - then move...sor=///=my english is poor~just show u pic~and code~


sor im a new modder...
that's all~
perfect mapset~
Good Luck~

Tags are inconsistent in Hard and Insane (check Jenny too cause I skipped that diff)

00:10:062 (3) - NC?

01:16:770 (4,2,3) - did you forget claps here? or is this on purpose :o
01:21:987 (1) - NC

why not ar 7 ;_;
00:06:614 (6) - move to next white tick, this is the only one with this rhythm so it feels weird
00:46:583 (6) - touches hp bar

00:11:552 (5) - NC?
00:25:155 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - can you change pattern? i think its very confusing and not fun ><
00:27:950 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - should use same spacing for these.. and the placements seem a little random :o
00:34:472 (1,1) - these ncs are not needed~
00:44:347 - needs a note.
00:54:782 (1,2,3,4,5) - reduce spacing! D:
01:05:031 (4) - put here or stack on 5~
01:11:180 (7) - NC here instead of 01:11:739 (1)
01:27:577 (13) - NC? :D

good luck~! o.o/
Hi there


  • 00:13:043 (1) - Whistle on end?
    00:16:024 (1) - ^
    00:19:006 (1) - Remove whistle on slider itself and start, leave the one on the end
    00:24:875 - Unused timing point
    00:26:459 (2) - Kinda weird angle imo
    00:29:440 (5) - Completely unsymmetric, make the start and the end on the same height
    00:35:403 (1) - Whistle on end?
    00:36:894 (2) - ^
    00:38:385 (3) - ^
    00:48:819 (3) - Whistle on repeat
    00:56:273 (1) - Whistle on end
    00:59:254 (1) - ^
    01:02:236 (1) - Remove whistle on start

  • 00:14:161 (2) - Whistle
    00:14:534 (3) - Whistle on end
    00:16:024 (2) - ^
    00:24:875 - Unused timing point
    00:31:304 (1) - Remove 2 of the red anchors? o-o looks kinda weird imo
    00:39:875 - Add note

    Little suggestion:
    00:53:291 (1) - Clap on end
    00:54:409 (2) - Remove clap

    01:03:726 (3) - Remove clap
    01:23:105 - Add note and let spinner start on the blue tick after it

  • 00:10:434 (2) - Would look better if it was a copy of (1) with CTRL+H and CTRL+J
    00:26:086 (5) - Copy slider (4), CTRL+H, CTRL+J, CTRL+R and put it at this place
    00:46:583 (6) - Touches the HP bar
    00:58:695 (3) - Spacing
    01:20:124 (3) - Add 1 repeat

  • AR-1? o-o
    00:24:875 (8) - Remove this whistle, it seems a bit too much here
    00:54:782 (1,2,3,4,5) - Holy shit ._. maybe make these jumps a bit smaller? Or keep them like this and make it a flower pattern instead? ( )
    01:05:031 (4) - This is pretty much an instant 100 note o-o Maybe put this one in a different place?
    01:18:633 (1,2) - Giving a little curve to these combo's looks/plays nice:
    01:19:751 (1,2) - ^
    01:20:869 (1,2) - ^ Etc.

  • 00:17:515 (6) - Move this 4rth anchor a bit more to the right to make it look nicer

    Little suggestion:
    00:21:056 (4) - Remove clap
    00:21:242 (6) - Add clap on start, remove clap on end\

    01:00:745 (6) - Same as first
    01:04:286 (4,5,6) - Same as the little suggestion
That's all :3
For any questions contact me in game

Topic Starter

Midasmens wrote:

Combo colours is different in some diff~ I hope you can fix it. Though i know the rule doesn't say this. >.< Fixed.


00:57:763 (3) - remove finish at end. too loud here DX Sounds ok here.
00:58:881 (4) - add clap Ok.
01:19:751 (1) - remove NC Ok.
01:20:869 (2) - add NC Ok.

00:30:931 (1) - remove NC It's fine here.
00:31:304 (2) - NC See above.
00:46:583 (6) - this slider touch the HP Bar. move to x:296 y:20 Ok.
Nice map!

٩(๑╹◡╹๑)۶ <3


nanda2009 wrote:

  1. 00:21:987 (4) - finish at the start of this slider? No.
  2. [optional] 00:35:403 (1) - make it like this : Ok.
  3. 00:39:503 until 00:43:975 - empty gap, it's better if you fill it with something, it feels like something's gone if you're not filling it The break is fine.
  4. 00:47:329 (1) - add finish Ok.
  5. 00:48:819 (3) - add finish at the end... (00:50:310) No.
  6. [optional] 00:56:273 (1) - make it like this : Fixed.
  7. 01:02:236 (1) - delete whistle at the start of this slider, and then add finish at the start of this slider Sounds strange..
  8. 01:05:217 (4) - ^, and make it like this : No changes at the Slider.
  9. 01:11:180 (1) - finish at the start of this slider Doesn't fit IMO, so no.
  10. 01:14:161 (1) - ^ Same here.
great map


  • hitsounds fix same as Easy
  1. 00:39:503 until 00:43:975 - empty gap, it's better if you fill it with something, it feels like something's gone if you're not filling it Same as Easy.
  2. 00:54:782 (3) - too long, divide it to 2 sliders or 5circles, keep the hitsounds btw It's fine here.
  1. 00:46:583 (6) - blocked by healthbar, move it down a littleAlready done.
  2. 00:40:062 until 00:43:975 - empty gap, fix same as normal and easy Same as Easy and Normal.

Athena Tennos

Athena Tennos wrote:


01:05:217 (4,1) - distance~maybe u can try~just move a bit~ Denied. It is not a big problem, so don't worry.

01:10:434 (3,1) - distance so far~ Fixed.

00:44:347 (1,2,3,4) - distance not unform~try~ I changed it for myself.

im feel good~


Mythol wrote:


Tags are inconsistent in Hard and Insane (check Jenny too cause I skipped that diff) Fixed, thanks for still looking at the skipped Diff.

00:10:062 (3) - NC? Fixed.

01:16:770 (4,2,3) - did you forget claps here? or is this on purpose :o Added at 01:17:888 (3) Clap.
01:21:987 (1) - NC Ok.

why not ar 7 ;_; Fixed.
00:06:614 (6) - move to next white tick, this is the only one with this rhythm so it feels weird
00:46:583 (6) - touches hp bar Already fixed.


Kyshiro wrote:

Hi there

I denied every Hitsound Suggestion, because I made a big change at Easy and Normal. But still thank you for the Suggestions.

  • 00:13:043 (1) - Whistle on end? x
    00:16:024 (1) - ^ x
    00:19:006 (1) - Remove whistle on slider itself and start, leave the one on the end x
    00:24:875 - Unused timing point It's used for the Kiai Time transition.
    00:26:459 (2) - Kinda weird angle imo Fixed.
    00:29:440 (5) - Completely unsymmetric, make the start and the end on the same height Fixed.
    00:35:403 (1) - Whistle on end? x
    00:36:894 (2) - ^ x
    00:38:385 (3) - ^ x
    00:48:819 (3) - Whistle on repeat x
    00:56:273 (1) - Whistle on end x
    00:59:254 (1) - ^ x
    01:02:236 (1) - Remove whistle on start x

  • 00:14:161 (2) - Whistle x
    00:14:534 (3) - Whistle on end x
    00:16:024 (2) - ^ x
    00:24:875 - Unused timing point Same as Easy.
    00:31:304 (1) - Remove 2 of the red anchors? o-o looks kinda weird imo Fixed.
    00:39:875 - Add note Nah, it would not fit.

    Little suggestion:
    00:53:291 (1) - Clap on end x
    00:54:409 (2) - Remove clap x

    01:03:726 (3) - Remove clap x
    01:23:105 - Add note and let spinner start on the blue tick after it Same as 00:39:875.

  • 00:10:434 (2) - Would look better if it was a copy of (1) with CTRL+H and CTRL+J Fixed.
    00:26:086 (5) - Copy slider (4), CTRL+H, CTRL+J, CTRL+R and put it at this place Fixed.
    00:46:583 (6) - Touches the HP bar Already fixed.
    00:58:695 (3) - Spacing What's wrong with it?
    01:20:124 (3) - Add 1 repeat It's not neccessary.

Thanks for your Mods!

Mythol wrote:


00:11:552 (5) - NC? Already is from a prev. mod :3 TNG just didn't updated yet lawl
00:25:155 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - can you change pattern? i think its very confusing and not fun >< I think they are fun and most people who played it 1st time had no problems either ._. denied until more people whine about this
00:27:950 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - should use same spacing for these.. and the placements seem a little random :o same spacing now and i wouldn't say it is random ... i think it looks and plays nice but that is just my humble opinion
00:34:472 (1,1) - these ncs are not needed~ there are many maps with many unnecessary NC ... It looks nice and is a signal for that jump
00:44:347 - needs a note. fine but where do i put it ... we'll see
00:54:782 (1,2,3,4,5) - reduce spacing! D: reduced in prev. mod 3,3 DS jumps now instead of 4 DS
01:05:031 (4) - put here or stack on 5~ like picture
01:11:180 (7) - NC here instead of 01:11:739 (1) fine
01:27:577 (13) - NC? :D what was that with NC isn't needed here again? lawl

good luck~! o.o/


Kyshiro wrote:

Hi there


  • AR-1? o-o I think AR9 is fine ... 8 is already to slow and leads to to many notes on screen imo
    00:24:875 (8) - Remove this whistle, it seems a bit too much here ok
    00:54:782 (1,2,3,4,5) - Holy shit ._. maybe make these jumps a bit smaller? Or keep them like this and make it a flower pattern instead? ( ) prev. mod. it is already easier than your screenshot ^^
    01:05:031 (4) - This is pretty much an instant 100 note o-o Maybe put this one in a different place? fix'd in prev. mod
    01:18:633 (1,2) - Giving a little curve to these combo's looks/plays nice:
    01:19:751 (1,2) - ^
    01:20:869 (1,2) - ^ Etc. +2^ looks nice not sure though if i do that on 01:21:987 (1,2,1,2) - too

~kyshiro thx

Athena Tennos

Athena Tennos wrote:

A-tan's mod.....form M4M~[Insane]
00:07:639 (3) - move to x:404 y:316~~ bit random but ok ... whole combo is 1,3DS now
00:17:515 (8) - make like this~>? It is always smarter to show a picture what you want and then the code :3
looks better now thx :3

00:44:254 - time move to 00:44:347 - then move...sor=///=my english is poor~just show u pic~and code~ It makes sense ... i don't mind if 00:44:254 - misses a note ... I take this instead of the other mod ~


sor im a new modder... keep practicing ^.^
that's all~ thx for your mod
perfect mapset~
Good Luck~

00:01:863 (1,2) - make this slider look like (1) and vice versa. the flow looks weird when i played this.Accepted!
00:04:099 (1,2) - ^Done
00:05:962 (4) - Ctrl+R for a nice anti-jump between (4,5). make sure the DS between them is at 2.00. anything over that would look bad during gameplay.Do you mean 'jump' exactly? Good for me
00:09:316 (4,5) - i see a potential pattern for these 2 notes. do Ctrl+R for these 2 sliders. the jump would look fun for players to do.Nice!
00:10:062 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - if you follow the suggestion above, move all this to the point that (1) is stacked on (4) at 00:08:198. the DS would be between 1.9-, but this jump is easy enough
00:11:925 (3) - i think you forgot to add a clap here. add it to keep the consistency in claps.Yup
00:13:043 (1,2,3) - to flow a lot smoother, make these sliders look like (4).Ok, better now
00:24:223 (3,4,5,6) - replace this for a 1/4 kick slider. it'll look easier for players since a small stream might give players a hard time.It's only 5 notes long, and it's Hard. I also dislike kick sliders that don't fit well
00:36:521 (1,2,3) - maybe you can do something like this? same reason as 00:09:316.Why not?
00:37:639 (1) - maybe add a finish on the spinner? IMO, it goes well with the piano.If you mean soft finish, it doesn't go well there

00:55:155 (2) - same as 00:11:925 but at the beginning.Yeah
01:07:453 (3,4,5,6) - same as 00:24:223.Unfortunately, my opinion is still the same
01:08:571 (2) - make this a curved slider like (1,3).
idk this is just my opinion: i think this map can improve with more whistles and finishes.I added some hitsounds, hope it got better
00:30:931 (1) - remove NC — No, I follow music
00:46:583 (6) - this slider touch the HP Bar. move to x:296 y:20 — Moved it down a bit
  1. 00:40:062 until 00:43:975 - empty gap, fix same as normal and easy — It's better to have a little break
why not ar 7 ;_; — Why should I? Let it be 8 and let's see what others will say about it
00:06:614 (6) - move to next white tick, this is the only one with this rhythm so it feels weird — It follows music

  • 00:10:434 (2) - Would look better if it was a copy of (1) with CTRL+H and CTRL+J — I doubt
    00:26:086 (5) - Copy slider (4), CTRL+H, CTRL+J, CTRL+R and put it at this place — Hm, ok
    00:58:695 (3) - Spacing — Done
    01:20:124 (3) - Add 1 repeat — I removed it and made a copy of this slider instead

Thanks for the mods! Also, sorry for delay.
Hi this is m4m request

Wow this is touhou 10 bgm i think XD i play before.




00:12:484 (1,2,3) - I think this place is very suit for jump.
00:17:515 (6) - can you made this slider better curve?
00:24:596 (5,6) - i think it's better if you replace this with circles and it's easier to press Imo.
00:34:285 (5,5) - turn the first slider to left side abit ? to match the second one?
00:34:658 (1,2,3,4,5) - i think this set is easy to read due AR9 maybe remove NC?
00:55:714 (1,2) - maybe ctrl R this ? the cursor is downward and it's more easier to play?
01:07:826 (5,6) - change to circles?
01:29:813 add 10 percent volume timing here?


00:44:534 (2,3,4) - i'm pretty sure this is under hitburst. is that your intention ? can you move half of them to see it clearly?
00:55:714 I think you miss a note here.
01:07:546 (2) - i think delete this note made stream sound better. and you can made this note return once more 01:06:335 (8) -
01:17:701 add note at center of the map ?
01:18:633 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - i think this section you can made the 2nd set and 3rd set has more distance than 1st set or lower distance space.
01:23:478 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - i think you should add some notes at red tick here.


00:24:223 (3,4,5,6,7) - can you use more compress stream?
01:07:453 (3,4,5,6,7) - yes compress more and i think the stream should start here 01:07:639
01:24:596 (2,3,1,2,3) - I think it alot Place at red tick 'll be sound better? idk


00:35:403 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - use hit sound same as insane please.
01:01:490 (4) - remove whistle and put it only head of slider.
01:18:633 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - use hit sound same as insane please.


00:35:403 (1,2,3) - same as normal
00:58:509 (3,3) - move backward 1 beat.
01:04:472 (3) - ^
01:12:298 add note
01:10:434 (3) - backward 1 beat
01:13:788 add note
01:19:378 (1,2,3) - same as normal put hitsound if you can.

I hope my mod help Goodluck ;)

Map for mod4mod


regenz wrote:


00:44:534 (2,3,4) - i'm pretty sure this is under hitburst. is that your intention ? can you move half of them to see it clearly? I would like to keep this stack but i moved it a bit so it is "a little" easier to see now ... tbh i thought this isn't a huge deal ._.
00:55:714 I think you miss a note here. fine
01:07:546 (2) - i think delete this note made stream sound ... it does not sound better and you can made this note return once more 01:06:335 (8) - what? Another return Arrow? That does not work cause it isn't 1/2 but 1/1 beat slider
01:17:701 add note at center of the map ? fine
01:18:633 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - i think this section you can made the 2nd set and 3rd set has more distance than 1st set or lower distance space. increased each new set by 0.1 DS
01:23:478 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - i think you should add some notes at red tick here. meh ... i kinda dislike that. It feels to dull


regenz wrote:

00:24:223 (3,4,5,6,7) - can you use more compress stream? — What for? It's not that wide-spaced
01:07:453 (3,4,5,6,7) - yes compress more and i think the stream should start here 01:07:639 — The same as above
01:24:596 (2,3,1,2,3) - I think it alot Place at red tick 'll be sound better? idk — Not sure about this part, but I won't change it for now
Anyway, thanks for your time!

* Title : Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me

* This map is has a wrong metronome. Do this, bold area is need to add

BPM 161 || Offset 1118 || Metronome 4/4
BPM 161 || Offset 35403 || Metronome 3/4
BPM 161 || Offset 44347 || Metronome 4/4
BPM 161 || Offset 78632 || Metronome 3/4
BPM 161 || Offset 87576 || Metronome 4/4

00:10:062 (1) - These slider is almost offscreen

* Please add clap the object is snap at 3rd white tick....

00:25:714 (1) - New combo for preventing of new combo bug. Also, While the default spinner is red-orange-yellow, this might be hidden at gameplay. Do the colorhax by doing this
00:28:322 (1,2,3,4) - Smiley face!!!
01:02:236 (1) - Remove the whistle at sliderbody

* AR +1?

00:11:925 (3) - Clap?
00:26:086 (5) - Clap at head slider?
00:55:155 (2) - ^
01:23:105 (1) - While the default spinner is red-orange-yellow, this might be hidden at gameplay. Do the colorhax by doing this

00:15:372 (11) - Remove this note for better rhythm?
00:43:229 (1,2,3) - This jump feels overkill
00:55:155 (3) - Add finish?
01:26:459 (1,2,3) - This jump feels overkill

* Can you lower the volume? Those whistle sounds is too loud for my ear

00:54:037 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I don't like if this pattern is place at the same place as 00:52:546 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7). Try something different?
01:02:236 (3) - Remove the whistle at sliderbody

Because Princess TNG is Scolding Me
Thanks. Claps were already applied, and I changed colour of those things after spinner.

[Posting it here, so TNG surely won't skip download link:]

Leorda wrote:

* Can you lower the volume? Those whistle sounds is too loud for my ear I am not sure if you just mean the normal whistle sound or everything in generell. I lowered it to 45 ~ may increase to 50

00:54:037 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I don't like if this pattern is place at the same place as 00:52:546 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7). Try something different? I tried many other patterns. But tbh. I like the flow you get through that + the transition to 00:54:782 (1,2,3,4,5) - it is just my opinion and i will think about that but i like this pattern :/ I know some people who also like it. I will keep it for this time. I may change it when more people are pointing this out ...
01:02:236 (3) - Remove the whistle at sliderbody done
thank you :3

Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:


* Title : Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me Fixed.

* This map is has a wrong metronome. Do this, bold area is need to add

BPM 161 || Offset 1118 || Metronome 4/4
BPM 161 || Offset 35403 || Metronome 3/4
BPM 161 || Offset 44347 || Metronome 4/4
BPM 161 || Offset 78632 || Metronome 3/4
BPM 161 || Offset 87576 || Metronome 4/4

Thanks for the correct Timing.

00:10:062 (1) - These slider is almost offscreen Done.

* Please add clap the object is snap at 3rd white tick.... Sorry, I don't like to add it during the whole Diff.

00:25:714 (1) - New combo for preventing of new combo bug. Also, While the default spinner is red-orange-yellow, this might be hidden at gameplay. Do the colorhax by doing this Fixed.
00:28:322 (1,2,3,4) - Smiley face!!! What the poop?! xD
01:02:236 (1) - Remove the whistle at sliderbody Done.

Because Princess TNG is Scolding Me =w=
why i didn't got kudosu ? bomber34 change some in my mod ?

and did you forgot to mod my map ?
Fixed Leorda's mod except for the finish-hitsound since I found it'd be too many finishes if I added one there~

Let's get to the business again.

*Note: Gold ones are a must-do. Everything in red are things that look awkward or wrong to me (subjective suggestions; you can follow my lead here or not); everything else are rants and minor suggestions to make things look cooler and a bit better.

  1. Wouldn't it be better to use the format "(mapper)'s (difficulty)" for a GD's name than using the current one? I would be fine with the current state if not for Jenny's diff name. If you guys agree with this, maybe Jenny should call her (Jenny uses 'her' on her userpage, so...) diff as Jenny's Extra since it's definitely harder than Insane. If not, I think she should name her diff as Extra to create some consistency around the block. Just saying.
  2. Also, it feels weird that Jenny's diff is the only one with a different BG. Maybe use a different BG for each diff?
  1. Eh... I think some Whistles on the kiai times are randomly placed.
  2. 00:14:534 (2,3) - Add Whistle so it will be the same with 00:17:515 (2,3)?
  3. 00:16:024 (1) - Maybe you would want to use 00:13:043 (1) again. It's awkward to see a straight slider after a stylized one in times like this, IMO.
  4. 00:19:006 (1) - Remove Whistle?
  5. 00:20:496 (2,3) - Remove the Clap and Finish and replace them with Whistle?
  6. 00:21:987 (4) - NC this please.
  7. 00:26:459 (2) - Add Whistle to the path and the end of the slider?
  8. 00:27:950 (3) - NC?
  9. 00:29:440 (5) - ^ (Except it's the entire slider.)
  10. 00:32:422 (3) - ^ (The entire slider.)
  11. 00:33:913 (4) - NC? Remove NC on 00:35:403 (1) if you're doing it and place it on 00:36:894 (2) instead.
  12. 01:14:161 (1) - Split this into a 2/1 slider and a circle like 01:11:180 (1,2,3)?
  1. 01:01:489 (4) - Add Whistle at the beginning of the slider?
  1. 00:20:496 (1) - I'm sure enough the Whistle is supposed to be placed at the beginning of this slider and not on 00:20:869 (2)'s. And even if it's not supposed to be like that, it sounds better and feels more consistent.
  2. 00:26:459 (1) - ^ (instead of 00:26:832 (3)'s beginning.)
  3. 01:03:725 (1) - ^ (instead of 01:04:098 (2)'s beginning.)
  4. 01:15:651 (1) - ^ (instead of 01:16:024 (2)'s beginning.)
  1. AR9? Seriously? AR8 suits FAR better, IMO.
  2. 00:35:403 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Err... I'm not really sure about this jumpy pattern. The music is pretty calm at this point, so why not go for an easier jump pattern instead?
I find Jenny's diff fine.

Keep going, k.

Good luck on the way 8-)

Hinsvar wrote:

  1. 00:20:496 (1) - I'm sure enough the Whistle is supposed to be placed at the beginning of this slider and not on 00:20:869 (2)'s. And even if it's not supposed to be like that, it sounds better and feels more consistent.
  2. 00:26:459 (1) - ^ (instead of 00:26:832 (3)'s beginning.)
  3. 01:03:725 (1) - ^ (instead of 01:04:098 (2)'s beginning.)
  4. 01:15:651 (1) - ^ (instead of 01:16:024 (2)'s beginning.)
I just added these whistles without removing them from long sliders, sounds good enough to me.

Download link
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:


Let's get to the business again.

*Note: Gold ones are a must-do. Everything in red are things that look awkward or wrong to me (subjective suggestions; you can follow my lead here or not); everything else are rants and minor suggestions to make things look cooler and a bit better.

  1. Wouldn't it be better to use the format "(mapper)'s (difficulty)" for a GD's name than using the current one? I would be fine with the current state if not for Jenny's diff name. If you guys agree with this, maybe Jenny should call her (Jenny uses 'her' on her userpage, so...) diff as Jenny's Extra since it's definitely harder than Insane. If not, I think she should name her diff as Extra to create some consistency around the block. Just saying.
    bomber and Tic were fine with it to remove their Name from the Diffs. Jenny adamanted to take this Diff name. Probably Jenny names 'his' Diffs with Jenny.
  2. Also, it feels weird that Jenny's diff is the only one with a different BG. Maybe use a different BG for each diff? Easy, Normal and Insane had a different BG, but I changed it. It's okay for now.
  1. Eh... I think some Whistles on the kiai times are randomly placed.
  2. 00:14:534 (2,3) - Add Whistle so it will be the same with 00:17:515 (2,3)? Done.
  3. 00:16:024 (1) - Maybe you would want to use 00:13:043 (1) again. It's awkward to see a straight slider after a stylized one in times like this, IMO. Fixed.
  4. 00:19:006 (1) - Remove Whistle? Fixed.
  5. 00:20:496 (2,3) - Remove the Clap and Finish and replace them with Whistle? Fixed.
  6. 00:21:987 (4) - NC this please. Fixed.
  7. 00:26:459 (2) - Add Whistle to the path and the end of the slider?
  8. 00:27:950 (3) - NC? Nope.
  9. 00:29:440 (5) - ^ (Except it's the entire slider.) done.
  10. 00:32:422 (3) - ^ (The entire slider.) Done.
  11. 00:33:913 (4) - NC? Remove NC on 00:35:403 (1) if you're doing it and place it on 00:36:894 (2) instead. Did not changed something.
  12. 01:14:161 (1) - Split this into a 2/1 slider and a circle like 01:11:180 (1,2,3)? Nope.
  1. 01:01:489 (4) - Add Whistle at the beginning of the slider? Okay.
Thanks for your Mod!

Hinsvar wrote:


AR9? Seriously? AR8 suits FAR better, IMO. most people complained that AR 8 is to low. I have no problem with both so i do what the majority of people wanted from me.
00:35:403 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Err... I'm not really sure about this jumpy pattern. The music is pretty calm at this point, so why not go for an easier jump pattern instead? I think it fits ... the piano gets much stonger and it is a nice final of that part imo. Maybe if more people complain but even than i would just reduce the jumps itself but not the pattern
Hi there :D

  1. Timing point mod (Should be fixed)
    00:35:403 - Delete this green line. Since you didn't change SV at this time, it can be replaced with un-inherited timing point.
    00:44:347 - ^
    01:18:633 - ^
    01:27:577 - ^

  2. General mod
    00:36:521 (4) - NC here. Your NCing pattern doesn't fit music.
    00:37:639 (5) - ^
    00:55:527 (5) - I'd rather stack it under previous slider
    01:19:750 (4) - NC
    01:20:868 (5) - ^

  1. Timing point mod (Should be fixed)
    Your diff didn't add timing points for fixing metronome which Leorda gave.

  2. General mod
    00:02:049 (5) - Since its end is too close to screen border, move up a bit its combo group{00:01:118 (1,2,3,4,5,6)}
    00:46:583 (5) - According to your NCing pattern, should be NC
    00:56:832 (5) - NC?

  1. Timing point mod (Should be fixed)
    00:35:403 - Delete this green line. It can be replaced with un-inherited timing point.
    00:44:347 - ^
    01:18:633 - What sampleset do you want? Delete two green lines. =w=
    01:27:577 - Delete green line.

  2. General mod
    00:10:434 (2) - Add clap to head

  1. Timing point mod (Should be fixed)
    00:35:403 - Delete this green line. It can be replaced with un-inherited timing point.
    00:44:347 - ^
    01:18:633 - ^
    01:27:576 - (Red line) Audio volume 70%
    01:27:577 - Delete this green line.

  2. General mod
    00:39:502 (4,5) - I feel empty after these notes, maybe this way would be better.
    01:06:707 (1) - Seems NC isn't necessary, remove NC.

  1. Timing point mod (Should be fixed)
    00:35:403 - Delete this green line. It can be replaced with un-inherited timing point.
    00:44:347 - ^
    01:18:633 - ^
    01:27:577 - ^

  2. General mod
    00:36:894 (2) - Move to 00:36:521 and adjust spacing
    00:38:385 (3) - Move to 00:37:639 and adjust spacing
    01:19:378 (1,2,3) - Can you change them to other rhythm to be more fit to music?

Hmm, I don't like copypasta. This music is quite short.
Anyway good luck.
Sent the update to TNG
Did everything ykcarrot said.
thank you :3
Fixed a bugged up slider, resnapped inherits and did yk's mod.

*Also, you didn't update after I sent you the last version of the .osu o.o
Topic Starter

ykcarrot wrote:

Hi there :D

  1. Timing point mod (Should be fixed)
    00:35:403 - Delete this green line. It can be replaced with un-inherited timing point. Fixed.
    00:44:347 - ^ Fixed.
    01:18:633 - ^ Fixed.
    01:27:576 - (Red line) Audio volume 70% Fixed.
    01:27:577 - Delete this green line. Fixed.

  2. General mod
    00:39:502 (4,5) - I feel empty after these notes, maybe this way would be better.
    At 00:39:875 should be no Note. So in this case I denied it.
    01:06:707 (1) - Seems NC isn't necessary, remove NC. Removed.

  1. Timing point mod (Should be fixed)
    00:35:403 - Delete this green line. It can be replaced with un-inherited timing point. Fixed.
    00:44:347 - ^ Fixed.
    01:18:633 - ^ Fixed.
    01:27:577 - ^ Fixed.

  2. General mod
    00:36:894 (2) - Move to 00:36:521 and adjust spacing Fixed.
    00:38:385 (3) - Move to 00:37:639 and adjust spacing Fixed.
    01:19:378 (1,2,3) - Can you change them to other rhythm to be more fit to music? It should be okay now.
Thanks for your Mod!
And sorry, Jenny. :E
here my mod <3

AR8 so fast omg but its ok :D

AR9 omg suggest to AR8
00:13:043 the kiai start at 4 (slider) NC?

AR near same with Insane

sorry for late answer TNG (today is your day and you got lucky)

frans_niko wrote:

here my mod <3 thx and hi :3
AR9 omg suggest to AR8 Now... many people complained that too many notes apear and that it plays way better with (9) I actually don't care about AR that much ... I can play this Map between AR 6-9. I just did what the majority of people I asked and got mods from said.
00:13:043 the kiai start at 4 (slider) NC? not sure... maybe if other people suggest it too... i deny this for the moment
owo/ M4M~

NB: clap in here is custom hitsound that you put (a drum?)

  1. 00:09:316 (2,1) - ahh.. make it into like this? for a better

    looking owo
  2. 00:12:298 (2,1,) - ^
  3. 00:15:279 (3,1,) - ^
  4. 01:19:377 (1,2,3) - how about this way? this sounds better to me

  1. HPDrain & OD +1
  2. 00:01:490 (2) - add clap
  3. 00:02:236 (4) - ^
  4. 00:02:981 (5) - ^
  5. 00:03:354 (5) - remove clap
  6. 00:03:726 (6) - add clap
  7. 00:04:472 (2) - ^
  8. 00:05:217 (4) - ^
  9. 00:08:198 (2) - ^
  10. 00:08:944 (4) - ^
  11. 00:09:316 (5) - remove clap
  12. 00:09:689 (5) - add clap
  13. 00:11:925 (2) - ^
  14. 00:19:006 (1) - add 'finish'
  15. 00:21:987 (1) - ^
  16. 00:27:950 (3) - ^
  17. 00:30:931 (4) - ^
  18. 00:32:422 (2,4) - I prefer those claps are placed in (3) and (5)
  19. 00:33:913 (1) - add 'finish'
  20. 00:45:465 (2,4) - add clap
  21. 00:46:583 (5) - remove clap and add finish
  22. 00:47:701 (1,3,5) - add clap
  23. 00:49:564 (6) - add finish
  24. 00:58:881 (4) - I prefer the NC should be here
  25. 01:02:235 (1) - ^
  26. 01:03:725 (3) - I prefer the claps are placed in (2) & (4) instead of (3)
  27. 01:11:179 (1) - add finish

  1. AR-1?
  2. 00:01:863(1,2,) - maybe you can make it like this
  3. 00:39:875 (1) - In here, you lower the volume but you don't do it on [Easy] & [Normal] maybe you can lower it for its consistency
  4. 00:59:254 (1) - add finish
  5. 01:05:217 (1) - ^
  6. 01:11:180 (1) - ^
  7. 01:17:142 (1) - ^

  1. 00:03:354 (1) - remove whistle
  2. 00:04:844 ~ 00:05:217 - ^
  3. 00:06:521 (2) - I prefer the NC should be here
  4. 00:07:267 (2) - ^
  5. 00:08:944 (3,4) - Inconsistent of spacing
  6. 00:34:099 (1,2,3,4,5) - IF you put like that, the spacing between (2) ~ (3)

    and (3) ~ (4) compare with (1) ~ (2) becomes inconsistent (IMO)
  7. 00:34:844 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  8. 00:35:217 (1,1) - the spacing is extremely high comparing with 00:35:403

    (1,2) how about switching its place? move 00:35:775 (2) to 00:35:403 (1)
  9. 00:39:875 (7) - add finish
  10. 00:47:142 (6) - remove this whistle and move it to 00:46:769 (2)
  11. 00:47:514 (6) - ^
  12. 00:48:632 (6) - ^
  13. 00:49:564 (1) - remove whistle, it sounds no good for me o3o
  14. 00:50:868 ~ 00:51:427 - remove these whistles then
  15. 00:51:800 (1,2,3,4) - put whistle on these notes, it'd sounds better
  16. 00:53:104 (7) - remove this whistle and put it on 00:52:732 (3)
  17. 00:53:850 (7) - ^
  18. 00:54:595 (7) - ^
  19. 00:56:645 - I wish I could add (real)clap here >_>
  20. 01:17:328 (3,5) - add whistles
  21. 01:18:073 (3,5) - ^
  22. 01:19:377 (3) - perhaps, add finish?
  23. 01:20:495 (3) - ^
  24. 01:21:613 (3) - ^
  25. 01:23:849 (4) - ^
  26. 01:24:967 (7) - ^
  27. 01:26:085 (10) - ^

ZUN, why you so awesome owob

Matoryoshika wrote:

  1. AR-1? — No, it will become too slow
  2. 00:01:863(1,2,) - maybe you can make it like this think I don't need this symmetry, it looks good and plays good as it it. Also, it would need to change enough patterns after it just because they will be overlapped
  3. 00:59:254 (1) - add finish — All these finishes sound pretty good for me, added

Download link
Topic Starter

Matoryoshika wrote:

owo/ M4M~

NB: clap in here is custom hitsound that you put (a drum?)

  1. 00:09:316 (2,1) - ahh.. make it into like this? for a better

    looking owo Isn't so neccessary.
  2. 00:12:298 (2,1,) - ^ Same.
  3. 00:15:279 (3,1,) - ^ Same.
  4. 01:19:377 (1,2,3) - how about this way? this sounds better to me I let (3) for now. Fixed.

  1. HPDrain & OD +1 Increased OD for one.
  2. 00:01:490 (2) - add clap
  3. 00:02:236 (4) - ^
  4. 00:02:981 (5) - ^
  5. 00:03:354 (5) - remove clap
  6. 00:03:726 (6) - add clap
  7. 00:04:472 (2) - ^
  8. 00:05:217 (4) - ^
  9. 00:08:198 (2) - ^
  10. 00:08:944 (4) - ^
  11. 00:09:316 (5) - remove clap
  12. 00:09:689 (5) - add clap
  13. 00:11:925 (2) - ^
  14. 00:19:006 (1) - add 'finish'
  15. 00:21:987 (1) - ^
  16. 00:27:950 (3) - ^
  17. 00:30:931 (4) - ^
  18. 00:32:422 (2,4) - I prefer those claps are placed in (3) and (5)
  19. 00:33:913 (1) - add 'finish'
  20. 00:45:465 (2,4) - add clap
  21. 00:46:583 (5) - remove clap and add finish
  22. 00:47:701 (1,3,5) - add clap
  23. 00:49:564 (6) - add finish
  24. 00:58:881 (4) - I prefer the NC should be here 00:59:253 (1) is on the white Tick.
  25. 01:02:235 (1) - ^
  26. 01:03:725 (3) - I prefer the claps are placed in (2) & (4) instead of (3)
  27. 01:11:179 (1) - add finish

I denied every Hitsound Suggestion, because they sounds awful IMO. Sorry for it.
Thanks for your Mod!

Matoryoshika wrote:

owo/ M4M~

  1. 00:03:354 (1) - remove whistle fine
  2. 00:04:844 ~ 00:05:217 - ^ fine for 00:05:217
  3. 00:06:521 (2) - I prefer the NC should be here no I think new music phrase starts at 00:06:335 (1) - therefor the NC
  4. 00:07:267 (2) - ^ ^
  5. 00:08:944 (3,4) - Inconsistent of spacing It is supposed to be in this way. Anti-jump because of lowering of the music itself
  6. 00:34:099 (1,2,3,4,5) - IF you put like that, the spacing between (2) ~ (3)
    and (3) ~ (4) compare with (1) ~ (2) becomes inconsistent (IMO) hard to understand ._. I think you want that the DS gets the same in the combostream... ok
  7. 00:34:844 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ ^ ?
  8. 00:35:217 (1,1) - the spacing is extremely high comparing with 00:35:403 I think it fits and plays well ._.

    (1,2) how about switching its place? move 00:35:775 (2) to 00:35:403 (1) I don't like it personly
  9. 00:39:875 (7) - add finish does not fit imo
  10. 00:47:142 (6) - remove this whistle and move it to 00:46:769 (2) I would say the whislte supports this ... du oh du between 00:46:956 (4,5,6) -
  11. 00:47:514 (6) - ^ ^
  12. 00:48:632 (6) - ^ ^
  13. 00:49:564 (1) - remove whistle, it sounds no good for me o3o fine
  14. 00:50:868 ~ 00:51:427 - remove these whistles then I see no real problem with them there ._.
  15. 00:51:800 (1,2,3,4) - put whistle on these notes, it'd sounds better no. I also don't really get why ._.
  16. 00:53:104 (7) - remove this whistle and put it on 00:52:732 (3) I add (3) without removing (7)
  17. 00:53:850 (7) - ^
  18. 00:54:595 (7) - ^ ^^
  19. 00:56:645 - I wish I could add (real)clap here >_> ??
  20. 01:17:328 (3,5) - add whistles fine
  21. 01:18:073 (3,5) - ^ fine
  22. 01:19:377 (3) - perhaps, add finish? no not really ... sound is not strong enough for a finish note imo
  23. 01:20:495 (3) - ^
  24. 01:21:613 (3) - ^
  25. 01:23:849 (4) - ^
  26. 01:24:967 (7) - ^
  27. 01:26:085 (10) - ^^^^^^

ZUN, why you so awesome owob
gonna fix this
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