
Diablo III

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awp wrote:

I haven't touched Witch Doctor yet and only played a monk to level 17. Monk seems all right though!
WD's are surprisingly fun, you have lots of neat tools at your disposal. However, you also have a lot of worthless ones, like jar of spiders... Such a cool idea yet so worthless =(.
WD can send exploding zombie bears at their enemies, if that's not awesome then nothing is

thelewa wrote:

WD can send exploding zombie bears at their enemies, if that's not awesome then nothing is
Yes! And they finally fixed the bug that made them stand behind you like retards too, rejoice.

thelewa wrote:

WD can send exploding zombie bears at their enemies, if that's not awesome then nothing is
I think I prefer the raining frogs a little more. Just because frogs man. From the sky.

Nekoroll wrote:

thelewa wrote:

WD can send exploding zombie bears at their enemies, if that's not awesome then nothing is
I think I prefer the raining frogs a little more. Just because frogs man. From the sky.
That`s a fun skill too.

Mukku wrote:

awp wrote:

Demon Hunter is just the easiest/most overpowered class.
Are you serious? Then I must suck at this game so much.

+ I thought Monk was the most op class

i dont get why people think DH is so good. you need to kite elite packs 24/7 and unless you have a crapton of resist pretty much everything 1shots you.

silmarilen wrote:

i dont get why people think DH is so good. you need to kite elite packs 24/7 and unless you have a crapton of resist pretty much everything 1shots you.
This. So much of this.

As a DH main, I enjoy the class and I think it is really fun because I'm used to kiting things around in a lot of other games and being squishy in general. You have some leverage with your traps and slows and such but it's not like your resource pool is infinite when fighting tough elite mobs. I cry a little when I have a mob of vortex/jailer/fast elites. Even worse if they're throwing mortars at me. ;__;

DH can be fun and challenging but you really have to have some sort of sense of finesse and resource management down if you want to progress well through the harder difficulties. I'm soloing hell and it's pretty difficult but still very doable.
i hate invulnerable minions. usually when i have a hard combination with minions i can kill the minions and pick up their health globes, or die when they have low hp and then kill them when i ressed. but if they are invulnerable its just ugh. adding return damage or vortex or something to that its just so annoying.

silmarilen wrote:

i dont get why people think DH is so good. you need to kite elite packs 24/7 and unless you have a crapton of resist pretty much everything 1shots you.
I have ~300 resist all, 30k HP, 67k DPS. Elites tend to two-shot me without Shadow Form, but I can tank one-on-one with champions as long as I have Shadow Form up. Thanks to Sharpshooter if I get an elite pack in a narrow hallway I can get a good 400,000 damage head start on them using spike traps

Using Smoke Screen, Demon Hunter can instantly remove Stun/Jailer and dodge things like Vortex. I miss being able to do that, but Shadow Form is so necessary because of Reflect Damage

I'm at Belial in act 2 atm. Once I get to Act 3 I'll see how manageable that is, but the non-Licker enemies in Act 3 are much easier to deal with imo
Colin Hou
1.03b is going to turn up the drop rate in later hell/inferno, but would that do any help with the messed gold AH?
Ok I guess my Diablo 3 playings are going to end since I've run out of gold due to dying to this one champion pack for about 60 times now

still surprised at how resilient this sidewinder x4 keyboard is, I've been hitting it nonstop for the past hour and it's still working perfectly

I fucking hate life

silmarilen wrote:

i dont get why people think DH is so good. you need to kite elite packs 24/7 and unless you have a crapton of resist pretty much everything 1shots you.
Pretty much everything one shots you as any class. Even as a monk or barb you spend the majority of your time running around waiting for CD`s to come back up. DH, Wizards and WD`s get the luxury of being able to deal damage while doing the running around though.

thelewa wrote:

Ok I guess my Diablo 3 playings are going to end since I've run out of gold due to dying to this one champion pack for about 60 times now

still surprised at how resilient this sidewinder x4 keyboard is, I've been hitting it nonstop for the past hour and it's still working perfectly

I fucking hate life
thats what you get for ditching me >:(
my dmg would've helped you.
no it wouldn't have, mobs would've had 2x more hp so your dmg wouldn't have done anything
in my experience multiplayer is tougher than single player but to be fair I haven't been in a multiplayer game where I wasn't pulling everyone else's weight
i also think multiplayer is tougher overall, and lewa is right about my dmg not really helping.


lewa was boosting me through hell and inferno at the start so bad.
okay I killed Belial

Act 3 is doable but obnoxious so back to farming we gooooo not that I know what I need at this point
Quit and sold most of my gear on the RMAH, still waiting for some of it to sell. Might have some leftovers if any you newbs need it. (no gold).
it hurts to be insulted

thelewa wrote:

it hurts to be insulted
it hurts less if your All Resist is high

Decided to hop back on my barb and get him to 60. All resist is around 330, armour at 7500, HP 27k, on Hell Act 4 using a mix of good/shitty gear

damage is so lowwwwww and movement is so slowwwwwww but the ragdoll is so awesome
being stuck on Belial is not fun especially since I can't kill him before his enrage because of my massive 14k dps
what happens when he enrges?

this happens
that looks painful
I'm a sorcerer lvl 60 and i'm block in inferno Act II, the difference with the Act I it huge :(
I have never seen an enrage before

I don't intend to either that looks bonkers and annoying
I hit the enrage on siegebreaker. Tends to happen when I run around with 12k dps.

Nothing really happened
Colin Hou

in a team play with a barb, my dps is 18k(22~31k in battle), his is around 10k.

we tried for 3 times and by changing many equipments, it's down about 10 seconds after the enrage

awp wrote:

I have never seen an enrage before

I don't intend to either that looks bonkers and annoying
apparently it was added in 1.0.3
lol act 2 finally down on Inferno

I got smart and I decided to just sprint around Belial, turns out my dps is like 4x better when I sprint around things instead of just beating them with a sword.

edit: Whirl and Wind is so ridiculously powerful that it's probably getting nerfed soon
my barb can tank everything in Act 1 but 20 rare lacuni are a death sentence in act 2

he's using non AH'd gear but still, it's a bit much
I'm sad to be saying something like this but I think I've come to an end with my D3. I've done everything there is to possibly do in it, I don't know if I am fully happy with how this game has played out =(. I defended blizzard intensely when the game was released thinking they would surely add to the longevity of the game but, they just haven't delivered that in my eyes currently, and that is just inexcusable in my opinion. Perhaps a patch down the road will bring me back but for the time being, it's back to Dota2.

awp wrote:

my barb can tank everything in Act 1 but 20 rare lacuni are a death sentence in act 2

he's using non AH'd gear but still, it's a bit much
Hey I get 1shot by some white mobs in Act 3

fun fun
Golgoths, or whatever? Fat men with maces. Also fuck the lickers, I'm not looking forward to dealing with them at all
The Act 3 versions of Fallen Overlords 1shot me.

Yeah I really need to get more resistances and armor
My barb is just under 8000 armour, and a little over 500 on the lowest resist. Phys res is around 650. I should be okay but my HP is like 35k

using level 54 gear like a boss
I've got less than 5k armor, my resistances are about 300-500 and my HP is 36k

oh yeah and my dps is 15k

managed to clear Act 2 Inferno like a boss
I was on Ventrilo with two buddies of mine (that I know through World of Warcraft) and they were pretty pissed off at the launch time.
About a week after it launched, everyone seemed to like... warship this game, despite having obvious flaws in it.
I bought it last month and still don't get the huge appeal of playing through it 3 times to get to inferno.
Played it through with a friend of mine (level 1-60) as a tanking-type Monk. I recently stopped playing because it got boring - pretty much right after I dinged 60.

Playing it through, I don't get why the game was so popular. Mainly because beating the game three times through is slightly dumb if you ask me. Four if you wanna finish Inferno.
First three difficulties are basically just to get you familiar with the different types of mob behaviours I reckon; game's easy until Inferno

as far as KSGL games go, the mechanics in D3 are great. It's a bit deeper than just press buff/debuff/spell hotkey then click enemy
I'm playing melee/tank wizard now, and I'm having more fun with this than with the kiting playstyle.
The fps drops can be annoying though.

awp wrote:

First three difficulties are basically just to get you familiar with the different types of mob behaviours I reckon; game's easy until Inferno
They could have done that with a one less difficulty or more content imo.
Maybe I'm just biased against the game though.
I find a lot of people are hyperbolically against the game. I don't know why. Blizzard forum users appear to be some of the most entitled people on the net.

Got to Ghom Inferno, but he's not currently possible with the gear I have. Better gear is unreasonably expensive, and I'm pretty unlucky when it comes to farming, so I'm not sure whether I'll keep up with it or not. I hear another patch is on the way but I don't know how that'll help.
I've never used the forums on Diablo 3.

There are a lot of things that bugs me about Diablo in general. I didn't like Diablo 2 and like... five people on my Steam friends list were all "Why aren't you getting Diablo 3 (when it launched)". I finally got it a couple of months ago and they all stopped playing except for one of my friends... shocking, I know.

I find Diablo 3 is unnecessarily unfair against melee ... a lot of mechanics screw up my Monk (several affixes). I was playing 1-60 with a friend and when I asked him how to find openings with certain situations, his reply, more often than not would be, "You don't" or "You let me do it". I play melee in just about every game I own (when it comes to fighting of any sort) and finding that Blizzard doesn't let melee do anything is 100% retarded. Ex: Ghom's gas is nearly impossible to approach so I'm stuck doing squat while my Demon Hunter friend does everything.

Yeah, I've heard a lot of people saying how Blizzard really dropped the ball on the Auction house - specifically, making it harder for botters to farm gold / gear, but effectively screwing up the "actual" Diablo 3 players.
Certain affixes just flat out fuck over melee. I started with a Barb, but switched to Wiz then DH before my barb ever hit 60. I still play the Barb a bit now because his armor and resistances are pretty rad but fire chains is just a game ender depending on the elite with the affix. Electric and Poison affixes aren't too bad though.

Oddly, I find Illusion to be a real show-stopper for barb. Maybe because my DPS is a paltry 18k.

I mostly (90% of the time) play the game solo though. Maybe that's what's up.

awp wrote:

Certain affixes just flat out fuck over melee.
No kidding... >_>
I was dying on a pretty regular basis on Hell because I wouldn't be able to find away around some of them. Be it Arcane-ing me into a corner, or Plaguing everything around me. Electric I found wasn't bad. The two above usually were the ones killing me. Desecration the odd time - it'd kill me because there's a few seconds of delay before I'd be out of the ground effect, and the time I'd stop taking damage... Yay Blizzard servers... Illusion wasn't usually a problem, but then again, my friend just Elemental Arrow (ball lightning) them to death instantly.

Yeah, I don't like playing those games alone - I find it boring. Most anything I play on computer (save osu!) is multi-player (generally I play computer games with friends and my N3DS is if I wanna play something on my own).. Playing multi-player shouldn't deem the melee friends obsolete though.

awp wrote:

Certain affixes just flat out fuck over melee. I started with a Barb, but switched to Wiz then DH before my barb ever hit 60. I still play the Barb a bit now because his armor and resistances are pretty rad but fire chains is just a game ender depending on the elite with the affix. Electric and Poison affixes aren't too bad though.

Oddly, I find Illusion to be a real show-stopper for barb. Maybe because my DPS is a paltry 18k.

I mostly (90% of the time) play the game solo though. Maybe that's what's up.
Get enough LoH, like 2k+ and just Whirlwind and sprint tornadoes around them, your LoH will tick so many times that you won't even feel the Fire Chains
LoH works with Whirlwind? Good to know. A handful of life-based abilities don't work with certain skills (eg rapid fire) which is fucking dumb

having said that I have an 800 LoH axe pretty cool beans
Large pictures inside.

I love taking screenshots of horrible, horrible situations. It can be funny what the game throws at you some times.
that elite looks pretty easy to me :| not sure how you're getting the HP numbers to display atop the monsters though, that looks useful

Just read the changes being made to 1.04. I'll probably start playing again after that, even if I can't kill Ghom (I can always skip him)

awp wrote:

that elite looks pretty easy to me :| not sure how you're getting the HP numbers to display atop the monsters though, that looks useful

Just read the changes being made to 1.04. I'll probably start playing again after that, even if I can't kill Ghom (I can always skip him)
Elite demonic tremors (the yellow ones) are kind of bugged right now, they seem to have a hyper-fast affix by default. This video shows it perfectly

Anddd yeah, it seems like a lot of people are waiting for the 1.04 patch to come out. I just read about the buffed legendary weapons... kind of makes me sad they are giving them justice NOW 3 months after game release. Seems like its going to be like a re-launch. I imagine a lot of people are gonna be pissed off for buying all those 250$ legendaries now that they're gonna become obsolete.
I've noticed a large number of elite packs have really high move speed with or without the fast affix. I'd hope that was a bug, it's fucking obnoxious
I just downloaded the new patch, but can't login (maintenance).

Heres hoping there wont be any error 37 shenanigans later.

awp wrote:

I've noticed a large number of elite packs have really high move speed with or without the fast affix. I'd hope that was a bug, it's fucking obnoxious
also depends on the monster, if the monster is already fast on itself the elites will ofcourse also be faster than slow mobs.

Purlpo wrote:

I just downloaded the new patch, but can't login (maintenance).

Heres hoping there wont be any error 37 shenanigans later.
Wouldn't surprise. Blizzard's good at being dumb.
Also, I looked at the patch notes for the Champions and Rares and instantly wondered why they're nerfing them so hard...

silmarilen wrote:

awp wrote:

I've noticed a large number of elite packs have really high move speed with or without the fast affix. I'd hope that was a bug, it's fucking obnoxious
also depends on the monster, if the monster is already fast on itself the elites will ofcourse also be faster than slow mobs.
yeah I'm well aware of that

fucking spiderlings

Justykanna wrote:

Purlpo wrote:

I just downloaded the new patch, but can't login (maintenance).

Heres hoping there wont be any error 37 shenanigans later.
Wouldn't surprise. Blizzard's good at being dumb.
Also, I looked at the patch notes for the Champions and Rares and instantly wondered why they're nerfing them so hard...
Yes. Now that the loots are better they essentially nerfed Inferno again. Something tells me I should keep my DPS at 70k and try to improve my resistances... otherwise it MIGHT get boring.

Smoke Screen is STILL the only/best way to counter jailer. Whyyyyyyyy!?

awp wrote:

Yes. Now that the loots are better they essentially nerfed Inferno again. Something tells me I should keep my DPS at 70k and try to improve my resistances... otherwise it MIGHT get boring.
I hit level 60 and quit immediately because the game was so friggin boring...
It's just a slap in the face to the people that actually enjoyed the game and beat Inferno pre-nerf.
Though I don't think the affixes needed that hard of a nerf. Me thinks the little kiddies who can't play the game were complaining to the point that Blizzard gave them what they wanted.

Purlpo wrote:

moke Screen is STILL the only/best way to counter jailer. Whyyyyyyyy!?
Seems like they made it so they gave each class one spell to counter everything. The limited moveset sorta proves that imo.
I still haven't beaten inferno yet but they nerfed Ghom so maybe I can get past him now

the last patch (1.03b I think) completely broke him
i decided to play for a bit again, but after 2 quests in act 2 i got bored and closed the game
too sad only got a starter edition

( I don't have 60 bucks to buy it :<<<<< )

awp wrote:

I still haven't beaten inferno yet but they nerfed Ghom so maybe I can get past him now

the last patch (1.03b I think) completely broke him
The whole game is broken based on what I've heard. Had a friend rambling how easy Diablo 3 is after the previous nerf (not the one from yesterday).

Keksi wrote:

too sad only got a starter edition

( I don't have 60 bucks to buy it :<<<<< )
I was choosing between Diablo 3 and another game. Since everyone played Diablo 3 and said how amazing it was, I got that about a month after launch. About a week after I bought it, only one out of the four or five people that bought it, bothered playing it with me. I'm really grateful to them for telling me how amazing it was, then telling me how boring it was right about the time I got it. *sarcasm*. Wasted $60.

Such an overrated game in the end, imo. The amount of frustration I have for it is amazing...
Yeah I haven't figured out what everybody hates so much about the game. I fucking love it
Now the Paragon patch/level is there

anyone tested it ?

awp wrote:

I fucking love it

Keksi wrote:

Now the Paragon patch/level is there

anyone tested it ?
I tested it a bit. Fire chains is much less of a FUCK YOU even to my DH, so my barb can probably tank it

also I like that you can now see the AOE on AOE attacks

awp wrote:

Yeah I haven't figured out what everybody hates so much about the game. I fucking love it
I hate it for two reasons:
1) Because it's so repetitive and you have to beat three difficulties before you beat the hardest settings.
2) They make it completely unfair to melee, which is the way I've rolled in just about any game I've played.
On a bit of a side point, I also got upset for spending $60 on the game while having at least four friends stop playing it as soon as I got it, when I bought the game to only play WITH people.

Paragon seems like a really good idea, gives more reasons for players to keep going. If I liked it more, I'd probably go at it.

awp wrote:

I tested it a bit. Fire chains is much less of a FUCK YOU even to my DH, so my barb can probably tank it

also I like that you can now see the AOE on AOE attacks
Yeah, I always died to Fire Chains and Arcane Sentries. Both of which took a major nerf.
It's nice to be able to see anything in the mound of chaos that is the field sometimes... =/
yeah I thought Arcane Sentry was nerfed; I touched one yesterday and it only did 8k damage instead of like, 18k

so yeah Fire Chains is pretty nerfed; molten is still a bit dangerous for me but my Barbarian is just stomping through Act 2 now. Found a pretty good 1H sword (100STR, 967 DPS) and my skillset lets me blast through elite packs. Rend with Bloodlust is a godsend now.

My barbarian isn't even using auction-house gear, it's all shit I found, including a level 50-something helmet I found literally months ago
diablo 3.... let's makes money.............
Finally beat Diablo on Inferno, WITHOUT using the Auction House. Managed to defeat all of the bosses in Act 4 without dying. Then I went and bought a ring with ~60 AR and now I'm pretty well-geared.


awp wrote:

yeah I thought Arcane Sentry was nerfed; I touched one yesterday and it only did 8k damage instead of like, 18k

so yeah Fire Chains is pretty nerfed; molten is still a bit dangerous for me but my Barbarian is just stomping through Act 2 now. Found a pretty good 1H sword (100STR, 967 DPS) and my skillset lets me blast through elite packs. Rend with Bloodlust is a godsend now.
Yup, Arcane Sentries do ~30% less damage and are more spread and Fire Chains do 20% less damage.
Even for someone who doesn't like the game like me, I even think it was too much of a nerf. But that's just me, other hardcore players may disagree. Not sure if it's a good game for players looking for a challenge.

awp wrote:

Finally beat Diablo on Inferno, WITHOUT using the Auction House. Managed to defeat all of the bosses in Act 4 without dying. Then I went and bought a ring with ~60 AR and now I'm pretty well-geared.
From what I heard, bots completely broke the Auction House because all the prices are stupidly inflated. Which is very disappointing.
Maybe the nerf was for the people that were sick of farming gold for stupid prices, I dunno.
it seems the opposite to me. Prices on everything are going down.

The Arcane Sentry appears to have a different behaviour altogether - damage on it is way down, but spawn rate is up. Prior to 1.04 I don't recall a single mob being able to have two sentries going at once, so I think they reduced both the damage and the cooldown.

But now that I've beaten Diablo and I can farm in Whimsyshire, I have to wonder, "What now?" Maybe run a different class?

awp wrote:

it seems the opposite to me. Prices on everything are going down.

The Arcane Sentry appears to have a different behaviour altogether - damage on it is way down, but spawn rate is up. Prior to 1.04 I don't recall a single mob being able to have two sentries going at once, so I think they reduced both the damage and the cooldown.

But now that I've beaten Diablo and I can farm in Whimsyshire, I have to wonder, "What now?" Maybe run a different class?
Gotta get that paragon to 100 =p. I'm pretty happy with this patch, it brought me back to the game after a 2-3 week hiatus, sadly i lost my 60 WD in HC the other day so now im stuck playing normal for a bit =(.

awp wrote:

I have to wonder, "What now?" Maybe run a different class?
And go through and beat the game four more times? Be my guest! =P

Justykanna wrote:

awp wrote:

I have to wonder, "What now?" Maybe run a different class?
And go through and beat the game four more times? Be my guest! =P
I have 3 level 60 characters. Suffice to say I don't mind blasting through the first two difficulties since they're incredibly easy. Hell is also pretty easy, but you have to either have current gear or keep your mind in the game for it.

awp wrote:

I have 3 level 60 characters. Suffice to say I don't mind blasting through the first two difficulties since they're incredibly easy. Hell is also pretty easy, but you have to either have current gear or keep your mind in the game for it.
Lol, fair enough!
I got attacked by a pack of little ponies (Team Unicorn) and got two legendary sword drops yay

but both the swords were Spectrum which is a joke-legendary that is worthless

Only got 2 legendary items so far in Normal difficulty for both my characters. I believe they are Crystal Fist and The Zweihander. But I've since sold them on the Gold Auction House.

I play as a Barbarian and a Monk on the Asian servers. Both are currently in Act II.
Patch v1.05 is out as of today. They said they doubled legendary drop rates, but I found 3 in my last three or four hours, so I think it's a bit higher than that. Also found a key to a new quest/dungeon/boss battle.

Monster Level feature has been added, but you have to go into the options menu to enable the ability to use it (I seriously have no fucking idea why Blizzard does that kind of stuff, hiding features in a toggle in the options menu)

I am still playing the fuck out of this game; got 5 level 60s (one is a hardcore monk) and still haven't touched witch doctor yet

Monster Level 2 Act 1 inferno mobs were giving me a bit of trouble (budget-gear monk) so I'm interested in seeing what the MLvl 10s can dish out
Barbarian is Level 30, and is somewhere in Act III. Monk is Level 27 and just started Act III.

Rares looks like they drop more often from elite or champion mobs, and that's okay with me. No luck with Legendaries so far.
I didn't get my first legendary unique until level 45ish on my Barb. I've found maybe 15-20 of them now, only one or two that were actually good. Found my first Set item the other day after 400+ hours of playing; sold it for $20 USD and bought Minecraft with it. Once you hit level 60 and start getting NV stacks/paragon levels you find rares all the time. Somewhere between 25-50% of the magical drops will be rares.

Legendaries pop up a bit more if you crank the Monster Power up to 10 and have a +299% MF but enemies will have a bonus 3400% HP
Its true that you find itens all time now, but 99,7% are useless, so its the same as finding nothing *sadface*
Yeah, this patch has been pretty fun. Infernal machine is a nice goal to set for yourself while farming.

Wtb being able to dye legendary armor, my character looks retarded right now =(.
yes. My legendary gear is nice, but it's totally ruining the whole Scootaloo look I had going, wings and all

awp wrote:

yes. My legendary gear is nice, but it's totally ruining the whole Scootaloo look I had going, wings and all
I don't even want to post a screenshot of what mine looks like.
does anybody still play this game

i need more friends t.t
I still play this game, though less than I did a couple weeks ago. I'm about to start doing IM runs to try and get a Hellfire Ring
yea i been collecting keys for a while to now.

i have a good bit of keys from act1 and 3...still nothing from 2 :/

but i ran IM on MP4 with some friends and two of the people got rings pieces but i didnt :/

but i really want a ring so once i can make 3 IM portals ill prolly go find a team that can run MP5 or 6 cause i want this thing
I was planning to do MP8 since I solo unicorns at MP4 with my DH, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet

Still gotta play a WD, only class I haven't taken to 60
the only class ive brought to 60 was my DH but hes like paraLvl 18 or 19. i cant remember its been like 9 or 10 days since ive been on but i only have 160k dps so i can do super high MP but it takes SO LONG
that's because mobs at MP10 have like, 30 times their normal HP
the famous table

i want to kill that boss
add meh, dyaems#6916

i rarely play nowadays though... please indicate if youre from osu or ill just think that spammers are just adding me again :)

James wrote:

add meh, dyaems#6916

i rarely play nowadays though... please indicate if youre from osu or ill just think that spammers are just adding me again :)

JAAAAAAAAAAMES yeeeeeah I don't play much anymore either but YEAH JAMES
i rarely play ass well, i dont even know my own character code so....... i guess ill jsut add u if i ever get on again ._.

KingFloyd wrote:

hurr hurr

i havent played in ages, its really a wasted 60 euros :(
Since I got a better computer I started playing this again. Now it's been 6 weeks and I still play it =)
Finally starting to have decent gear on my main character ^^
D3 is d3ad
id play if ppl played with me ._.
I'm likely going to pick this game back up again at some point, probably when a friend of mine gets it
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