
Diablo III

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Hello osu community, long time no see (save for the few who see me pop in and out from time to time when I feel like playing!)

Just a shameless little plug for anyone who might be interested - at 3am EST tonight, when Diablo III goes live, I will be playing with a friend of mine live on stream for all to see. is the address, come out and watch if you're interested! Should be fun/entertaining for all!
Enjoying your error 37?

Edit: Set up a macro for my password. One click.

Oh and "hi" back, I am the "third viewer", you spoke of. Not that I'm staying.
why not just make a thing that tries to log you in until you get past the error

I thought I could use the beta client so I'm redownloading it now
Koreans already finished the game in a few hours.
US servers were rocky until 6:30PM EST but it seems to be pretty solid now

Game is pretty fun. Might be hurting in the replay value department though

Dafydd wrote:

Koreans already finished the game in a few hours.
I heard it was six hours. At this six hours they also went out to buy some food. lol
haha, it's totally down again, no ETA this time. Good thing I've got Shadow Hearts Covenant as well

TheNutritiousGuy wrote:

Dafydd wrote:

Koreans already finished the game in a few hours.
I heard it was six hours. At this six hours they also went out to buy some food. lol
Sometimes I start to think if buying the game would be worth it :(

Dafydd wrote:

TheNutritiousGuy wrote:

I heard it was six hours. At this six hours they also went out to buy some food. lol
Sometimes I start to think if buying the game would be worth it :(
Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very

worth it.
It's not like there are already over 1000 live streams.

Hi Dake, come back and make new maps!
Just hit act 2. I think I've clocked around 6 or 7 hours so far.

Why is Act 2 in every good Kill Shit Get Loot game after Diablo 2 a desert?
Because D2 taught us it was good. Maybe.

Entering hell soon! Only Diablo left in nightmare. Izual was one hell of a one-shot killing machine. I had to dodge all the attacks to survive :x
Looooooove it, lv 33 so far .. owning with a dh, being able to cross an entire map in seconds like the sorc in d2 is just awesome.

Salvage wrote:

being able to cross an entire map in seconds like the sorc in d2 is just awesome.
that's what I love about the barb's leap. Shortcuuuuuuuuts
52lv and Act 1 of hell done almost. Oh dear I should stop this
I'm only in Act 3 but I've been able to just tank bosses as a Barbarian. High HP-drain, fast attack speed and 4 second stun ability does wonders I guess.
I've had to dodge every single attack of almost all the bosses in NM or Hell so far. DH is so puny but still it's so much fun.
On to act 4! But not, because I'm helping my brother move tonight/tomorrow and chillin' with my folks.
completed Act 4. End of Act Boss was pretty ezpz. Nightmare difficulty's a different story, even the Skeleton King gave me some trouble.
I'm currently on ACT I/Quest 3/Inferno
Beat hell yesterday, and inferno... is too difficult, the beginning zombies 3 hit me when I have 23k HP
btw i'm a wizard/lvl60
Battletag: Xanek#1921

also Whimsyshire
My main character is the Wizard. He's only on Act II. Haven't really played it much due to the fact that Nvidia graphic cards aren't working well with the game. Card keeps crashing. I'm gonna wait until Blizzard fixes it because it's too annoying.
Lv. 55 Witch Doctor now (no one plays WD lolol), gonna start workin on act 2 hell today. It's getting way hard and i'm broke ;_;
Lv 56 DH, doing insane amounts of damage right now, pretty easy stuff on hell act 2, looking forward to inferno ^^
Colin Hou
Lv 55 Monk, in hell act 2. i hate elite.
Lv 39 DH Nightmare Act 2 :DDD
Still looking for somebody to play with, have been forever alone all this time. =)

I pretty much go glasscannon-build, when I defeated Diablo on Normal I had like 1300 hp, now I'm sitting on around 3,5k.
But I still love playing him, my Templar tanks it all up and AoE is huge, though I still got my problems against golden creeps sometimes...
I'm one drop away from Whimsyshire (Gibbering Gemstone)

I got the plans for the Herding staff the very first (and currently only) time I took Izual down, but I saw the ingredients and the resulting item and didn't know what to make of it: rare drop from semi-final boss, 3.5DPS or some shit.

I am not a fan of mobs with Vampiric and some kind of DOT (Molten is the worst). I have a high damage output but my Barb build is entirely close range and my follower often sits on magma, keeping the mobs at full health
i watched method's livestream when they were progressing through inferno, other than that im not very interested in the game.
vitality makes nightmare (and hell if you're solo) completely trivial

never tried inferno, level 56 monk
fell victim to the recent hackwave, while I was playing even. got "you are logged out because another computer logged in" etc, logged in again, got logged out again, password incorrect on my next attempt. by the time i resetted my level 58 WD is naked, no gold, and in act 1 normal. all this in a span of 15-20 minutes or so.. seriously

Submitted a ticket and got the rollback within the hour but i already lost two of my best gears (lost like 3000 dps and more) and an entire day.. completely ruined my day and my spirit to play any further for the moment (fuck. this.)
Yea I heard about that from the D3 forums. Sounds terrible.

I got an authenticator app for my phone but they state even that is compromised. It's a matter of luck so it seems.
lv 60 dh already, playing alone is way too easy, doing 60k crits constantly, 4 guys is another thing (act 3 hell) but people is saying inferno is really hard so i guess is ok
I've been 60 for a while now, been farming act 1 inferno daily. I think they are going to nerf it soon because it really is to hard. My sorc has 900 resist(75% reduction) and can still be 1 hit killed by normal mobs in act 3.

It's pretty boring due to the way the drop system is. In d2 you could find unique/rares throughout the game, I've gotten 1 unique and 1 set item so far.

E: here is my char


shanaftw wrote:

I've been 60 for a while now, been farming act 1 inferno daily. I think they are going to nerf it soon because it really is to hard. My sorc has 900 resist(75% reduction) and can still be 1 hit killed by normal mobs in act 3.

It's pretty boring due to the way the drop system is. In d2 you could find unique/rares throughout the game, I've gotten 1 unique and 1 set item so far.

E: here is my char

Love this charActer so much :)
Welcome to Diablo. It's normal to be one-shotted.
Colin Hou
ok inferno the hell

shanaftw wrote:

I've been 60 for a while now, been farming act 1 inferno daily. I think they are going to nerf it soon because it really is to hard. My sorc has 900 resist(75% reduction) and can still be 1 hit killed by normal mobs in act 3.

It's pretty boring due to the way the drop system is. In d2 you could find unique/rares throughout the game, I've gotten 1 unique and 1 set item so far.

E: here is my char

You should ditch the shield. Go for a offhand. Shield or no shield, you're still gunna die in 1 or 2 hits in Inferno. Find a nice source and up your damage and get some new stats. You should have way more int. Also, you could use more vit.

Second off, your skill build is kinda bad. You lack defensive skills. Ditch the Familiar at least. Try getting Teleport with Wormhole or the one that does a decoy. You can also try Frost Nova, Really good. Which Hydra is that? SHould be only Venom or Arcane, others are that good unless its default with conflag passive.

Get more damage, kite better.

add me to friends >~<
at least he lived long enough to see diablo 3 come out...

ba dum tss

Inferno is pretty harsh, i'll have to get used to kite more often here :(.
you're going to get one shotted in act 2 so might as well ignore defense/hp completely

Zelmarked wrote:

I got an authenticator app for my phone but they state even that is compromised.
Citation? I've heard people on the forums say that, but they're unreliable. Did Blizzard state that the mobile authenticator was compromised? So far I haven't had any dealings like that.

friendok53 wrote:
he shouldn't have been playing on Hardcore mode
Now reading the D3 thread again, all the complainers did dodge once the mod came back and reiterated. The D3 forum posters are unreliable.
sounds to me like the authenticator didn't actually add any security to the system if backdoor trojans were enough

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

shanaftw wrote:

You should ditch the shield. Go for a offhand. Shield or no shield, you're still gunna die in 1 or 2 hits in Inferno. Find a nice source and up your damage and get some new stats. You should have way more int. Also, you could use more vit.

Second off, your skill build is kinda bad. You lack defensive skills. Ditch the Familiar at least. Try getting Teleport with Wormhole or the one that does a decoy. You can also try Frost Nova, Really good. Which Hydra is that? SHould be only Venom or Arcane, others are that good unless its default with conflag passive.

Get more damage, kite better.
I actually threw this suit together just to tank everything in act 1, since kiting was getting old. I then grabbed as much defense stats as I could to see how well it would work out in act 2. Needless to say I died without a moment to react.

And again the build was just for act 1, my vendom hydra and auto attacks rip through everything there. The familiar was just extra dmg.

Regardless, I haven't been playing the last few days because the game is flat out boring. I've found one "legendary(garbage)" in 90 hours of play and 1 set piece. You basically farm the same act over and over for yellows with a few better stats than what you're wearing.

Hopefully they will bring out some patches to make loot more interesting, otherwise id rather just pop in d2 and play it when im bored.

E: my normal kite suit is 30k+ damage with venom wep/hydra/frost nova and critical mass for the cooldown reduction.
Hell was starting to bother me, so I'm switching up classes. Didn't care much for the monk up to level 18 or so, but I'm having fun with the wizard

awp wrote:

Hell was starting to bother me, so I'm switching up classes. Didn't care much for the monk up to level 18 or so, but I'm having fun with the wizard
Hell is just a minor step back, the moment when you realize you can't really rush through things inferno is another thing. Inferno quite literally is an example that you can't do absolutely anything with a melee class. I've gone through several pub games and I've seen many barbs and monks just constantly die and make no progress, only ones that actually seem to be doing great are wiz, dhs and some wd's. That's only because they can kite, you can't really kite with melee characters vs say..elite groups, that just seems impossible..try to be up against s a combo of reflect + desecrate or with reflect, shielding.
#edit: In inferno it's really common to get 1-2 hited.. wizards used to be able to tank more due to the energy shield with the rune that allows you to take 35% damage of your maximum life if the damage the mob hits you is over that number. Now that they've nerfed it, it will be a little bit more difficult handling through that difficulty.
Never played a barb before but i think they develop pretty good with gear, DH's still get one shoted with good gear, Barbs can pretty much own elites with ignore pain and good gear timed with the avatar, DH's just have to kite and avoid being hitted cause that equals death
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