M4M Status: CLOSED
Maps for M4M: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/964981
NM Rules:
1. NM -> I pick random maps to mod
2. If you're one of the first to post, you have a higher chance of being picked. Although you are not guaranteed.
3. I'm not too picky on song choice, but if I don't like the song, I probably won't mod
4. I won't mod gd's, unless they're your diff.
5. I won't mod the map if you're a furry, or brony
6. I won't mod the map if there's no background
M4M Rules:
• M4M -> I will mod first
• I'm not too picky on songs, but I won't take every M4M request.
• No Tickets, my memory is bad.
• Don't mod my map before I mod yours
Things to consider/Preferences:
• I don't really like long sets (unless I really like the song) so you have more of a chance to be picked if you set is under 3 minutes.
• Rhythm Game music (M2U/Arcarea)
• Neurofunk (Dictate, False Noise, Billain)
• Electronic Music (Camellia, Ekcle, Lapix)
• Anime songs generally are a hit and miss for me.
M4M Status: CLOSED
Maps for M4M: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/964981
NM Rules:
1. NM -> I pick random maps to mod
2. If you're one of the first to post, you have a higher chance of being picked. Although you are not guaranteed.
3. I'm not too picky on song choice, but if I don't like the song, I probably won't mod
4. I won't mod gd's, unless they're your diff.
5. I won't mod the map if you're a furry, or brony
6. I won't mod the map if there's no background
M4M Rules:
• M4M -> I will mod first
• I'm not too picky on songs, but I won't take every M4M request.
• No Tickets, my memory is bad.
• Don't mod my map before I mod yours
Things to consider/Preferences:
• I don't really like long sets (unless I really like the song) so you have more of a chance to be picked if you set is under 3 minutes.
• Rhythm Game music (M2U/Arcarea)
• Neurofunk (Dictate, False Noise, Billain)
• Electronic Music (Camellia, Ekcle, Lapix)
• Anime songs generally are a hit and miss for me.
Spoiler at the end
Diff Preference:
Artist - Title:
Drain time:
Link to beatmap:
Diff Preference:
Artist - Title:
Drain time:
Link to beatmap: