Update 4 Oct 21
Please read before requesting or I'll auto-reject.
I usually mod for fun so some requests would be delayed.
Please read before requesting or I'll auto-reject.
- Don't send me WIP maps, this includes hitsounding.
- Mapset above 6.5* will likely be ignored in most cases.
- No tech maps.
- No first map, except it's good.
- If I find you appear to be having poor behavior, requests will be denied. Be :3c and not >:[.
All requests are NM so I can focus on my modding skill improvement, bn road I suppose.
Pop/Rock Japanese with N/H/I spread grants priority, but not guaranteed.
- Mapset above 6.5* will likely be ignored in most cases.
- No tech maps.
- No first map, except it's good.
- If I find you appear to be having poor behavior, requests will be denied. Be :3c and not >:[.
All requests are NM so I can focus on my modding skill improvement, bn road I suppose.
Pop/Rock Japanese with N/H/I spread grants priority, but not guaranteed.
I usually mod for fun so some requests would be delayed.