
Just some questions ( cliche but please bear with me )

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Well the title says it all..the average i can spin on the centre is only like 200+ .. this really saddens me as it is the reason why i can't get into the top 5 of the easy songs ..

Just in case you need it : my windows mouse speed is 6/11 ,in osu is 1.0x,mouse precision mode off(it should be this way right ?)
I spin around the centre ( you don't say ? )

I would appreciate if you guys help but what i want is not answers like 'practice' (i need to practice the right things) or 'get a tablet' etc..but rather tips like :
e.g :
-Do i grip my mouse really hard and 'strain' my right hand and try to spin like a madman around the centre (usually backfires) or just relax and slowly concentrate on spinning around the centre ? ( biggest problem for me now is that i can't always make a complete spin as i tend to get to close to the centre and not making a complete spin as a result )

-high dpi or low dpi ?? (considering i have to hit the notes later)

-any cheap ( <$40 ) mouse suited for spinning ? ( generally for osu! )

-i tried to on then off the mouse precision mode, does it really make a difference ? I don't need to know the logic behind it , just need to know if setting this mode will improve my game play or not. ( not compromising accuracy for spinning etc )

-could the mousepad be a reason ?? ( guess not but might be ? ) my mousepad is a Fellowes mouse pad costing <$10

-and well , any other general helpful tips on spinning you can provide =)

That's my queries for spinning.

Now off to the notes , look at this screenshot that i've taken :

well so do i still do it with two fingers or just tap it really fast with one finger ? Or is it not the fingers problems to begin with , but rather the placement of my cursor .. ( sorry i don't have any replays )

I started using two fingers to play ( Z,X ) about 1month ago but i only use two fingers when there's a long line of notes ( streams, if i'm not mistaken ) .. am i supposed to alternate between the two fingers even with normal notes ??

Well , just some long questions i've accumulated over time when playing , just felt i really had to know the answers :)

Thanks ! Sorry for the long post but do read it despite this being my very first post do not ignore it :(
Spin around the center. I spin around about 2 inches in diameter around the center.

The highest dpi you can control. You just have to mess around till you find that grey area between ok to control while decently fast.

I don't think there's such a thing as a mouse "suited" for spinning. But I suppose nicer mice have better glide pads on the bottom. Logitechs a good brand. But the pads on the bottom aren't a selling point so you can't really use that as a search method. There's tablets in which you spin a frictionless pen around. But expect to spend $40-$200.

Turn mouse precision off. I think that slides your cursor across the screen equivalent to the speed in which you move your mouse. In the long run it's better to learn roughly how much you move you mouse per how far the cursor moves.

I use a Zowie plastic mousepad.
Plastic/glass mouse pads are the best for less friction.

Obligatory, practice. Small circles.

I'd suggest always alternating. You can bring both fingers up to par or let one be the weak link. Using both at all times builds familiarity and muscle.
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Thanks ! That cleared my doubt about the mouse precision .. and i'll try to find 'my' dpi then =)
But one of my question stays unanswered ... do i grip my mouse really hard when spinning ?? ( not sure how to explain this , something like putting pressure on my hand ) and also for mouse users , Kinda ridiculous but does anybody have a picture/video of their mouse hand when they spin to use as referrence ?? i really find it hard when a spinner comes ..
Yep, mouse precision actually does the opposite of what it implies.

Google the model number and manufacturer of your mouse, you can probably find the DPI somewhere on their site.
As far as gripping procedures, it really all depends on what feels most comfortable for you. I'd say just practice being able to be consistent with your spins before going for speed.
I'm no expert, but I want to make it clear for you that there is a difference between Enhance Pointer Precision in the Windows mouse options dialogue, and Enable Mouse Precision Mode in the Osu Input dialogue. It's often confused when people discuss this, and I had to do some digging around here to get the information straight, so let me explain how they differ.

Enhance Pointer Precision in Windows will cause your mouse to move at a higher DPI when you move your hand faster, and a lower DPI when you move your hand slower. This is terrible for gamers, because it means that you have to control your hand's acceleration as well as its distance traversed. As I understand it the only people who ever use this are professional players of first person shooter games, and then only rarely at high levels, and only with proprietary software.

Enable Mouse Precision Mode in the Osu Input dialogue is completely different. From what I have read, and confirmed from the game creator in the very same threads, it is a bug fix that deals with the way the game interprets mouse movement mathematically. Apparently the original way that Osu calculated mouse movement used some rounding, or something like that, in the math, and using Enable Mouse Precision Mode causes it to more accurately handle the values. As I understand it, the feature was made optional, rather than just being patched in as a bug fix, because there was some worry that very high level players might be bothered by the small change in their cursor's reactions to their movements, though I believe the change is miniscule. Personally, I have this option enabled, and I see no necessary difference, but I figure its better to practice with it on, because it'll probably eventually be integrated as mandatory, and I think it's better to have the game handle itself as accurately as possible when it comes to mouse movement.

Now I'd like to make a few remarks on some of your other questions. Keep in mind, I am not really a pro. Personally I spin anywhere from 200 to 350 depending on how I'm doing that day, but I can say that I think it is very hard for a mouse player to consistently spin as well or as fast as a tablet player. It's just a no brainer to figure that you can move a pen in circles easier than you can move a big brick that you grip in your hand. I think that you are doing the right thing by spinning near the center, but I can confirm that I also have the problem of not completing circles, because the faster I try to spin the more likely I am to accidentally get too close to the center and screw the circle up. I think it's a matter of practice at that point, though I know you don't want to hear that. Try working on spinners at the highest speed that you can do while still feeling like you have solid control over the mouse. If you feel more comfortable switching to tablet, then I say give it a try. you seem to use full keyboard when you play (I am one of those silly click/x players), so it probably won't be hard for you to adapt to the new input method.

I think it is normal for players to single tap on most single beats, and then use two keys for streams. I personally do the same thing with my own input method. However, I also have noticed that sometimes alternating seems to be the only way to get some stuff. I've been practicing it myself, but I'm having only minor successes so far. I know that some very high level pros do it, and it seems to be the only way to play the fastest DT maps, from what I've seen and heard. That said, I also believe you can get away with some pretty fast stuff using single tap. The map that you have in question, for instance, I believe is certainly possible with single tap at the point that you display. Sometimes training your muscles by playing a lot can make all the difference.

There are three styles of mouse grip that I know of, and you may want to think about them, if you continue with mouse play. There is the claw grip, finger tip grip, and then the palm grip. Mine is a finger tip grip that leans toward palm, so it's something of a hybrid. I have heard that the palm grip is favored, but I can't confirm that it's necessarily the best style. I think some grips naturally work better for some DPIs, and some play styles.

Obviously a good gaming mouse helps. You can't adjust DPI without a decent mouse. Never touch your windows sensitivity settings, they only cause dropped pixels while moving. I use a Razer Deathadder, and I like it, but I haven't used any other gaming mice in the past, so take that for what you will. As for mouse pad, professional gamers in Starcraft will tell you that it makes a big difference to get a good mouse pad. Personally, I don't think it's all that big a deal, as long as you find a surface that reacts the way that you want it to. Don't laugh, but I play on an overturned dinner mat. XD It's basically the same material as a mouse pad, and is rather large, and I find that it's got a very good resitance/glide ratio for me, so I continue using it.

Lastly, I think it's easier to learn the alternating style before you get set in your way of playing, so you might want to see how it feels now before you stick with any one thing. Again, I'm not a pro, so this is all just my personal opinion. I hope it's of some use to you. :)
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ScarletSky wrote:

Yep, mouse precision actually does the opposite of what it implies.

Google the model number and manufacturer of your mouse, you can probably find the DPI somewhere on their site.
As far as gripping procedures, it really all depends on what feels most comfortable for you. I'd say just practice being able to be consistent with your spins before going for speed.
alright .. makes sense to me as well ! :D guess i should be more comfortable with my spins first .. [ it fluctuates to the point of 100-250+ but yes practice does make it better ]

And also thanks G0r for the long and detailed reply =)
Kinda glad to know that i'm not the only one facing this problem too.. definitely agree with you that it's harder to spin with a 'big brick' in your hand haha 8-)

As for the three mouse gripping styles, i have read about it .. but all of them kinda look the same to me .. not sure if it's because my hand is too big ?
And somehow i guess it's my own reaction problem or something , but when there's a spinner i just froze for about a second that start to spin .. is it somehow due to the skin ?? ( i used LEET but changed the spinner to original osu )
Kanye West
Imo you shouldn't really worry about spinning fast. It's more important to spin in a controlled manner so that you can keep track of your cursor to hit notes right after the spinner.
I'd say that any time you feel like you are reacting to something too slowly it means that you need to practice doing it more. The more you do any action, the more you react to it smoothly and quickly. I learned this from back when I was working my way up the SC2 ladder. I don't think I'm naturally that quick, but I've found that I can be just as fast as I need to be provided that I do the thing so much that I don't have to think about it. It's the thinking that gets in the way. Try to just relax and let your muscles get used to reacting to what you see.

Look at some pictures of the grip styles, if you want to see the difference, because they're usually represented dramatically. The claw style, for instance, can be as dramatic as keeping all the joints in your fingers bent to the point of literally resembling a clawing position with the fingers. It seems that you are very concerned about how you control your muscles on the mouse. Personally I think that once you find a way of gripping, which feels comfortable, your hand will do what it has to to get you where you need to get when you do different maneuvers. So much of this game is just muscle memory and trial and error, I think.

As for my own experiences, I find that I have a rough time gripping my mouse sometimes when I need to move very fast and very accurately, because I click the mouse, so I need to have a very strong hold with my thumb and pinky/ring finger to keep it still while jumping beats. I'll slide sometimes if I'm not careful. Over time I've experimented with focusing on my hand movement over the pad and my wrist movement so I can better understand what I am doing and maybe make some changes to make things comfortable when I notice myself tensing or slipping, but in the end I have to deal with the fact that your hand will slip sometimes, and you just need to practice until your motions are controlled enough to deal with it.

I have tried different skins, but I still use the basic one. It's probably because I'm a noob. :P I think that you will adapt to whatever skin you use, but there could be minor advantages or disadvantages to one skin or another if it dramatically changes the way things look, such as removing hit markers, or whatever those 300 and 100 things are technically called. I don't personally worry about it too much, because the worrying just gets in the way of adapting to what you have. If your skin really feels bad for spinners, then try some others and see if you can see anything specific about them that appeals to your sense of what it should look like.

I'll add that I generally see it the same way that Kanye West does (the above poster, not the hip hop artist XD). I just try to make my spinning feel controlled, because I think control is the first step to speed, and it does help with getting to the notes afterward, like he says.
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haha ! thanks all :) Shall start practicing how to spin circles properly .. maybe i should switch to the original skin too .. and finally special thanks to G0r for the humble yet detailed replies :D
There's a breaking point in controlled movement and rehearsed movement, in the case of spinning, rehearsed movement lets u spin faster, but takes very long to learn.

To clarify: Controlled movement is where you are conscious of your every spin, rehearsed movement is where you memorise a circle, then memorise doing 2 circles, then 3, and after a while you can spin really fast only because of the muscle memory.

The same applies to streaming faster than 200 bpm, very few people can consciously press buttons that fast, instead they rehearse on smaller patterns, 3-5 notes, 7-9 as u get better. Eventually you can stream fast.
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