
HujuniseikouyuuP - Talent Shredder

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年10月6日 at 4:52:44

Artist: HujuniseikouyuuP
Title: Talent Shredder
Tags: Nanahoshikangengakudan Vocaloid onosakihito lesjuh Hatsune Miku
BPM: 280
Filesize: 7242kb
Play Time: 03:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. 0108 style (5 stars, 858 notes)
  2. Lesjuh style (5 stars, 901 notes)
  3. Ono's Taiko Oni (5 stars, 1413 notes)
Download: HujuniseikouyuuP - Talent Shredder
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
For Approval

Frustration Motivation Emotion Fiction Activation Communication Dispensation Acceleration
Illustration Education Vibration Isolation Masturbation Distortion Comprehension Liberation
Circulation Reprobation Masscommunication Sensation Imagination Destination

Ono's Taiko Oni by OnosakiHito
Spec's CTB by Spectator
Lesjuh style by Lesjuh
Thank you!!
[deleted user]
Have my babies :3
wow awesome \:D/
...I'm speechless. This is fucking amazing.

From #modreqs

00:00:636 (1,2) - I'd just stack them on that (1) slider.
00:01:065 (2) - Take the endpoint and drag it 2 grids left.
00:07:493 (4) - Stack this just underneath (2)? Kinda like..

00:09:636 (3) - Delete the slider points so it faces straight up, align it with the y axis then move the slider down so that it's y value is 176
00:10:922 (8) - Move the endpoint 2 grids left, it will stack with the startpoint of (3).
00:17:565 (6) - Copy (5) and vertical + horizontal flip. Then stack the endpoint with (4)'s startpoint.

00:28:708 (2) - Place it on the right side of (5) (the big slider)

00:38:458 - Add a note with clap
00:51:422 (5) - This looks really bland imo, change it to something more creative.
00:55:601 - I would use a SB strobe instead of a kiai burst, kiai bursts like this look inferior compared to your amazing SB.
00:55:601 (1) - I'd just remove the NC and stack it with the endpoint of (3)
01:15:744 (8,9,10,1) - Just stack all of these (use the endpoints of 8,9)
01:17:565 (6) - Add a repeat
01:24:636 (1) - Delete NC and stack with (1)? x:114 y:108
01:28:065 (1) - ^
01:31:494 (1) - Place in the center, stacked with (2)
01:36:422 (5,6,7,8) - Make a zig zag pattern
02:27:422 (1,2,3,4,5) - heuhuehue

02:36:636 (1) - Stack with (1) x:400 y:336
02:41:136 (7) - Stretch out the slider more

02:41:458 (8) - Delete this, give (7) a slider repeat.
Good luck getting this app'd Val \:D/
Topic Starter

Bobo wrote:

...I'm speechless. This is fucking amazing.

From #modreqs

00:00:636 (1,2) - I'd just stack them on that (1) slider.
00:01:065 (2) - Take the endpoint and drag it 2 grids left.
00:07:493 (4) - Stack this just underneath (2)? Kinda like..

00:09:636 (3) - Delete the slider points so it faces straight up, align it with the y axis then move the slider down so that it's y value is 176
00:10:922 (8) - Move the endpoint 2 grids left, it will stack with the startpoint of (3).
00:17:565 (6) - Copy (5) and vertical + horizontal flip. Then stack the endpoint with (4)'s startpoint.

00:28:708 (2) - Place it on the right side of (5) (the big slider)

00:38:458 - Add a note with clap
00:51:422 (5) - This looks really bland imo, change it to something more creative.
00:55:601 - I would use a SB strobe instead of a kiai burst, kiai bursts like this look inferior compared to your amazing SB.
00:55:601 (1) - I'd just remove the NC and stack it with the endpoint of (3)
01:15:744 (8,9,10,1) - Just stack all of these (use the endpoints of 8,9)
01:17:565 (6) - Add a repeat
01:24:636 (1) - Delete NC and stack with (1)? x:114 y:108
01:28:065 (1) - ^
01:31:494 (1) - Place in the center, stacked with (2)
01:36:422 (5,6,7,8) - Make a zig zag pattern
02:27:422 (1,2,3,4,5) - heuhuehue

02:36:636 (1) - Stack with (1) x:400 y:336
02:41:136 (7) - Stretch out the slider more

02:41:458 (8) - Delete this, give (7) a slider repeat.
Good luck getting this app'd Val \:D/
Anytime val o/
OMG so fassstttttt
stared =w=/
I wanted to map this ;_; Well whatever, awesome map. Stared~

• sb\congratz.png has a storyboard code in it, but the file is not present in the folder.
• Generally, only 3 different slider speeds should be used.

[0108 style]

00:27:743 (6) - The bottom of this slider goes just slightly off the screen which is unrankable.
00:29:779 (1) - Delete NC. I don't find any significant change in the song that would require an NC.
00:33:208 (1) - ^
00:36:636 (1) - ^
00:54:315 (4) - Whistle at the head of the slider.
00:54:529 (5) - ^
01:24:636 (1) - Delete NC
01:28:065 (1) - ^
01:31:494 (1) - ^
01:42:422 (3) - Whistle at both the beginning and end of the slider.
02:33:208 (4) - Delete NC
02:36:636 (1) - ^


Wishy22 wrote:


Haha, the map is good. All of the mods are just suggestions to make it even better than perfect.

Oh my god SO GOOD.
ooh 0108 strikes again! anyways let's see that I can find. was gonna mod this yesterday but i was too lazy :(

I see 2 osb files. delete the nanahosi 1 and do a full submission. idk what that's doing there. guessing that's a song.

0108 Style:
i suggest that you add a blue combo color to match Miku's hair, or replace the green combo color for a blue combo color. after all almost all of the BG is blue. here's the blue i suggest you use to replace the green combo color
Combo2 : 255,255,128
I think increasing the Hp by 1 will give a better challenge to players. HP5 looks too easy as it barely decreases.
00:22:922 (1) - remove the NC because the vocals are still going. the next note should be a NC because of new lyrics.
00:46:172 (5) - i think that this slider can look a bit nicer than this.
01:13:494 (6) - hmm i think making this symmetrical would be nice but if you ignore this, make (8) a curved slider kind of like this. if you do this move combos 1-4 down a bit to avoid the slight overlap.
01:22:601 (5) - can you try to move this down a bit because it's touching the ho bar and the score. if you can't, ignore this.
01:57:422 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ik you can do better than this because this looks too easy as it's stacked in 1 place and kind of boring. to make it challenging for players, I suggest that you do an anti jump for these notes, if you ignore this, then space out these notes to make it a bit interesting.
02:38:243 (7) - a NC here because it's following instrumental.
02:39:743 (1) - same as 00:22:922
02:48:636 (7) - same as 02:38:243 because of new lyrics.
02:48:851 (1) - remove the NC if you follow the suggestion above.
03:07:922 (2) - move this up because when i moved it up and tried to move it back down, it won't let me. i'm guessing it's because of the area.
03:09:208 (4) - since it's near the end, how about spacing this out to test the players reaction to the note? something like this
I really like how the eyes blinked at the end.

This is the best I can do. Star and GL :D
Topic Starter

Jacob wrote:


• sb\congratz.png has a storyboard code in it, but the file is not present in the folder.
• Generally, only 3 different slider speeds should be used.

[0108 style]

00:27:743 (6) - The bottom of this slider goes just slightly off the screen which is unrankable.
00:29:779 (1) - Delete NC. I don't find any significant change in the song that would require an NC.
00:33:208 (1) - ^
00:36:636 (1) - ^
00:54:315 (4) - Whistle at the head of the slider.
00:54:529 (5) - ^
01:24:636 (1) - Delete NC
01:28:065 (1) - ^
01:31:494 (1) - ^
01:42:422 (3) - Whistle at both the beginning and end of the slider.
02:33:208 (4) - Delete NC
02:36:636 (1) - ^
some changed!!thanks!!
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

ooh 0108 strikes again! anyways let's see that I can find. was gonna mod this yesterday but i was too lazy :(

I see 2 osb files. delete the nanahosi 1 and do a full submission. idk what that's doing there. guessing that's a song.

0108 Style:
i suggest that you add a blue combo color to match Miku's hair, or replace the green combo color for a blue combo color. after all almost all of the BG is blue. here's the blue i suggest you use to replace the green combo color
Combo2 : 255,255,128
no,because It is difficult to look at the same color.
I think increasing the Hp by 1 will give a better challenge to players. HP5 looks too easy as it barely decreases.
00:22:922 (1) - remove the NC because the vocals are still going. the next note should be a NC because of new lyrics.
00:46:172 (5) - i think that this slider can look a bit nicer than this.
01:13:494 (6) - hmm i think making this symmetrical would be nice but if you ignore this, make (8) a curved slider kind of like this. if you do this move combos 1-4 down a bit to avoid the slight overlap.
01:22:601 (5) - can you try to move this down a bit because it's touching the ho bar and the score. if you can't, ignore this.
01:57:422 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ik you can do better than this because this looks too easy as it's stacked in 1 place and kind of boring. to make it challenging for players, I suggest that you do an anti jump for these notes, if you ignore this, then space out these notes to make it a bit interesting.
02:38:243 (7) - a NC here because it's following instrumental.
02:39:743 (1) - same as 00:22:922
02:48:636 (7) - same as 02:38:243 because of new lyrics.
02:48:851 (1) - remove the NC if you follow the suggestion above.
03:07:922 (2) - move this up because when i moved it up and tried to move it back down, it won't let me. i'm guessing it's because of the area.
03:09:208 (4) - since it's near the end, how about spacing this out to test the players reaction to the note? something like this
I really like how the eyes blinked at the end.

This is the best I can do. Star and GL :D
some changed!! thanks!!
You know that i love you, val?

DoKoLP wrote:

You know that i love you, val?
Who does not?^^
Some Suggestion.~


  1. Where is the Taiko Diff.
0108 style
  1. 00:01:601 (4) - Remove the 3rd Slider Point.
  2. 00:10:172 (5) - Move the 2nd Slider Point one Grid to the left [Gril lvl: 3]
  3. 00:24:315 (8) - ^
  4. 00:29:993 (1) - ^
  5. 01:32:565 (1,2,3,4) - straight Jumps are bored. Try make This
  6. 01:34:708 (6) - Move the 2nd Slider Point to x:152|y:128 [Grid lvl: 3]
  7. 02:31:279 (5,6) - Touching is Bad...
  8. 02:39:422 (4) - Move the 2nd Slider Point one grid Down [Grid lvl: 3]
wow wow awesome
VAL-SAMA HAVE ALL MY KUDOSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xdddddDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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Wishy22 wrote:

VAL-SAMA HAVE ALL MY KUDOSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xdddddDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Star Stream
Cool Map..!
Very nice difficult but also creative map, added some kudosu stars. Go get two bubbles! ~
Awesome map val, really fun to play :D

Just a suggestion.
01:39:428 (6) - I think it's better if you put a new combo here.
02:45:374 - Completely silence the end of the slider.
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OMG.many stars.thanks!!
7 Kudos is all what i can give you <3
Awesome Map <3
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ShadowSoul wrote:

7 Kudos is all what i can give you <3
Awesome Map <3

err why is the bpm still doubled :(
also 03:26:571 (1) - there is no way you can use that it is far to scrunched.

ztrot wrote:

err why is the bpm still doubled :(
But 280 makes way more sense than 140, due to the rhythm track being played so fast.

[0108 Style]
00:09:214 (1) - Remove NC
00:09:428 (2) - NC <- try these? Makes more sense in following rhythm section since Miku hasn't begun singing yet.
00:27:749 (6) - Try end point x:412 y:316 to lead into 00:28:499 (1) - better?

Love the map P:
Please delete the SB in the Taiko diff~

Hope you like it. =w=

Edit: If you care for lower Taiko players, I would also make an easier diff. for you.

Download: Hatsune Miku - Talent Shredder (val0108) [Ono's Taiko Oni].osu

ztrot wrote:

err why is the bpm still doubled :(
it's not doubled, 280 is the actual bpm. listen to the snaredrum. if it was 140, the snare drum woul appear 1 white section later
00:31:928 (1,2,3) - Spacing looks just wrong, don't know if you intended to do this ( Maybe it's just me but it looks like 3 is way further from 2 than 2 from 1. Try making 2 get somewhat centered.

00:32:571 (1,2,3) - Same as ^. If your select the whole pattern and do Ctrl+H, you'll see 00:32:571 (1) - should be one grid higher to match the other pattern. Guess it is copy paste but still that hit should be a little higher. (Or so it looks :p)
This map is freaking awesome!!(even if i can't play it) Good luck val! You goy my star! :3
the health drain is funny ._.
cute map and cute taiko
Amazing map o.o

only thing 00:06:214 (3) - Can be hard to see when using HD without memorizing it , but it's not really a problem ~@.@~

Taiko wrote:

cute taiko
Are you f*cking serious? He called my taiko cute... what
I'm getting old
i love this map <3
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Verdisphena wrote:

you can make CTB diff

uljjang wrote:

i love this map <3

val0108 wrote:

Verdisphena wrote:

you can make CTB diff
forever unrankable lololol
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eldnl wrote:

forever unrankable lololol
It's rankable atm.
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