
Favorite Final Fantasy game that you've played and the worst?

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Mine would be Final Fantasy VI I had the best time playing it i can't really remember enjoying the other games as much I don't have a worst since I enjoyed finishing the games than realize how long have I been playing this o. o'
The worst is
8 (come at me), 12 (To an extent, it's one of the better ones, but it's still not as good as the rest), 13 (13-2 arguably makes the 13 series better since it at least adressed a lot of major issues, but the original game is meh as fuck), 11/14 (11 having a large edge over 14).
In the main series, ofc. (Dirge of Cerberus takes the cake)

Best ones are
6 for the amazing characters, gameplay, etc etc etc can never get enough of that shit
7 for being almost omnipotent in the gaming world. You can hate it for being "overrated" but it will always, at the very least, show what Final Fantasy is all about.
9 for pretty much everything.
10 is a great game, fuck the haters. Has lots of memorable moments, great gameplay (aww yeh summons), lots and lots and lots of content. I played the fuck out of it when I was like 8 :v

1-5 are all mildly decent, but i'd consider them the middle ground of FF, along with the prequels/side-games that are usually pretty damn good for not being main games (Dissidia, Crisis Core, FFX-2 (shut up, I liked it :( ), 13-2)

Backfire wrote:

Best ones are
6 for the amazing characters, gameplay, etc etc etc can never get enough of that shit
....I love you.

xD No but seriously, Final Fantasy 6 is the best one for me and will always be the best FF game I've played. The reason? Gameplay, Music, Great story line (Yes, I know the world ends but you somehow manage to live...) And favorite scene would be the Play Scene.

Worst for me?
12 ....I actually feel asleep, with remote in hand, just passed out on the chair. There was a bit more talking then the other ones I've played but That just me.
I love you too.
also I totally forgot about music.
FF6 ost is fucking magical. Kefka is the best villain ever.
Heck yeah! Kefka is the best villain~ Sephiroth has nothing with him.
Tactics was the best, all of the rest are terrible.
I forgot those even existed. God tier games.
I didn't mind Tactics.

Although, my attention span is so minimal when it comes to games, I didn't even finish that.
FFTA1 was pretty shitty but A2 was good enough gameplay wise to make up for its kiddy story. Red mages too strong, blue mages too strong, seers too strong, everyone too strong.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (original) and FF8 are tied for me.

FF13 was the worst I played.
How can I forget Crystal Chronicles?

...I want to buy that game so badly now...
ff7 was the worst

completely horrible story that everyone gushed over
FF 9 is the best for me! The second place is between FF 10 & 8
FF 13 is the worst for me :/
Ff10 (2000 hours) was best
Worse was ff13, and even that was very good
The sensations that FFIX brought me are unmatchable compared to every other FF

Still, FFVIII....that f***ing junction system...i wanna use magic! And i didn't even like their personalities at all. YELLOW TRAIIINS!
Best was 6. Music, characters, story, all awesome.

Worst was Tactics Advance. Marche can suck it.
The original Crystal Chronicles game still is one of my favorite games. I love it especially for its atmosphere.

I would probably consider FF13-2 as worst one. Even though I usually like time travel settings, I think this game was a poor attempt to approach the gamers after the very linear FF13, which at least had some story and more characters appearing.

Soly wrote:

I think the general rule of thumb is, anything past 10 is shit. I have been warming up to 12 recently though so I might add an exception for that.
I didnt like 12 the first time I picked it up.. It felt too.. Different
But after one year I tried it again and really loved it. Though the story pales in comparison to previous FF's, the gameplay and wonderful graphics made up for it.
The best FF games are FF 7 and FF 9. FF 6 was ofcourse also gold <3

FF 8 was the worst for me, only ever finished that game twice.
X, X-2
Crisis Core (You ain't got shit against Zack)
Chrystal Chronicles

Basically everything after X-2
also VIII (because fuck drawing magic)
I don't understand how someone's issue with ff8 could be drawing magic.
I played, VII , VIII . IX , X , X-2 , XII , XIII , XIII-2

XIII-2 sux xD , others have advnt and disadvnt, but i like ff a lot, so i pass all the games xD
Today, 7 years after playing it for the first time I still get effin' scary goosebumps only hearing To Zanarkand or Yuna's Sending.

Worst FFX-2, no words neccessary.

Enjoyed VIII and IX as well, never really got into VII.
I think it's easier if i give each game i've played a score out of 10
FF1 7/10 (dated by todays standards, but i will give it credit for how mindblowing it was at the time)
FF2 7/10 (very under-rated and a good black sheep, sure the leveling-up may take a while to get used to but once you do it's really fun, the villain is also the best in the series in my eyes)
FF3 4/10 (admittedly i've only played the DS remake, but i really wasn't too impressed by it)
FF4 9.5/10 (probably my favourite game in the series, i just love the characters and story plus in introduced the RTB system)
FF5 8/10 (so addicting to play o.e , i love the job system in it)
FF6 9/10 (a very good game with a great plot, characters and villain, what more needs to be said)
FF7 7.5/10 (over-rated or not this is still a brilliant game, the 3D blew my mind at the time and i loved some of the characters, wasn't a big fan of cloud though :? )
FF8 7.5/10 (if 7's graphics blew my mind you can imagine my suprise when i played 8, admittadly i hated this game in the beginning, but after making some progress i really started to enjoy it)
FF9 9/10 (absolutely love this game, loved the art-style, story, music and characters, 4 may be my favourite but this is a close second)
FF10 6.5/10 (not the best but certainly not the worst, i liked the main cast, but the combat wasn't the best IMO)
FF13 5/10 (don't get me wrong i don't think the game is bad, but its just lacking that special spark.... it's a good game, just not a good FF game)
FF IX for sure

going to buy this on PSN later (just realized its on there in PSOne classics zzz)

worst was probably FF Mystic Quest, but it was kinda fun when i was a kid.
FF1 - Worst
FF6 - Probably the best I played

Special Mentions: FF4, FF7, and FF9
Oh snap, you all just reminded me of another game I loved.
FF9- Reason? It has its ups and downs with the characters. They look like kids but there actually adults..(Kinda creepy but eh) I got use to it. I love the story plot, music and fell for Vivi just cause he damn cute. (Shut up D: )
Best: VI, IX, and Tactics
Worst: II, Mystic Quest, and Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

Honorable mention goes to XII for having a cool battle system and my favourite character in the entire series (Baltheir).

Rukarioman wrote:

(You ain't got shit against Zack)
I strongly agree with that statement.
Best is 8. Deal with it.
No one here seems to dislike IX. And I don't either. It's my second Final Fantasy I've played, and I got so many good memories of it. It was so amazing story for the 12-year old boy, and almost all characters were likable. Lol, I remember me and my friend saying that Kuja is really good-looking girl in the game and when we found out he was a guy it was so damn confusing and we felt a little uncomfortable inside.(Traps weren't that common thing to see back then) Battle system was also nice, turn-based system I had already been used to when I played VII. Sure I didn't understand all what was going on back then, so i might need to replay it. I'd say it is best Final Fantasy ever, but I haven't played VI yet so I can't. Certainly will play it someday.

Oh, worst. mm... this is hard. There is no utterly bad Final Fantasy game (main series) but I'll say XIII. It's nothing like Final Fantasy should be.

Apart from main series best games would be Tactics A2 and FFCC: Echoes of Time. And worst ehh.. Crystal bearers. I expected a lot of this game, but it is kind of lame.
The only thing that bothers me about IX nowadays is how slow it feels compared to most other rpgs I've played since then. Can't really replay it because of that.
Hm, what do you mean by slowness? How fast you progress in story, level up, battle animations?
Ah, I should have clarified, battle animations and general battle speed.
Mm-h, you are right. Battle animations sure were slow and summons took so much time to cast and IIRC you couldn't skip them even after seeing them once(all of them were really epic, though). But, I still remember Legend of Dragoon being alot slower rpg in regards of battle speed and animations. Sure it had unique battle system though, so it is kind on the same par with IX. But oh god it's so stupid when you cast a normal Ice spell in LoD, the battle animation has to be so over-the-top and lasts almost half a minute and you can't skip. That's one of the games I can't replay at all.
Rofl, yeah, anything outside of normal attacks is tragically slow in Legend of Dragoon. The entire Addition system was awesome though, it would be great to have a sequel to that game on a modern system.
Oh holy fuck. XIII & XIII-2 have got to be the best I've ever played. I mean, X & X-2 are cool too but damn.

Ivalset wrote:

Rofl, yeah, anything outside of normal attacks is tragically slow in Legend of Dragoon. The entire Addition system was awesome though, it would be great to have a sequel to that game on a modern system.
I second that. I remember I only used magic if I really needed to(dragoon attacks w/e, can't remember), and most of all, I avoided using Rose's Astral Drain. Oh my ears when Rose's bad VA shouts it >.> But yeah I'd also really like a sequel, battle system of LoD worked so well apart from long-ass animations. Actually even remake of original would be alright to me but it should have an option to shorten battle animations and maybe dual audio.
My favorite is FFIV and FFIX. My least favorite is probably VIII and FFXIII.
FFVIII was awesome to me.. then again it was my first FF so im probably very biased here
Meikyuuiri Tsumi
I loved every Final Fantasy game that I played. Each of them has something that makes them special.
FF7 best one.
Good story, i loved the materia system (probably my fav one), breeding chocobos was fun as shit, nothing has toped the gold saucer yet (RACING, SUBMARINE MISSIONS, WRESTLING, ...) , god tier ost (only FF6 does better), first FF I played too.
FF13 worst? only ff i didn't finish

Waryas wrote:

FF7 best one.
Good story, i loved the materia system (probably my fav one), breeding chocobos was fun as shit, nothing has toped the gold saucer yet (RACING, SUBMARINE MISSIONS, WRESTLING, ...) , god tier ost (only FF6 does better), first FF I played too.
FF13 worst? only ff i didn't finish
Didn't finish 13. Got REALLY boring and then I tried playing 13-2, I played it for like 4 hours and stopped. Still really boring. Someone said that it was much better than the first one..except, it has my LEAST favorite voice actor of all time. I CANNOT stand Laura Bailey.
Laura Bailey isn't all that bad..
The storyline hit me very hard though; I'm one of those people that cries at the beauty of the game. I recall crying when I saw Noel's dream. Then I cried at the ending. I'm such a sap ):

P.S. - VI <3
Can't stand Laura Bailey. I stopped playing Star Ocean: The Last Hope cause I couldn't turn voice off. I don't like her. Just like I can't watch Fruits Basket in English cause she ruins the main character. Anyway, back to topic.

13 and 13-2 are pretty but I just don't like the combat. Also, I haven't played VI yet. Need to. My boyfriend is currently going through VI again.
Well, Star Ocean: The Last Hope was a bad game anyway, so she did you a favor.
dj M2fiesta
My favorite would be Final Fantasy VI because of the divine story-line, music, and characters.
P.S: Kefka is the most awesome or psychotic villain ever. <3

My least fave is simply FF VIII.
least favorite is XIII, got old really fast and didn't bother to finish.

favorite was VII probably because it was my 1st, and i just loved playing as cloud, such an awesome main. the settings in FFVII were so memorable. playing this was the whole reason i got into FF games.
also really enjoyed:
VIII, because squall reminded me of myself so much, and had awesome music and cinematography.
X, i played this one the most to beat the dark aeons. i think this one was the best as far as gameplay, had a blast with it.
VI, SNES RPGs have some sort of magic to them. who can forget that world map theme?

IX was nice but didn't really like it as much as the other 4 mentioned, but it seems like everyone loves this one for some reason.
My favorite is maybe Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and the worst is FFXI on PS2.
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