
Skandinavien Sub-Forum

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Hey guys,

A quick visit to "Skandinavien" made me notice how poor the current sub-forum is. It's so inactive... if it wasn't for the guys from other communities who "bump" the forum every once in a while, the forum would be completely dead.

To be honest, it looks a bit unfair for other communities with more activity which are also requesting a Sub-Forum. I'm just wondering, where are all those guys who supported this sub-forum? Come on guys, you have a whole sub-forum for you, use it (properly)!

Here are some ideas which might help you getting this sub-forum more active

  1. Create a "Presentations" thread.
  2. Create a "Technical Support" thread.
  3. Create a "Scandinavian Mappers" thread to keep track of Scandinavian mappers.
  4. Create a "Scandinavian Modders" thread to help Scandinavian new mappers, perhaps mapping tutorial?
  5. ...

Hejsan allesammans!

Efter ett kort besök till ert sub-forum märkte jag hur inaktivt stället var. Om det inte var för andra medlemmar från andra forum, skulle detta forum vara helt dött.

Det är ganska orättvist för andra grupper med mycket mer aktivitet som vill ha ett sub-forum. Jag bara undrar, var är alla som stöder detta sub-forum? Kom igen nu, ni har ett eget sub-forum, använd det (Korrekt)!

Här är några idéer som skulle kunna hjälpa med er inaktivitet

  1. Skapa en "Teknisk Support" tråd
  2. Skapa en "Skandinavien Mappare" tråd för att hålla koll på Skandinavien mappare.
  3. Skapa en "Skandinavien Moddare" tråd för att hjälpa nya Skandinavien medlemmar, möjligtvis en mapping tutorial?
  4. ...

Thanks to theowest for the translation!
Eum, I'm brazillian, but I'm here all the time.

Can I create some of this threads? I love Svenska. :3

Necrozzy wrote:

Eum, I'm brazillian, but I'm here all the time.

Can I create some of this threads? I love Svenska. :3
ok, but no.

I'll try to create a few threads. But what exactly is a "Presentations" thread and a "Technical Support" thread?

I'm waiting to see if we should have a Scandinavian sub-forum instead of Svenska.
I didn't even know we had a subforum (and I've barely used the forums here at all). .__. If there isn't enough activity, a scandinavian subforum seems like something worth considering. Though I plan to do my share to make such a change unnecessary. :3

Dee-Kej wrote:

I didn't even know we had a subforum (and I've barely used the forums here at all). .__. If there isn't enough activity, a scandinavian subforum seems like something worth considering. Though I plan to do my share to make such a change unnecessary. :3
Exactly, awesome. We all have to reach out to the Swedish people!

Remember that we're also active on #skandinavia in-game

theowest wrote:

But what exactly is a "Presentations" thread and a "Technical Support" thread?
Presentation is for the beginners/noobs say "hi" and try to socializate with the "community"
Technical Support is for problems or doubts with osu!, forum, etc...

and why exacly I can't create this threads? I can make it in swedish/english :)

Necrozzy wrote:

theowest wrote:

But what exactly is a "Presentations" thread and a "Technical Support" thread?
Presentation is for the beginners/noobs say "hi" and try to socializate with the "community"
Technical Support is for problems or doubts with osu!, forum, etc...

and why exacly I can't create this threads? I can make it in swedish/english :)
ah. Well we pretty much already have a Presentation thread, called "Introduktionstråden". The introduction thread.
oh okay
I dont have a problem whit a Scandinavian forum. Then again im not very active on the forum in general.

First post,

Yumma wrote:

I dont have a problem whit a Scandinavian forum. Then again im not very active on the forum in general.

First post,
I think it's time for you guys to become active. We need more active people.
This is a good start.

theowest wrote:

Yumma wrote:

I dont have a problem whit a Scandinavian forum. Then again im not very active on the forum in general.

First post,
I think it's time for you guys to become active. We need more active people.
This is a good start.
I agree with you, I think we should make that forum more active and make those threads lol
We have a sub-forum?? O.O

ZarkMan wrote:

We have a sub-forum?? O.O

THAT'S RIGHT! We have to tell our fellow Swedes about it. Spread the word guys. Make sure you guys are active.
I blame it on that the sub-forum wasn't here earlier
/me hides
Yeah we should start being active... Supposedly we should have 5k active members in sweden?? but you only see like the same 10 or so ppl, it's rare to see new people, we should tell them whenever we see them about our sub-forum.
Någon som har förslag på några trådar då? :3 Kanske ska skapa de som föreslogs (typ Tech support) men kanske också "posta dina favoritmaps!" eller sånt? Kanske t.o.m. en som byts ut varje vecka/månad så man "blir tvungen" att gå in och skriva igen när nästa upplaga av tråden skapas (typ månadens map/mapper/nånting)?

Dee-Kej wrote:

Någon som har förslag på några trådar då? :3 Kanske ska skapa de som föreslogs (typ Tech support) men kanske också "posta dina favoritmaps!" eller sånt? Kanske t.o.m. en som byts ut varje vecka/månad så man "blir tvungen" att gå in och skriva igen när nästa upplaga av tråden skapas (typ månadens map/mapper/nånting)?
Jag tänker göra några trådar om Svenska ändras till Scandinavia. If not, I'll just make some threads anyways.

Pax för Swedish/Scandinavian mappers.
and mapping tutorial
gahhhhhh whatever :v 5k members active? maybe 150
OK, so I finally created

Svenska's NEW mod queue!
Swedish Mappers
Skulle varit bättre med ett gemensamt forum idd

Teras wrote:

Skulle varit bättre med ett gemensamt forum idd
Håller med.

I've been busy

Jag brukade vara här för ett rätt så långt tag sedan, men sen så slutade man spela osu och så har det bara blivit att man bara spela lite ibland.
Men lite kan jag väl snoka runt och smyga in några posts här och där. Och dessutom så vill jag börja köra mer igen eftersom just nu så kan jag knappt klara Hard-beatmaps. >.<

Tolster wrote:

Jag brukade vara här för ett rätt så långt tag sedan, men sen så slutade man spela osu och så har det bara blivit att man bara spela lite ibland.
Men lite kan jag väl snoka runt och smyga in några posts här och där. Och dessutom så vill jag börja köra mer igen eftersom just nu så kan jag knappt klara Hard-beatmaps. >.<
Då tycker jag det är dags för dig att spela igen då! :)
Jag är snart klar med min tutorial på hur man blir bra på osu, den lär nog hjälpa dig lite.
Datorn är isönder, kan inte spela :>:>:>:>:>
omg just make this a scandinavian sub-forum instead. nor loves you swe

kriers wrote:

omg just make this a scandinavian sub-forum instead. nor loves you swe
lol ur kinda the only Norwegian here. but ok

theowest wrote:

kriers wrote:

omg just make this a scandinavian sub-forum instead. nor loves you swe
lol ur kinda the only Norwegian here. but ok
true only norwegian ive seen since i started playing in skandi

theowest wrote:

kriers wrote:

omg just make this a scandinavian sub-forum instead. nor loves you swe
lol ur kinda the only Norwegian here. but ok
that's because it is a swedish sub-forum atm :P no wait, only me and CXu are active on forums (. .)
(. .)

kriers wrote:

omg just make this a scandinavian sub-forum instead.
^that, it took me long long time to find this, fucking rediculous.
(. .)
all in favour for skandinavian sub-forum?
Title has been updated. YAY
Why is this still in the announcements?

Shouldn't threads like Skandinavian Mappers or similar stuff like that be there instead? (am I wrong?)
make me admin for this place

theowest wrote:

make me admin for this place
Me too.
1 player from each country would be fair. Make me admin.
That's fair, if you look close enough Aus is in Scandinavia. Admin pls.
I'm already an admin in two forums. ;>

theowest wrote:

I'm already an admin in two forums. ;>
Yet you are too lazy to update op's like Skandinavian Mappers :P

I would've done it if I could.

Saten wrote:

theowest wrote:

I'm already an admin in two forums. ;>
Yet you are too lazy to update op's like Skandinavian Mappers :P
hey, that shit takes time. I have to search every single beatmap you've made, fix avatars, rearrange the order. not to mention name changes. fuck

I have to make up a new system.
Come on
I made a list of my own on my user page which didn't take much effort at all.

Sure things would go much smoother if I were to help out. Just sayin'
hey, let's both be skandi admins. we'd be the best admins alive

theowest wrote:

hey, let's both be skandi admins. we'd be the best admins alive

agu wrote:

theowest wrote:

hey, let's both be skandi admins. we'd be the best admins alive
i ban u
i'd rather have saten as an admin only, haven't seen you do that much theo

Teras wrote:

i'd rather have saten as an admin only, haven't seen you do that much theo

Made 80% of the topics here.

I also made the steam, facebook and google + groups.
got at least +10 people to become more active in this forum and #skandinavian
I've requested at least 4 people to make threads here, which they later did.

oh and I'm dominating in moderation in the feature request forum. So I've got experience.

I've basically gave life to Svenska when it was dying, turned it into Skandinavien and increased the activity.

oh yeah, I also informed over 1000 Swedes of our existence.
You can always contact a staff member if stuff like that is needed, Language specific moderators are only necessary if there's people breaking the rules often, both in forums and chat, if that's the case make sure to send !reports so moderators can take action, if there is a problem indeed then we might look into getting a skandinavian moderator.
how about me i am definitely the most suited

Sakura wrote:

You can always contact a staff member if stuff like that is needed, Language specific moderators are only necessary if there's people breaking the rules often, both in forums and chat, if that's the case make sure to send !reports so moderators can take action, if there is a problem indeed then we might look into getting a skandinavian moderator.
On a serious note, I know that 90% of the players from Scandinavia are unsatisfied with us not having a native moderator. Just because Loctav knows a bit of Swedish, shouldn't really give him any rights of being a moderator specially for Scandinavia, since he's not fluent with it. Neither would I want to see you as a moderator on this forum, Sakura; it's nothing personal, but I just think that when every other (at least most) language forums/channels has their own native moderator, I don't see why we can't have one aswell. We have more than enough active users, for it to actually be done, and we have people who are willing to be moderator, and who can actually keep it to a good strict level. It really annoys most of us that we can't have a native one, and we've been requesting it for a while, so please, for the love of god, take it up.

Aaaand, I just looked through everything, we even need Sakura to sticky threads for us? COME ON. REALLY? Goddamnit.

Emaal wrote:

how about me i am definitely the most suited

On a serious note, I know that 90% of the players from Scandinavia are unsatisfied with us not having a native moderator. Just because Loctav knows a bit of Swedish, shouldn't really give him any rights of being a moderator specially for Scandinavia, since he's not fluent with it. Neither would I want to see you as a moderator on this forum, Sakura; it's nothing personal, but I just think that when every other (at least most) language forums/channels has their own native moderator, I don't see why we can't have one aswell. We have more than enough active users, for it to actually be done, and we have people who are willing to be moderator, and who can actually keep it to a good strict level. It really annoys most of us that we can't have a native one, and we've been requesting it for a while, so please, for the love of god, take it up.

Aaaand, I just looked through everything, we even need Sakura to sticky threads for us? COME ON. REALLY? Goddamnit.
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