
Should the Flashlight Mod Stay? (Suggestion)

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Some players consider the "Flashlight" mod broken in one way or another. I don't want to start an argument of whether you like FL or not, but I want to bring up a specific problem with it: the scores.

The way it works right now, your area of vision gradually grows smaller as you gradually progress through a map with FL. This means that on some maps which have jumps and are fast enough, it's practically impossible to FC them on your first try with FL+Hidden. Even outside of those too-hard maps, FL is generally a mod that requires you to memorize a map, and empathizes the time you put into the map over your skill as a player.

Because of this, I believe it's unfair that FL gives the same score modifier as DT and Hidden. Again, I won't go into the topic of whether FL should work as it is, or whether it should be kept or removed. I heard people who say they like it, so keep it. Simple enough. However, the mod shouldn't give the same score modifier as DT or Hidden. I think it should give less of a modifier than HR.

The main problem with changing a score modifier is: what to do with all the scores that are already recorded on all of the osu maps? If you simply invalidated all the scores gained with "old FL modifier" a lot of people might be angry.

So, I'm like to hear feedback, preferably from 4 groups: new players (under-5star), average players (clear 5star "hard"s), longtime players (clear 5star "insane"s on first try), and if possible a word on this from somebody from osu's team.

When responding to this thread, please state your player level, and answer the following:
1. Do you agree that Flashlight score modifier should be lower than DT and Hidden instead of the same?
2. Do you agree that it should be a lower modifier than HR?
3. How often do you use FL? Do you like playing with it, or do you just add it to get extra score?
4. How often do you use FL on your first run of a map? Can you FC a map with FL on the first time you see it?
5. Do you oppose losing scores you have on maps that you cleared with FL?


Since I'm also an osu player, I will state my opinion on this as well;
I'm not very high level, but I can clear the easier Insane maps.
1+2. Well you already heard my opinion on this.
3. I tried using it a few times on various maps, and found it to be mere annoyance on maps with jumps. I never cleared a 5star map with it.
4. Tried using it again and again on lower level maps, since I like to play all the levels of a map one time, but it seemed that regardless of map difficulty FL either has no effect on the difficulty or makes jumps (especially towards the end of a map) extremely difficult (read: impossible without memorization). Whether I can FC a map with FL depends on the map's design (mostly towards the end of it).
5. I don't mind having all of the scores on my account cleared :p I'll just keep playing and get new scores over time. Play for fun not for rank :)

Never had a problem FCing maps of songs I never heard before on first try with HR+DT+Hidden as long as the mouse movement and reaction time are within my skill level and the map is correctly synced. FL is the only mod that basically shouts "memorize this map or randomly do poorly on it".

So, guys, your opinions? I'm not expecting to actually see a change in osu's design, unless peppy ends up agreeing with this op and going for it, but I'd like to hear what different players think of the matter to know the general consensus on this.

* Note to moderators: please don't move this to the "Feature Requests" subforum just because the topic says "(Suggestion)". This is not a feature request, I want to poll players' opinions about an issue related to gameplay and ranking. This is the correct forum for this.
1 + 2 I agree with you on lowering the modifier below DT but not HR. At least then HD HR players who can actually hit 100% on a song or near 100% still have a chance but it doesn't completely ruin FL for everyone.
3. I use FL when I either just feel like it or am Full Modding a map (Which is rare) so not much.
4. I never use FL on my first run and never FC a map with FL on my first try because I don't really enjoy FL.
5. It would bother me to have to Full Mod a couple of maps I have already done with those but I mean I have already memorized them so its just a matter of time before I could do it again.

Overall I'm really not into the whole FL thing. It's ridiculous when you see all these hard maps that people actually threw some skill into beating with HD HR or DT HD (On really fast maps) and then someone who can sit there and play a map 200 times over 100%'s the song and gets an unbeatable score. It really gets old.

Not only this but the nature of FL encourages cheating to make people look like they are amazing players through FC'ing a ton of maps with FL.
Flashlight is the best mod for songs that you like. And is harder than HR or HD ... people who learn a hard map and FC it deserve the +0,12
it shouldn't exist
I think most of the flashlight scores are made by learning the beatmap.. Actually I beat Cookiezi's score on a map with Flashlight, even if he did it with DoubleTime. It's kinda weird. It sounds like cheating on scores... No real pro skill ftw, just the ability to learn something, like you are playing a song on guitar.. But well, it is my opinion...
FL should be changed. It's easy as shit on low combo maps (TVsized crap) and hard on high combo maps, the vision shrinking should scale better

no it isn't unfair, if someone seats there playing the same shit 200+ times and get a high score they deserve to have it

if anything HR bonus should be raised, it takes so much more skill than hidden

Glass wrote:

FL should be changed. It's easy as shit on low combo maps (TVsized crap) and hard on high combo maps, the vision shrinking should scale better

no it isn't unfair, if someone seats there playing the same shit 200+ times and get a high score they deserve to have it

if anything HR bonus should be raised, it takes so much more skill than hidden
I wanna see how many flashlight records do you have in a TV Size song ...
People shouldn't be rewarded for working hard at a map, I understand completely :/

eldnl wrote:

I wanna see how many flashlight records do you have in a TV Size song ...
then go look it up, are you implying that getting FL records on TV-sized song is hard?

I don't waste my time getting FL scores on TV-sized maps anyway, I don't even like playing them

Aqo wrote:

Some players consider the "Flashlight" mod broken in one way or another. I don't want to start an argument of whether you like FL or not, but I want to bring up a specific problem with it: the scores.

The way it works right now, your area of vision gradually grows smaller as you gradually progress through a map with FL. This means that on some maps which have jumps and are fast enough, it's practically impossible to FC them on your first try with FL+Hidden.

It's not broken just because you can't FC it on the first try...

When responding to this thread, please state your player level, and answer the following:
1. Do you agree that Flashlight score modifier should be lower than DT and Hidden instead of the same?

No. Flashlight takes a lot more skill. Memorization is harder than you make it out to be.

2. Do you agree that it should be a lower modifier than HR?

Is it easier than HR? No.

3. How often do you use FL? Do you like playing with it, or do you just add it to get extra score?

I can only FC low combo maps on flashlight. It definitely is worth the extra multiplier boost compared to how much effort it takes for me to even FC it. Forget adding hidden to the mix, that makes it unreasonably hard. With that said I don't play it often due to how difficult it makes the maps.

4. How often do you use FL on your first run of a map? Can you FC a map with FL on the first time you see it?


5. Do you oppose losing scores you have on maps that you cleared with FL?

Yes. My only number 1 is using flashlight. I would be very sour if I lost it.

It's challenging in different ways to different people.It's definitely more suitable for certain maps than hidden, but hidden is better suited for certain maps as well. It's all depending on how closely the maps follow a proper distance snap and the AR of course. You can't say that my Hard level skillset is very good, but even I can say we shouldn't just remove it due to a score issue. That's unreasonable.
I think flashlight takes more skills than dt on certain maps.
it should have a higher multiplier on high combo songs.
Kanye West
1. Do you agree that Flashlight score modifier should be lower than DT and Hidden instead of the same?

No, it's fine where it is

2. Do you agree that it should be a lower modifier than HR?

No, it is much harder than HR. All HR does is lower circle size and increase AR. you can still clearly see the approach circles and everything just fine.

3. How often do you use FL? Do you like playing with it, or do you just add it to get extra score?

Quite often, but not for insane difficulties. I like playing with it just for fun. But i think a good change would be to keep the 200 combo vision range the same no matter what your combo is because I hate when it keeps changing when i miss my combo

4. How often do you use FL on your first run of a map? Can you FC a map with FL on the first time you see it?

never and no

5. Do you oppose losing scores you have on maps that you cleared with FL?

yea because i practically memorized the beatmap
I'll just put my "no" here on every yes/no question.

higurush wrote:

I think most of the flashlight scores are made by learning the beatmap.. Actually I beat Cookiezi's score on a map with Flashlight, even if he did it with DoubleTime. It's kinda weird. It sounds like cheating on scores... No real pro skill ftw, just the ability to learn something, like you are playing a song on guitar.. But well, it is my opinion...

Waryas wrote:

I think flashlight takes more skills than dt on certain maps.
it should have a higher multiplier on high combo songs.
Well, If I say that Flashlight on lower difficulties is like cheating score, and on higher diffs is like being an asian. Then why we are complaining about the whole thing? It should stay as the way are. Everything should stay on the current state: No changing.

PS.: I remember some of these "remove this mod" threads back then a year ago. There were nothing but arguments about whether should it stay or not, but in the end, Nothing Happened!
i think its fine as it is and i dont understand why people are QQing so much over a bit of score.
FL cheaters everywhere, also
IMO, FL should require memorization :?

Glass wrote:

eldnl wrote:

I wanna see how many flashlight records do you have in a TV Size song ...
then go look it up, are you implying that getting FL records on TV-sized song is hard?

I don't waste my time getting FL scores on TV-sized maps anyway, I don't even like playing them
Then let me know how a Tv size can be easy as shit with flashlight if you don't play them?

eldnl wrote:

Then let me know how a Tv size can be easy as shit with flashlight if you don't play them?
If I can play Flashlight on long maps then I can play it on short maps


also, I didn't say I had NO FL record on TV-sized maps, I said they're not worth the effort of getting FL records so I don't have many of them. Can you at least read properly before you try to argue?

Waryas wrote:

it should have a higher multiplier on high combo songs.
If that's the case then there should be more time wasted banning cheaters cause yeah .. i don't want to start saying names lol.

aRtii- wrote:

FL cheaters everywhere, also
Instead of whining, make yourself useful and report the scores. And don't say that it is useless because it is not.
isn't it already too late to change it anyways
Replying the creator of the thread:

My level is getting better, even I can play Insane songs now and I've been playing since September 2011. So since you know my level, here I go:

1. Do you agree that Flashlight score modifier should be lower than DT and Hidden instead of the same?

2. Do you agree that it should be a lower modifier than HR?

3. How often do you use FL? Do you like playing with it, or do you just add it to get extra score?

I don't use it often because of lazyness, although a friend told me that I'd be a good FL player since I've a good visual memory. I think if I'd would want I'd rank every song I could memorize using FL. I don't use it too much because it requires time and dedication on Hard-Insane songs, so no. I used FL in 2-3 maps, one of them a Hard TV Size, where I am in the rank.

4. How often do you use FL on your first run of a map? Can you FC a map with FL on the first time you see it?

Well, in the case that I'd use FL more often, I'd FC the map w/o any mod, and after it I'd try to memorize the positions of the circles/sliders. I think FCing a map w/ FL on the first time you see it it's impossible because you need to memorize before. Any human could FC a song using FL without before seeing how the circles are put.

5. Do you oppose losing scores you have on maps that you cleared with FL?

Don't understand the question :( I'll reply it when I get what you asked.

About the FL mod, I think it should stay as it is (and its score modifier). FL requires time, more time than Hidden (too much time) to memorize all the circles and sliders so that's why I think FL should stay as it is. DT and HR mods make the map you play harder, but HD and FL don't make the map harder, HD hides circles and approach circles and FL hides the entire map w/o hidding the approach circles unless you use FL+HD which would be just memorize. I think the majority of the people knows this, but it's a reminder.
FL and HD mods are recommended for people who can't handle w/ DT and HR in the most cases, or just one person don't like them. If the score modifier of any mod changes, there would be an overall cleaning of all records who had used that mod (I think) and it would make the people angry. I see FL fair as I also see DT, for example Mesita, HatsuneMiku (user) and Bikko are good at using FL. About Hidden I don't see any problem and HR too.
Finished. If you want to reply me using quotes please respect my opinion as I and other persons would do. That was my opinion, and about the thread question I say: Yes. FL mod should stay.

Regards and thx for reading my post :) (for those who had read the post). Also, since english is not my mother toungue there may be mistakes, so I apologize in the case I've failed on some word ><

Odaril wrote:

aRtii- wrote:

FL cheaters everywhere, also
Instead of whining, make yourself useful and report the scores. And don't say that it is useless because it is not.
em, i report every foul score.
like this (8 months ago and counting), nothing happened yet.

Glass wrote:

eldnl wrote:

Then let me know how a Tv size can be easy as shit with flashlight if you don't play them?
If I can play Flashlight on long maps then I can play it on short maps


also, I didn't say I had NO FL record on TV-sized maps, I said they're not worth the effort of getting FL records so I don't have many of them. Can you at least read properly before you try to argue?


eldnl wrote:



Glass wrote:

It's easy as shit on low combo maps (TVsized crap) and hard on high combo maps
I see you still can't read properly what I said, and by your logic; short maps = hard to FL, long maps = easier to FL?? LOL THIS GUY FOR REAL.

and good job at resorting to insult me in your own language, so here's one for you: 你真是一个大傻逼.

Stick to CTB, standard is obviously too deep for you so stay out of the discussion.

Glass wrote:

Stick to CTB, standard is obviously too deep for you so stay out of the discussion.
Are CtB players even allowed to say sth about this topic?
Ibuki Suika

Glass wrote:

, so here's one for you: 你真是一个大傻逼.
dis thread
Lets stay on topic and discuss flashlight instead of flaming each other, please.

That being said, I see nothing wrong with current flashlight mod. I don't really like but that's another matter.
I find it extremely difficult to play with, no matter what map/song, it just confuses the hell outta me. I am also too lazy to memorize stuff, so I don't even like it. In my opinion, it has a right multiplier because it's really hard to play with, just because some people find it easy, it doesn't mean it really is. Just because I find it really hard, it doesn't mean it's really that hard either. Opinions.
Also, report all scores that look suspicious like Odaril said, if the said scores aren't removed shortly then that is either because the hack hasn't been detected yet, or the person didn't hack at all, which means you should give him some proper respect. Just because you never saw that person have such a score, doesn't automatically mean it's a cheater.

Oh, and FL has 1.12x multiplier, hidden has 1.06, can't believe noone said this yet.
I don't know if its on topic but flashlight is after hidden the easiest mod to cheat and the hardest to detect.
There are just so many means to replicate a legit FL scores it's not even funny.

Kael wrote:

Are CtB players even allowed to say sth about this topic?
Nothing against CTB players, just that guy happens to be a CTB main and he can't seem to keep up with this discussion so I'm pointing him the right direction ;)
I don't know why people saying that memorization takes no skill. Memorization itself *is* a skill, and improving your ability to memorize a map shouldn't be penalized. I have the utmost respect for FL mod players, cause I don't have the skill to FL most maps even after 100+ or w.e plays. I agree with lolcubes. However, I also think what glass said at the beginning of this thread is also right, that it should scale better with short->long maps. That's my opinion anyways!
Glass: Alright. Back to OP.
1. Do you agree that Flashlight score modifier should be lower than DT and Hidden instead of the same?
Actually the FL multiplier is the same as DT in Standard and it is the same as Hard Rock in CtB. I think this is alright as it is at the moment.
2. Do you agree that it should be a lower modifier than HR?
The main problem here is that the HR multipier in standard is 1,06x as far as I know (and FL 1,12x), and I do not know a single thing about how hard DT (which multiplier is 1,12x)is in standard. So I'd say no here.
3. How often do you use FL? Do you like playing with it, or do you just add it to get extra score?
I only use FL on Easy-maps and not very often. This means I tried maybe about 10-15 maps with FL.
4. How often do you use FL on your first run of a map? Can you FC a map with FL on the first time you see it?
Not very often. And no, surley not.
5. Do you oppose losing scores you have on maps that you cleared with FL?
No, not really. I think a few FL players who like the mod would going berserk if that happens.

I agree with lolcubes first part of his post about the flashlight mod itself.
I have to agree it is easy to cheat but it is a unique gamemode. I remember the time when Flashlight was first removed due to cheating. People had to come back with overwhelming support to get it back as well as some exploits getting fixed. Besides it would remove basically the top 20-30 players of any Easy mode if it were removed. There would be a LOT of displaced scores and it's not like you could just easily remove those.
I myself find flashlight annoying as hell. I only use it when im bored and feel like laughing at my failures, especially on my own maps. Despite that, I do think flashlight should stay as it is. Yes, it probably would be better if flashlight had some sort of incremental score increase depending on the length of the song (and the amount of jumps in the song), but still the 1.12x multiplier works pretty well imo.

Memorization is quite hard, and the fact that you can't even see where the next note is if it is a big jump makes it even harder. Knowing how far to jump (though it's just muscle memory) is really quite hard sometimes depending on the map.

however, some epic doubletime hidden probably shouldn't get beaten by flashlight hidden :/

restating things in this thread like a bawss

Glass wrote:

eldnl wrote:



Glass wrote:

It's easy as shit on low combo maps (TVsized crap) and hard on high combo maps
I see you still can't read properly what I said, and by your logic; short maps = hard to FL, long maps = easier to FL?? LOL THIS GUY FOR REAL.

and good job at resorting to insult me in your own language, so here's one for you: 你真是一个大傻逼.

Stick to CTB, standard is obviously too deep for you so stay out of the discussion.
lololol you're so funny XD and you must read properly, btw, I have enough plays in standard to discuss here ...

Waryas wrote:

I don't know if its on topic but flashlight is after hidden the easiest mod to cheat and the hardest to detect.
There are just so many means to replicate a legit FL scores it's not even funny.

This, also sometimes is even sad how people cheat to become famous in some sense and they don't get banned, the thing about it is that there are a lot of methods to cheat it, and probabbly admins can't detect it for sure, and as everyone knows it people won't get banned unless it's 100% sure that the person used fl hack (not that i'm against it but there are some obvious scores over there, i think aevv already prooved this already)
The problem with the cheating reason is as thus. If you're only using a cheat to see in flashlight, you're never going to get anywhere impressive scorewise. You would still need skill to beat the song with the other mods legitly. Besides if it's hard to detect, you wouldn't know that he's hacking, and what you don't know wont hurt you?

Really hacking is only a major issue if the player is actually doing something impressive. In most cases, this would not be so.
Not when you're entering the top 20 best players just for 'being good' with fl, you know.
eldnl this is not just being good with fl >.> btw I don't know whose you're talking about XD
This is not the place neither are you the person i should be talking to so we should drop that anyways, i know i started the issue but i'm kind of dissappointed on how things are being handled regarding that ^__^.

Aqo wrote:

Some players consider the "Flashlight" mod broken in one way or another.

I think not, FL is just made that way.

The way it works right now, your area of vision gradually grows smaller as you gradually progress through a map with FL.

No, it's getting smaller as your combo goes higher.
1. Do you agree that Flashlight score modifier should be lower than DT and Hidden instead of the same?

2. Do you agree that it should be a lower modifier than HR?

3. How often do you use FL? Do you like playing with it, or do you just add it to get extra score?
Not often, except on easier diffs.

4. How often do you use FL on your first run of a map? Can you FC a map with FL on the first time you see it?
Depends on the map.

5. Do you oppose losing scores you have on maps that you cleared with FL?
No, not really.
Hatsune Miku_old

Glass wrote:

so here's one for you: 你真是一个大傻逼.

so here's one for you: 你真是太屌了
FL = cheat mode.

Multipliers should be:

DT x1,2
FL x1,15
HR x1,10
HD x,1,05

Yeah HR + HD giving a little more score than FL, still HR increases OD like shit so getting HR HD 100% is sometimes way more challenging than lol memorizing a map. Doing FL only scores is for pussies who "enjoy it" or for those who can't beat some score and have to use that mod to do it. If you argue playing FL just for fun and not for e-penis, you shouldn't be whining if it gets unranked or just deleted.


Still it always depends on the map so.

HR's bonus should have some kind of relationship with the map's base OD and CS. Playing HR on OD 6 maps is kind of easy since you can get very high accuracy with no much trouble, but then doing HR on any OD 8 map is hard as hell. CS issue is the same playing some the second highest CS (I mean, the smallest) is hard as shit, while playing I don't know some map with huge circles + HR isn't that hard.

Same applies to FL, the higher the map's combo the higher the bonus should be.

Still going for the first system I said since maps change with time and using a map-related system would need changes frequently, plus it'd be a pain to do because you can't really make some automated shit to judge the bonus FL should give on each map, because you also have to think about spacing (maps like Marisa that have pretty much 2 patterns repeated during 3 minutes are way easier to FL than some jumpy thing).


BTW eldnl stfu Glass got some quite impressive FL scores, if he could do that I think memorizing some stupid TV Size map would be no trouble, since most of them are not only short but also easy and not that complicated.
nvm (;
录少又用西班牙语怎么变成我, 他又嫌我记录清楚在?
住口 Wishy22

Wishy22 wrote:

Multipliers should be:

DT x1,2
FL x1,15
HR x1,10
HD x,1,05
it's hard to balance mod bonuses because the difficulty varies a lot depending on the songs, HR is easier than DT on high BPM songs but on low BPM songs it's quite the opposite. just like how FL is pretty much free score on low-spacing/short maps yet a grindfest on jumpy/long maps

imo just leave the scores as it is and wasteland this thread, nothing good is coming out of it anyway

thx Fabi, forever scarred whenever I play Lux
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