If you don't like some of my mods, let me know that I have to try again with my same beatmap by modding another one of your pending beatmaps then I'll do it as I can;).
No electro here either,just some wierd europop: http://osu.ppy.sh/s/32263 'k thx and kitties I like indeed. xD (EDIT: In English pwease xP)
Is it tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
http://osu.ppy.sh/s/49188 Englishi please, Thank you~ (4 osu diffs and 2 taikos not sure if satisfy the rule. Plz ignore taikos > <) I love kitties > <
I know, it's my mistake that it's still [Opened] in topic. But please, red rules and my last post! I accept only 3 request as Ch1ka is busy. So, 3 (!) more, please.