
New web-chat testing

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I'm looking at making a local version of web-chat with some osu! specific features, branching from qwebirc. I'd like to get some regular mibbit users switching over and providing feedback on the performance/interface etc. (or if that doesn't work, use temporarily).
Better than mibbit I say what with their leaks and being hacked.
It would be better if it was styled similar to the main osu! site.

Also, if possible, names should be coloured depending on their status, like osu!Bancho does.
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As I said in the first post, I would like to look at integrating is closer after initial testing is complete. Start using it so I can see how it handles under load :).

Nice =3

peppy wrote:

As I said in the first post, I would like to look at integrating is closer after initial testing is complete. Start using it so I can see how it handles under load :).
Ahh yeah I see what you mean.

It handles fine for Rizon servers, which are under heavy load constantly, so I don't see why it shouldn't work well for bancho.
interface has a problem showing all users in the #osu channel (as you can see in that imercurial screenshot as well, no ops are visible while there are many in the channel) it seems like it can't handle this many users in one channel
i like this since is some more light than the other
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Now handles auth automatically and fixes nickname to a standard naming scheme.

Like clockwork, do i need to input a password?

Madoka_Kaname wrote:

this sucks dick im sticking to my pirated mIRC
dis guy...

Webclients are very usefull when you can't install a program on a computer and IP filtering avoids you to connect with the most famous irc web client (mibbit for example).

Wait... why am I answering him ?
qwebirc is nice, do you know there is rizon release which is a little improved? You can find it here: though i am not sure if you need the enhancements. Anyway you should have a look :)
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