
Nomizu Iori - *** Passionate (TV Size)

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Your offset is too early, use 215 ms ~
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Kawayi Rika
thanks for timing help :3

Download: Nomizu Iori - Passionate (TV Size) (Kawayi Rika) [Tuhard].osu
wmf's Taiko BG request
Try this, current timing is off completely

1.BPM 140.000 OFFSET 215
2.BPM 141.000 OFFSET 7047


Download: Nomizu Iori - Passionate (TV Size) (Kawayi Rika) [JoJo's Easy].osu

JoJo wrote:

Try this, current timing is off completely

1.BPM 140.000 OFFSET 215
2.BPM 141.000 OFFSET 7047
This ia a addition.Base on the JoJo's timing.The first bpm should amand to 140.5 instead of 140.Other is okay
ok from IRC mod request


  • Settings
  1. Tuhard的PreviewTime和其他的不同.

[Saten's Normal]

  • mapping
  1. 00:40:238 (2,2) - why don't you stack it? I think stack is pretty then.


  • mapping
  1. 00:14:493 (3,4,1) - 建議讓這三個間距一樣. (slider尾,頭,頭)
  2. 00:21:515 (2,3,1) - ^


  • mapping
  1. 01:19:174 (1,3,4) - 讓這個間距一致吧. 現在這樣看起來有點怪...
  2. 01:44:706 (2) - 讓這個完全對稱. 用ctrl+H去check吧

[Wmf's Taiko]

  • Settings
  1. 我下載下來並沒有Taiko BG 是否需要重傳一次?
  1. 00:03:631 (7) - 同樣的節奏 同樣的音高 不該變換顏色 我認為.
  2. 00:09:812 (38,39,40,41,42,43,44) - 依照你所說. 第2,4拍不該有所變化的話憲在這個已經違反了. 當然如果你是以k當主軸來map就不是我說的問題.
  3. 00:13:004 (60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68) - kkddkdddk? 第五個音是高音. 應該是k
  4. 00:39:068 - add note 建議d
  5. 00:40:664 (224,225,226) - ddk
  6. 00:42:129 (232,233,234,235) - 這節奏放25%來聽 應該不是這樣.
  7. 00:43:832 (241,242,243,244) - ^
  8. 00:47:791 (268) - 多餘的note. 這地方聽起來不該有東西 應該是overmap了
  9. 00:53:004 (295) - D
  10. 00:54:493 (302) - K 高音用K比較適合
  11. 01:16:515 (98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109) - dkdddddkkkkd
  12. 01:31:302 (200,201,202) - 臥槽了...1/4拍finish連打...

紅色是unrankable的 一定要改 藍色的是需要討論的問題 黑色就只是建議

it was stacked, I guess when the BPM changed it got abit messed up

Download: Nomizu Iori - Passionate (TV Size) (Kawayi Rika) [Saten's Normal].osu

spboxer3 wrote:

  1. 00:03:631 (7) - 同樣的節奏 同樣的音高 不該變換顏色 我認為. 請多練練絕對音感
  2. 00:09:812 (38,39,40,41,42,43,44) - 依照你所說. 第2,4拍不該有所變化的話憲在這個已經違反了. 當然如果你是以k當主軸來map就不是我說的問題.
  3. 00:13:004 (60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68) - kkddkdddk? 第五個音是高音. 應該是k 第五個音比第四還要低, kkddddddk
  4. 00:39:068 - add note 建議d
  5. 00:40:664 (224,225,226) - ddk 沒有旋律放k, 而且ddd與後面kk成對比
  6. 00:42:129 (232,233,234,235) - 這節奏放25%來聽 應該不是這樣. 那是Rika snap錯
  7. 00:43:832 (241,242,243,244) - ^ ^
  8. 00:47:791 (268) - 多餘的note. 這地方聽起來不該有東西 應該是overmap了 旋律有啊.
  9. 00:53:004 (295) - D 大圓d/k按音高放
  10. 00:54:493 (302) - K 高音用K比較適合 =>K--K--K D kkk 因為D kkk的D與後面等音高但K kkk更怪
  11. 01:16:515 (98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109) - dkdddddkkkkd 旋律都向下走, -> dkddddddddk
  12. 01:31:302 (200,201,202) - 臥槽了...1/4拍finish連打... baka rika that's 1/3
我靠 Rika你不要亂snap

Download: Nomizu Iori - Passionate (TV Size) (Kawayi Rika) [Wmf's Taiko].osu
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika

spboxer3 wrote:

ok from IRC mod request


  • Settings
  1. Tuhard的PreviewTime和其他的不同. :arrow: 修了


  • mapping
  1. 01:19:174 (1,3,4) - 讓這個間距一致吧. 現在這樣看起來有點怪... :arrow: 改了下
  2. 01:44:706 (2) - 讓這個完全對稱. 用ctrl+H去check吧 :arrow: ^


Thanks mod and update ~

[BakaJo's Easy]

  1. 00:09:174 (2) - This slider is strange. I think that I should make it newly
  2. 00:53:855 (1) - Add new combo
  3. 01:04:919 (6) - Note has been hidden in the slider. So a beginner would be surprised
  4. 01:07:259 (4) - Finish of the tail does not match a song
  5. 01:21:515 (5) - Remove finish

[Saten's Normal]

  1. 00:25:557 (1) - Add finish tail?
  2. 01:30:025 (4) - Add new combo
  3. 01:31:302 (1) - Add finish or whistle


  1. 00:04:058 (x) - Add note is better
Because of the nature of this song and the guitar playing throughout, I would suggest a tick rate of 2 for all diffs.

[Jojo's Easy]
00:00:215 (1,3) - Silence the ends of the sliders?

[Saten's Normal]
01:15:132 (2,3) - Would it be overkill to ask for finishes at the beginning of these two sliders? xD

[Wmf's Taiko]
求求您还是用SV1.4吧 TAT

00:01:923 (4) - 把slider的尾放静一点吧
00:11:302 (2,3) - 该slider的头加个whistle
00:12:153 (1) - ^
00:30:876 (1) - 其实这个clap没有什莫必要

00:01:602 - Add a note here? if you're going for the guitar then theres definately a missing circle here.
00:03:311 - ^
00:35:983 (1,2,3) - 这样的rhythm会好一些?
00:36:834 (1,2,3,4) - 最好也该成00:35:983 (1,2,3)的rhythm

I need my tablet back QQ.

But yeah, tick rate 2. Nice mapset and good luck \o.
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika

phonic wrote:


  1. 00:04:058 (x) - Add note is better :arrow: ok


Nyquill wrote:

Because of the nature of this song and the guitar playing throughout, I would suggest a tick rate of 2 for all diffs. :arrow: nope

00:01:602 - Add a note here? if you're going for the guitar then theres definately a missing circle here. :arrow: ok
00:03:311 - ^ :arrow: ^
00:35:983 (1,2,3) - 这样的rhythm会好一些? :arrow: ^
00:36:834 (1,2,3,4) - 最好也该成00:35:983 (1,2,3)的rhythm :arrow: nope

I need my tablet back QQ.

But yeah, tick rate 2. Nice mapset and good luck \o.

Thanks for mod ~ ;)
Alright let's see what I can find. mod requested in-game.

Bold:Unrankable/must fix
Red: you should take a look but it's up to you
Italic: Suggestion


[JoJo's Easy]
00:17:259 (4,1,2,3) - can you do a different pattern because the hitbursts are covering the notes which makes it hard for beginners to read? the notes need to be fully visible for beginners to see on easy diffs.
00:24:068 (1) - remove the clap at the end because it ruins the consistency you're doing.
00:27:898 (1) - the spinner-osu is covering some of the slider which makes it hard for beginners to see where the slider starts. suggest that you move it down a bit where it can be fully visible for beginners.
00:30:876 (1,2) - hmm i think the path would be tough for beginners because they have to go up to the next note in time and the next note is at the red tick. move these notes around where it can be easier for beginners to follow, and i think adding a finish at the end of (1) would be effective as it matches with the vocals IMO.
00:41:727 (1) - yes it's at the middle but the hitburst is covering this note which makes it hard for beginners to find. move it somewhere else where it can be fully visible for beginners, but keep it near the middle.
00:44:493 (1,2,3) - this pattern may be hard for beginners to read because the 2 sliders repeat back to the blue line which might make beginners uncomfortable and they might let go after the slider is complete, and the hitbursts are slightly covering the notes. i suggest doing a different pattern to make it less confusing.
00:53:855 (6) - make this a NC because of new lyrics?
01:05:770 (2,3,4) - this pattern would be ok for a normal diff, but this seems too hard for beginners to read due to the placement and the hitbursts. and for (2,3), space these out because the overlapping looks bad for these sliders.
01:09:812 (3,4) - space these out to make it easier for beginners. they might have a tough time hitting these notes since (3) is at the red line and (4) is at the downbeat.
01:14:281 (1) - the hitburst is still covering this note. move it somewhere else where it can be fully visible for beginners.
01:23:429 (3,4) - 2 problems: the hitburst is covering these notes and since the hitburst is covering these 2 notes, they might not know that there's 2 notes instead of 1. they'll most likely hit it and stop. either move this somewhere else or space this out so that it'd look easier and fully visible for beginners to see.
01:26:195 (2) - *nazi* adjust this slider to avoid the overlapping at the end.
01:34:174 - why is there a break during the kiai? yes ik the vocals has stop but you should add notes to keep the flow going since the kiai is supposed to be the best part of the map.
01:43:217 (1) - can you do something easier than this because beginners won't know when this kick slider will end.

[Saten's Normal]
let's see how this normal goes. :P
00:00:215 (1) - start this near the middle because amateurs might not expect that this note is here.
00:07:472 - why is there a break? suggest that you add notes over this break like the other diffs.
00:29:387 (1,2,3) - Can you do something easier? i think players that are in the normal level aren't used to alternating yet. i suggest doing something like this because it's easy and straightforward for players. if you ignore this, you can do something similar to this.
00:33:855 (1,2,3) - move this away from the slider to avoid the overlapping?
00:42:206 (2) - ooh players might think that this is a circle and not a slider. i don't think players at this level arent used to 1/8 repeat sliders yet. suggest that you do something easier than this.
00:43:908 (2) - ^
00:49:015 (2) - ^
01:04:919 (2) - move this somewhere else because the hitburst is covering the repeat slider which is unrankable.i think
01:30:025 (4) - a NC because the lyrics change?

00:10:451 (1) - remove the whistle at the repeat arrow because it looks like it's just put there randomly.
01:28:749 (2,3) - maybe to make this easier, replace this for a 1/4 kick slider?
01:37:259 (1,2,3,4) - replace this for 2 1/4 sliders with 2 repeats. same reason as above.

00:04:058 - add a circle to follow the drums?
00:09:600 (4,5) - this doesn't follow instrumental accurately. instead replace this for either 2 1/2 sliders or 4 circles to follow instrumental accurately.
00:13:004 (1,2,3,4) - i think a stream fits with this part more than the sliders. i felt uncomfortable when i reached this part.
00:52:898 (8,1) - the end of (8) is covering the repeat arrow at (1) and i think this is unrankable because it doesn't display the repeat arrow in time for players to realize. suggest that you change the direction of (1) so that the repeat arrow is fully showing.
00:55:983 (1,2,3) - same as 00:13:004.

this is the best i can do. GL :D
Hi there~~mod for request

  1. 01:04:919 (6) - 放到别的地方去吧,因为AR的缘故被slidertrack挡住了很长时间。
  2. 01:30:025 (1,2,3,4) - 把这4个排到一个正五角星的四个角上?
  3. 01:30:025 (1,2,3,4) - Kiai中间出现break应该是不允许的吧?!
  4. 01:44:706 (2) - 我觉得可以删掉,并非必须要有的节奏而且对easy来说可能过难了
  1. Fine
  1. 00:58:110 - 这个HP的话,这里还是放个break吧
  2. 01:25:770 (3) - ctrl+r?
  1. 00:06:620 (7,8) - 感觉这里用slider比较舒服?
  2. 00:15:557 (1,2,3) - 感觉没理由用白线三连啊……
  3. 00:20:451 (5) - 叠到(1)的尾巴上?
  4. 00:20:770 (2,3) - 同样是觉得白线三连不是很舒服……
  5. 00:34:281 (1,2,3) - ^,其实我觉得这些地方可以把中间那个蓝线去掉做成1/2 stack的……后面还有很多不来回说了
  6. 00:52:791 (6) - 和Hard类似,HP7的话这里加break吧
  7. 01:27:898 (2,3,4,5) - 这里whistle不是很好听……个人建议如果你想表达很紧张的感觉的话,可以把whistle放到2/3的位置上,也就是(2)和(4)的尾巴,以及(3)和(5)的头
  8. 01:43:855 (3,4) - 把finish换个位置会好听很多~

JoJo's Easy:
- 00:12:153 >> New combo
- 00:22:366 >> New combo then remove new combo on 00:24:068
- 00:30:876 >> This is confusing for new players, either you make this a normal simple slider or make the fact that is wavy more obvious
- 00:34:281 >> Add finish
- 00:53:855 >> New combo
- 01:38:961 >> Add finish to the start, remove clap from end

Saten's Normal:
- 00:20:025 >> New combo ?
- 00:31:089 >> Is the new combo really necessary ?

- 01:44:493 (2,1) >> Move them so the tail of (2) and (1) are both in the center

wmf's Taiko:
- 00:42:129 >> Unsnapped circle
- 00:48:938 >> Unsnapped circle
- 00:49:009 >> Unsnapped circle

- 00:04:058 >> Start the slider here
- 00:09:493 >> Add a note ?
- 01:25:876 >> Delete this note ?
- 01:25:983 (3,4) >> Exchange their positions in the timeline
sth being snapping away when Rika change the BPM

Download: Nomizu Iori - Passionate (TV Size) (Kawayi Rika) [Wmf's Taiko].osu
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika
Thanks everyone's mod fixed some ~

And lovhin mod request ~ update all diff ~


lovhin456 wrote:


- 00:04:058 >> Start the slider here :arrow: Add a circle to here.
- 00:09:493 >> Add a note ? :arrow: nope.
- 01:25:876 >> Delete this note ? :arrow: fixed
- 01:25:983 (3,4) >> Exchange their positions in the timeline :arrow: fixed
- Add a timing section on 01:00:664 to fix the metronome

* It's really late, so I will recheck tomorrow ...
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ fixed ~

Thanks recheck ~


  1. Seems fine here.

[JoJo's Easy]

  1. You have a break in Kiai, this might be unrankable but im not sure (even if it isn't unrankable, it's not recommended at all). Please map there~
  2. 00:30:876 (1) - Please do not do this in an easy. This is unpredictable by inexperienced players. Newer players will not expect this, and the ticks will cause a combo break (especially on tick rate 2). Please change.
  3. 01:10:025 (4) - This slider goes back over it's path, please adjust this.
  4. There are some spacing issues, please go back and look over them.
  5. This easy could use a lot of work in my opinion, you use a lot of things you would normally want to use in an easy because its unexpected such as hidden notes, SV changes, crumpled sliders, and other things.

[Saten's Normal]

  1. 01:04:919 (2) - this covers the repeat on 01:05:770 (1) - but I think it's fine since its completely visible about halfway through the slider. Consider changing it though~
  2. Seems good~


  1. Nothing to point out here, seems fine to me. :3

[Wmf's Taiko]

  1. Overall I think this taiko plays fine, but it follows the vocals a lot and some stuff could be mapped better imo. Due to my lack of Taiko modding experience, I can't really give solid suggestions here.


  1. 01:10:876 (5,6,7) - The flow here doesn't play well (and it doesn't look very good either). I suggest either moving (6) like this or remove the end slider stack.
  2. Goodjob~

Makar8000 wrote:

[JoJo's Easy]
  1. You have a break in Kiai, this might be unrankable but im not sure (even if it isn't unrankable, it's not recommended at all). Please map there~//I don't know why but rika has resetted my KIAI lines in my diff. KIAI sectons of Guest diff could be different from others. That's why I put a break here. Then resetted the KIAI sections again.
  2. 00:30:876 (1) - Please do not do this in an easy. This is unpredictable by inexperienced players. Newer players will not expect this, and the ticks will cause a combo break (especially on tick rate 2). Please change.//Fine, as you all have pointed this, rearranged now.
  3. 01:10:025 (4) - This slider goes back over it's path, please adjust this.//Hmm...It fits the music.Keep it for now.
  4. There are some spacing issues, please go back and look over them.//I find nothing.Plz point out.
  5. This easy could use a lot of work in my opinion, you use a lot of things you would normally want to use in an easy because its unexpected such as hidden notes, SV changes, crumpled sliders, and other things.//That's my style,I just wanna to make the diff more amusing even if it's an easy.Plz respect that.
Thank you for mod! ^^

@baka rika
唉去为什么要删我蓝线~lol 还有不要改我的KIAI啊啊啊啊啊...不然那个break会unrankable.TAT

Download: Nomizu Iori - Passionate (TV Size) (Kawayi Rika) [JoJo's Easy].osu
- It seems like JoJo's diff kiai ends on 01:31:302 while the others on 01:45:344, it's ok but if possible try to keep consistency between diffs
JoJo's Easy:
- 00:21:940 >> End the slider here ?
- 00:30:876 >> Still this is hard for new players, they might not know for how long they have to keep holding the slider since most of them will not really know how to read by approaching circles or anything like that so I'm sorry you have to change this so much but it's a must
- 01:43:217 >> New combo ?

Saten's Normal:
- 01:00:664 >> The green timing section is unnecessary because you just add kiai which can be added with the red timing section too

- 01:00:664 >> Same as Normal

Wmf's Taiko:
- 01:00:664 >> Same as Normal

- 01:00:664 >> Same as Normal
Everything looks fine, bubbled
Modding Rika's version...

- Timing needs to be consistent with Vicho's version, I think this his is more likely to be correct because it's a whole number, but I don't know.
- 1024 x 768 BG might look better if you can find one.

00:53:855 (1) - Snapping of this note discussed over IRC.
01:22:153 (3,4) - Spacing is really too far for 1/4 notes, try to make it more playable.

00:58:110 - This break is really short, not sure if you need it.

[Saten's Normal]
- Looks good.

[Jo's Easy]
00:30:876 (1) - You really shouldn't do this on an Easy, it's too fast. Better to follow a simpler rhythm.
01:02:366 (3,4,5,6) - This is an amazing pattern.
01:14:281 (1,2,3,4) - It'd look good if the ends of (2) and (4) lined up exactly.

I hope this can end well for both mappers.

SapphireGhost wrote:

[Jo's Easy]
00:30:876 (1) - You really shouldn't do this on an Easy, it's too fast. Better to follow a simpler rhythm.
Not to mention it makes it impossible for new taiko players to FC this map at all =w=

SapphireGhost wrote:

[Jo's Easy]
00:30:876 (1) - You really shouldn't do this on an Easy, it's too fast. Better to follow a simpler rhythm.//Just don't know how to rearrange that in a better way.. x_x But well, fixed anyway.
01:02:366 (3,4,5,6) - This is an amazing pattern.
01:14:281 (1,2,3,4) - It'd look good if the ends of (2) and (4) lined up exactly.//Ok.

Makar8000 wrote:

SapphireGhost wrote:

[Jo's Easy]
00:30:876 (1) - You really shouldn't do this on an Easy, it's too fast. Better to follow a simpler rhythm.
Not to mention it makes it impossible for new taiko players to FC this map at all =w=//lol~ I'm so sorry for forgetting that ;_; Sorry if make you unhappy..Fixed now.
Thanks.. @ @

Download: Nomizu Iori - Passionate (TV Size) (Kawayi Rika) [JoJo's Easy].osu
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika

SapphireGhost wrote:

Modding Rika's version...

- Timing needs to be consistent with Vicho's version, I think this his is more likely to be correct because it's a whole number, but I don't know.  :arrow: I think it's fine ~
- 1024 x 768 BG might look better if you can find one. :arrow: ^

00:53:855 (1) - Snapping of this note discussed over IRC. :arrow: fixed
01:22:153 (3,4) - Spacing is really too far for 1/4 notes, try to make it more playable. :arrow: ^

00:58:110 - This break is really short, not sure if you need it. :arrow: Removed

I hope this can end well for both mappers.
Since I decided I finally have time to mod, and since SG was modding Vicho's when I started this mod, here is my mod.

JoJo's Easy
Aesthetics mod:
00:37:685 (5) - Move this downward a bit so that the end of 4 is directly on the slider track (looks slightly better imo)
01:05:770 (2) - rotate this so it does not overlap 01:06:621 (3)
01:23:429 (3,4) - the stacking makes this area look worse imo, not sure what you can do though
01:25:770 (1,2) - move 1 so that it is directly on top of 01:27:472 (3) (barely off ds), and then rotate 2 so it does not overlap 01:24:493 (5) (well you might need to change a bit more than this to keep your pattern, but I do think you can make the pattern look better than it is currently)
01:43:217 (1,2,3) - move this all downward so 3 does not touch the hp bar? (things don't look that great when they overlap the hp bar)

Combo mod:
00:30:876 (3) - new combo to be consistent with 00:17:685 (1) (I know this note is half a note earlier, but I think you should have a new combo in the area)
00:35:983 (3) - new combo to be consistent with 00:22:366 (1)
01:19:387 (3) - I would put a new combo here to be consistent with 01:05:557 (1) but since the pattern changed, I'll leave you to find the ideal configuration (just wanted to point it out)

Saten's Normal: (I am really not liking the overlaps in this diff. This diff looks extremely messy imo (mod is going to be lenient on overlaps)
Style/Aesthetics Mod:
00:54:683 (2) - make this slider more balanced
01:08:323 (1) - 01:05:770 (1,1) - this overlap doesn't look that great imo
01:10:025 (3,2,1) - this overlap doesn't look that great either

Combo mod:
00:20:002 (1) - Why did you add a new combo here? I didn't see you break any other similar sounding combos into smaller combos

Style/Aesthetics Mod:
00:25:344 (3) - since this has 2 repeats, it is a little easier to play the next note if you reverse section on this slider (you might want to mvoe the slider a bit as well to avoid stacking issues if you do this)
00:47:472 (5) - adding a slight curve to this slider help make it fit better with 00:47:898 (1) (also same thing as above)

Combo mod:
00:37:685 (3) - new combo to be consistent with 00:24:068 (1)

Wmf's Taiko: fine

01:20:025 (5) - as I told you before, this plays like an antijump that breaks the flow

Saten's diff is not exactly to my liking especially since I know Saten can do better, but besides that, decent mapset. I'll decide what to do after you mod I guess...
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika
EDIT : OK ~ back to fix mod ~ sorry for the sapp,bliss and everyone ~ :(


blissfulyoshi wrote:

Saten's Normal: (I am really not liking the overlaps in this diff. This diff looks extremely messy imo (mod is going to be lenient on overlaps)
Style/Aesthetics Mod:
00:54:683 (2) - make this slider more balanced :arrow: fixed some
01:08:323 (1) - 01:05:770 (1,1) - this overlap doesn't look that great imo :arrow: moved
01:10:025 (3,2,1) - this overlap doesn't look that great either :arrow: ^

Combo mod:
00:20:002 (1) - Why did you add a new combo here? I didn't see you break any other similar sounding combos into smaller combos :arrow: Removed

Style/Aesthetics Mod:
00:25:344 (3) - since this has 2 repeats, it is a little easier to play the next note if you reverse section on this slider (you might want to mvoe the slider a bit as well to avoid stacking issues if you do this) :arrow: fixed
00:47:472 (5) - adding a slight curve to this slider help make it fit better with 00:47:898 (1) (also same thing as above) :arrow: looks fine for me not change

Combo mod:
00:37:685 (3) - new combo to be consistent with 00:24:068 (1) :arrow: change some NC

01:20:025 (5) - as I told you before, this plays like an antijump that breaks the flow :arrow: moved some spacing

Update all diff ~
Wait, why you give up ? the map is bubble before and it's just popped once, you shouldn't just give up and delete the map like that :(
I know the other version is ranked already, but this is an independent mapset, and it's also good.
You had many guest mappers help you, don't let their work go to waste. I know you can get this ranked for everyone, please.
Don't give up!
Yes don't give up! ..But you make the choice ~ >_<
Anyway here is updating.

BTW, I still think kanpakyin's timing is right. It's obviously off after removing the 1st 140.5 bpm timing section.
I'm not sure if it's an issue of mp3. I hope someone could recheck that. @ @

blissfulyoshi wrote:

JoJo's Easy
Aesthetics mod:
00:37:685 (5) - Move this downward a bit so that the end of 4 is directly on the slider track (looks slightly better imo)//Ok, fixed~
01:05:770 (2) - rotate this so it does not overlap 01:06:621 (3)//Sorry I thought this overlapping is fine, not need to be fixed.
01:23:429 (3,4) - the stacking makes this area look worse imo, not sure what you can do though//Changed arrangement.
01:25:770 (1,2) - move 1 so that it is directly on top of 01:27:472 (3) (barely off ds), and then rotate 2 so it does not overlap 01:24:493 (5) (well you might need to change a bit more than this to keep your pattern, but I do think you can make the pattern look better than it is currently)//Fixed.
01:43:217 (1,2,3) - move this all downward so 3 does not touch the hp bar? (things don't look that great when they overlap the hp bar)//Fixed.

Combo mod:
00:30:876 (3) - new combo to be consistent with 00:17:685 (1) (I know this note is half a note earlier, but I think you should have a new combo in the area)//Fixed.
00:35:983 (3) - new combo to be consistent with 00:22:366 (1)//Fixed.
01:19:387 (3) - I would put a new combo here to be consistent with 01:05:557 (1) but since the pattern changed, I'll leave you to find the ideal configuration (just wanted to point it out)//Fixed.
Thank you ~

Download: Nomizu Iori - Passionate (TV Size) (Kawayi Rika) [JoJo's Easy].osu
Don't let your work go to waste, I know it is very demoralizing when the same song is mapped and ranked by someone else and you lose the feeling of having made something unique, but think about it again.
You have the chance to make your map better than the other.
Even if it is the same song, every mapper has own way of mapping.
You are a good mapper so you should continue with what you do.
It's your choice in the end, (you shouldn't care that much about ranking, care more about quality and fun of your maps)
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika
Thanks Kite Support me ~ I don't give up ~

Before it is very sad T_T
What was changed so far (records):
Timing for the first section is now 239

One small thing left:
Saten's Normal: (already pmed saten about it)
00:53:004 (1) - It looks like you wanted to make an S shape, but currently it is just looks like a line with no defined curve which is not that great to look at

Once I hear a reply from Saten-san, I'll bubble.
yoshi will fix the slider~
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ update thank you ~
Okay me and sapphire had a few problems with 1/6 snaps in the map so all the drum rolls in Tuhard, and Saten's Normal should have fixed snaps now.

Beyond that, Saten's Normal: 00:53:004 (1) - updated a bit to be a bit better

With that I am going to rebubble.

Jojo wants to keep tick rate 2 while everyone wants tick rate 1
Wmf has 1 1/8th note in his diff, but since he says it is a 3/8th snap, I guess it is allowed. (For reference it is 00:41:249 (229) - )
Alright, two BATs and three major taiko players have checked the snapping on this. This has pretty much been the biggest snapping nightmare I've ever modded. Several people have modded this for several hours over several days, all my concerns have been addressed... it's really time to rank this. For real. And yes, I'm being more careful this time.
恭喜日卡 :lol:
congratz u.u Rika won! yayayayay *clapclapclap* orz
Gratz moe moe Rika :3
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika
Thanks SG,ert,sonic :3
Snow Note
恭喜Rika Ranked!~ :)

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Thanks SG,ert,sonic :3
and Vicho? (?) xD
Congrats Kawayi Rika \:D/
Sonico Makaron
Sonico Makaron
it's finally to Ranked
congratz :)
gratz~~! :3
omedeto <3
Hurray Rika-chan congratz :D
congrats :P
Gratz Rika :)
ss :3
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