
Wired vs wireless mouse.

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This Sunday, I bought a wireless mouse from Target (US store) and it was on sale. Then I tested out and it moves very well than the wired mouse.

For the wired one, it's sucks because I sometimes get misses.

I mean no disrespect but you really have to fix that English of yours. You're an 18-year-old American, no less.
Wired > wireless.

That's so obvious.
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ychao24 wrote:

I mean no disrespect but you really have to fix that English of yours. You're an 18-year-old American, no less.
I find the wire to be intrusive. Sometimes when I'm playing, it hits an object on my desk which hinders the mouse's movement.

However, it's a fair trade for not requiring batteries.
if your wireless is better for osu than you wired it just means your wired one sucks.
wired is way better for osu.

also i never have any trouble with the wire
wired > wireless. If you have trouble with the cord, then just tape it to the desk so it won't hit anything.
Wired > Wireless, unless you like more uncontrollable delay.

Mesita wrote:

wired > wireless.
This is the general consensus I would think, though newer (wireless) gaming mice are slowly overcoming the problem of slower response times that older wireless ones pose .

Even with the option to go wireless I still usually use my Mamba wired when playing osu!. I never had any problems with my wire as well.
wired > wireless
Not actually sure if some of these replies are serious or not.

Wireless mice will always have x milliseconds of response time delay regardless of whichever shit 'wireless gaming mouse' you buy.
The only main difference between a wired and wireless comes down to the weight of the mouse in comparison as all the added gear that is inside to make the mouse wireless compatible adds a bit of weight to it..

If you're actually stating your wired mouse is skipping you have a awfully bad mouse or just plainly don't know how to cocntrol a bloody mouse properly in the first place.

Yet again reading something from you has made me feel less intelligent.
Day by day kokoranime drains our intellect, reading these threads make me think that how come non native speakers write better engrish than kokoranime does.

But on topic, wired > wireless, any kind of delay sucks on this game, and mouseskipping w/e that causes you to miss, are caused by:

A) You have some crap blocking your sensor
B) Your wire is broken
C) Your windows mouse settings are terribly messed up
D) You can't control your hand the way your supposed to, and this new mouse seems to ignore those movements and smoothen things out

ampzz wrote:

Wireless mice will always have x milliseconds of response time delay regardless of whichever shit 'wireless gaming mouse' you buy.
Definitely true, but the question is whether that delay is noticeable or not. Granted I do not have amazing reflexes but in wireless mode I've never really noticed any significant lag while playing fast (jumpy) maps.
The main reason I usually use wired when playing is that I get really really annoyed when my battery dies in the middle of a good play which has happened more often than I would've liked. :x

Of course, why bother with the wireless option when you have the wired w/ no time delay? Go figure.
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Valentiino wrote:

Day by day kokoranime drains our intellect, reading these threads make me think that how come non native speakers write better engrish than kokoranime does.

But on topic, wired > wireless, any kind of delay sucks on this game, and mouseskipping w/e that causes you to miss, are caused by:

A) You have some crap blocking your sensor
B) Your wire is broken
C) Your windows mouse settings are terribly messed up
D) You can't control your hand the way your supposed to, and this new mouse seems to ignore those movements and smoothen things out
I had a wired pocket mouse and it lasted almost 2 years until it was broke few weeks ago, It was the best thing I ever use to play osu! with... So I switched to a other cheap wired mouse from FYE and it doesn't move the same as my broken pocket mouse. But this wireless mouse I bought never lags at all.

Trust me, a wireless mouse well be like you're using a tablet to play osu!

If you want batteries so badly, go to the Dollar Tree (US store) or any stores with every stuffs are cheap.

kokoroanime wrote:

Valentiino wrote:

Day by day kokoranime drains our intellect, reading these threads make me think that how come non native speakers write better engrish than kokoranime does.

But on topic, wired > wireless, any kind of delay sucks on this game, and mouseskipping w/e that causes you to miss, are caused by:

A) You have some crap blocking your sensor
B) Your wire is broken
C) Your windows mouse settings are terribly messed up
D) You can't control your hand the way your supposed to, and this new mouse seems to ignore those movements and smoothen things out
I had a wired pocket mouse and it lasted almost 2 years until it was broke few weeks ago, It was the best thing I ever use to play osu! with... So I switched to a other cheap wired mouse from FYE and it doesn't move the same as my broken pocket mouse. But this wireless mouse I bought never lags at all.

Trust me, a wireless mouse well be like you're using a tablet to play osu!

If you want batteries so badly, go to the Dollar Tree (US store) or any stores with every stuffs are cheap.
Wireless mouse magically morphs your mousepad into a absolute surface and your mouse acts like a pen now?
That's interesting, it sounds almost as good as mind controlling myself.
And no wonder it feels better since your old mouse sounds pretty crappy (even in cheap-o standards).
Buy a tablet, problem solved.

kokoroanime wrote:

Trust me, a wireless mouse well be like you're using a tablet to play osu!
Did he REALLY say that ? Oo

MMzz wrote:

Buy a tablet, problem solved.
Tablet vs. Mouse, that way

Olip96 wrote:

kokoroanime wrote:

Trust me, a wireless mouse well be like you're using a tablet to play osu!
Did he REALLY say that ? Oo
You just have to believe your eyes. He did.
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Last time, I used to move my mouse with a piece of newspaper then I sometimes get misses when I keep moving the newspaper while playing osu! Then last week, I bought a mouse pad from Wal-Mart and test it out with my normal-size, cheap wired mouse, but it still crappy as I moved the mouse. And this Sunday, I bought a wireless mouse with a nano USB receiver and it was great as it working well...
In all honesty, try applying some common sense...
Anything wireless is generally applicable for mobile use(traveling, on the go etc.) or extremely confined spaces(note: absolutely no space for any wire to fold or stack in a particular spot or it can't reach your PC).

Whether or not your horrible wired mouse(if it indeed skipping) is comparably worse than your wireless is just a testament to the quality of your mouse, rather than the overall difference between the two.

Wireless mice will always be inferior, as ampzz has stated, from the "x millisecond" delay as a result of wireless capability and the general inconsistency(from wireless "gaming" mice after extensive use)of the sensors.

In terms of the wire getting in the way, just tape the cable to the end of the desk at a point where it's enough to move around your mousepad without dragging the rest of the cable, or just eBay a cheap mouse bungee.
[ Cooper ]
Depends on the mouse and personal. My friend has R.A.T.7 and I have R.A.T.9. They are just same but wired or wireless. Of course we tried both of them. And he prefer wired and I prefer wireless (Actually we bought together after we tried at shop.)
Yeah. That's the story of mine.
I have the wireless G700. And for more than just use in Osu!, I like it a lot. Charge it while sleeping and game while awake. It is possible it is holding me back in response time but in all mouse uses considered, I'm sticking with it over wired. It's nice to pull my mouse all around without making sure I have the slack I need or pushing against extra slack.

And what MMzz said. If your are really looking to cut down on the dilution of your mental processes by an unintuitive middle-man aka peripheral, buy a tablet. It's the most intuitive choice. Behind direct mind control.
Which we are actually getting closer to accomplishing. There was a demo where a guy was controlling the new windows 8 with his eyes. Imagine playing osu! with your eyes and/or brain directly.

That would blow all other peripherals out of the water in terms of intuitive effectiveness. Because it would be your direct mental output. If you still did bad after that, you could only blame it on your "bad brain".
None of the wireless mice are as light as wired mice and they also have milliseconds delays. And it's way worse when you're running low on battery. For gaming purpose, wired > wireless.
Wired mice FTW ( and they're cheaper as well :D)
In all honesty, I haven't had any difficulties (other than the occasional drop out) when playing with a BT mouse so while wired does offer faster response time, I've never been in a situation where I'm like 'DAMN this lag!' or noticed any for that matter so I personally don't think it matters whether it's a wired or wireless mouse.

X3r0 wrote:

In all honesty, I haven't had any difficulties (other than the occasional drop out) when playing with a BT mouse so while wired does offer faster response time, I've never been in a situation where I'm like 'DAMN this lag!' or noticed any for that matter so I personally don't think it matters whether it's a wired or wireless mouse.
but then again you havent played very hard maps.

silmarilen wrote:

X3r0 wrote:

In all honesty, I haven't had any difficulties (other than the occasional drop out) when playing with a BT mouse so while wired does offer faster response time, I've never been in a situation where I'm like 'DAMN this lag!' or noticed any for that matter so I personally don't think it matters whether it's a wired or wireless mouse.
but then again you havent played very hard maps.
The sad truth .. It's like a sudden fps drop for me with a wireless mouse
[ Cooper ]

Frizz925 wrote:

None of the wireless mice are as light as wired mice and they also have milliseconds delays. And it's way worse when you're running low on battery. For gaming purpose, wired > wireless.
True. But for me, I like using heavy mouse. I put additional weight in my mouse. And .. I actually couldn't see problems of delays when I play. Battery problem might annoying. Can't disagree about this one :)
So in my opinion, it's just varies from person.
for me wireless is bad because it always has a delay time during jumps.
i don't have any problems with the wire mouse if i place the wire behind the moniter

kokoroanime wrote:

Trust me, a wireless mouse well be like you're using a tablet to play osu!

You are the epitome of stupidity.
wow and I thought I was bad, wireless mouses have a much larger input delay than a wired mouse even the good ones and in a game where the dpi counts and the reaction time as well it isn't recommended no really don't do it man
dat english
Wired> Wireless all they, it's mainly the sensors and batteries running out that gets me :/
I played a little wired today. I noticed an improvement.

ztrot wrote:

wow and I thought I was bad, wireless mouses have a much larger input delay than a wired mouse even the good ones and in a game where the dpi counts and the reaction time as well it isn't recommended no really don't do it man
That was the first lesson I ever learned in osu!. That was 3 years ago.
M i l o t i c

kokoroanime wrote:

This Sunday, I bought a wireless mouse from Target (US store) and it was on sale. Then I tested out and it moves very well than the wired mouse.

For the wired one, it's sucks because I sometimes get misses.
if you think wireless mouse is better, use it.
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tonyzore wrote:

kokoroanime wrote:

This Sunday, I bought a wireless mouse from Target (US store) and it was on sale. Then I tested out and it moves very well than the wired mouse.

For the wired one, it's sucks because I sometimes get misses.
if you think wireless mouse is better, use it.
That's what I meant. Unlike the wired mouse, your cord will end up on a tangled mess. LOL!!!!

tonyzore wrote:

kokoroanime wrote:

This Sunday, I bought a wireless mouse from Target (US store) and it was on sale. Then I tested out and it moves very well than the wired mouse.

For the wired one, it's sucks because I sometimes get misses.
if you think wireless mouse is better, use it.
But then people will start threads like thousands out there asking "Why do I fail or How does cookiezi play or w/e".
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Neruell wrote:

But then people will start threads like thousands out there asking "Why do I fail or How does cookiezi play or w/e".
LOL!!! We have the same thing. But combos are close to the end are not that bad. All we need is pointers.

kokoroanime wrote:

Neruell wrote:

But then people will start threads like thousands out there asking "Why do I fail or How does cookiezi play or w/e".
LOL!!! We have the same thing. But combos are close to the end are not that bad. All we need is pointers.

Does anyone even understand what this is even supposed to mean?
Don't know if you guys are serious, but latest wireless mouse have a response time of about 1ms, which is faster than the 2ms response time most wired mouses have. You can say whatever you want, I've played FPS and RTS always with a wired mouse, and then I switched to Razer's Mamba and I never felt any delay AT ALL.

Only con is that the mice is heavier than a wired one because of the battery, which sucks for playing osu!, so yeah wired wins, but don't go yelling LOL WIRELESS MOUSE = DELAY because you're living in the past guys, wireless mouse have achieved zero lag already, unless every mouse producer is lying.
All mice razer currently sell have a refresh rate of 1ms.

OP just bought a shitty wired and wireless mice and tried to compare them, also bought one of those cheap walmart mouse pads that are worse than a taped piece of paper.
After having used wired mice all my life, I bought a wireless one last year. I can't say that I noticed any delay. There sure may be one, but it's too small to be really noticeable.

At least, I highly doubt that I would play better with a wired one.

Nyarlor wrote:

After having used wired mice all my life, I bought a wireless one last year. I can't say that I noticed any delay. There sure may be one, but it's too small to be really noticeable.

At least, I highly doubt that I would play better with a wired one.
By all means, play with whatever you want. We already gave you the suggestions.
But I highly doubt a player with a total score of 2,629,658 can really say much about this.
this is why I waited until this year before posting here. Now with a total score of 80,347,406,143, people might listen to me! \:D/
I got convinced now that wired>wireless. Tried the mouse of my brother, a Logitech Gaming Mouse G500 for an hour or so, and now that im back to my wireless, i feel delay and also it feels heavy. :cry: Man im so frustrated now that i dont feel like playing till i have my own wired one.
Wireless equipment might sound nice, but imo I would rather not deal with delay and battery issues. Idk toooo much about how wireless equipment works, but surely there has to be some type of delay that is present with Wireless, that isn't there with Wired
Recently tried a wireless mouse that came with my new All-In-One PC (VAIO brand as well). I find it hard to position since it's much more sensitive than my wired mouse. This doesn't seem to happen in anything else but on osu! it makes the game that much harder. Even after cranking down the sensitivity in-game the wireless mouse just doesn't go the distance it should most of the time which made doing spinners and jumps a lot more difficult.

Wired mouse for life (In osu! anyway).
I've played with a wireless and did not like it, it was very sensitive and i failed almost all just like Dieathan say.
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