
Cheap ways to get more grip on your pen (or mouse) !

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Being the cheapass that i am, i can't afford to get some fancy ruberrized coating on my pen. So here are some methods and tips i came up with to get some more grip.

Number 1(Pen-Exclusive): Pen Grip

You can get some rubber pen grips at a stationery/dollar store for VERY cheap, and they come in all kinds of colors and textures.

Cheap and Small
Can be adjusted to your preferred height
Lasts a LOT of time

Messes with your pen's aesthetic
Makes the spot you put it on thicker

Alternatively, if you don't want to leave home, you can just grab some object that has a thickness similar to your pen and use hot glue to make a grip, and the take it off of the object and put it on your pen. This one has alittle less grip than normal pen grips.

Number 2: Eraser

Get a eraser (preferrably of the same color of your pen/mouse) and rub it throughly on your device. Harder erasers give off a better grip, in my experience.

Works great
Is easy to replace
Doesn't interfere with aesthetic


Fades off, so you will have to rub your pen/mouse multiple times a day.

This is the method i personally have started using.

Number 3: Surgical Glove

Rubber gloves are great, but be sure to get the surgical type, not the gardening type


  1. Doesn't let sweat pass through
  2. Makes your hand have more grip
  3. Keeps your stuff clean

  1. Makes your hand a little bit less flexible
  2. After extended time of play, your hand will get hot
  3. You'll have to discard some gloves

Tips for keeping sweat off your hands

  1. Wash your hands often with cold water, and dry them throughly.
  2. Keep some cloth near you to dry your hands (your shirt works too)
  3. Pass some odorless deodorant on your hands , preferrably the kind that comes as a cream. Don't over do it just pass a little bit to keep your hands dry (The cream kind also gives your hand a little bit more grip). Alternatively, you can buy some grip cream made to make your hands dry at
Alternatively, I watch a streamer on twitch named, BeasttrollMC.

He has a rather unconventional method where he wraps kitchen roll/toilet roll around his pen, you could use an elastic band to keep it on. This will dry your hand when sweat forms, keeping your hands relatively dry.

On a side note, thank you for the post! Very informative.
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Kirika wrote:

Alternatively, I watch a streamer on twitch named, BeasttrollMC.

He has a rather unconventional method where he wraps kitchen roll/toilet roll around his pen, you could use an elastic band to keep it on. This will dry your hand when sweat forms, keeping your hands relatively dry.

On a side note, thank you for the post! Very informative.

The reason i didn't include the "wrap a paper towel/cloth method is that in my experience, the cloth/paper towel always slips off the pen/mouse (even with elastics), but it could work for you! Talking of elastic bands, one method to get a pen grip i didn't include is wrapping some elastic bands around your pen. Thanks for reminding me!
I have hockey tape wrapped around the spot i grip the pen from. It loses its grip after some time but I haven't bothered changing the tape because I'm lazy. Also one downside to it is that it might leave some adhesive after you take it off so you probably wanna wash it off somehow.
I think it's fairly easy to make a comfortable grip for your pen just DIY. Here's my current pen:
In between the two red tapes is where I grip the pen, and the edge of the tape both provides friction and prevents my grip from sliding anywhere. The rubber grip on the end is appropriated from a particularly fat pen I had, and is there so it rests on my finger/knuckle area comfortably.
I haven't really had a chance to use it much since I legit just bought this tablet (CTH-470) and I'm on hiatus, but seems like a simple pen mod that works well.
or just grip better
Or just dont lose grip ⊂((・⊥・))⊃
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