
Why do every top player use DT instead of NC

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Hi, when I look at highlight of the best osu player, they always seem to use DT over NC and I was wondering why. If it was just because of preference there should at least be a few player who uses NC so I can only assume that NC as some kind of downside?
Green Platinum
The downside of NC is it sounds like crap.
Pretty sure WWW uses NC. Imo NC is easier bcz of the bass, but yeah, sounds like trash so most people play DT.
- e - v - b-
NC=FC, that's why all the NC scores are FCs and all the DT scores are chokes :^)
NC is actually easier than DT for me because the frequency of the bass gets lifted and becomes easier to hear. Not too much of a difference either way though. And as mentioned people don't like how NC sounds.
Yomi Yori Nightcore LUL

Green Platinum wrote:

The downside of NC is it sounds like crap.
It depends on whether the song works well with NC or not. Some do, some don't.
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