Hey, i'm looking for GD's for my map.
Map link: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/800526#osu/1680556 My favorite mapper you say? I really like Bakari's and Monstrata's mapping.
Thanks for doing this, and good luck on your NM's!
_(:3 」∠)_
If you need a mod from me, just catch me in-game and I'll try looking at it
Ask me for any kind of GD (except for Extra), just PM the map and I'll reply to it ASAP
Fav mapper is Sqeez23. He makes some smooth maps too some epic songs.
Edit : just because I’d like to share and fulfill your curiosity, Painketsu makes some badass maps too. Both these mappers maps are all unranked. Really undiscovered mappers that have maps I really love.
Aspiring osu mapper! I try to make maps that are fun and clearly show the power of the song through difficulty spikes
Artist - Title: Momoiro Clover Z - Moon Pride Length: 1:26 Favorite Mappers: Monstrata and Pishifat Link: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/783883
Only Easy and Normal Diff's pls, you can do the other ones if you want, but I will change the insane and hard diffs so that the slider shapes and flow are nicer regardless.