
Wow.. they even have introductory forums here! :}

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Xenoblade Hero
Yes, indeed, another newcomer has entered Osu! I'm a gamer, metal fan... well, I could explain, or you could just look at my profile.

I must say, the choice of music is great here ^-^

I would also like suggestions on easy stages to start with (preferably rock songs/ metal songs/ videogame tunes)

Thank you all very much, I shall look forward to anyone's reply :D
Hello there Xeno - welcome to osu! and its community. I hope this is the start of a fantastic musical journey ahead for you, so do enjoy your stay here while you are at it!

As for good beginner maps, why don't you try here?
Some of the maps there really helped me get some decent sense of the game when I first started playing, so hopefully they can do the same for you as well.
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Xenoblade Hero
Thank you very much :) I'll try them out.
welcome, be sure to download the metal map packs!
Topic Starter
Xenoblade Hero

Rii wrote:

welcome, be sure to download the metal map packs!
Already have :) I need to find some more!
there are also some metal maps in approved section, download approved maps and win!
Welcome to the community!
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Xenoblade Hero
Thank you ^^ I've checked out some of the harder beatmaps.. they look near impossible at the moment.
I'm sticking to 3-star or lower, and I seem to be doing alright!
Insane Big Big Yeah.

It's not Osu! it's osu!
Welcome :DDD I'm not sure if I ever into'd myself... >_<
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Xenoblade Hero
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone :D

*hands out cookies*
One Gamer!!!!!!
ohh welcome!
Topic Starter
Xenoblade Hero
Damn... how long does it take to get above "Tempo Trainee" rank?
It seems to be taking forever xD
Welcome :3 go listen to some Demetori, especially world's end, you may like it :D
have you ever heard of touhou..? i think you will like it
Topic Starter
Xenoblade Hero
Thank you AtHeNa and Remilia for your suggestions.. I'm checking them out now.
Demetori sounds properly awesome ^-^

Remilia-- wrote:

have you ever heard of touhou..? i think you will like it
I support this.

Xenoblade Hero wrote:

Damn... how long does it take to get above "Tempo Trainee" rank?
It seems to be taking forever xD
you need to post more for that xP
Topic Starter
Xenoblade Hero

Rii wrote:

Xenoblade Hero wrote:

Damn... how long does it take to get above "Tempo Trainee" rank?
It seems to be taking forever xD
you need to post more for that xP
Fair enough xD I thought it was to do with rank.
Also, I'm in need of some multiplayer friends. Any volenteers to befriend my n00bish self? ;D (I have cookies)
Now your a tempo trainee. Gratz :> Anyway, welcome ^~^
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Xenoblade Hero
Thank you ^-^
Could I ask, where do you go on osu! to submit user-created maps? I'm making a work in progress, and I need some feedback/criticism.
f e a r
In the editor, if you click file then upload beatmap it should make it open to public and people can mod it and stuff. If that's what you meant? :-)

edit: derp'd and there is some options after you press it, shouldn't be too advanced really.
lol I'll friend you! XD
You seem like a cool guy~ :3
I also love cookies

Anyways welcome to the forums~ Hope to see you in mutliplayer soon~
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Xenoblade Hero
Yay! I got a friend! Thank you :3
And also, I've made my first map, hoping to add some more difficulties to it.
K a Y e
Metal, huh?

Anyway, hi and welcome to our community!
also a newbie here! welcome to osu mate! ;)
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Xenoblade Hero
Thank you guys :3
I'm having problems uploading my beatmap! I used the in-game uploader, and it doesn't seem to have worked.. :'(
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