Lately, a couple of Russian users have been asking each and every Korean user they can find to register for a Korean online MMORPG game called R2Online. This game requires a KSSN (Korean Social Security Number) to register, and the Russian users in question have been relentlessly asking Korean users to do it for them since they do not have KSSNs. This has been going on for weeks, and the majority of the Korean community are quite stressful of the situation. They keep coming back with different accounts (God knows how many multiaccounts they have made).
What I ask is that if you know who these Russian users are, please tell them to stop. I have been getting numerous requests to "do something" about these users; unfortunately, moderator I may be, I cannot do anything about this kind of situation. I don't expect you to be very active in putting a stop to this, but if you have been hearing things here and there, please take the 30 seconds to tell these users to stop doing so. What they are doing is disrespectful and illegal.
Thank you, and sorry for such a disruption.
Русская tl;dr версия:
Если Вы ходите в #korean и выпрашиваете регистрации акков для игр типа R2Online, то перестаньте. Потомучто Вы уже заебали.
I will un-sticky this post after three days.
What I ask is that if you know who these Russian users are, please tell them to stop. I have been getting numerous requests to "do something" about these users; unfortunately, moderator I may be, I cannot do anything about this kind of situation. I don't expect you to be very active in putting a stop to this, but if you have been hearing things here and there, please take the 30 seconds to tell these users to stop doing so. What they are doing is disrespectful and illegal.
Thank you, and sorry for such a disruption.
Русская tl;dr версия:
Если Вы ходите в #korean и выпрашиваете регистрации акков для игр типа R2Online, то перестаньте. Потомучто Вы уже заебали.
I will un-sticky this post after three days.