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Have you ever heard of Evolve?

Total votes: 59
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Evolve is a gaming client with many useful features (for free*). To name some features:
  1. In-game overlay of services and FPS counter
  2. Friends list and group chat
  3. Video and Screenshot capture
  4. Supports other chat protocols (XMPP, Facebook, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Steam, Xfire, Raptr, etc)
  5. Uses XMPP chat protocol
  6. Gametime tracking (Evolve supports over 2000 games, and has easy game submission support for those games that are unsupported)
  7. VPN support (similar to Hamachi and Tunngle)
  8. VOIP support (similar to Ventrillo and TeamSpeak)
  9. Achievement tracking (on Steam only so far, with PSN in the near future, and, XBL, and etc at some point)
  10. Awesome community
  11. Awesome development team that knows about their product (you don't just get generic answer, you get actual information)
  12. Forum signatures (for an example of the large badge, check out mine)
  13. And much more
And if those features aren't enough for you, Evolve is constantly "Evolving" (new features are still being worked on and pushed out with regular client updates). Eventually there will come a time where a plugin API will exist as well

If you think that at all sounds familiar, other programs offer a few similar features (Xfire, Raptr, etc). You won't find all those features on any one client though.

Basically, Evolve on it's own can replace all of this, and more:
  1. Fraps (why pay $37 when you can get equal quality for free?)
  2. Multiple chat programs (running a separate client for Facebook Chat, AIM, and Google Talk is pointless and resource-needy anyway)
  3. TeamSpeak, Vent, and other VOIP software (hop in a party with multiple other people and start talking away)
  4. Tunngle, Hamachi, and other VPN software (no more trying to port forward and find out your IP and solve other connection issues or install a massive client like Hamachi that has only one purpose)
I would also like to point out that Evolve supports osu! as well for Tracking and Overlay :p (I had top gametime on it, but now I'm 2nd). You can easily record video and take screenshots, and even proceed to upload them to your YouTube and Facebook to show others!

* Recently, Evolve has unveiled its premium tier called Helix. There will be another tier called Double Helix at some point, but the perks are unknown at this time. You can check out this link for more information. The free client, Helix, and Double Helix will still receive different tier-specific features in the future, but for now, the main point of Helix is Broadcasting.

And in the near future, Evolve will also allow users to broadcast gameplay straight to without the need of another client like Xspllit or FFsplit. The streaming feature should be present by the time GDC 2013 starts, and everyone will be able to preview a free week of it.

If you want to see what Evolve looks like, here are some random screenshots I took (also on page 3 of this thread). In-game, these windows look exactly the same

Even if you aren't a hardcore gamer, I find Evolve quite nice for taking screenshots and recording gameplay of osu! :)

To see more details about Evolve and (hopefully) register, here is a link you can check out! I think you'll be quite impressed :) And if you have any questions, I can try to answer them.

Happy Gaming all!
So in short it's Xfire's clone with achievement tracking and less than half of games supported? I won't use, thanks.
Topic Starter

Galkan wrote:

So in short it's Xfire's clone with achievement tracking and less than half of games supported? I won't use, thanks.
Xfire's clone? Not sure if you've been following Xfire's progress lately, but if you have, you would see that Evolve is much better, in terms of everything (except amount of games supported). Sure Xfire supports more games (for now), but Evolve is always ahead of Xfire when supporting newer titles.
Yes, I am following Xfire's progress since I've created my account there. It used to have client updates every 2-3 weeks but they kinda slowed down in past year (there's nothing really much you can add/fix atm, so no wonder) but I'm glad of it anyways. "Always ahead when supporting newer titles", you say? Xfire has regular game updates every friday with BOTH new and old games added which for me matters more. Plus when big game is released - it's supported in next one-two days, so I'm not sure of Evolve's speed? Instantenous?

So in which point Evolve is actually better? Turn down with VPN, I almost don't use Hamachi/Garena anyways. Does it have broadcast function? Is VOiP quality any good (I use Ventrilo all the time anyways)? Intuitive interface? Any technical issues? More informations, less advertisement, please.

Still, I don't see a point of having basically same software installed :roll: And I'd not count Steam, at least for me it's more a game store than a gaming platform.
Topic Starter

Galkan wrote:

Yes, I am following Xfire's progress since I've created my account there. It used to have client updates every 2-3 weeks but they kinda slowed down in past year (there's nothing really much you can add/fix atm, so no wonder) but I'm glad of it anyways. "Always ahead when supporting newer titles", you say? Xfire has regular game updates every friday with BOTH new and old games added which for me matters more. Plus when big game is released - it's supported in next one-two days, so I'm not sure of Evolve's speed? Instantenous?

So in which point Evolve is actually better? Turn down with VPN, I almost don't use Hamachi/Garena anyways. Does it have broadcast function? Is VOiP quality any good (I use Ventrilo all the time anyways)? Intuitive interface? Any technical issues? More informations, less advertisement, please.

Still, I don't see a point of having basically same software installed :roll: And I'd not count Steam, at least for me it's more a game store than a gaming platform.
Evolve supports newer titles usually the same day, but it's not unheard of for support to be next day, and from my experience, that support is bug free as well. Xfire on the other hand, I think it took 2 weeks for MW3 to be supported, and a good bit of time for Skyrim to be supported too, and people reported game crashes with XIG enabled as well.

Forgot about Broadcasting, but Evolve currently does not have this yet (but will in the future). In any case though, if you really need broadcasting, you can use Livestream Procaster (which is what Xfire uses) or something else.

VOIP quality is great (and, don't quote me on this, but I think it uses the same codec as Skype, so quality is most likely comparable to Skype).

Interface is easy and simple to use (not sure how else to explain it though).

Technical issues, I don't know if Evolve works well with Crossfire/SLI setups or not. In any case, all technical issues can be reported to Evolve, and a developer will respond to issues rather quickly.

As for how Evolve is better then Xfire, I'll write a list:
- Overlay is compatible with more games
Xfire has been known for having key bleedthroughs and other issues. Evolve is free of these common issues. The overlay is done at a driver-level, which make it more compatible and less likely to make anti-cheat engines complain

- Forums are more moderated on Evolve

- Evolve's client doesn't request to install a malware toolbar like Xfire
Xfire's toolbar is Conduit, which is known to many anti-virus programs and people as malware-related

- Since Evolve uses XMPP chat protocol, your not locked down to using only Evolve (as in, any XMPP client on any device can basically be used to talk to people on Evolve)
Xfire has few options for using their service on other OS's, and these options aren't even supported by Xfire

- No Advertisements
Xfire's client itself has a ad on the client, and the website has it's fair share of advertisements too

- Evolve I believe is using Amazon's servers for hosting
Xfire on the other hand is partnered with friend finder (A known adult-related dating site). Why a gaming website is related to them I don't know...

- Evolve is using Webkit and because of this, is less restrictive, and better on other OS's
Xfire uses Internet Explorer for content rendering. Because of Webkit, Evolve is also hardware-accelerated too, and you get a far better experience with the web browser in-game

- Video and screenshots are captured at higher quality then Xfire

- Xfire had osu!'s name labeled as "Osu!" for years until I bugged them enough to change it
Might not a big deal, but clearly Xfire doesn't care if it took years for them to change it, and they had to be bugged enough to change it

- The team behind Xfire is total crap. I can give you a fine example here
The team behind Evolve has been nothing but awesome the entire time I used their service

- Xfire is against even mentioning of other competitor services. You mention Evolve or Raptr on Xfire forums, you'd be lucky not to be banned

- Evolve is more open to other services
Want to know why Xfire changed their gametimes on profiles to picture format? Just to stop Raptr and Evolve from being able to import gametimes. Evolve on the other hand would probably not do this

Others could probably tell you other things Evolve does better then Xfire too. But the only way to see how much better Evolve is then Xfire (or even Raptr), you have to give it a try for yourself :)
Interesting, and haven't been a fan of Xfire's staff since Titan Gaming bought it out.
Still going to stick with Xfire, though. I see no significant features for me at the moment and, until I have a really good reason to switch, I will stick with Xfire.
Your text walls won't help unless there's a feature that catches my eye, but I've only seen two that seem semi-interesting.
Topic Starter

Pokebis wrote:

Interesting, and haven't been a fan of Xfire's staff since Titan Gaming bought it out.
Still going to stick with Xfire, though. I see no significant features for me at the moment and, until I have a really good reason to switch, I will stick with Xfire.
Your text walls won't help unless there's a feature that catches my eye, but I've only seen two that seem semi-interesting.
yea sorry about that, idk if I can format it to make it look nicer or not though

Espionage724 wrote:

Pokebis wrote:

Interesting, and haven't been a fan of Xfire's staff since Titan Gaming bought it out.
Still going to stick with Xfire, though. I see no significant features for me at the moment and, until I have a really good reason to switch, I will stick with Xfire.
Your text walls won't help unless there's a feature that catches my eye, but I've only seen two that seem semi-interesting.
yea sorry about that, idk if I can format it to make it look nicer or not though
  1. use me
So basically, it has tons of things that I really don't want or need? Won't convince me to switch from doing absolutely nothing in any way related to those features.
Topic Starter

Drakari wrote:

So basically, it has tons of things that I really don't want or need? Won't convince me to switch from doing absolutely nothing in any way related to those features.
I guess if you don't want to try it out that's your decision.

I remember when I first tried Evolve. I liked it a lot, but chose to not use use it as my main chat program (because I was a XFGM still at the time) I did use it side-by-side with Xfire though. After I was removed from XFGM, I had absolutely no reason to stay on Xfire.
ITT: More pointless things to sign up to.

I don't think I will use this, I have been a member of xfire for about 4 years now, maybe more.

Don't think it's going to change.
More pointless chat clients... with gimmicks that do not warrant a need or desire to be worth the time downloading, installing and regularly using more than a handful of times per month.

Messenger/ IRC for life with a side of Sykpe and tinge of Ventrillo.
i don't like that evlolve has no aoutoupdate function. i was playing for a week and nothing got recorded so i checked the app and it was asking me if i want to update.. for more than several days now =_=

also, this:
Draft #190 — Dec 26 '11 at 11:52pm
Drafted by senaya

why so slow?
Topic Starter

senaya wrote:

i don't like that evlolve has no aoutoupdate function. i was playing for a week and nothing got recorded so i checked the app and it was asking me if i want to update.. for more than several days now =_=

also, this:
Draft #190 — Dec 26 '11 at 11:52pm
Drafted by senaya

why so slow?
Hmm, Evolve auto updates when you restart it. Otherwise, it won't auto-update without your permission (which I like imo).

As for that pending game, not sure why it's taking so long actually :/
nobody i know uses evolve so anything related to communication drops off the list why i would get it.
and the rest i wont use anyway.(or is already in xfire)
If there was some way for me to transfer all of my game hours over from Xfire to Evolve, then I'll sign up immediately (and be forced to nag all my friends to switch too).

However, unless you're SUUUUPER good buddies with them and can somehow get them to modify people's profiles on whim, I won't just abandon my Xfire profile after being registered there for years.

Espionage724 wrote:

(...) and a good bit of time for Skyrim to be supported too, and people reported game crashes with XIG enabled as well.
From what my friends were saying, Skyrim had tendencies to crash even upon opening Steam overlay (and judging by dozens of bugs it had) so I'd say it's more fault of poorly game code.

Espionage724 wrote:

VOIP quality is great (and, don't quote me on this, but I think it uses the same codec as Skype, so quality is most likely comparable to Skype).
Last time I had used Skype was about 2 years ago (or maybe more) and its quality was worse than TS2. Unless Skype's quality has improved to at least decent level, I'm marking this one as disadvantage (I'm not using Xtalk function either).

Espionage724 wrote:

As for how Evolve is better then Xfire, I'll write a list:
- Overlay is compatible with more games
Xfire has been known for having key bleedthroughs and other issues. Evolve is free of these common issues. The overlay is done at a driver-level, which make it more compatible and less likely to make anti-cheat engines complain
Unless game doesn't have official XIG code prepared (which sucks), almost every of Xfire issue in that case is user-related, not software-related. I never had any problems with anti-cheat softwares either, so I don't know what you're talking here about.

Espionage724 wrote:

- Forums are more moderated on Evolve
I agree that Xfire should have more people to keep their forum cleaned up. Point.

Espionage724 wrote:

- Evolve's client doesn't request to install a malware toolbar like Xfire
Xfire's toolbar is Conduit, which is known to many anti-virus programs and people as malware-related
Wooohoooo, wooohooo, I think I have just read a finest joke in this month :) I thought you were about to be serious.
I've been using Xfire since April 2008 and never had this toolbar installed. Nowhere - because it is NOT obligatory. As far as I remember, Xfire asks you whether you want install it or not upon installing the client. Simple unchecking the box solves the problem.

Espionage724 wrote:

- No Advertisements
Xfire's client itself has a ad on the client, and the website has it's fair share of advertisements too
And how are they positioned? Client - 1 small ad above the friendlist, so you almost do not notice it unless you work at low screen resolution (so Xfire uses more space, obviously). Site - okay, 5, but still everything is set up to show content in the best way. In fact I have never really minded them. At least they're not pop-ups :-D

Espionage724 wrote:

- Evolve I believe is using Amazon's servers for hosting
Xfire on the other hand is partnered with friend finder (A known adult-related dating site). Why a gaming website is related to them I don't know...
And how does it affect Xfire (or me, as a user) in any way? Those "find friends" ads don't bugger me. Or did I misunderstand something?

Espionage724 wrote:

- Evolve is using Webkit and because of this, is less restrictive, and better on other OS's
Xfire uses Internet Explorer for content rendering. Because of Webkit, Evolve is also hardware-accelerated too, and you get a far better experience with the web browser in-game
And what exactly do you mean by "far better experience with the web browser in-game"? I'm assuming you mean the overlay here?

Espionage724 wrote:

- Video and screenshots are captured at higher quality then Xfire
Screens taken by Xfire are only a bit darker than they should (which is again, almost unnoticeable). If screens taken by Evolve are in perfect brightness - sure, you get a point here.

Espionage724 wrote:

- Xfire had osu!'s name labeled as "Osu!" for years until I bugged them enough to change it
Might not a big deal, but clearly Xfire doesn't care if it took years for them to change it, and they had to be bugged enough to change it
As far as I remember their answer was unless game is big and/or publisher contacts them himself, they won't count it as really urgent case to fix. If you really mind it, the publisher listed after osu! is "Peppy" :-P Nothing really related to client functionality itself.

Espionage724 wrote:

- The team behind Xfire is total crap. I can give you a fine example here
The team behind Evolve has been nothing but awesome the entire time I used their service

- Xfire is against even mentioning of other competitor services. You mention Evolve or Raptr on Xfire forums, you'd be lucky not to be banned
And what's so wrong in these parts? No one really likes competition (and potential flamewars between users of other applications), thing's self-explanatory.

Espionage724 wrote:

- Evolve is more open to other services
Want to know why Xfire changed their gametimes on profiles to picture format? Just to stop Raptr and Evolve from being able to import gametimes. Evolve on the other hand would probably not do this
Interesting, I never knew that gamehours were pictures. Maybe that's because there never was a reason to actually click them? And if what you're saying is true, I even do see reason behind it - to prevent Evolve (I've never heard of Raptr either, by the way) copying hours to their base and then later saying "Hey people look, our software is so awesome that gamers really want to stay with us by showing how many hours they've spent with us!" Sounds like a conspiracy theory, would you say? So do sound your arguments (especially the toolbar one).

Espionage724 wrote:

Others could probably tell you other things Evolve does better then Xfire too. But the only way to see how much better Evolve is then Xfire (or even Raptr), you have to give it a try for yourself :)
I have asked about 30 friends who are using Xfire if they have ever heard of Evolve. Only one person knew and he shared my opinion: "Xfire's clone". Everyone also said that Steam (those who use) + Xfire duo is enough for them and they do not want any additional kind of this software installed. Pretty nice summary, ain't it?
Topic Starter

Kitsunemimi wrote:

If there was some way for me to transfer all of my game hours over from Xfire to Evolve, then I'll sign up immediately (and be forced to nag all my friends to switch too).
The hours import feature from what I heard is a work in progress (so it should return at some point in the future). I was lucky to get my hours transferred right when the import feature first became live.

Galkan wrote:

From what my friends were saying, Skyrim had tendencies to crash even upon opening Steam overlay (and judging by dozens of bugs it had) so I'd say it's more fault of poorly game code.
If you were on Xfire forums when Skyrim support was first made (or even MW3) you would of seen the amount of people complaining specifically of Xfire being the cause of those crashes. Here is one thread out of many: ... ?t=2229809
You will struggle to find any user claiming to have Evolve crash games

Galkan wrote:

Last time I had used Skype was about 2 years ago (or maybe more) and its quality was worse than TS2. Unless Skype's quality has improved to at least decent level, I'm marking this one as disadvantage (I'm not using Xtalk function either).
I heard it recently and it sounded pretty good. I don't have any technical specs of it though, nor am I even 100% sure about Evolve using Skype's codec.

Galkan wrote:

Unless game doesn't have official XIG code prepared (which sucks), almost every of Xfire issue in that case is user-related, not software-related. I never had any problems with anti-cheat softwares either, so I don't know what you're talking here about.
Nope. The issues with Xfire and key bleedthroughs and crashes are on Xfire's side only due to how they hook into games. The general point I'm trying to make is, Xfire's hooking method is inferior to Evolve's. As for anti-cheat, I agree I haven't had any issues with Xfire, but in any case, your more likely to trip one on Xfire then Evolve.

Galkan wrote:

I agree that Xfire should have more people to keep their forum cleaned up. Point.
No, Xfire needs more people who know how to moderate. There used to be 3 other moderators on the forums, but they locked and hid legitimate threads a lot (these 3+ moderators were all chosen one day, and all removed about a month or two later)

Galkan wrote:

Wooohoooo, wooohooo, I think I have just read a finest joke in this month :) I thought you were about to be serious.
I've been using Xfire since April 2008 and never had this toolbar installed. Nowhere - because it is NOT obligatory. As far as I remember, Xfire asks you whether you want install it or not upon installing the client. Simple unchecking the box solves the problem.
It isn't needed, this is true. But you are asked if you want it, and if you want to track browser games, it is required. Point is, Conduit is not trusted, and why any company chooses to make a toolbar with Conduit is beyond me.

Galkan wrote:

And how are they positioned? Client - 1 small ad above the friendlist, so you almost do not notice it unless you work at low screen resolution (so Xfire uses more space, obviously). Site - okay, 5, but still everything is set up to show content in the best way. In fact I have never really minded them. At least they're not pop-ups :-D
Still, I'd rather see no ads at all. Plus on another note, Evolve has managed to do everything they've done so far, without funding of any kind, not even from ads, and from 3 developers. What has Xfire managed to do in the past months/year with all the money they generate on ads and that 4 million Intel gave them?

Galkan wrote:

And how does it affect Xfire (or me, as a user) in any way? Those "find friends" ads don't bugger me. Or did I misunderstand something?
It might not directly affect you, but it will affect users with strict firewall rules as seen here:
Imagine logging into Xfire from a public place or university, and then having to explain why you have any involvement with an adult website.. with a gaming client...

Galkan wrote:

And what exactly do you mean by "far better experience with the web browser in-game"? I'm assuming you mean the overlay here?
The overlay and the Home browser. For an example of how bad Xfire is with IE, go use Internet Explorer 9 (just have it installed) and then look at game icons in the Xfire client. Should be blurry. Then go back to IE8, then your back to the high-quality icons again.

Galkan wrote:

Screens taken by Xfire are only a bit darker than they should (which is again, almost unnoticeable). If screens taken by Evolve are in perfect brightness - sure, you get a point here.
If I recall right, Xfire's screenshots aren't of native resolution

Galkan wrote:

As far as I remember their answer was unless game is big and/or publisher contacts them himself, they won't count it as really urgent case to fix. If you really mind it, the publisher listed after osu! is "Peppy" :-P Nothing really related to client functionality itself.
Even if this is the case, I bugged Xfire for over a month, and in that month, there were a few (lacking) game updates too, which at any time could of contained the updated osu! name. Point is, Xfire could of changed this at any time, but had to be constantly bugged to do so, and therefore they don't care

Galkan wrote:

And what's so wrong in these parts? No one really likes competition (and potential flamewars between users of other applications), thing's self-explanatory.
As true as this is, no user should just be banned upon mention of a competitor

Galkan wrote:

Interesting, I never knew that gamehours were pictures. Maybe that's because there never was a reason to actually click them? And if what you're saying is true, I even do see reason behind it - to prevent Evolve (I've never heard of Raptr either, by the way) copying hours to their base and then later saying "Hey people look, our software is so awesome that gamers really want to stay with us by showing how many hours they've spent with us!" Sounds like a conspiracy theory, would you say? So do sound your arguments (especially the toolbar one).
The gamehour pictures don't even work for every user either. There is a reason why Xfire switched from using pictures back to text in the past, and that same reason exists today (I have at least 3 friends who can't see the pictures at all for some reason). Plus the pictures don't scale well on certain screens and setups, and generally don't look as good. Point being, Xfire is willing to screw people over just to stop 2 (yes only 2) competitors from getting game time.

Galkan wrote:

I have asked about 30 friends who are using Xfire if they have ever heard of Evolve. Only one person knew and he shared my opinion: "Xfire's clone". Everyone also said that Steam (those who use) + Xfire duo is enough for them and they do not want any additional kind of this software installed. Pretty nice summary, ain't it?
It doesn't surprise me that anyone who hasn't tried Evolve automatically think of it as an Xfire clone. This would be like me using Windows ME, and hearing of Windows 7 and saying "It's just a Windows ME clone, no big deal at all. Windows ME > 7 for life!" (while Windows 7 has many benefits over ME obviously, how would I know unless I tried it?)

You don't have to use Evolve if you really don't want to, but I have only 1 friend (out of about 30) who has tried Evolve and chooses not to use it (with legitimate reason). You might not wish to just transfer to another service (especially if you have a lot of game hours ranked up on Xfire), but I believe the benefits of Evolve alone are enough to justify loosing (and being able to regain those hours later) those game hours. For those who are too lazy to try Evolve or can't be bothered, idk what I can say to convince you otherwise...

So I'll just say "Don't knock it until you try it". It's not like you lose anything either from just trying Evolve right? (maybe some disk space and a tiny bit of time to register)
Sounds stupid. Won't use.
Okay, if I understood correctly:

This guy was in Xfire team and he got kicked out because he (well he is apparently also in Evolve team) was adding games in Evolve. This guy got butthurt and started flaming Xfire as much as he can.


Topic Starter

FisHie wrote:

Sounds stupid. Won't use.

Espionage724 wrote:

...So I'll just say "Don't knock it until you try it".

LunaticMara wrote:

Okay, if I understood correctly:

This guy was in Xfire team and he got kicked out because he (well he is apparently also in Evolve team) was adding games in Evolve. This guy got butthurt and started flaming Xfire as much as he can...
Not true at all. More like I just feel like telling people of a more superior program (imo). Me being removed from the XFGM team has nothing to do with this...
I only use xfire to chat and track my game hours, how come Evolve is superior to this?
Well it doesn't ask you to install a toolbar. That makes it 100x better

Espionage724 wrote:

...So I'll just say "Don't knock it until you try it".
I wasn't talking about the said software.
I was talking about your "used car salesman marketing speech".
Topic Starter

Valentiino wrote:

I only use xfire to chat and track my game hours, how come Evolve is superior to this?
- You can send messages to people who are offline (they get the msg upon logging in)
- You get Ranked for how long you play games for (which later, will probably yield prizes, don't quote me on this though)
- Evolve is using XMPP (so you can use many different clients and access Evolve in other ways other then the client)

That's all I can think of that might be useful to you...

FisHie wrote:

Espionage724 wrote:

...So I'll just say "Don't knock it until you try it".
I wasn't talking about the said software.
I was talking about your "used car salesman marketing speech".

ragelewa wrote:

Well it doesn't ask you to install a toolbar. That makes it 100x better
If you want to believe it's 100x better because of this, go right ahead :p

Espionage724 wrote:

- You can send messages to people who are offline (they get the msg upon logging in)
Don't care, since I mostly use IRC and xfire is just secondary

Espionage724 wrote:

- You get Ranked for how long you play games for (which later, will probably yield prizes, don't quote me on this though)
Rank = Pointless imo, only would care if I could transfer my 8100~ hours from xfire (I'm registered since 2005) and prizes, meh. If I want to play for prizes, I'll just hook my self up on the eSports again.

Espionage724 wrote:

- Evolve is using XMPP (so you can use many different clients and access Evolve in other ways other then the client)
Why would I want to use some other client (and I bet you can't integrate this with headless debian, so I could access it thorugh putty) to just chat, and not just use the main client?
Topic Starter

Valentiino wrote:

Espionage724 wrote:

- Evolve is using XMPP (so you can use many different clients and access Evolve in other ways other then the client)
Why would I want to use some other client (and I bet you can't integrate this with headless debian, so I could access it thorugh putty) to just chat, and not just use the main client?
If your on an unsupported OS, on a computer you don't own/have admin rights to, etc, this would be useful. For example, I sign into Evolve from my Android Tablet when I'm on the go

Espionage724 wrote:

If your on an unsupported OS, on a computer you don't own/have admin rights to, etc, this would be useful. For example, I sign into Evolve from my Android Tablet when I'm on the go
Well, I can already do this on my Android phone, so nothing new
Topic Starter

Valentiino wrote:

Espionage724 wrote:

If your on an unsupported OS, on a computer you don't own/have admin rights to, etc, this would be useful. For example, I sign into Evolve from my Android Tablet when I'm on the go
Well, I can already do this on my Android phone, so nothing new
You sign into Xfire on your phone? I can bet it's with some 3rd-party app that's not in any way supported by Xfire then :p

With Evolve, you can use most, if not all XMPP-compatible clients. No need for some no-name random Xfire app from Market :p (not that this is really a big deal either though)
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Here are some random screenshots also:

Game library

Friends list (names hidden)

Group chat (members hidden)

Feed (names hidden)

Party chat

In-game, these windows look exactly the same too (as in, it's the same experience in and out of game), so no need to learn how to mess with 2 different interfaces :)
looks like steam
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ragelewa wrote:

looks like steam
they both have some similar aspects in some places :p

I just contacted FBI.
Topic Starter

LunaticMara wrote:

I just contacted FBI.
You don't know the group name so that could mean pretty much anything :p
I want to say I saw this thread a month b4 this one.
Topic Starter

Zelmarked wrote:

I want to say I saw this thread a month b4 this one.
Hmm, I don't think I saw any other Evolve thread here (I think I checked before posting). I could be wrong though

Espionage724 wrote:

You sign into Xfire on your phone? I can bet it's with some 3rd-party app that's not in any way supported by Xfire then :p

With Evolve, you can use most, if not all XMPP-compatible clients. No need for some no-name random Xfire app from Market :p (not that this is really a big deal either though)

It works, so what's the point?
And I like to use apps dedicated to one thing, since I don't use any other chats than IRC & xfire, why would I want some overall-used-multiplatform-über-protocol-chat program that can fill my forms for me?

Espionage724 wrote:

LunaticMara wrote:

I just contacted FBI.
You don't know the group name so that could mean pretty much anything :p
Yet you removed it from the example screenshots?
Topic Starter

Valentiino wrote:

Espionage724 wrote:

You sign into Xfire on your phone? I can bet it's with some 3rd-party app that's not in any way supported by Xfire then :p

With Evolve, you can use most, if not all XMPP-compatible clients. No need for some no-name random Xfire app from Market :p (not that this is really a big deal either though)

It works, so what's the point?
And I like to use apps dedicated to one thing, since I don't use any other chats than IRC & xfire, why would I want some overall-used-multiplatform-über-protocol-chat program that can fill my forms for me?
If it works for you, that's cool I guess. I personally would rather have a more up to date program though. I can't say anything about XFMobile Lite (if that's what you use) since I haven't tried it though.

Valentiino wrote:

Espionage724 wrote:

You don't know the group name so that could mean pretty much anything :p
Yet you removed it from the example screenshots?
I'd rather not have people fussing over little details like that when the purpose of that screenshot was to show how Groups looked, and I replaced it with an actual friends list instead since most people would probably rather see that, then a list of Groups
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For anyone interested: Evolve Teams Up With Twitch

Might be very nice for anyone interested in live streaming :)
I hope you get banned for necroing
/bad mood
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Corin wrote:

I hope you get banned for necroing
/bad mood
Heh, didn't realize this thread was that old honestly. Didn't really want to start a whole new thread about the same topic though
i thought this thread is for pokemon.

Corin wrote:

I hope you get banned for necroing
/bad mood
He did the right thing here, though the OP needs to be updated with the relevant news.
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Livestreaming should be out once GDC begins, and everyone will get a free week of being able to stream (if your not Helix already). What is Helix? One of (the only one atm) Evolve's premium tiers.
Stop necroing, no one is interested.

And making streaming a thing you pay for is panties on head retarded when you have a dozen programs and sites that you can stream with for free, and even get money for doing it in some cases...
Topic Starter

IppE wrote:

Stop necroing, no one is interested.

And making streaming a thing you pay for is panties on head retarded when you have a dozen programs and sites that you can stream with for free, and even get money for doing it in some cases...
And your free to use those other programs if you want :) Nobody is making you pay, and the developers over at Evolve do need some kind of income that isn't advertisements in your face (I think it's a fair tradeoff).

I should also note that broadcasting isn't the "only" feature your getting (may want to check out the shop description a bit more). The Helix tier (along with Standard and Double Helix) will get more specific features later on down the road. You can also consider the one-time payment a donation too if anything :p
Nice try Evolve.
Topic Starter
Evolve has a new payment system now (based on Kickstarter) and now has free Broadcasting for all! -
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