If you didn't get chosen the round prior, you may post again, but it is unlikely I will mod it.
Anime//Eroge have a very low chance of being modded, but you can take your chances.
You can expect the mod to come a week at the latest.
I mod mostly on the weekends, so that will most likely be the time it will be modded.
You may ask for IRC, message me ingame when I am online, and I will definitely take a look.
Please state the name, artist, and genre of the song when posting.
I will always state whether the round is M4M or NM.
If in the case of M4M, I mod first.
You must mod back within a week prior to receiving my mod.
You may ask to receive your mod via IRC, just message me ingame when I am online.
If I only do a few minor points, you may mod back in a similar manner.
This isn't quite a rule, but I will do my best to give a quality mod, so that I may receive one as well. Sometimes I won't be able to for various reasons, but just know I am trying my best.
If you do not mod back within a week, I expect a clear reason via PM explaining why. If do not have a somewhat decent reason you will be