
Horie Yui - Coloring (TV Size)

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年2月16日 at 23:27:18

Artist: Horie Yui
Title: Coloring (TV Size)
Source: Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai!
Tags: papakiki ed ending no_gu
BPM: 117
Filesize: 3585kb
Play Time: 01:30
Difficulties Available:
  1. Gu's Miu~ (4.11 stars, 138 notes)
  2. Hina~ (2.1 stars, 78 notes)
  3. Raika~ (5 stars, 280 notes)
  4. Sora~ (4.72 stars, 206 notes)
Download: Horie Yui - Coloring (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
yoyoyo TAT.

My 15th beatmap.
And yeah, the former background is MUCH MUCH MUCH better than this one.
求一个H难度 > <
Topic Starter
這個很簡單了 泥姆芙發騷單手都能1PC 4mod SS
request from your queue. do for M4M

00:09:280 (1) - clap摘掉,瞎狗耳
00:17:485 (1) - ^
00:25:690 (1) - ^
01:26:203 (1) - nc好像没啥用

00:12:357 (4,5) - 随便哪个加个whistle
00:45:177 (1,2,3,4) - 故意的?

all diffs 太帅了

好了我可以M4M了。。。 :!:

JauiPlaY wrote:

這個很簡單了 泥姆芙發騷單手都能1PC 4mod SS
你节操何在啊 去屎100次

Hi JiPianYa

Just suggestions XD

AR+1? easy就偷懒用对称么...
00:54:408 (1,2) - 用soft-clap试试?
01:10:818 (1,2) - ^

-MeiPiGu's Normal-
00:57:228 (5) - 换成一个circle加一个slider?

00:29:023 (5,6) - 感觉空了 随便加点whistle
00:54:408 (1,2,3,4) - 和easy建议一样
01:10:818 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
00:53:895 (5) - 去掉clap?
01:10:305 (5) - ^
01:29:536 (2,3) -还是觉得空 加whistle

Nice song,and so does the map! XD
/me shoot a star~
其实是看见M4M queue才来的这种事我会乱说么
hello mod for mod lai le

00:12:357 (4,5) - 这里。。建议强调背景音乐的声音?这样 >
00:20:177 (3) - 这里和 00:20:818 (5) - 尾 whistle?
00:22:485 (3) - 尾whistle?
是希望加多一点whistle的说。。后面要的话自己调整吧。。不然reject一整页看了尴尬 (汗
00:54:408 (1) - 这里因为有音效建议调小声?
00:55:818 (4) - 这里的spacing因为跟之前相比太大了。。不如把它隐藏在之前的slider..
01:06:459 (8) - 这里cancel kiai, 下一个slider再加。。。fountain effect?如果加的话每一个都弄一样吧
01:28:639 (4) - 尾巴whistle?

00:11:331 (5) - 加个note吧 00:13:382 (1) - 没跟vocal,那么这里也不必跟了。。舒服
00:56:459 (4) - 拉长点,节奏较好


00:36:459 (2,3) - 节奏似乎是先note后slider把。。
break巨长 又没有video欣赏什么的
00:57:485 (2) -用 soft whistle?
01:13:895 (2) - ^
01:28:254 (2) - 尾巴的clap有些大声。。

mod 4 mod this map
Mayonnaise Dad
Mod for future m4m request. :3





01:04:664 (1) - This note falls right under the end of a slider and is covered by a comboburst. Easy players may be confused by this. Maybe have the previous slider.

Something like this?

01:21:075 (1) - ^ same. Maybe this?




Consider increasing the AR by one, and possibly the OD as well.

Other than that, it's excellent.
  • 仔细听听……歌曲一开头有一小段钢琴的尾音,不知道是本来有的还是你没剪好= =
    offset - 7
    上次有人建议我这种TV SIZE的歌曲最好加个视频
  • 00:15:946 (2) - 上移一格
    00:52:357 (1) - Remove new combo?
    00:53:382 (2) - New combo?这样完全是为了好看- -
    01:14:921 (1,2) - 没有重叠好
Gu's Normal
  • 建议在重音上加note,我玩着感觉挺不习惯
    00:50:305 (1,2) - 不好看,建议分开
    00:56:459 (4,5) - 不好看,建议分开
    01:05:946 (7) - 为啥要消音呢……不解
    01:13:639 (6) - 第二个圈声音略大一点比较好
    01:27:228 (1,2) - 不好看,建议分开
    01:30:818 (7) - 声音太小了亲
  • 00:36:203 (2) - 难看- -
    00:38:254 (2) - 会被前面打出的300挡住
    00:57:485 (4) - 难看- -
    01:17:228 (2) - 和前面的没有重叠好,同时被完全挡住了这貌似是不能rank的
    01:19:536 (2,4) - 没有重叠好
EasyModder 1.3
Program By Weiren
SliderTickRate 统一一下?


01:02:613 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 这几个感觉挤在一块了,AR低然后又在一个地方打转感觉好挤
01:14:921 (1,2) - 尾巴没重叠好呢O.O


00:10:305 (3) - 目测这个slider歪了,调整下
00:27:485 (4) - 正常点来听是没这个note的,删掉吧
01:05:946 (7) - 其实再正常点来听这个后面那条红线是有节拍在的,你在这里弱化了音效让人感觉没打完怪怪的


01:28:639 (4) - 隔得太近了,容易早点击-_-

Weiren wrote:

Gu's Normal
  • 建议在重音上加note,我玩着感觉挺不习惯 反正我低难度一般都不压重音
    00:50:305 (1,2) - 不好看,建议分开 还行吧
    00:56:459 (4,5) - 不好看,建议分开 还行吧
    01:05:946 (7) - 为啥要消音呢……不解 习惯
    01:13:639 (6) - 第二个圈声音略大一点比较好前面都这音量不改了
    01:27:228 (1,2) - 不好看,建议分开还行吧
    01:30:818 (7) - 声音太小了亲静音

tutuhaha wrote:


00:10:305 (3) - 目测这个slider歪了,调整下K
00:27:485 (4) - 正常点来听是没这个note的,删掉吧 音乐有这拍,虽然声音小
01:05:946 (7) - 其实再正常点来听这个后面那条红线是有节拍在的,你在这里弱化了音效让人感觉没打完怪怪的 加上了个note

L_P wrote:

00:11:331 (5) - 加个note吧 00:13:382 (1) - 没跟vocal,那么这里也不必跟了。。舒服不要
00:56:459 (4) - 拉长点,节奏较好 不要

fanzhen0019 wrote:

-MeiPiGu's Normal- 注意你的节操
00:57:228 (5) - 换成一个circle加一个slider?K

Download: Horie Yui - Coloring (TV Size) (JauiPlaY) [Gu's Normal].osu
timing check here

第一眼看上去完全没问题 但25%后发现offest有点早了

建议+5 改成1180

Topic Starter
Ok fixed some and offset changed, thanks a lot guys!
Have my kudosu~
Mod request via Mini Maya Queue ~

Hi, JauiPlaY :3

-> Add reversearrow.png to your skin? xD
-> Also, add a warning like "BG and comboburst doesn't fit younger players"? I have to use black bg while modding this because my parents are on my room while I'm modding this ><


-> Using 75% for the ending S:C1 blends better rather than 100% imo, but it's optional though
  1. 00:30:823 (3) - Create like this perhaps? It plays better before (1) imo:
  2. 00:34:926 (3,2) - Why not making this perfectly encircle 00:34:413 (2)?
  3. 01:00:567 (2) - Whistle on slider's end? (because you used whistle+clap on 00:53:387 (2)'s end also)
  4. 01:05:695 (1) - I personally dislike this note's placement, with fat approachcircle it looks clustering if placed beneath slider... idk, maybe arrange like this?
  5. 01:07:233 (1,2,1) - If you're following ^, to keep it symmetrical, you can try this pattern:
  6. 01:16:977 (2) - Whistle on slider's end?
Nothing much to mod here. Solid symmetry map ><

[Gu's Normal]

-> Why OD2? I suggest to increase the OD to 4. In-game, the star rating will also show this diff as a 4-star diff regardless of the OD.
  1. 00:11:849 (6) - Whistle on slider's start? It fits also (:
  2. 00:13:387 (1,2) - Curving (1) a bit more and create a "?"-shaped slider on (2) isn't a bad idea imo:
  3. 00:18:003 (2) - Try slider wave here perhaps?
  4. 00:20:054 (7) - This curve... Quite obvious it's unsymmetrical. I prefer to curve short sliders like this with only 1 waypoint
  5. 00:28:259 (6) - You can curve this semi-blanketing (5):
  6. 00:32:105 (6,7,8) - Would be nice if you can move (6) closer to (8) to emphasize its diamond pattern. Just suggestion though (:
  7. 00:38:515 (2) - Curve this encircling (3) like this? Would flow better rather than just a slight curve imo:
  8. 00:45:182 (5) - Well, you've added a bezier waypoint before the first linear (red) waypoint. Why not add another bezier waypoint after the last linear (red) waypoint? xD
  9. 00:48:515 (3) - I'd rather delete the clap on slider's start, to keep the clap pattern (which is 1/1 before the downbeat) consistent here.
  10. 00:50:310 (1,2,3) - Well, I personally feel too many whistle+claps at once doesn't sound good (I'd use whistle+claps only to emphasize some important parts in the song)... So I did some experiment with the hitsounds here. Maybe, try remove whistle on (1,3), and add whistle on (2)'s start and end?
  11. 00:52:105 (4) - Add whistle on slider's end? (this is a cheerful song, so don't afraid to use whistle more often! Every 1/2 won't be bad imo. This applies for next sliders and circles (:)
  12. 00:59:541 (3) - Try slider like below here? It flows better to the next (4) imo.
  13. 01:05:951 (7) - Because you're using quiet note here, do you really need that clap in the end? Because I can barely hear it ><
  14. 01:11:849 (3) - Would be nice if you can create a slider blanketing (2) here:
  15. 01:30:567 (6) - Minor stuff, but put this one grid down to prevent it from touching (4)
  16. 01:30:823 (7) - Optional, but you can move this few grids right and down (~6 grids down and 4 grids right) so (5)'s middle, (6), and (7) is arranged in a straight line, thus forming a "shooting star" formation here. (:

-> In here, the last S:C1 is 85% o.o - make it consistent?
  1. 00:12:362 (4,5) - Add finish to both, to emphasize this jump?
  2. 00:20:438 (4,5) - Add whistle, on both slider's end? (really, whistle fits double 1/4 slider like this ^^)
  3. 00:28:515 (4) - I'd prefer curving this slider facing left to avoid it touching 00:28:003 (2) , but that's just me though
  4. 00:29:028 (5,6) - Again here, use whistles?
  5. 00:30:567 (4,5) - I'd rather switch these two's position (CTRL+R) because the followpoints will guide better this way, thus making it easier to read
  6. 00:36:592 (3) - At first my intuition says that this note is stacked under (2)'s start instead of (2)'s end. Again, this is just me ><
  7. 00:48:259 (1) - Stack to (3)'s end instead? Would be tidier this way imo.
  8. 00:51:721 (4,5,1) - Arrange (5) so these three's distance equal? (yeah, I prefer like that, maybe like this: )
  9. 00:58:259 (6) - Move the clap here to (5)'s end? (if you're listening carefully to the low frequency sounds, you can hear the bass' pitch increase on (5)'s end)
  10. 01:00:182 (5) - Optional, but you can curve this upward a bit.
  11. 01:08:772 (1,2) - I don't expect this to be 1/4 actually, it looks much more like it's 1/2...
  12. 01:17:233 (2) - It's quite hard (not impossible though) to read for players without snaking sliders like me (idk if it's unrankable, but to avoid such conflicts, this is the simplest thing you can do here: )
  13. 01:20:951 (6) - This should be 1/6 (well, 1/4 should also do fine actually, just saying 1/6 is more accurate xD)
  14. 01:24:669 (5) - Whistle here? It would be cute ~
  15. 01:28:644 (4) - Same as above, for cuteness ^^
Solid short map. The biggest problem I encounter is that 01:17:233 on [Hard], but beside it, I love the complex patterns ~

Star, good luck JauiPlaY :3

01:04:669 (1) - easy中尽量不出现遮挡 这里几个点的遮挡欠妥当

Gu's Normal
00:22:362 (2) - 这里有点奇怪
01:05:951 (7) - 音量调整为45%
01:30:823 (7) - 音量调整为30%

00:36:208 (2) - 这slider玩起来不舒服
00:57:490 (4) - ^

nice map & good luck
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ JauiPlaY ~ :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Add 'ending' in tags.
  2. Since you're using a custom hitcircle skin, it's strongly recommended that you enforce a sliderborder code in your osu file, under [colour] events:
    SliderBorder : 255,255,255


  1. 00:38:387 - Add note to here will be better.
  2. 01:12:874 - Add finish.
  3. 01:15:951 (5) - Add new combo.
  4. 01:27:746 - Add clap.

[Gu's Normal]

  1. OD+1

That's all ~ nice mapset ~ but BG...

Good luck ~ ;)
All right I am coming
All suggests I never follow the rules

*color 既然叫 coloring 来电天然 鲜艳的色彩吧

00:24:669 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - 这串慢连打 打起来很不给力 节奏上没有问题 排版上一直线拉过去略显单调
00:25:695 (1) - 这个kiai 我觉得意义不大
00:25:951 (2) - 小跳一下 一般连打之后 玩家会很容易把注意力集中在 连打后的 第一个note 这个note也是 歌手换气的一个音 小跳一下 感觉会比较好

[Gu's Normal]
00:13:387 (1,2) - 不建议normal中出现 slider 重叠
00:50:310 (1,2) - ^
00:56:464 (4,5) - ^
01:27:233 (1,2) - ^

01:03:644 (2,1,2,1,2) - 这个pattern似乎在EZ里有点难 主要是 01:04:669 (1) - 不好读

总体来说 没什么问题 就我而言 感觉平淡了点
anyway good luck
Kirino Kousaka
Hello!~ Here's my mod~ (a request from my queue)

  • [Gu's Normal]
  1. 00:48:515 (3) - Remove "clap" on the start.

  2. 00:57:362 (3) - Remove this hitcircle.
  3. 01:05:951 (6,7,8) - I don't like this sudden change of spacing. Please change it to a jump or use normal DS.
  4. 01:28:644 (4) - Move this to "01:28:515" and add 1 reversal to this slider.
That's all!~
Nice map!~ and I like the song. It kinda sounds like vocaloid OwO

Here is the mod. 我水平很低,请优先尊重你自己的意见 ^_^


00:33:900 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 节奏太冗杂,一下子多了一堆不相关的1/4节奏,不好听,建议全改1/2

00:38:003 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 可以的话改改这里的排列,本来全部是1/2的节奏已经没变化,加上兜圈圈,有点无聊

00:40:054 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 来回是好,可是这里BPM太低了,做不出来感觉,反而让人感觉很沉闷

00:43:131 (1,1) - 建议删了这两个note,因为后面的两个1/2 * 3 小段能把vocal跟配乐突出出来

00:46:592 ;00:47:618 - 相反的我觉得如果在这两个地方补充两个circle刚刚好,因为准备进入kiai,做点变化能润色节奏

00:51:721 (4,5,1) - 我能理解为是个spacing问题么?如果你是故意这么弄的话我觉得5 1这个跳有点突然

00:55:438 (3,4) - 太突然了

01:24:669 (5,1) - 这里我说不出来有什么问题,可是我打了很多遍这里,总觉得这里不顺畅,可能是你之前的stack都是1/2的,这里先stack的是1/4节奏,在stack一个1/1 节奏,让人一下子卡了


[Gu's Normal]

00:20:049 (7,8,9) - 我是Normal,Easy简单化主义,对于这种排列,出现在N里面,有可能会导致别人先按9再按8的情况,建议少用,如果可以的话其实stack也行

01:05:946 (7) - 这里的话slider向后推一个1/2节奏,空出来的地方加一个circle会不会更好?

01:20:049 (3,4,5,6) - 跟第一个同情况,有可能会误读

·其他nice ^_^


01:03:639 (2,1,2,1,2) - 120%会误读,E尽量减少stack吧

01:20:049 (2,1) - 可能会眼花




Niva wrote:

[Gu's Normal]

-> Why OD2? I suggest to increase the OD to 4. In-game, the star rating will also show this diff as a 4-star diff regardless of the OD.+1
  1. 00:11:849 (6) - Whistle on slider's start? It fits also (:already added
  2. 00:13:387 (1,2) - Curving (1) a bit more and create a "?"-shaped slider on (2) isn't a bad idea imo: looks a little ugly
  3. 00:18:003 (2) - Try slider wave here perhaps?can't understand what you said
  4. 00:20:054 (7) - This curve... Quite obvious it's unsymmetrical. I prefer to curve short sliders like this with only 1 waypointNo problem
  5. 00:28:259 (6) - You can curve this semi-blanketing (5):lazy to change...
  6. 00:32:105 (6,7,8) - Would be nice if you can move (6) closer to (8) to emphasize its diamond pattern. Just suggestion though (:for a square
  7. 00:38:515 (2) - Curve this encircling (3) like this? Would flow better rather than just a slight curve imo:k
  8. 00:45:182 (5) - Well, you've added a bezier waypoint before the first linear (red) waypoint. Why not add another bezier waypoint after the last linear (red) waypoint? xDintentionally
  9. 00:48:515 (3) - I'd rather delete the clap on slider's start, to keep the clap pattern (which is 1/1 before the downbeat) consistent here.intentionally
  10. 00:50:310 (1,2,3) - Well, I personally feel too many whistle+claps at once doesn't sound good (I'd use whistle+claps only to emphasize some important parts in the song)... So I did some experiment with the hitsounds here. Maybe, try remove whistle on (1,3), and add whistle on (2)'s start and end? intentionally
  11. 00:52:105 (4) - Add whistle on slider's end? (this is a cheerful song, so don't afraid to use whistle more often! Every 1/2 won't be bad imo. This applies for next sliders and circles (:)intentionally
  12. 00:59:541 (3) - Try slider like below here? It flows better to the next (4) imo.hmm...don't like
  13. 01:05:951 (7) - Because you're using quiet note here, do you really need that clap in the end? Because I can barely hear it ><24clap for taiko
  14. 01:11:849 (3) - Would be nice if you can create a slider blanketing (2) here:K
  15. 01:30:567 (6) - Minor stuff, but put this one grid down to prevent it from touching (4)it doesn't touch anything
  16. 01:30:823 (7) - Optional, but you can move this few grids right and down (~6 grids down and 4 grids right) so (5)'s middle, (6), and (7) is arranged in a straight line, thus forming a "shooting star" formation here. (: intentionally

palmolive wrote:

Gu's Normal
00:22:362 (2) - 这里有点奇怪 我倒是觉得这里配音乐很好啊...
01:05:951 (7) - 音量调整为45%还是习惯静音
01:30:823 (7) - 音量调整为30%^

Kawayi Rika wrote:

[Gu's Normal]

  1. OD+1 K

Kirino Kousaka wrote:

[list][Gu's Normal]
[*]00:48:515 (3) - Remove "clap" on the start. intentionally

DarkRingSystem wrote:

[Gu's Normal]
00:13:387 (1,2) - 不建议normal中出现 slider 重叠 看看蝙蝠毯子说不说吧。。懒得改了
00:50:310 (1,2) - ^
00:56:464 (4,5) - ^
01:27:233 (1,2) - ^

Sumisola wrote:

[Gu's Normal]
00:20:049 (7,8,9) - 我是Normal,Easy简单化主义,对于这种排列,出现在N里面,有可能会导致别人先按9再按8的情况,建议少用,如果可以的话其实stack也行 嗯换了个位置,个人不太喜欢stack
01:05:946 (7) - 这里的话slider向后推一个1/2节奏,空出来的地方加一个circle会不会更好? 那样就有点单了。。三个圈三个slider连一起
01:20:049 (3,4,5,6) - 跟第一个同情况,有可能会误读这个没地方弄了。。问题应该不大

Download: Horie Yui - Coloring (TV Size) (JauiPlaY) [Gu's Normal].osu
Topic Starter
Fixed some and updated, thanks for your modding! :D
看来不用我帮你mod了 =w=
Request from my modding queue. :)

-That's a creative way to use Kiai Time lol.

-Good, but maybe set the Drain Rate and Overall Difficulty to 2.

[Gu's Normal] Good.

[Hard] Good.

Sorry if my mod didn't help much, but I couldn't find anything wrong after a few hours of modding your map. I'll suggest you request your map to a more experienced mapper/modder.

Good Luck getting your map ranked. It really has potential.
I like this

I like the rhythm but recommend some changes to combo C:
00:11:592 - New combo
00:15:695 - ^
00:19:797 - ^
00:23:900 - ^
00:36:208 - ^
00:36:208 - ^
00:56:464 - ^
01:25:182 - ^
01:29:285 - ^

Not found errors

Good Luck ~
  • Hi hi~ request from In-Game PM~ ( 其實是M4M XD )
    General :
  1. Nothing I can find :D
    Easy :
  2. 00:23:644 (1) - 沒對稱好啊lol!! 對稱圖發生這麼大的錯誤!! /me slaps JPY

  3. 00:58:515 (1) - ^

    Gu's Normal :
  4. /me slaps Baka No_Gu
    Hard :
  5. 00:48:259 (1,2,3,4) - 這spacing很容易被騙的 改成同spacing?
  6. 00:53:387 (4) - NC
  7. 01:01:592 (4) - ^
  8. 01:09:797 (4) - ^
  9. 01:18:003 (4) - ^
  10. 01:26:721 (9,10) - 這spacing坑爹啊 >_< 複製7,8然後改一下吧 像這樣 :

  11. 01:30:310 (4,5) - 音效顛倒過來吧
    You must to read~!
    red:I think you must to fix. bule: need to discuss. Black: just suggest.
嘆氣... 挑不出什麼了啦 射星~
Good Luck :3
[ S o R a ]
Hi ~ :)

Please sorry for concern >_<

Need a video? If video need, that :)

I think it is good quality video :3

Please sorry for concer again.

* You need a reversearrow.png to complete a hitcircle skin set
* While you have a custom hitcircle, don't forget to add "SliderBorder: 255,255,255" under [Colour] in all .osu files
* The approachcircle.png seems too thick ;_;

* AR +1?

00:57:490 (2) - Don't make tail slider semi-overlap with next slider (Nazi)
01:05:695 (1) - Remove new combo for your combo pattern
01:26:208 (1) - ^

Gu's Normal
00:17:490 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 9 combos are too long for normal diff
01:05:951 (7,8) - Why you silence at tail slider and (8)? It's unrankable you know

00:45:438 (2,4) - Reverse this placement? (Ctrl+R) For easing to following the directions?
01:05:951 (6) - New combo for anti-jump pattern?

Nice one
The MP3 should be fixed due to it's incomplete.
BTW did you allow DRS to use mp3 in this map?
I confirmed that DRS use same mp3.

Anyway check the original video, there is one more beat after the end of last beat.
Topic Starter

[ S o R a ] wrote:

Hi ~ :)

Please sorry for concern >_<

Need a video? If video need, that :)

I think it is good quality video :3

Please sorry for concer again.
Mediafire is unavailable in China but, still kudosu'd for your helping.

ykcarrot wrote:

The MP3 should be fixed due to it's incomplete.
BTW did you allow DRS to use mp3 in this map?
I confirmed that DRS use same mp3.

Anyway check the original video, there is one more beat after the end of last beat.
Mp3 file changed, thanks.
Also thanks for modding guys, fixed some and uploaded!

BG is too hentai , change one plz
offset is really off , 170(-10) is better to me
diff spread is really bad , I think it is not Hard diff , it is Insane..

01:29:410 (2) - change to 2 sliders is better imo , now it is hard to know when it end..

[Gu's Normal]
00:44:282 (5) - 这个shape好丑
01:22:487 (2,3) - 感觉这个包围不完美,中间的间距比两边的大

你看你difficulty setting这么低还5.00 stars,这哪里是Hard啊
00:16:590 (1,2,3,4,5) - 敢不敢降spacing
00:46:333 (3,1) - 这里是想stack的么?
00:54:538 (3,4) - 这spacing太大了,很让人以为4是00:55:051 - 开始,最好改下
00:55:949 (2,3) - 这地方spacing缺又意外的小0.0...
01:04:795 (5) - 这个给我一种没跟01:03:385 (5,6,7,1,3) - 对齐的感觉

diff are all fine , but diff spread is bad imo..
I suggest to change Hard to Insane , and make a new Hard 0.0
then I'll back :D

wcx19911123 wrote:

[Gu's Normal]
00:44:282 (5) - 这个shape好丑故意的
01:22:487 (2,3) - 感觉这个包围不完美,中间的间距比两边的大差不多就行
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

BG is too hentai , change one plz大丈夫萌大奶算了還是換個 無所謂了...另外combo color也換了
offset is really off , 170(-10) is better to meOK
diff spread is really bad , I think it is not Hard diff , it is Insane..難度名大改 現在不存在這個問題了

01:29:410 (2) - change to 2 sliders is better imo , now it is hard to know when it end..改成1個slider

你看你difficulty setting这么低还5.00 stars,这哪里是Hard啊所以說現在不是Hard了
AR我感觉太低了,我的话就会AR8原來就是 后來覺得不合適
00:16:590 (1,2,3,4,5) - 敢不敢降spacing降了11%
00:46:333 (3,1) - 这里是想stack的么?故意的
00:54:538 (3,4) - 这spacing太大了,很让人以为4是00:55:051 - 开始,最好改下OK
00:55:949 (2,3) - 这地方spacing缺又意外的小0.0...上面改了這個就不小了
01:04:795 (5) - 这个给我一种没跟01:03:385 (5,6,7,1,3) - 对齐的感觉其實是對齊的 斜著看有錯覺

diff are all fine , but diff spread is bad imo..
I suggest to change Hard to Insane , and make a new Hard 0.0
then I'll back :D泥姆芙不肯幫我做 我也沒辦法
另外preview point和source進行了小修改
Thanks and uploaded~
加油干吧 0.0

ok , after fixed some stuffs in Sora~ diff , then
I know this is bubbled, but, no one think this slide in Raika~ diff weird?

Follow music, but i think it would be good if you do it substitute the slider for two notes. Well, is just my mapping opinion.

卧槽也终于有人把sora当较难难度名 :)

kirinoimouto22 wrote:

no timestamp provided? have to search whole map :o

00:47:349 (1) - This spinner is really weird and confusing. Make it end 1/4 before, please.


01:25:298 (7) - New combo.

Fix those and I'll rank!
Topic Starter
Looks good now.

Kawayi Rika
Omedeto JPY ~ ;)
Topic Starter
Thank you Andrea~
Send by my iPhone since my network became unavailable just now.
How breathtaking...
Congrats :D
Congrats~! >w</
Gomo Psivarh

科学 :D
Y a n a s e Y u u
S h i o n
nice song, nice map :)
[ S o R a ]
Nice map ~

Congrats! * v *
gratz ;_;
Topic Starter
Thanks to all. I love you~
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