
AKB48 - Namida Surprise!

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Pink Agate
02:00:899 (4) - 不过不想用折返的话,大概是要用soft-slidertick了 :arrow: 不懂,让微风来改吧 :!:
02:26:332 (1,2) - ctrl+R :arrow: 好像这样变难了些?
02:40:364 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - :arrow: fix
03:30:353 (4) - 应该缩短,从03:30:572开始 :arrow: fix
03:47:016 (7,1) - overlap :arrow: 让微风来改吧
03:59:074 (2) - 这个开始的时间也很奇怪,两个建议:
  1. 缩短,从03:59:294开始 :arrow: fix
Hi,just suggestion

00:20:482(2) 最后一个point移动到(336.224)?
00:48:985(2) 第二point移动到(208.72)?
01:39:193(3) 为啥不拉对称捏?
02:12:300(4) 这个whistle去掉试试?
02:26:322(1) 第二个point(24.224)第三个point(112.280)第四个point(176.240)这样会不会更好看?
02:40:364(1) 第二个point(256.328)第三个point(352.280)第四个point(352.192)^?
02:42:118(3) 第三个point(328.128)?
04:17:953(3) 第二个point(392.336),第三个点(336.216)?

04:31:523(2) 第二个point放那么远干嘛?

Topic Starter

x847606653 wrote:

Hi,just suggestion

00:20:482(2) 最后一个point移动到(336.224)? :arrow: 现在反而应该更对称些
00:48:985(2) 第二point移动到(208.72)? :arrow: ^
01:39:193(3) 为啥不拉对称捏? :arrow: 非镜面对称而是中心对称
04:17:953(3) 第二个point(392.336),第三个点(336.216)? :arrow: k

04:31:523(2) 第二个point放那么远干嘛? :arrow: ...这个没什么影响吧...

Pink Agate
02:26:322(1) 第二个point(24.224)第三个point(112.280)第四个point(176.240)这样会不会更好看?
02:40:364(1) 第二个point(256.328)第三个point(352.280)第四个point(352.192)^?
02:42:118(3) 第三个point(328.128)?
我的那部分暂时不改了,等其他人提起再修改吧 :lol:


02:50:888 (1) - 这里加个回转?

03:18:952 (9) - 去掉9号circle把10号slider移动到9号circle的位置,再给滑条加个0.75.的减速会否舒服些?

没了,这图很赞 :shock:
can't wait to see this beatmap done :D
Hi there~

  1. Size of BG 1024x758, resize please
  2. 04:16:834 - fountain epic chorus in the end, add the full kiai there
  1. 00:44:600 (1,2,3,4) - looks not good, may be you will do reverses there
  2. 01:02:140 - add finish there, strong part
  3. 01:03:017 (5) - and there
  4. 01:03:894 (1) - yeah, finish there too
  5. 01:46:867 (1,2) - add whistle on the all first slider and start and start of the second
  6. 02:00:022 (3) - replace slider in that way that it don't overlap (1)
  7. 02:22:604 (6) - nc
  8. 02:22:824 - finish and 02:23:701 - there and 02:24:578 (1) - there
  9. 03:23:556 (4) - sounds strange, i suggest you remove it and add two circles 03:23:775 - there and 03:23:994 - there
  10. 03:37:588 (4) - ^
  11. 03:44:823 (5) - nc
  1. 01:01:920 (1,2,1) - same thing with the finishes
  2. 01:03:894 (1,2,3,4) - in normal diff you have whistles there, may be you will do the same?
  3. 02:10:546 (4,5) - they're little overlaped
  4. 02:22:604 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - finishhh
  5. 02:59:438 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - add some whistles like in music
  6. 04:33:935 (6,7) - may be you will swap them?
Good luck
Sorry about the delay. i went somewhere for the last 2 days.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. Just putting this for fun.

1489? i find it weird that it starts there. i suggest starting it at 1500 because it's a whole number and i'd feel a lot comfortable if it starts there.
did you check the BG's dimensions. it's at 1024x758. set it to 1024x768. i see a bit of black at the bottom of the screen.

00:14:782 (4) - to make it even, how about adding the same amount of slider points at the beginning? in other word, add 2 or 3 moer points at the beginning. it'd look nicer and it'll flow a lot smoother IMO.
00:27:060 (1) - add a finish to match the vocals?
00:29:691 (5) - align this to the end of the previous slider. it'd look a lot easier for players if you do this.
00:32:332 - hmm re-snap this line. it's off by 10ms.
00:41:092 (1) - i don't like this repeat slider. once it hits the repeat, it doesn't flow to the vocals and i find that unfitting to the song, so remove (2), extend this to a 2/1 repeat slider and add a circle at the next white tick, it'll follow vocals a lot accurate than this 1 IMO.
00:51:616 (1) - same as 00:27:060 but at the beginning with the whistle to match the trumpet.
01:01:263 (4,5) - same as above but at the end of (4) and at (5) to match the vocals and instrumental.
01:12:664 (1) - same as 00:51:616.
01:16:172 (1,2) - add finishes here to match the instrumental.
01:26:696 (1) - same as 00:51:616.
01:30:204 (1,2) - same as 01:01:263.
02:04:407 (5) - since this is the easiest diff in the map, i think this might cause a huge distraction for players because since it's touching the HP bar, it might make players nervous or it might get in the way for them as they might mess up or let go. move this down so that it doesn't happen.
02:08:792 (1) - too far near the middle. put it near the middle so that it'd be easier for players. if you look from a novice's or an amateur's perspective or point of view, they're most likely not going to make it in time because it's so far near the middle.
02:14:054 (1) - i don't like to see overlaps like this. i find it confusing and it might throw me off guard. i suggest facing it at the opposite direction to make it easier for players.
02:17:123 (2,1) - are you sure that this is ok? the spacing is inconsistent. it's at 0.92 and the current DS is at 0.8
02:19:316 (3) - make this a NC because the lyrics change from here.
02:22:604 (4) - if you want, you can make this a NC. same reason as above.
02:33:348 (1) - ik you can make this loop nicer than this. IMO it looks ugly.
02:36:856 (5) - same as 02:19:316.
02:57:904 (3,4,5,6) - i think this overlap would throw off players. i suggest doing a straightforward path so that it'd look less confusing for beginners.
03:29:476 (3) - i don't mind seeing overlaps similar to this, but this one look bad because it overlaps the beginning of (1) and that makes it look bad during gameplay. move the end point around that that it'd form an overlapped blanket around (1).
03:44:823 (5) - same as 02:19:316.
03:44:823 (5) - same as 02:33:348.
03:54:470 (1) - end this spinner till 03:55:786 to follow the vocals and add a finish on the spinner. you'll hear the cymbals if you hear carefully.
03:57:540 - maybe add a circle here to match the cymbals?
03:59:294 (2) - same as 02:19:316.
04:22:534 (3) - replace this for 2 circles. the 2nd circle should be a NC so that it'd be consistent with 04:08:941.
i think that this map can improve with more finishes. listen to the instrumental or vocals carefully and if it rises or if it's loud enough, add a finish on those notes. it'd sound a lot nicer and it'll fit to the song IMO.

increase the HP and OD by +1 or +2. i think as it stands it looks "too" easy for experienced players to clear this.
00:22:236 (2) - move this note here for a nice challenge to players. if there's 1 thing i'd like to see in hard diffs, it's jumps here and there.
00:27:060 (1) - add a finish to match the vocals, and is the spacing between (3,1) intentional? as it stands the DS is at 0.89 and the default DS is at 1.00
00:39:776 (7) - align this to (6). you'll make a parallelogram if you do this.
00:41:092 (1) - same as 00:27:060 but at the beginning.
01:03:894 (1,2,3,4) - add whistles at every note. you have it on normal after all, and i find this too easy because it's just a straight line, so i suggest doing a jump since this is the hardest diff in the song and it'd be fun for players. i was confused when i saw that the 4 notes look similar to normal's pattern.
01:12:664 (1) - add a finish at the beginning to follow the instrumental.
01:39:193 (3) - make this a NC. the instrumental changes from here and that's what you're following.
02:01:776 (1) - same as 00:41:092.
02:33:348 (1) - same as 01:12:664.
02:47:380 (1) - ^
02:50:888 (1) - make this a 1/4 repeat slider to follow vocals accurately.
02:57:465 (5) - why don't you stack this on (1) so that this combo would look like a triangle?
03:04:920 (3) - oh my what a way to use that many points for 1 slider D:.
03:08:428 (3) - ^
03:27:722 (1) - same as 00:41:092.
03:31:230 (1,2) - add finishes at the beginning to match that sound.
03:41:754 (1) - same as 00:41:092.
04:00:171 (1) - add a finish to match the instrumental.
04:01:267 (2,3) - personally i don't like how it's overlapping and the other notes are spaced out, so i suggest spacing out these sliders like you did on (4,5).
04:09:818 (1) - same as 00;41:092 but just add the finish.
04:10:695 (4,5,6,7) - the jump is intentional from (5,6) right? i suggest keeping it consistent to 1.2 so that the jump can flow a lot smoother.
04:22:534 (8) - same as normal.
same comment about the finishes. the placement is fine to me.

i guess that's it. GL :D
Topic Starter

Vass_Bass wrote:

Hi there~

  1. Size of BG 1024x758, resize please :arrow: as long as it's not over 1024x768, it should be fine
  2. 04:16:834 - fountain epic chorus in the end, add the full kiai there :arrow: I'' just keep this for now
  1. 00:44:600 (1,2,3,4) - looks not good, may be you will do reverses there :arrow: k
  2. 01:02:140 - add finish there, strong part :arrow: nah
  3. 01:03:017 (5) - and there
  4. 01:03:894 (1) - yeah, finish there too
  5. 01:46:867 (1,2) - add whistle on the all first slider and start and start of the second :arrow: sorry but i don't like how it sounds like that
  1. 01:01:920 (1,2,1) - same thing with the finishes :arrow: I don't like add finish here
  2. 01:03:894 (1,2,3,4) - in normal diff you have whistles there, may be you will do the same? :arrow: k
  3. 02:10:546 (4,5) - they're little overlaped :arrow: oh well changed
  4. 02:22:604 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - finishhh :arrow: sorry, no, really sounds bad to me
  5. 02:59:438 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - add some whistles like in music :arrow: k
  6. 04:33:935 (6,7) - may be you will swap them? :arrow: swap? what?
Good luck

Byakugan249 wrote:

Thanks, fixed some, too lazy to reply them all lol, it's a long mod
A K Breeze !

HBD :oops:

Let's go ~


  • Setting

    1. Remove countdown in all diff ?
  • Folder

    1. Fine


  • Setting

    1. Fine
  • Mapping
  1. Mapping Design / Issue / Suggestion

    1. 00:34:514 (1) - Overlapped by hit-300 , Stack next note ?
    2. 00:48:546 (1) - ^
    3. 02:02:653 (3) - Add reverse x3 ?
    4. 02:11:642 (1,2) - Change to 1/2 slider.
    5. 02:31:155 (3) - Add note ?
    6. 02:36:856 (5) - NC ?
    7. 02:57:904 (3) - ^
    8. 04:30:866 (1) - Move right 2 grids ?
  2. Hit Sounds

    1. 02:19:316 (3) - Add finish ?
    2. 02:43:433 (4) - This whistle slider sound weird , Remove it ?
    3. 03:31:230 (1) - Add finish ?
    4. 03:38:246 (1) - ^
    5. 03:41:754 (1) - ^
    6. 04:32:400 (1) - ^


  • Setting

    1. AR -1 ?
  • Mapping
  1. Mapping Design / Issue / Suggestion

    1. 00:31:445 (1) - NC ?
    2. 00:40:215 (1,2,3) - Change to 1/2 slider with reverse ?
    3. 01:30:204 (3) - NC ?
    4. 01:55:637 (1) - Remove NC ?
    5. 03:04:920 (3) - Epic slider...
    6. 03:17:198 (5) - NC ?
    7. 03:54:251 (4) - ^
  2. Hit Sounds

    1. 00:19:605 (4) - Remove clap at end and start of slider ?
    2. 01:58:268 (1) - Add finish ?
    3. 02:01:776 (1) - ^
    4. 02:05:284 (1) - ^

Hope it can help you ~ ><
微風醬 早灣 OwO

  • "re" 意思是 "remove"
    黑色 只是建議,不喜歡可以略過~OAO
    藍色 是要討論的問題
    紅色 是unrankable


  1. 00:40:215 (5) - re 紅線的finish 如何 ?~OAO
  2. 00:48:985 (2) - 讓第2個點在 x:216 y:80 ,第3個點在 x:288 y:96
  3. 01:00:386 (3) - 讓它在x:408 y:88 , 第2個點在x:456 y:104 如何呢?!OAO
  4. 02:05:284 (6) - NC ?~
  5. 02:42:118 (3) - 讓第3個點在 x:320 y:120 ?
  6. 03:53:812 (2) - 讓第2個點在 x:200 y:264 ,第3個點在 x:168 y:200 ?
  7. 04:30:866 (1) - 讓第4個點在 x:56 y:208


  1. 00:20:921 (3) - 讓第2個點在 x:72 y:184
  2. 00:40:434 (2) - re finish
  3. 01:55:637 (1) - re NC
  4. 02:06:599 (4) - 讓它在 x:280 y:312
  5. 03:32:764 (4) - 讓它在 x:392 y:64
good map & good song & good luck~ :)
mod不好請見諒 OTZ
Topic Starter

Netsukawa wrote:

A K Breeze !

HBD :oops:

Let's go ~


  • Setting

    1. Remove countdown in all diff ? :arrow: k
  • Folder

    1. Fine


  • Setting

    1. Fine
  • Mapping
  1. Mapping Design / Issue / Suggestion

    1. 00:34:514 (1) - Overlapped by hit-300 , Stack next note ? :arrow: I think this should be fine
    2. 00:48:546 (1) - ^ :arrow: ^
    3. 04:30:866 (1) - Move right 2 grids ? :arrow: k
  2. Hit Sounds

    1. 02:19:316 (3) - Add finish ?
    2. 02:43:433 (4) - This whistle slider sound weird , Remove it ? :arrow: k
    3. 03:31:230 (1) - Add finish ?
    4. 03:38:246 (1) - ^
    5. 03:41:754 (1) - ^
    6. 04:32:400 (1) - ^


  • Setting

    1. AR -1 ?
  • Mapping
  1. Mapping Design / Issue / Suggestion

    1. 00:31:445 (1) - NC ?
    2. 00:40:215 (1,2,3) - Change to 1/2 slider with reverse ?
    3. 01:30:204 (3) - NC ?
    4. 01:55:637 (1) - Remove NC ? :arrow: k
    5. 03:04:920 (3) - Epic slider...
    6. 03:17:198 (5) - NC ?
    7. 03:54:251 (4) - ^ :arrow: k for this 2
  2. Hit Sounds

    1. 00:19:605 (4) - Remove clap at end and start of slider ? :arrow: there are claps in background music
    2. 01:58:268 (1) - Add finish ?
    3. 02:01:776 (1) - ^
    4. 02:05:284 (1) - ^

Hope it can help you ~ ><

l1106188 wrote:

微風醬 早灣 OwO

  • "re" 意思是 "remove"
    黑色 只是建議,不喜歡可以略過~OAO
    藍色 是要討論的問題
    紅色 是unrankable


  1. 00:40:215 (5) - re 紅線的finish 如何 ?~OAO
  2. 00:48:985 (2) - 讓第2個點在 x:216 y:80 ,第3個點在 x:288 y:96 :arrow: k
  3. 01:00:386 (3) - 讓它在x:408 y:88 , 第2個點在x:456 y:104 如何呢?!OAO :arrow: k
  4. 02:05:284 (6) - NC ?~ :arrow: k
  5. 02:42:118 (3) - 讓第3個點在 x:320 y:120 ? :arrow: k
  6. 03:53:812 (2) - 讓第2個點在 x:200 y:264 ,第3個點在 x:168 y:200 ? :arrow: k
  7. 04:30:866 (1) - 讓第4個點在 x:56 y:208 :arrow: k


  1. 00:20:921 (3) - 讓第2個點在 x:72 y:184 :arrow: k
  2. 00:40:434 (2) - re finish
  3. 01:55:637 (1) - re NC
  4. 02:06:599 (4) - 讓它在 x:280 y:312 :arrow: 感觉现在更好
  5. 03:32:764 (4) - 讓它在 x:392 y:64
good map & good song & good luck~ :)
mod不好請見諒 OTZ


  1. Your background is 1024x758, when it should be 1024x768. Perhaps you might want to use another background or resize your current one.
  2. 00:00:969 (1) - At this first slider on all of the difficulties, you might want to make the beginning of it soft due to the volume and intensity gradually increasing.

  1. 00:14:782 (4) - It would be in your best interest if you made this slider symmetrical in order for it to be better looking.
  2. 00:49:862 (3) - I believe that you could easily make this slider better looking.
  3. 01:08:717 (1) - This slider doesn't match the vocals very well. Doing this could solve the problem easily with minimal changes.
  4. 01:39:193 (3) - Reversing this slider and moving it upwards to follow the distance snap flows better than putting it behind (2) in terms of position.
  5. 01:40:728 - Even though it doesn't matter too much, extend the beginning of the break to this point. Make sure to also do it for the hard difficulty.
  6. 02:03:530 (4) - You should avoid this touching with (3). Newer players may think that (3) has an extra reverse due to the spacing and they may miss.
  7. 02:04:407 (5) - In normal difficulties, it's recommended that you don't have things touching the HP bar.
  8. 02:13:177 (1) - This one note combo is unneeded.
  9. 02:21:070 (5) - You might want to add a new combo here in order to shorten up the current long combo.
  10. 02:43:433 (4) - This doesn't follow the vocals very well. Try something like this.
  11. 03:00:096 (1) - This spinner seems rather short for a normal difficulty.
  12. 03:32:984 (1,1) - For the sake of looking good, try not to make the endpoints of these sliders touch.
  13. 03:54:470 (1) - Short spinner.

  1. 00:48:546 (1) - Try to avoid centering things after a spinner. They get overlapped by the hitburst and the spinner-osu!.
    Not many problems. Excellent work!
iroseka's moddin' from tha queue

03:57:540 (2) - 要不要在这里加一个?
04:06:310 (1) - 形状

01:17:049 (5) - 逆时针旋转5°
01:24:284 (3,4) - 形状略猎奇……
01:50:375 (4) - 逆时针旋转10°,其余顺移
02:00:899 (1,2,3) - 要不要跳一跳?我觉得可以跳一跳
02:50:888 (1) - 要加whistle么
02:54:834 (1,4) - 在return箭头处加上whistle?
Topic Starter

Jacob wrote:



  1. Your background is 1024x758, when it should be 1024x768. Perhaps you might want to use another background or resize your current one. :arrow: resized
  2. 00:00:969 (1) - At this first slider on all of the difficulties, you might want to make the beginning of it soft due to the volume and intensity gradually increasing. :arrow: okay, changed

  1. 00:14:782 (4) - It would be in your best interest if you made this slider symmetrical in order for it to be better looking.
    :arrow: looked good, changed
  2. 00:49:862 (3) - I believe that you could easily make this slider better looking. :arrow: lol well
  3. 01:08:717 (1) - This slider doesn't match the vocals very well. Doing this could solve the problem easily with minimal changes. :arrow: I think this should befine
  4. 01:39:193 (3) - Reversing this slider and moving it upwards to follow the distance snap flows better than putting it behind (2) in terms of position. :arrow: k
  5. 01:40:728 - Even though it doesn't matter too much, extend the beginning of the break to this point. Make sure to also do it for the hard difficulty. :arrow: k
  6. 02:03:530 (4) - You should avoid this touching with (3). Newer players may think that (3) has an extra reverse due to the spacing and they may miss.
  7. 02:04:407 (5) - In normal difficulties, it's recommended that you don't have things touching the HP bar.
  8. 02:13:177 (1) - This one note combo is unneeded.
  9. 02:21:070 (5) - You might want to add a new combo here in order to shorten up the current long combo.
  10. 02:43:433 (4) - This doesn't follow the vocals very well. Try something like this.
  11. 03:00:096 (1) - This spinner seems rather short for a normal difficulty.
  12. 03:32:984 (1,1) - For the sake of looking good, try not to make the endpoints of these sliders touch.
  13. 03:54:470 (1) - Short spinner.

  1. 00:48:546 (1) - Try to avoid centering things after a spinner. They get overlapped by the hitburst and the spinner-osu!. :arrow: Hmm, since it's a note, it could be easily read by approch circle
    Not many problems. Excellent work!
Thanks for mod

iroseka wrote:

iroseka's moddin' from tha queue

03:57:540 (2) - 要不要在这里加一个? :arrow: 加什么?
04:06:310 (1) - 形状 :arrow: 形状怎么了...?

01:17:049 (5) - 逆时针旋转5° :arrow: k
01:24:284 (3,4) - 形状略猎奇…… :arrow: ...
01:50:375 (4) - 逆时针旋转10°,其余顺移 :arrow: k
02:00:899 (1,2,3) - 要不要跳一跳?我觉得可以跳一跳 :arrow: 算了还是不跳了
02:50:888 (1) - 要加whistle么 :arrow: 不用了
02:54:834 (1,4) - 在return箭头处加上whistle? :arrow: 加了听着蛮奇怪的
Kawayi Rika
Hello ~ Breeze ~ :)

Random mod for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 00:43:065 (3) - Move 1 grid left,looks better.
  2. 01:30:204 (3) - Add new combo should to here and Remove 01:29:765 (1).
  3. 01:40:508 (6) - Looks not straight.
  4. 01:40:728 - Add finish sound better to me.
  5. 03:55:786 - ^


  1. 03:23:556 (4) - This slider(rhythm) a bit hard for beginner,so i suggestion change a circle on 03:23:775.
  2. 03:37:588 (4) - ^
  3. 04:32:400 (1) - Extend to 04:36:566,sound much better.

That's all ~ really nice mapset and cool song ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hello ~ Breeze ~ :)

Random mod for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 00:43:065 (3) - Move 1 grid left,looks better. :arrow: k
  2. 01:30:204 (3) - Add new combo should to here and Remove 01:29:765 (1). :arrow: objection! 異議あり!(误 here's a new lyric bar so should be fine
  3. 01:40:508 (6) - Looks not straight. :arrow: fixed
  4. 01:40:728 - Add finish sound better to me. :arrow: sounds odd to me
  5. 03:55:786 - ^ :arrow: okay for this


  1. 03:23:556 (4) - This slider(rhythm) a bit hard for beginner,so i suggestion change a circle on 03:23:775. :arrow: k
  2. 03:37:588 (4) - ^ :arrow: sure
  3. 04:32:400 (1) - Extend to 04:36:566,sound much better. :arrow: yes, agree

That's all ~ really nice mapset and cool song ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~
thanks for modding
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ Good job ~

Good luck with cool rank ~

Hi breeze, random mod. I hope this can help you

00:00:969 (1) - Don't use 5% volume because it's unrankable. Just start the increase of volume with 10%
00:00:969 (1) - Still here, use finish on this slider's tail, it sounds very good since a new rhythm starts and you reach the 80% volume
00:14:782 (4) - Mh, since there should be a clap on 00:15:220 what about to make this rhythm adding the clap on it?

00:32:332 Not important but unsnapped green line
00:34:514 (1) - Placing this circle in the grid's center makes it become very confusing for the spinner-approachcircle of 00:32:322 (1). It's really hard to read for beginners, and since this is the easiest diff of your mapset you really should fix it
00:48:546 (1) - The same ^
01:23:188 (1) - How you can see from: this slider is asymmetric. This is the right code:
01:39:193 (3) - Nazi but snap the penultimate waypoint.
01:47:305 (2) - Add finish on this slider's end
02:00:899 (4) - Too loud these finishes omg @.@ Use 80% volume instead plz
02:05:284 (1) - Still asymmetric slider here. Making it symmetric would improve the flow of your map:
02:11:642 (1) - This part is a bit hard for the easiest diff ç.ç What about to remove this circle to make it easier?
02:14:931 (3) - Still not good slider's shape here. Use this code instead:
02:26:332 (1) - Dno't you think that this rhythm would be better? And easier to play.

02:33:348 (1) - Ugly slider:
02:43:872 (5) - New combo and remove from 02:46:503 (1)
03:54:470 (3) - Yes i'm really bothering but.. this shape flows better:
04:03:240 (1) - Same of 00:34:514 (1)

00:00:969 (1) - Same of Normal
01:03:894 (1,2,3,4) - Wrong spacing. You can keep a consistency spacing in this way too: <-- every circle is distant 0,60x from the other one (prev. and next)
01:50:375 (4) - Improve this blanket:
01:53:883 (2) - overlap better this slider's tail with 01:52:568 (4)'s head?
03:26:077 Reduce this break till the previous long white tick
04:26:919 (8) - New combo

Good luck with rank :3/
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

Hi breeze, random mod. I hope this can help you

00:00:969 (1) - Don't use 5% volume because it's unrankable. Just start the increase of volume with 10% :arrow: k
00:00:969 (1) - Still here, use finish on this slider's tail, it sounds very good since a new rhythm starts and you reach the 80% volume :arrow: well thanks for suggestion, but add finish sounds odd for me
00:14:782 (4) - Mh, since there should be a clap on 00:15:220 what about to make this rhythm adding the clap on it?
:arrow: this slider is for a whole rhythm in the music, so no change
00:32:332 Not important but unsnapped green line
00:34:514 (1) - Placing this circle in the grid's center makes it become very confusing for the spinner-approachcircle of 00:32:322 (1). It's really hard to read for beginners, and since this is the easiest diff of your mapset you really should fix it :arrow: 1/2 beat space after a spinner should be fine, and in the centre should be the most easy case right?
00:48:546 (1) - The same ^
01:23:188 (1) - How you can see from: this slider is asymmetric. This is the right code: :arrow: k
01:39:193 (3) - Nazi but snap the penultimate waypoint.
01:47:305 (2) - Add finish on this slider's end
02:00:899 (4) - Too loud these finishes omg @.@ Use 80% volume instead plz :arrow: sounds fine for me
02:05:284 (1) - Still asymmetric slider here. Making it symmetric would improve the flow of your map: :arrow: k
02:11:642 (1) - This part is a bit hard for the easiest diff ç.ç What about to remove this circle to make it easier? :arrow: seems no much differences :/
02:14:931 (3) - Still not good slider's shape here. Use this code instead: :arrow: k
02:26:332 (1) - Dno't you think that this rhythm would be better? And easier to play. :arrow: k

02:33:348 (1) - Ugly slider: :arrow: changed
02:43:872 (5) - New combo and remove from 02:46:503 (1) :arrow: k
03:54:470 (3) - Yes i'm really bothering but.. this shape flows better: :arrow: k
04:03:240 (1) - Same of 00:34:514 (1)

00:00:969 (1) - Same of Normal :arrow: k
01:03:894 (1,2,3,4) - Wrong spacing. You can keep a consistency spacing in this way too: <-- every circle is distant 0,60x from the other one (prev. and next) :arrow: k
01:50:375 (4) - Improve this blanket: :arrow: k
01:53:883 (2) - overlap better this slider's tail with 01:52:568 (4)'s head? :arrow: k
03:26:077 Reduce this break till the previous long white tick :arrow: seems no need
04:26:919 (8) - New combo :arrow: why here?

Good luck with rank :3/
Kawayi Rika
Rechecked ~ Looks better now ~

Rebubbled ~!


  1. 01:53:006 (1,2) - Looks odd. Move (2)'s end above by 1 grid to make them symmetric.
  2. 02:11:642 (1,2,3) - A bit too difficult for the easiest diff in this mapset. Change these notes to a slider please.
  3. 02:42:118 (3) - Incorrect spacing. It's too near from a previous note.
  4. 02:49:134 (3,1,2) - Looks crowded. Please avoid overlapping (3,2).
  1. 00:32:332 (T) - This green line is a bit late so it doesn't effect correctly now.
  2. 01:01:920 (1) - How about adding a finish to the return of slider? I feel it fits the music more.
  3. 02:22:824 (2) - ^
  4. 04:32:181 (3,4,5,6,7) - Since you followed the bell(?) sound, I recommend to use soft hitsound from 04:32:620 to 04:34:374. Also suggest to add a new combo to (4) so it makes reading the timing easier.
Call me back later~
Topic Starter

Suzully wrote:


  1. 01:53:006 (1,2) - Looks odd. Move (2)'s end above by 1 grid to make them symmetric. :arrow: k
  2. 02:11:642 (1,2,3) - A bit too difficult for the easiest diff in this mapset. Change these notes to a slider please. :arrow: k
  3. 02:42:118 (3) - Incorrect spacing. It's too near from a previous note. :arrow: fixed
  4. 02:49:134 (3,1,2) - Looks crowded. Please avoid overlapping (3,2). :arrow: fixed
  1. 00:32:332 (T) - This green line is a bit late so it doesn't effect correctly now. :arrow: fixed
  2. 01:01:920 (1) - How about adding a finish to the return of slider? I feel it fits the music more. :arrow: Hmm sounds odd, so no, sorry
  3. 02:22:824 (2) - ^ :arrow: ^
  4. 04:32:181 (3,4,5,6,7) - Since you followed the bell(?) sound, I recommend to use soft hitsound from 04:32:620 to 04:34:374. Also suggest to add a new combo to (4) so it makes reading the timing easier. :arrow: NC added, sound changed
Call me back later~
thanks for checking
Pink Agate
碎了2次泡泡了。真不容易啊 :?
happy happy~ birthday~♪
If today is a someone's birthday, let's recommend this map to them. :D
微風醬 恭喜 >w<!
Congrats \:D/
Kawayi Rika
Happy AKBreeze omedeto ><
The score spread is too far ><
Congrats~ \:D/
lol i remember modding this map, and look at it now...congratz ;)
omedeto~ :3
Wow, Congratz !
good map ~~ ^^
*O* 哇 gratz~
Grats :)
The page you were looking for can't be found... :cry: why???
good job breeze :3
we need more AKB songs lol , grats breeze!
omedeto! ARRGGH!
nice map :D
Happy Happy Birth Day :D

AKB48 Daisuki > < !

Xinely wrote:

nice map :D
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