
I broke my pen tablet D:

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So I 'accidentally' broke my pen tablet and the pen buttons got out. What can I do now?

EDIT: the pen tablet was of Wacom Bamboo Pen
Usually physical damage is physical damage and repairs are out of the question for a "do-it-yourself". Do you have a picture? Can you till track with the pen and just use a keyboard to click?
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Zelmarked wrote:

Can you till track with the pen and just use a keyboard to click?
No, I tried to put the pen buttons again but it doesn't work.
Yuki Hana-Chan
Ah. The pen buttons came out. I gotta agree Zelmarked, it's not really a "do-it-yourself" situation. If i were you, i'd get it fixed. If you post a picture, that might help. O:
Did you break the tablet or the pen ? What exactly broke ? Pictures will be helpful if not absolutely needed...
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I'll upload the pic later, what broke was the pen.
sigh rips off , ikr , just take 1 drop from table to floor the pen brokes, it happens so many times Q.Q here, 25$ if you want a replacement ... 839&sr=8-4
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