
Is there a way to modify the ComboBurst Milestone Prefix?

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-Yuno Gasai-
^ Title say it all.

My situation : Since a few months now (and new update from ppy) I noticed that my first 3 comboburst appear from a 30x lenght. But after 90x consecutive hits it set itself to 50x which mean that I get less comboburst after that. After 90x I get the next one at 150x and not 120x and it keep going like this.

I have a lot of combobursts but I use the function ComboBurstRandom: 1 so it doesn't bother me but I placed specific sounds effects for each one so I would really like it be timed correcly. (I dont care about the order like 1,2,3 I care about the amount of time between each comboburst)

Is this normal? Or am I just being silly... That's just a detail if there is no solution for that I guess I will just deal with it then.

Another problem : I've asked many times this one even in Help forums didn't get answers so Im trying again. In-game I recently noticed that on every maps most likely I have Hit Circles that appear really high but not like you know "high" but like partially on my ScoreBar aka Health Bar and even sometimes on it or really close to the score.

Is that normal too? I tried to re-size my objects into the recommanded size and it make the sliderborder weird. Also I am not using fully customised stuff. I play with default settings for in-game except Score Bar, cursor, cursor trail, score, inputoverlaykey,inputoverlay,etc.
you can only change the comboburst sound, not the graphic
maybe in lazer lol

who uses combobursts in 2018 lol
CTRL+O -> search "burst"
Topic Starter
-Yuno Gasai-

h3oCharles wrote:

you can only change the comboburst sound, not the graphic
maybe in lazer lol

who uses combobursts in 2018 lol
CTRL+O -> search "burst"

But comboburst are nice for me. I enjoy them :( Since I use a specific character as skin my comboburst are this character aswell and so the sounds...But it's not timed correcly anymore. It use to always be 30x then showing comboburst now it's freaking hell.

Also for my other problem is there anything I can do?
for the other thing
1. depends on the map
2. your elements may be too big
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