
ChouCho - Happy Fate

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IF you don't like it, you can skip it
it's short

Use this BG? :3Download: Choucho - Happy Fate (Ra-s) [Easy].osu

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Haruhi_sama wrote:

IF you don't like it, you can skip it
it's short

Use this BG? :3[attachment=0:a78d7]moeyuno.jpg[/attachment:a78d7][attachment=1:a78d7]Choucho - Happy Fate (Ra-s) [Easy].osu[/attachment:a78d7]
Can I adjust your diff?
Topic Starter

Haruhi_sama wrote:

IF you don't like it, you can skip it
it's short

Use this BG? :3ATTACH[Choucho - Happy Fate (Ra-s) [Easy].osu]
Can I adjust your diff?
(To redownload my map plz)

Thanks for moeyuno~ :3

Download: Choucho - Happy Fate (Ra-s) [Haruhi sama's Easy].osu
Add :3
K i A i
K i A i입니다!
죄송한데.. 비트맵 오프셋 확인해주실 수 있나요?
타이밍 포인트는 한개면 충분하고, 오프셋은 660으로 하셔야 맞을 것 같습니다..
Topic Starter

KoiSuru_ wrote:

K i A i입니다!
죄송한데.. 비트맵 오프셋 확인해주실 수 있나요?
타이밍 포인트는 한개면 충분하고, 오프셋은 660으로 하셔야 맞을 것 같습니다..
타이밍 귀찮아서 나기한테 맡겨버림ㅋㅋㅋ
lol Can you use silent slider>_>
K i A i
작업 완료!~
노래가 너무 좋아서 즐겁게 작업을 할 수 있었습니다! :)
쵸우쵸님 너무 좋습니다 ㅠㅠ

그럼 화이팅!~ 입니다~ :D

Download: Choucho - Happy Fate (Ra-s) [Insane].osu
Topic Starter

Haruhi_sama wrote:

lol Can you use silent slider>_>
I think this map don't need to use silent slider

Thanks~ >w<
Topic Starter

KoiSuru_ wrote:

작업 완료!~
노래가 너무 좋아서 즐겁게 작업을 할 수 있었습니다! :)
쵸우쵸님 너무 좋습니다 ㅠㅠ

그럼 화이팅!~ 입니다~ :D
생각보다 너무 잘해주셨습니다 :D
Reisen Udongein
노래 좋다 ㅋㅋㅋ 맵도 좋음 화이팅!
Now you can move to pending :3
EDIT:Can you stop changing my diff?
Topic Starter

Haruhi_sama wrote:

Now you can move to pending :3
EDIT:Can you stop changing my diff? - ok
I'm making hard diff now...
Don't go to Graveyard..
:3 it's good~
lol pending
Nice skin(comboburst)for you

add gasai yuno in tag please
Topic Starter


[attachment=0:78fd7]comboburst.png[/attachment:78fd7]lol pending
Nice skin(comboburst)for you

add gasai yuno in tag please
Thanks~ :)
If someone mod my easy i will fix it,you fix your diffs yeah
Sun Rainbow
Sama'S eASY
好吧本来就有点慢的歌还要来SV那么少= =NC= =给SAMA的留言
This diff's diffcult is EASY++= =(3 +++ is Normal)
00:43:159- Delete,And add a note.
00:43:576- ^
00:47:326- この難しさは、可変速度を持つことはできません
01:38:368- Delete
01:38:576-Add note
[quote="Sun Rainbow"]MOD~
Sama'S eASY
好吧本来就有点慢的歌还要来SV那么少= =NC= =给SAMA的留言
This diff's diffcult is EASY++= =(3 +++ is Normal)

No change.
you're foolish.
Normal?I think it's very easy.I just 5 mod with it.
But your beatmap really suck
Sun Rainbow

Sun Rainbow wrote:

Sama'S eASY
好吧本来就有点慢的歌还要来SV那么少= =NC= =给SAMA的留言
This diff's diffcult is EASY++= =(3 +++ is Normal)
00:43:159- Delete,And add a note.
00:43:576- ^
00:47:326- この難しさは、可変速度を持つことはできません
01:38:368- Delete
01:38:576-Add note

Topic Starter

Sun Rainbow wrote:

Sama'S eASY
好吧本来就有点慢的歌还要来SV那么少= =NC= =给SAMA的留言
This diff's diffcult is EASY++= =(3 +++ is Normal)
00:43:159- Delete,And add a note.
00:43:576- ^
00:47:326- この難しさは、可変速度を持つことはできません - Fixed, but i can't understand japanese...
01:38:368- Delete
01:38:576-Add note
인세인은 콜랍을 했으면 파트를 알려주는 간단한 SB를 넣는것을 추천 합니다.
전체적으로 이유없이 무시하거나 이유없이 추가되는 개인박자가 상당히 많습니다. 박자를 짤 때 유의해 주시길.

00:05:035 - 곡을 들어보면 여기서 부터 1/6 간격으로 박자가 이어집니다. 1/6간격으로 노트를 넣든가 아예 무시하든가 중에 하나 하셔야 합니다. 저는 노트를 넣는것을 추천.
00:16:493 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 소리자체는 괜찮지만 굳이 이 부분에 이렇게 개인박자를 사용할 필요는 없다고 봅니다. 곡의 초반부이기 때문에 곡과 전혀 상관없는 개인박자는 비추천.
00:51:076 (3,4) - 곡의 어느 부분에 맞추었는지 알 수 없는 박자 입니다. 00:50:034 (1,2) - 여기서 했던것처럼 보컬에 맞추든지, 00:47:326 (4,4) - 여기서 했던것처럼 피아노에 맞추든지 어느쪽이든 일관성을 가지도록 박자를 바꿔주세요.
00:53:785 (3,4,5) - 곡에서는 3연타가 00:53:576 (2,3) - 이 두 노트 사이에 들어 갑니다. 박자 고쳐주세요.
00:54:410 (6) - 역시나 일관성이 없는 박자 입니다. 00:54:618 (6) - 보컬에 맞추든 비트에 맞추든 여기에 박자가 들어가야 합니다. 슬라이더 틱에 소리가 있기는 하지만 그것만으로는 부족하죠. 분명한 위화감이 생깁니다.
00:57:118 (2) - 노트 추가하는 것이 자연스럽네요. 00:56:701, 00:56:910 에 비트가 없음에도 불구하고 노트가 있기 때문에 플레이어가 자연스럽게 이부분이 보컬을 따라가고 있다고 생각하게 됩니다. 보컬에 맞추려면 여기에 꼭 노트가 있어야 합니다.
00:57:326 ~ 00:59:410 -

이 부분 박자는 이렇게 되는 것이 맞습니다. 속도 25%로 설정하고 잘 들어 보세요.
아미지에서의 00:58:576 (8) - 1/8 길이의 슬라이더 입니다.
원래맵에서의 00:58:993 (1) - 슬라이더 시작점에 비트가 없죠. 이 부분에 박자주면 안됩니다.
00:59:687 (3,4,5,6) - 스페이싱 벌려 주세요. 00:58:993 (1,2) - 여기에서 넓은 점프를 했는데 갑자기 스페이싱이 줄어들면 위화감이 심합니다. 게다가 이 부분은 보컬이 다시 시작되는 지점이므로 스페이싱을 줄이기보다 점프가 들어가는 편이 훨씬 어울립니다.
01:40:243 (7) - 슬라이더 리턴 지점에 아무런 비트가 없습니다 오히려 01:40:451 과 01:40:868에 비트가 있죠. 박자 다시 짜주세요.
01:52:118 (4) - 박자 다시 짜주세요. 여태까지 보컬에 맞추어 가고 있었는데 여기서 01:52:743에 있는 비트와 보컬을 모두 무시하고 있습니다.
01:53:576 (6) - ^
01:54:410 (2) - ^
02:00:451 (5) - 01:59:410 (4) 이후부터 보컬에 맞추지 않으려면 이 노트를 빼주시고 보컬에 계속 맞추시려면 01:59:410 (4) 부터 다시 박자를 짜주세요. 이후의 박자를 보니 여기서 부터는 보컬에 맞추지 않으신것 같은니 노트를 빼시면 되겠네요.
02:04:618 (4) - 겹놋으로 배치하지 마세요. 02:03:993 (1,2) 의 박자 간격이 애매하므로 여기서 겹놋이 나오면 위화감이 심합니다.
02:09:410 (8) -

이렇게 바꿔주세요.
02:11:701 - 여기서 부터 시작하는 3연타가 있습니다. 곡을 잘 들어보세요.
02:15:660 ~ END - 박자를 어디에 맞추었는지 도무지 알 수가 없습니다. 무작정 1/1박 길이의 슬라이더를 넣지 마시고 곡을 잘 들어보시면서 넣을곳에는 노트를 넣고 뺄 곳은 빼주세요. 리맵을 추천합니다. 리맵할때 난이도도 유의해 주세요. 1/1박 길이의 슬라이더가 너무 많아서 그런지 Ra-s 파트에 비해 너무 쉽습니다. 곡의 후반부를 맡으신만큼 최소한 전반부 정도의 난이도는 뽑아주셔야죠.

00:05:035 - 인세인에서 지적한것과 마찬가지 입니다. 이 경우에는 3연타를 빼는것이 가장 자연스럽네요.
00:16:493 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 콜랍과 마찬가지로 여기에 연타가 들어갈 이유가 없죠. 하드에 개인박자로 7연타를 넣는 것은 굉장히 모양새가 안좋습니다. 빼주세요.
00:17:535 - 여기에 박자가 있는게 좋습니다.
00:53:368 (1,2) - 인세인과 마찬가지 입니다. 박자 다시 짜주세요.
02:06:701 (1,2) - ^


[Haruhi sama's Easy]
Topic Starter

C R E A M wrote:

인세인은 콜랍을 했으면 파트를 알려주는 간단한 SB를 넣는것을 추천 합니다.
전체적으로 이유없이 무시하거나 이유없이 추가되는 개인박자가 상당히 많습니다. 박자를 짤 때 유의해 주시길.

00:05:035 - 곡을 들어보면 여기서 부터 1/6 간격으로 박자가 이어집니다. 1/6간격으로 노트를 넣든가 아예 무시하든가 중에 하나 하셔야 합니다. 저는 노트를 넣는것을 추천.
00:16:493 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 소리자체는 괜찮지만 굳이 이 부분에 이렇게 개인박자를 사용할 필요는 없다고 봅니다. 곡의 초반부이기 때문에 곡과 전혀 상관없는 개인박자는 비추천.
00:51:076 (3,4) - 곡의 어느 부분에 맞추었는지 알 수 없는 박자 입니다. 00:50:034 (1,2) - 여기서 했던것처럼 보컬에 맞추든지, 00:47:326 (4,4) - 여기서 했던것처럼 피아노에 맞추든지 어느쪽이든 일관성을 가지도록 박자를 바꿔주세요.
00:53:785 (3,4,5) - 곡에서는 3연타가 00:53:576 (2,3) - 이 두 노트 사이에 들어 갑니다. 박자 고쳐주세요.
00:54:410 (6) - 역시나 일관성이 없는 박자 입니다. 00:54:618 (6) - 보컬에 맞추든 비트에 맞추든 여기에 박자가 들어가야 합니다. 슬라이더 틱에 소리가 있기는 하지만 그것만으로는 부족하죠. 분명한 위화감이 생깁니다.
00:57:118 (2) - 노트 추가하는 것이 자연스럽네요. 00:56:701, 00:56:910 에 비트가 없음에도 불구하고 노트가 있기 때문에 플레이어가 자연스럽게 이부분이 보컬을 따라가고 있다고 생각하게 됩니다. 보컬에 맞추려면 여기에 꼭 노트가 있어야 합니다.
00:57:326 ~ 00:59:410 -

이 부분 박자는 이렇게 되는 것이 맞습니다. 속도 25%로 설정하고 잘 들어 보세요.
아미지에서의 00:58:576 (8) - 1/8 길이의 슬라이더 입니다.
원래맵에서의 00:58:993 (1) - 슬라이더 시작점에 비트가 없죠. 이 부분에 박자주면 안됩니다.
00:59:687 (3,4,5,6) - 스페이싱 벌려 주세요. 00:58:993 (1,2) - 여기에서 넓은 점프를 했는데 갑자기 스페이싱이 줄어들면 위화감이 심합니다. 게다가 이 부분은 보컬이 다시 시작되는 지점이므로 스페이싱을 줄이기보다 점프가 들어가는 편이 훨씬 어울립니다.
01:40:243 (7) - 슬라이더 리턴 지점에 아무런 비트가 없습니다 오히려 01:40:451 과 01:40:868에 비트가 있죠. 박자 다시 짜주세요.
01:52:118 (4) - 박자 다시 짜주세요. 여태까지 보컬에 맞추어 가고 있었는데 여기서 01:52:743에 있는 비트와 보컬을 모두 무시하고 있습니다.
01:53:576 (6) - ^
01:54:410 (2) - ^
02:00:451 (5) - 01:59:410 (4) 이후부터 보컬에 맞추지 않으려면 이 노트를 빼주시고 보컬에 계속 맞추시려면 01:59:410 (4) 부터 다시 박자를 짜주세요. 이후의 박자를 보니 여기서 부터는 보컬에 맞추지 않으신것 같은니 노트를 빼시면 되겠네요.
02:04:618 (4) - 겹놋으로 배치하지 마세요. 02:03:993 (1,2) 의 박자 간격이 애매하므로 여기서 겹놋이 나오면 위화감이 심합니다.
02:09:410 (8) -

이렇게 바꿔주세요.
02:11:701 - 여기서 부터 시작하는 3연타가 있습니다. 곡을 잘 들어보세요.
02:15:660 ~ END - 박자를 어디에 맞추었는지 도무지 알 수가 없습니다. 무작정 1/1박 길이의 슬라이더를 넣지 마시고 곡을 잘 들어보시면서 넣을곳에는 노트를 넣고 뺄 곳은 빼주세요. 리맵을 추천합니다. 리맵할때 난이도도 유의해 주세요. 1/1박 길이의 슬라이더가 너무 많아서 그런지 Ra-s 파트에 비해 너무 쉽습니다. 곡의 후반부를 맡으신만큼 최소한 전반부 정도의 난이도는 뽑아주셔야죠.

00:05:035 - 인세인에서 지적한것과 마찬가지 입니다. 이 경우에는 3연타를 빼는것이 가장 자연스럽네요.
00:16:493 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 콜랍과 마찬가지로 여기에 연타가 들어갈 이유가 없죠. 하드에 개인박자로 7연타를 넣는 것은 굉장히 모양새가 안좋습니다. 빼주세요.
00:17:535 - 여기에 박자가 있는게 좋습니다.
00:53:368 (1,2) - 인세인과 마찬가지 입니다. 박자 다시 짜주세요.
02:06:701 (1,2) - ^


[Haruhi sama's Easy]
All Fixed~

(코이스루님 어떻하지 ㅠㅠ...난이도벨붕은 생각했던거지만 ;;)
Reisen Udongein
나는 준다 쿠도스를 <3
K i A i
리맵은 별로 귀찮거나 어렵지 않습니다, 노래가 좋아서 말이지요 :D ☆★☆★☆★~
비트매핑 환경도 제가 만드는거랑 같아서 편하구요 ㅋㅋㅋ

근데 문제는 제가 비트맵을 어렵게 만드는 법을 잘 모른단 것이지요 :? ............
BPM이 특별히 높거나 곡의 드럼 비트가 특별한 부분이 없으면 그저.. 왠만해선 점프도 많이 넣는 편은 아닌데..

일단 수정본 올립니다, Ra-s 님의 파트가 업뎃 안된 상태로 올라간거면 어떡하지.........

제발 난이도 밸런스가 나쁘지 않기를... :(

Download: Choucho - Happy Fate (Ra-s) [Collab].osu
모딩 들어갑니다
두번째 키아이타임을 02:14:410보다는 02:13:993에 놓는것이 좋을것 같습니다

[Haruhi sama's Easy]
02:13:993 (1) - How about put in 00:56:076?
01:06:493 (3,4,1) - This part is a wide spacing
02:08:993 (1) - How about put in 02:09:410
02:13:993 (1) - put in x:256 y:80,it looks better to me
02:19:826 (3,4,1) - This part is a wide spacing

00:06:076 (3,4) - 두 노트가 HP바에 닿습니다.가급적이면 아래로 내려주세요
00:07:326 (3) - 스페이싱 오류입니다 x:432 y:144에 놓아주세요
00:08:160 (4) - 위에것을 수정했다면 이것도 스페이싱 오류일겁니다
Grid Size를 Tiny로 바꾸셔서 x:332 y:248에 놓아주세요
00:23:576 (5) - HP바에 닿습니다.가급적이면 아래로 내려주세요
00:55:451 (2) - ^하지만 이건 바꾸기 힘들어 보이는군요
01:36:910 (5) - ^

00:20:660 (1) - 시작부분에 피니시
00:40:660 (7) - 피니시?
01:46:493 (6) - 마지막부분에 피니시?
02:03:576 (3) - 제안입니다.이렇게 바꿔보시면 어떨까요?
02:05:451 (3) - 전 노트와 간격이 0.03입니다 0.00이 되게 지우고 다시 놓아주세요
02:06:701 (6) - ^(간격은 0.01)
02:39:826 (4,5,1) - 이렇게 배치해보는건 어떨까요?

난이도가 콜렙이니 스토리보드로 파트마다 맵퍼 이름을 쓰는게 좋을듯 합니다

00:13:993 (1) - 이걸 x:472 y:24로 놓으면 더 깔끔할것 같습니다
00:30:451 (1) - 중앙에 놓아주세요 (x:248 y:272)
01:07:326 (4) - 슬라이더가 HP바에 닿습니다.조금 아래로 내려주세요

[Ra-s Part]
음...뒤쪽은 미완성인가요?
00:13:993 (1) - 00:13:993 (1) - 이걸 x:472 y:24로 놓으면 더 깔끔할것 같습니다
00:30:451 (1) - 중앙에 놓아주세요 (x:248 y:272)
01:07:326 (4) - 슬라이더가 HP바에 닿습니다.조금 아래로 내려주세요

many corean post =v=

[Haruhi sama's Easy]

- IN MY OPINION, is not too long the name of the diff?, personally I dislike the long diffs names, maybe think at a shortest name, as example, my username is also long, but I use this name type: "i_k's Taiko" is moar simple, again is your decition, dont take this seriously
- 1,20 spacing may give an aceptable spacing between hit circles, but when hit a slider may give a weird hold feeling, uh not sure, keep your spacing till someone else say something about it
- use less circles and moar nice sliders =3=

00:20:660 (1,2) - as the easiest diff of mapset, as [Easy] diff, please dont stack objects, this is maked for be played by newbies, newbies cant get why there is 2 aproach circles appearing on the same location although are 1/1 snapping
00:29:410 (3,4) - I think I shouldn't say it again right?, please dont stack objects on an [Easy] diff
Im not going to indicate moar stacking stuff, for avoid this spam get moar long than necesary, please recheck your stacking and fix them all
00:43:576 - use sb hitsounds for avoid missing objects here and 00:45:243?
00:46:076 (5,6) - clap this 2
00:46:910 - reduce the volume of this timeline, the incoming sliders sounds weird with calm part of da song
00:55:659 (1) - what is this circle following?
02:35:660 (2) - move this moar to the right so newbies can see clearly the follow points :/

well this [Easy] can be better, please dont use many circles, dont stack objects, follow the song in a better and simple way and make moar beautiful sliders >: I just saw curves and wave sliders, make your own funny and pretty shapes >_<


00:04:410 (5) - NAZIIIIIII, make this slider ends where 00:02:118 (3) ends? move the las point of 2 slider to x:72 y:239
00:06:910 (1,2,3) - spacing error, select (2) and see the prev, next stuff, wait; you have a missing sound on 00:06:285, and where (2) is it should start a long slider that ends where 00:07:326 (3) does.
00:16:701 (1,2) - (Hint) having 1/2 sliders end/start increase your difficulty star rating, its ok since is near to 3
00:18:576 (3) - hmm this slider should end on previous red tick, but this would make harder so you can keep it like it is
00:20:660 (4) - oh low aproach rate may hidden next 00:21:910 (3)
00:21:701 (2) - hhhmmmmmmmm this circle is not necesary, music sounds clearly witouth this plus you dont wanna 1/2 objects e_e!! uh looks like you want, anyway please delete this T.T previous slider may confuse newbies and stacking of (3) looks bad
00:52:743 - useless green time line
01:11:493 (4) - covered by hp bar, move it to other location please
01:20:660 (3,4) - oh so close >_<
02:08:785 (2) - slider body covered by hp bar
01:55:660 ~ copy/paste e______e cant you think on other way to fill the rest of the song? I though I have not to point the same stuff from up again


- well at least you have fliped your copy/paste ._.

[Ra-S Part]

- e_e delete this since is included on the collab, is ridiculous have other map for just a part of the collab...


- sorry I dont like collabs :x
Topic Starter

[Ranger] wrote:

모딩 들어갑니다
두번째 키아이타임을 02:14:410보다는 02:13:993에 놓는것이 좋을것 같습니다 - 잘 들어보시면 심벌즈가 1절과 다르게 02:14:410에 들어갑니다...그래서 보류중인 내용이에요

00:06:076 (3,4) - 두 노트가 HP바에 닿습니다.가급적이면 아래로 내려주세요 - Fixed
00:07:326 (3) - 스페이싱 오류입니다 x:432 y:144에 놓아주세요 - Fixed
00:08:160 (4) - 위에것을 수정했다면 이것도 스페이싱 오류일겁니다
Grid Size를 Tiny로 바꾸셔서 x:332 y:248에 놓아주세요
00:23:576 (5) - HP바에 닿습니다.가급적이면 아래로 내려주세요 - Fixed
00:55:451 (2) - ^하지만 이건 바꾸기 힘들어 보이는군요 - Fixed
01:36:910 (5) - ^ - Fixed

00:20:660 (1) - 시작부분에 피니시 - Fixed
00:40:660 (7) - 피니시?
01:46:493 (6) - 마지막부분에 피니시? - Fixed
02:03:576 (3) - 제안입니다.이렇게 바꿔보시면 어떨까요? - Fixed
02:05:451 (3) - 전 노트와 간격이 0.03입니다 0.00이 되게 지우고 다시 놓아주세요 - 랭크에 아무런 지장이 없긴 한데 이게 더 깔끔하네요
02:06:701 (6) - ^(간격은 0.01) - Fixed ^
02:39:826 (4,5,1) - 이렇게 배치해보는건 어떨까요?

난이도가 콜렙이니 스토리보드로 파트마다 맵퍼 이름을 쓰는게 좋을듯 합니다 - 지금 맡길 사람 찾는중이에요 ㅠㅠ

00:13:993 (1) - 이걸 x:472 y:24로 놓으면 더 깔끔할것 같습니다 - Fixed
00:30:451 (1) - 중앙에 놓아주세요 (x:248 y:272) - Fixed
01:07:326 (4) - 슬라이더가 HP바에 닿습니다.조금 아래로 내려주세요 - Fixed

[Ra-s Part]
음...뒤쪽은 미완성인가요?
00:13:993 (1) - 00:13:993 (1) - 이걸 x:472 y:24로 놓으면 더 깔끔할것 같습니다
00:30:451 (1) - 중앙에 놓아주세요 (x:248 y:272)
01:07:326 (4) - 슬라이더가 HP바에 닿습니다.조금 아래로 내려주세요
- 실수로 안지웠어요 ㅠㅠ

Topic Starter

ikari_kyon wrote:


00:04:410 (5) - NAZIIIIIII, make this slider ends where 00:02:118 (3) ends? move the las point of 2 slider to x:72 y:239 - Fixed
00:06:910 (1,2,3) - spacing error, select (2) and see the prev, next stuff, wait; you have a missing sound on 00:06:285, and where (2) is it should start a long slider that ends where 00:07:326 (3) does. - Fixed
00:16:701 (1,2) - (Hint) having 1/2 sliders end/start increase your difficulty star rating, its ok since is near to 3 Oh...I see
00:18:576 (3) - hmm this slider should end on previous red tick, but this would make harder so you can keep it like it is
00:20:660 (4) - oh low aproach rate may hidden next 00:21:910 (3) - Fixed
00:21:701 (2) - hhhmmmmmmmm this circle is not necesary, music sounds clearly witouth this plus you dont wanna 1/2 objects e_e!! uh looks like you want, anyway please delete this T.T previous slider may confuse newbies and stacking of (3) looks bad - Fixed
00:52:743 - useless green time line - Fixed
01:11:493 (4) - covered by hp bar, move it to other location please - Fixed
01:20:660 (3,4) - oh so close >_<
02:08:785 (2) - slider body covered by hp bar - Fixed
01:55:660 ~ copy/paste e______e cant you think on other way to fill the rest of the song? I though I have not to point the same stuff from up again - I want to remove copy&paste Part...But i know that this is unrankble ;_; When I mapped this map, I'm very busy... >:


- well at least you have fliped your copy/paste ._.

[Ra-S Part]

- e_e delete this since is included on the collab, is ridiculous have other map for just a part of the collab...
- Sorry...this is my mistake


- sorry I dont like collabs :x
Thanks~ :D
Yo modding this map because of ur request :)

the preview, and kiai time is inconsistent.
when i saw this mapset i see 4 diffs but when i looked in the folder i see 5. is there a reason why the 5th diff is there? if not then delete that diff.
am i reading this right? this is from mirai nikki? i thought mirai nikki is mainly horror but judging from wat i heard this looks like a calm and relaxing song.

Haruhi sama's Easy:
00:21:076(2) - unstack this because beginners wont notice or react to that theres a note under (1).
00:29:826(4) - ^
00:34:826(2) - ^
00:47:326(1,2) - itd look nice if u can make 1 slider look the same as the other?
02:00:660(1,2) - ^
this looks fun if it wer a normal diff, but since this is an easy diff, avoid stacking notes because itd be hard for beginners.

00:06:076(3,4) - move this down because its touching the hp bar. this may cause a distraction to players as they might get nervous causing them to mess up or fail.
00:07:118(2,3) - there's a spacing error between these 2 notes and itd be easier of u can flip (3) horizontally?(Ctrl+H)
00:31:910(1) - hmm this note is awkwardly placed because its under the slider. instead move it here that way itd make an easier path for players.
00:55:451(2) - same as 00:06:076
00:57:743(1,2) - Hidden repeat slider. these are unrankable because the 300, 100 or 50 is under the arrow
01:11:493(4) - same as 00:06:076
01:21:285(4,5) - ^ but this is just a recommendation since its not touching it that much.
01:36:910(5) - same as 00:06:076
01:45:213-02:41:076 - i noticed that u did a copy and paste to the 1st part. i think wat ur trying to do is flip the 2nd part instead?

00:26:076(4,5) - same as 00:06:076 on normal and itd be easier of u can flip (5) horizontally(Ctrl+H)
00:28:160(2) - same as above about (5) but Ctrl+J
00:37:326(1) - same as 00:06:076 but its touching the progress bar. some people like me hav the progress bar and that may get in the way during gameplay.
01:39:410(4) - same as above but its touching the score
01:41:493(2) - same as 00:28:160
01:50:660(1) - same as 00:26:076

00:13:785(4) - can u stack this properly? it looks bad during gameplay.
01:05:868(2,3) - move this up a bit. looks like part of the slider is off.
01:07:326(4) - same as 00:06:076 on normal.
01:11:076(2) - move it up. same as the 2nd reason
01:06:076(1) - same as 01:07:326
01:18:993(5,6) - ^
02:25:868(4,5,6) - ^
02:30:035(6,7,8) - ^
02:52:535(1) - ^

this is the best i can do. GL :D
K i A i
확인해주세요오~ :)

Download: Choucho - Happy Fate (Ra-s) [Collab].osu

Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

Yo modding this map because of ur request :)

the preview, and kiai time is inconsistent.
when i saw this mapset i see 4 diffs but when i looked in the folder i see 5. is there a reason why the 5th diff is there? if not then delete that diff.
am i reading this right? this is from mirai nikki? i thought mirai nikki is mainly horror but judging from wat i heard this looks like a calm and relaxing song. - This is song of Mirai Nikki Album but this isn't relation with Anime

00:06:076(3,4) - move this down because its touching the hp bar. this may cause a distraction to players as they might get nervous causing them to mess up or fail.
00:07:118(2,3) - there's a spacing error between these 2 notes and itd be easier of u can flip (3) horizontally?(Ctrl+H)
00:31:910(1) - hmm this note is awkwardly placed because its under the slider. instead move it here that way itd make an easier path for players. - Fixed
00:55:451(2) - same as 00:06:076
00:57:743(1,2) - Hidden repeat slider. these are unrankable because the 300, 100 or 50 is under the arrow
01:11:493(4) - same as 00:06:076
01:21:285(4,5) - ^ but this is just a recommendation since its not touching it that much. - Fixed
01:36:910(5) - same as 00:06:076
01:45:213-02:41:076 - i noticed that u did a copy and paste to the 1st part. i think wat ur trying to do is flip the 2nd part instead?

00:26:076(4,5) - same as 00:06:076 on normal and itd be easier of u can flip (5) horizontally(Ctrl+H) - Fixed
00:28:160(2) - same as above about (5) but Ctrl+J
00:37:326(1) - same as 00:06:076 but its touching the progress bar. some people like me hav the progress bar and that may get in the way during gameplay. - Fixed
01:39:410(4) - same as above but its touching the score - Fixed
01:41:493(2) - same as 00:28:160
01:50:660(1) - same as 00:26:076 - Fixed

00:13:785(4) - can u stack this properly? it looks bad during gameplay.
01:05:868(2,3) - move this up a bit. looks like part of the slider is off. - Fixed
01:07:326(4) - same as 00:06:076 on normal.
01:11:076(2) - move it up. same as the 2nd reason - Fixed
01:06:076(1) - same as 01:07:326
01:18:993(5,6) - ^ - Fixed
02:25:868(4,5,6) - ^
02:30:035(6,7,8) - ^
02:52:535(1) - ^

this is the best i can do. GL :D
You modded previous version ;_;
I fixed most problems already...but thank you for your modding very much~

K i A i
수정 완료했습니다~! ;)

Download: Choucho - Happy Fate (Ra-s) [Collab].osu
Fixed name and something. Thanks

Download: Choucho - Happy Fate (Ra-s) [Haruhi's Easy].osu
Hi, from my queue


  1. remove countdown
Haruhi's Easy

  1. fine

  1. 00:03:576 (4) - move 3 grids down
  2. 00:57:951 (2) - just 1 reverse, and add 1/2 slider at 00:58:785
  3. 02:11:285 (2) - ^

  1. 00:07:118 (1) - why slow down... it's hard to expect this, and it destroys the flow of the map
  2. 00:17:951 (3) - move middle point a grid down
  3. 01:01:285 (2) - move third point to (192,360)
  4. 01:03:993 (1) - move third point to (400,368)
  5. 01:09:201 (2) - don't stack this circle and slider... plays bad imo
  6. 01:27:326 (6) - remove reverse arrow, and put a circle here stack on (3)
  7. 01:51:284 (2,3) - you stacked 2 circles on this tick... plz fix
  8. 02:14:618 (2) - move 2nd point to (272,72)
  9. 02:17:326 (1) - move 3rd point to (112,16) 4th point (176,40)
  10. 02:17:951 (2) - move 3rd point to (216,104)

  1. 00:16:493 (1,2,3,4) - I think volume is too small here...
  2. 00:55:035 (1) - remove this note plz
  3. 00:58:576 (8) - nice pattern lol
  4. 01:10:868 (1,2,3,4) - it's so crowded here, you can make spacing larger...
  5. 02:52:951 (2) - remove this note plz = = it's not in the music
that's all

Good luck~
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

Hi, from my queue


  1. remove countdown
- Fixed


  1. 00:03:576 (4) - move 3 grids down - Fixed
  2. 00:57:951 (2) - just 1 reverse, and add 1/2 slider at 00:58:785 - Fixed
  3. 02:11:285 (2) - ^ - Fixed

  1. 00:07:118 (1) - why slow down... it's hard to expect this, and it destroys the flow of the map - Fixed
  2. 00:17:951 (3) - move middle point a grid down - Fixed
  3. 01:01:285 (2) - move third point to (192,360) - Fixed
  4. 01:03:993 (1) - move third point to (400,368) - Fixed
  5. 01:09:201 (2) - don't stack this circle and slider... plays bad imo
  6. 01:27:326 (6) - remove reverse arrow, and put a circle here stack on (3) - Fixed
  7. 01:51:284 (2,3) - you stacked 2 circles on this tick... plz fix - Fixed
  8. 02:14:618 (2) - move 2nd point to (272,72)
  9. 02:17:326 (1) - move 3rd point to (112,16) 4th point (176,40)
  10. 02:17:951 (2) - move 3rd point to (216,104)

  1. 00:16:493 (1,2,3,4) - I think volume is too small here... - Fixed
  2. 00:55:035 (1) - remove this note plz
  3. 00:58:576 (8) - nice pattern lol
  4. 01:10:868 (1,2,3,4) - it's so crowded here, you can make spacing larger...
  5. 02:52:951 (2) - remove this note plz = = it's not in the music
that's all

Good luck~
Sun Rainbow
Pending?내 가 하 고 싶 은 이야기 판 아 닐 지.
Topic Starter

Sun Rainbow wrote:

Pending?내 가 하 고 싶 은 이야기 판 아 닐 지.
I don't understand traslate :(
Topic Starter
-s u i r e n-
안녕하세요?Ra-s:D MOD></

Haruhi's Easy
01:46:904(3)-1grid right



Nice~MAP ><

I am sorry to be poor at Mod TAT

Topic Starter

suirenn05 wrote:

안녕하세요?Ra-s:D MOD></

Haruhi's Easy
01:46:904(3)-1grid right



Nice~MAP ><

I am sorry to be poor at Mod TAT

Why go to wip ?
Akiyama Mizuki
랭크되기를 바라면서 스타입니다
Easy (2.11 stars, 153 notes)
Hard (4.75 stars, 343 notes)
Haruhi's Easy (1.05 stars, 135 notes)
Insane (4.99 stars, 307 notes)
KoiSuru_ (4.97 stars, 200 notes)
Normal (3.32 stars, 201 notes)

Reisen Udongein

Haruhi_sama wrote:

Easy (2.11 stars, 153 notes)
Hard (4.75 stars, 343 notes)
Haruhi's Easy (1.05 stars, 135 notes)
Insane (4.99 stars, 307 notes)
KoiSuru_ (4.97 stars, 200 notes)
Normal (3.32 stars, 201 notes)

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Reisen Udongein wrote:

Haruhi_sama wrote:

Easy (2.11 stars, 153 notes)
Hard (4.75 stars, 343 notes)
Haruhi's Easy (1.05 stars, 135 notes)
Insane (4.99 stars, 307 notes)
KoiSuru_ (4.97 stars, 200 notes)
Normal (3.32 stars, 201 notes)

What the fuck is wrong with you?
sex diffs lol
K i A i
죄송합니다, 괜히 실력없는 저 때문에 고생하시고..

Download: Choucho - Happy Fate (Ra-s) [KoiSuru_].osu
Random Mod.

Remove Mirai Nikki in source.Because it's not a song in anime Mirai Nikki. Put Mirai Nikki in Tags haha.
add ' a story of gasaiyuno in TAGS? LOL
[Haruhi Easy]
00:55:445 (1) - Delete it.
01:33:987 (1) - ^
02:08:779 (1) - ^
00:08:154 (1) - NC
00:20:237 (3) - x;8 y:320

Topic Starter

Gasaiyuno-chan wrote:

00:08:154 (1) - NC
00:20:237 (3) - x;8 y:320 - Fixed
From 【All requests posted here will be modded】 queue


  1. You intended to make kiai-times the same but there are still some diffenence
  2. useless timing sections check:
    Warning: [Easy] 01:24:404
    Warning: [Easy] 01:47:736
    Warning: [Hard] 01:50:237
    Warning: [Hard] 01:59:404
    Warning: [Hard] 02:37:320
    Warning: [Haruhi's Easy] 00:34:403
    Warning: [Haruhi's Easy] 00:43:153
    Warning: [Insane] 00:34:404
    Warning: [KoiSuru_] 01:23:986
    Warning: [Normal] 00:26:070
    Warning: [Normal] 01:47:736
[Haruhi's Easy]

00:47:320 (1,2,3) - remove body whistle
copy&paste D:


01:33:987 (1) - remove whistle


00:47:320 (1,3) - a small radian can improve the fun of play
02:00:654 (1,3) - ^


00:10:654 (1) -
01:16:070 (2) - 1 grid down and right
this is neat, but still mind that there are some meaningless overlap or tiny spacing change
for example


01:12:737 (1) - stack
I'm lazy zz


00:46:070 (6) -
01:26:070 (4) - 2 grids right. and please reset sldier 2&3---make them wholly stacked
02:11:903 (8) - this might be unrankable, number of note is totally covered and there isn't anything that remind players

I wonder why I was thinking of ykcarrot while modding

Topic Starter

LKs wrote:

From 【All requests posted here will be modded】 queue


  1. You intended to make kiai-times the same but there are still some diffenence
  2. useless timing sections check:
    Warning: [Easy] 01:24:404
    Warning: [Easy] 01:47:736
    Warning: [Hard] 01:50:237
    Warning: [Hard] 01:59:404
    Warning: [Hard] 02:37:320
    Warning: [Haruhi's Easy] 00:34:403
    Warning: [Haruhi's Easy] 00:43:153
    Warning: [Insane] 00:34:404
    Warning: [KoiSuru_] 01:23:986
    Warning: [Normal] 00:26:070
    Warning: [Normal] 01:47:736
[Haruhi's Easy]

00:47:320 (1,2,3) - remove body whistle
copy&paste D:


01:33:987 (1) - remove whistle


00:47:320 (1,3) - a small radian can improve the fun of play
02:00:654 (1,3) - ^


00:10:654 (1) -
01:16:070 (2) - 1 grid down and right
this is neat, but still mind that there are some meaningless overlap or tiny spacing change
for example


01:12:737 (1) - stack
I'm lazy zz


00:46:070 (6) -
01:26:070 (4) - 2 grids right. and please reset sldier 2&3---make them wholly stacked
02:11:903 (8) - this might be unrankable, number of note is totally covered and there isn't anything that remind players

I wonder why I was thinking of ykcarrot while modding

All Fixed without puush link...
puush is broken now :(

puush wrote:

We are currently experiencing issues with our main server which are out of our control. As a result, some puush'd content is inaccessible at the moment. The actual content is safe and sound, but will not be available again until
UTC 2012-04-02 02:00.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this issue. We are looking at making changes to our infrastructure to avoid this occurring again in the future.

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00:17:320 (1,3) - 두 슬라이더 모든 포인트에 소프트휘슬 더해보세요.
00:18:987 (4,5) - 여기는 각각 끝에만 소프트휘슬
00:19:820 (6) - 앞이랑 중간에 소프트휘슬
01:33:987 (1,2) - 스페이싱이 조금 신경 쓰이네요
02:13:015 (1,2,3,4,5) - 1번 1/6 슬라이더 위치가 많이 떨어져있어서 시간격이 있는 줄 알았습니다. 2번 노트자리에 1번을 놓고 나머지 노트들은 한 자리씩 뒤로 옮겨보세요.
02:14:404 (1) - 앞의 5번 노트로부터 스페이싱이 반이 되면서 뉴콤보 들어간건 좋은데요, 이 부분 음악이 기다리는 느낌이 있습니다. 아까 모딩에서 5번 노트가 제일 밑으로 갔기 때문에, 5번 위에 스택시켜보세요.

노래 조쿠나 :lol:
Topic Starter

ykcarrot wrote:

00:17:320 (1,3) - 두 슬라이더 모든 포인트에 소프트휘슬 더해보세요.
00:18:987 (4,5) - 여기는 각각 끝에만 소프트휘슬
00:19:820 (6) - 앞이랑 중간에 소프트휘슬
01:33:987 (1,2) - 스페이싱이 조금 신경 쓰이네요
02:13:015 (1,2,3,4,5) - 1번 1/6 슬라이더 위치가 많이 떨어져있어서 시간격이 있는 줄 알았습니다. 2번 노트자리에 1번을 놓고 나머지 노트들은 한 자리씩 뒤로 옮겨보세요.
02:14:404 (1) - 앞의 5번 노트로부터 스페이싱이 반이 되면서 뉴콤보 들어간건 좋은데요, 이 부분 음악이 기다리는 느낌이 있습니다. 아까 모딩에서 5번 노트가 제일 밑으로 갔기 때문에, 5번 위에 스택시켜보세요.

노래 조쿠나 :lol:
이 모딩덕에 불필요한 wav파일 정리하고 전부 새로 맞춤 ㅠㅠ
노말클렙이랑 소프트휘슬을 같이 사용하게 만드려고...
Long time no see

[Haruhi's Easy]
01:13:987 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This parts needs more hitsounds
02:13:987 (1) - Overlapped by spinner-osu, makes hidden at gameplay
02:14:820 (2) - Covered by hitbursts, it's hidden while gameplay
02:27:320 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This parts needs more hitsounds

00:20:654 (5) - Finish?
00:35:654 (2) - The tail slider is almost offscreen (just a warning)

00:46:487 (7) - The tail slider is touch the HP Bar (just a warning)
00:57:945 (2) - What's the point having a finish hitsound in tail slider?
01:14:403 (1) - Covered by hitbursts from spinner, it's hidden while gameplay
01:14:820 (2,3) - Overlapped by spinner-osu, makes hidden at gameplay
02:24:820 (4) - The tail slider is almost offscreen (just a warning)
02:27:737 (1) - Same issue as 01:14:403 (1)

00:11:279 (2) - The head slider is touch the HP Bar (just a warning)
00:20:654 (1) - Sudden 0,5x slider can makes players confusing
00:53:570 (1) - Clap?
02:06:904 (1) - ^

00:32:841 (6) - This one shouldn't using a normal hitsound
01:09:820 (3) - This object is almost offscreen (just a warning)
01:25:029 (3) - The tail slider is almost offscreen (just a warning)

Ok then, bye
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Long time no see

[Haruhi's Easy]
01:13:987 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This parts needs more hitsounds
02:13:987 (1) - Overlapped by spinner-osu, makes hidden at gameplay
02:14:820 (2) - Covered by hitbursts, it's hidden while gameplay
02:27:320 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This parts needs more hitsounds

00:20:654 (5) - Finish?
00:35:654 (2) - The tail slider is almost offscreen (just a warning)

00:46:487 (7) - The tail slider is touch the HP Bar (just a warning)
00:57:945 (2) - What's the point having a finish hitsound in tail slider?
01:14:403 (1) - Covered by hitbursts from spinner, it's hidden while gameplay
01:14:820 (2,3) - Overlapped by spinner-osu, makes hidden at gameplay
02:24:820 (4) - The tail slider is almost offscreen (just a warning)
02:27:737 (1) - Same issue as 01:14:403 (1)

00:11:279 (2) - The head slider is touch the HP Bar (just a warning)
00:20:654 (1) - Sudden 0,5x slider can makes players confusing
00:53:570 (1) - Clap?
02:06:904 (1) - ^

00:32:841 (6) - This one shouldn't using a normal hitsound
01:09:820 (3) - This object is almost offscreen (just a warning)
01:25:029 (3) - The tail slider is almost offscreen (just a warning)

Ok then, bye
Topic Starter

Hello :)

[Haruhi's Easy]

00:33:570 - Unless green line
00:46:070 (5) - add clap?
01:46:903 - Unless green line
02:00:653 - ^
02:06:695 - ^
02:27:736 - ^
02:37:320 (1) - End at 02:40:40:654 ?


I do not suggest to reduce speed in NORMAL difficulty
00:25:654 (3) - Neatly surround
02:07:320 (2) - Move third point ↓ 1 Grid. Move second point ← 1 Grid. Move fourth point → 1 Grid. (Grid Lv4)
02:11:279 (2) - Wrong distance

[KoiSuru's Hard]

00:33:986 - Unless green line
00:34:403 - ^
00:50:654 (1) - So close of distance
00:58:570 - Unless green line
01:13:986 - Offset+1 of the green line
01:52:945 (6) - Stack it with 01:52:112 (4) at end perfectly
02:40:654 (1) - Why decrease SV here?


01:24:612 (2,3) - Slider at end stack with 01:25:654 (2,4) perfectly
01:26:279b (1,2) - Ctrl+R

that all
Topic Starter
Thanks! ERT
K i A i
02:40:653 (1) - If it looks very strange, I'll remove it. but I don't think it looks strange.

Download: Choucho - Happy Fate (Ra-s) [KoiSuru_].osu
K i A i
Hi ^^

On all diff's should be identical slider tick rate

00:06:904 - lift this note
00:23:779 - make slider shorter to big white section
00:40:654 - add note
01:16:070 - to low >< lift it or put in other place
01:16:070 - remove NC
01:22:737 - remove tis slider and put notes on white sections
01:23:987 - remove NC
01:47:112 -remove this note
01:54:195 - ^
02:00:029 - lift this note
02:25:237(4,5) - ^

KoiSuru's Hard
Hm... strange as on Hard and on Insane identical Slider Velocity. On hard it's should have smaller values

00:44:820 - add note
00:48:987 - make this slider more roundish and symmetric
00:56:487 - this sound better
01:52:112 - lift this slider
02:25:029 - add note

00:48:570 - add note
00:50:237 - ^
02:01:904 - ^
02:03:570 - ^
Topic Starter

Katty Pie wrote:

Hi ^^

On all diff's should be identical slider tick rate

00:06:904 - lift this note
00:23:779 - make slider shorter to big white section
00:40:654 - add note
01:16:070 - to low >< lift it or put in other place
01:16:070 - remove NC
01:22:737 - remove tis slider and put notes on white sections
01:23:987 - remove NC
01:47:112 -remove this note
01:54:195 - ^
02:00:029 - lift this note
02:25:237(4,5) - ^

KoiSuru's Hard
Hm... strange as on Hard and on Insane identical Slider Velocity. On hard it's should have smaller values

00:44:820 - add note
00:48:987 - make this slider more roundish and symmetric
00:56:487 - this sound better
01:52:112 - lift this slider
02:25:029 - add note

00:48:570 - add note
00:50:237 - ^
02:01:904 - ^
02:03:570 - ^
K i A i
Difficulty name is just name.

KoiSuru's Hard~ :D

-ignored modding-
00:56:487 - this sound better
01:52:112 - lift this slider
/Sorry.. I don't wanna remap again this part.
02:25:029 - add note
/It is too difficult part.

Thank you :oops:

Download: Choucho - Happy Fate (Ra-s) [KoiSuru's Hard].osu
Well, I start by saying
Mapper can use what Slider tick they want in their map. No one can force you nonsensed and self-invented rules saying to use the same slidertick in all diffs.
  1. +6ms Offset (660)
[Haruhi's Easy]
  1. [Rhythm]
    1. you made it too easy and forced, as so it suffer from the drawback of it being not fun, you visibly copypasted patterns.... i would suggest using higher SV and Spacing to make something less boring
  1. [General]
    1. 00:47:326 (1) - the slow part is TOO easy for a normal... just use this rhythm n' graphic

      *images are done in low AR to prevent using too many screenshots
      02:00:660 (1,2,3,4) - Similiar to ^
  2. [Graphic]
    1. like Insane, the graphic part can be smoother, blanket adjusted and so
[KoiSuru's Hard]
  1. [Rhythm]
    1. 00:05:243 (4,5,6) - It's 1/6 though... use a single slider?
      00:58:576 (5) - Pretty difficult to discerm, a simple 1/2 slider?
  2. [Graphic]
    1. 00:03:785 (1,3) - The (3) shape looks not good after a linear slider and in that point- do like you done in other parts?
    2. 00:09:826 (7) - Curving it, make this look cuter :D
    3. 00:35:451 (3,4,5) - Avoidable overlap
      00:42:535 (6,7,8) - unnecessary overlap, move (8) ?
      01:46:910 (10) - similiar to 00:09:826 (7) -
Interesting, need graphical refining however
  1. [Rhythmn]
    1. 00:05:035 (1) - +2 repeats to fully follow the 1/6 streams
  2. [Graphic]
    1. You can make the map smoother by adjusting the various blanket like 00:01:487 (3) - (Adjusted) and 00:01:904 (4) - Adjusted. And there are yet many to adjust
Yuno with the wedding suit is cute :3
Topic Starter

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

Well, I start by saying
Mapper can use what Slider tick they want in their map. No one can force you nonsensed and self-invented rules saying to use the same slidertick in all diffs.
  1. +6ms Offset (660)
[Haruhi's Easy]
  1. [Rhythm]
    1. you made it too easy and forced, as so it suffer from the drawback of it being not fun, you visibly copypasted patterns.... i would suggest using higher SV and Spacing to make something less boring
  1. [General]
    1. 00:47:326 (1) - the slow part is TOO easy for a normal... just use this rhythm n' graphic

      *images are done in low AR to prevent using too many screenshots
      02:00:660 (1,2,3,4) - Similiar to ^
  2. [Graphic]
    1. like Insane, the graphic part can be smoother, blanket adjusted and so
[KoiSuru's Hard]
  1. [Rhythm]
    1. 00:05:243 (4,5,6) - It's 1/6 though... use a single slider?
      00:58:576 (5) - Pretty difficult to discerm, a simple 1/2 slider?
  2. [Graphic]
    1. 00:03:785 (1,3) - The (3) shape looks not good after a linear slider and in that point- do like you done in other parts?
    2. 00:09:826 (7) - Curving it, make this look cuter :D
    3. 00:35:451 (3,4,5) - Avoidable overlap
      00:42:535 (6,7,8) - unnecessary overlap, move (8) ?
      01:46:910 (10) - similiar to 00:09:826 (7) -
Interesting, need graphical refining however
  1. [Rhythmn]
    1. 00:05:035 (1) - +2 repeats to fully follow the 1/6 streams
  2. [Graphic]
    1. You can make the map smoother by adjusting the various blanket like 00:01:487 (3) - (Adjusted) and 00:01:904 (4) - Adjusted. And there are yet many to adjust
Yuno with the wedding suit is cute :3
K i A i
Megurine Luka

The second ChouCho song I modded these days.

Unrankable if in red and bold
Consider if in bold only
Suggested if in normal font

*Even though there was a ranked version of Choucho's song. You'd better change your artist into "ChouCho". The artist recently change her name. You can check her official website.
*I suggest you start all diff from the same timing point.

*Even though not going to make any change.. But you can disable the letterbox in breaks.


00:29:820 (4) - do not really suggest overlap in Easy. I notice you use a lot overlap in this diff and I suggest you change them all. Overlap is very difficult for Easy players. And also 00:56:487 (2) - new babies are not able to deal with these kinds of overlap.
00:55:445 (1) - spacing, hmmm I notice lots of spacing problem in this diff and in kiai you seems change the spacing multiply. You'd better adjust them all by using the distance snapping. All kinds of spacing change is not allowed in E diff.

Not going to continue with this diff :)


00:06:904 (1,2) - hmm, maybe try
Sorry my puush is having some problem so I can only have the full screenshot for you :<
00:19:820 (2,3) - try make 3 and 1 on the same vertical line like
00:33:154 (4) - del the fin and put it on 00:33:987 (5)
00:47:320 (1) - Slider velocity change is not suggested in Normal.
00:47:320 (1) - I suggest add a default whistle sound on it O_O
01:26:487 (4) - ^ on tail
02:00:654 (1) - same as previous
02:06:904 (1) - better change to another place. Firstly it's overlap with the previous note. Secondly they're too close and Normal player will not realize they need to wait until the break end and then click.
02:17:320 (1) - overlap the tail of 3?


00:55:445 (7) - NC
00:58:570 (5) - don't really need 1/8, I suggest you change it into 1/4 slider
02:13:987 (1) - move the fin on tail to the slider head
02:24:820 (3) - CTRL+R seems more fluent


00:25:445 (3) - Ctrl+R?
00:30:445 (1) - ^
00:47:320 (4) - NC due to slider velocity change
00:58:570 (8) - Hard for players to notify it's a slider. This makes it unrankable. Change it into a 1/4 slider or use circles
01:47:320 (8) - +fin on head

Others are fine~I think that's all and Good Luck!
Topic Starter

Megurine Luka wrote:


The second ChouCho song I modded these days.

Unrankable if in red and bold
Consider if in bold only
Suggested if in normal font

*Even though there was a ranked version of Choucho's song. You'd better change your artist into "ChouCho". The artist recently change her name. You can check her official website.
*I suggest you start all diff from the same timing point.

*Even though not going to make any change.. But you can disable the letterbox in breaks.


00:29:820 (4) - do not really suggest overlap in Easy. I notice you use a lot overlap in this diff and I suggest you change them all. Overlap is very difficult for Easy players. And also 00:56:487 (2) - new babies are not able to deal with these kinds of overlap.
00:55:445 (1) - spacing, hmmm I notice lots of spacing problem in this diff and in kiai you seems change the spacing multiply. You'd better adjust them all by using the distance snapping. All kinds of spacing change is not allowed in E diff.

Not going to continue with this diff :)


00:06:904 (1,2) - hmm, maybe try
Sorry my puush is having some problem so I can only have the full screenshot for you :<
00:19:820 (2,3) - try make 3 and 1 on the same vertical line like
00:33:154 (4) - del the fin and put it on 00:33:987 (5)
00:47:320 (1) - Slider velocity change is not suggested in Normal.
00:47:320 (1) - I suggest add a default whistle sound on it O_O
01:26:487 (4) - ^ on tail
02:00:654 (1) - same as previous
02:06:904 (1) - better change to another place. Firstly it's overlap with the previous note. Secondly they're too close and Normal player will not realize they need to wait until the break end and then click.
02:17:320 (1) - overlap the tail of 3?


00:55:445 (7) - NC
00:58:570 (5) - don't really need 1/8, I suggest you change it into 1/4 slider
02:13:987 (1) - move the fin on tail to the slider head
02:24:820 (3) - CTRL+R seems more fluent


00:25:445 (3) - Ctrl+R?
00:30:445 (1) - ^
00:47:320 (4) - NC due to slider velocity change
00:58:570 (8) - Hard for players to notify it's a slider. This makes it unrankable. Change it into a 1/4 slider or use circles
01:47:320 (8) - +fin on head

Others are fine~I think that's all and Good Luck!
change something

Haruhi sama is AFK ;_; I removed Haruhi's Easy...
Oh.I will comeback sometime :O
Topic Starter

Haruhi_sama wrote:

Oh.I will comeback sometime :O
When? Are you busy now? ;_;

Ra-s wrote:

Haruhi_sama wrote:

Oh.I will comeback sometime :O
When? Are you busy now? ;_;

I'm not not very busy now :O
Shohei Ohtani
I better find a lot of stuff or I'll feel really bad for getting 2kds.

I'm not a big fan of the green combocolor.
01:27:320 (3) - Add finish and/or whistle?

01:19:820 (1,2,3,4) - Make the curves more notable or make them straight~

Circle Size +1. I'll be modding the map with this change done. It's too overwhelming to have the circles that big for this kinda diff.

00:18:570 (3) - Add clap on beginning of slider
00:19:404 (1) - Add clap
00:25:029 (2) - Extend to red tick, or add a note on the red tick
00:53:570 (1) - Add clap on here with louder volume
02:06:904 (1) - Add clap

00:52:737 - Unneccesary Timing Point
00:53:570 (1) - Make volume louder and add clap~
02:00:654 (1) - A bit unsymmetric
02:06:904 (1) - Add clap

00:47:320 (1) - Raise last sliderpoint :>
02:00:654 (1) - ^

dammit people in my queue stop making good maps
Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:

I better find a lot of stuff or I'll feel really bad for getting 2kds.

I'm not a big fan of the green combocolor.
01:27:320 (3) - Add finish and/or whistle?

01:19:820 (1,2,3,4) - Make the curves more notable or make them straight~

Circle Size +1. I'll be modding the map with this change done. It's too overwhelming to have the circles that big for this kinda diff.

00:18:570 (3) - Add clap on beginning of slider
00:19:404 (1) - Add clap
00:25:029 (2) - Extend to red tick, or add a note on the red tick
00:53:570 (1) - Add clap on here with louder volume
02:06:904 (1) - Add clap

00:52:737 - Unneccesary Timing Point
00:53:570 (1) - Make volume louder and add clap~
02:00:654 (1) - A bit unsymmetric
02:06:904 (1) - Add clap

00:47:320 (1) - Raise last sliderpoint :>
02:00:654 (1) - ^

dammit people in my queue stop making good maps
All Fixed~
Shohei Ohtani
Another star because I can't get this out of my head >33<~.
Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:

Another star because I can't get this out of my head >33<~.
Very Thanks!! :)
Hi,mod from my queue~

00:58:570 (8) - this slider does not fit song. change circle. or slider end point, remove clap.
01:14:612 (2) - Reverse Selection

[KoiSuru's Hard]
00:58:570 (5) - this slider does not fit song. change circle. or slider end point, remove clap.
01:10:445 (5) - NC
01:10:653 (1) - RNC
01:27:320 (6) - add whistle
02:08:779 (6) - NC
02:23:779 (4) - ^
02:23:987 (1) - RNC



[Harushi's Easy]

Normal~Easy is perfect.
That's all~
good luck
Topic Starter

Jupiter wrote:

00:58:570 (8) - this slider does not fit song. change circle. or slider end point, remove clap.
01:14:612 (2) - Reverse Selection - Fixed
K i A i
흠.. 이번꺼는 특별히 바꿀만한건 없어보이는군요 ㅋㅋㅋ
WIll be completed by some days u.u

  1. [Rhythm]
    1. 00:01:904 (4,1) - Do like this?
    2. 00:53:154 (6) - You can add this note, it's the same sound as 00:52:112 (5) end
  2. [Graphic]
    1. I suggest You should pass some time fixing blankets-like pattern to be like (remember to follow the approach for a better reference)
    2. 00:16:695 (2) - Make this symmetric with 00:14:820 (3) start
    3. 00:53:570 (2,3,4,5,6) - It'll be better to compress the stream like (using 0.25x of spacing)
[KoiSuru's Hard]
  1. [Rhythm]
    1. 00:05:237 (4,5,6) - Map that stream fully, but with a slider (use 1/6) ? I know, it's harder(?), but it won't be undermapped)
  2. [Graphic]
    1. 00:03:779 (1,3) - Changing the shapes make the part flow better. As you used a curved slider other times in similiar parts
    2. 00:35:445 (3) - To remove the overlap... i suggest
  1. [Graphic]
    1. 00:09:820 (5) - Fully blanket?
    2. 00:12:320 (3) - Rotate it like this (blanket surprise :D)
    3. 00:14:820 (2) - Nazinazinaziultranazi - 1 grid right for the midwaypoint with grid size 4
    4. I saw that I'll sign only bad blanking... so.... control the map and adjust blankets? (control with the approachcircle)
  1. [Rhythm]
    1. 00:01:070 (2) - Well, make it 1/2 longer and do this
    2. 00:16:487 (3) - I remember a BAT made me change something similiar in one of my easies... well, not that it stay that good there... (follow this suggestion?)
  2. [Graphic]
    1. Control Blankets and blanket-like patterns
  3. [Combo]
    1. 01:21:070 (1) - Move the NC to 01:19:820 (8) -
    2. 01:23:570 (5) - Add NC
    3. 02:34:404 (1) - Move NC to 02:33:154 (8) -
    4. 02:37:321 (5) - Add NC
    (1st break easy)
[Haruhi's Easy]
  1. Change the name to "Haruhi's Beginner". You have another easy and this Easy is TOO easy, so you have the basis to call this Beginner
  2. Why you didn't map the start? anyway... use this as start and as an example of what a beginner should be (copypaste in the start of the "Hit Objects" section in the .osu !)
  3. The difficulty will be better respecting red tick notes and using more slider as you'll see from that example... and the Star Rating will EVEN go down!. Because the thing I don't like about this diff is the using of boring and highly typed rhythm. And that's not what who start the game want to play. Follow music with long slider and a better rhythm that respect music.
K i A i
Topic Starter

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

WIll be completed by some days u.u

  1. [Rhythm]
    1. 00:01:904 (4,1) - Do like this?
    2. 00:53:154 (6) - You can add this note, it's the same sound as 00:52:112 (5) end - Fixed
  2. [Graphic]
    1. I suggest You should pass some time fixing blankets-like pattern to be like (remember to follow the approach for a better reference)
    2. 00:16:695 (2) - Make this symmetric with 00:14:820 (3) start
    3. 00:53:570 (2,3,4,5,6) - It'll be better to compress the stream like (using 0.25x of spacing)
  1. [Graphic]
    1. 00:09:820 (5) - Fully blanket?
    2. 00:12:320 (3) - Rotate it like this (blanket surprise :D) - Fixed
    3. 00:14:820 (2) - Nazinazinaziultranazi - 1 grid right for the midwaypoint with grid size 4 - Fixed
    4. I saw that I'll sign only bad blanking... so.... control the map and adjust blankets? (control with the approachcircle)
  1. [Rhythm]
    1. 00:01:070 (2) - Well, make it 1/2 longer and do this - Fixed
    2. 00:16:487 (3) - I remember a BAT made me change something similiar in one of my easies... well, not that it stay that good there... (follow this suggestion?)
  2. [Graphic]
    1. Control Blankets and blanket-like patterns
  3. [Combo]
    1. 01:21:070 (1) - Move the NC to 01:19:820 (8) -
    2. 01:23:570 (5) - Add NC - Fixed
    3. 02:34:404 (1) - Move NC to 02:33:154 (8) -
    4. 02:37:321 (5) - Add NC - Fixed
    (1st break easy)

01:27:320 (3) - make this finish instead
02:13:987 (5) - make this whistle
02:40:445 (4) - make this clap
is good map! :D

sorry for small mod, this map can't really be any better now! :D
Topic Starter

RusselG wrote:


01:27:320 (3) - make this finish instead
02:13:987 (5) - make this whistle - Changed my all diff
02:40:445 (4) - make this clap
is good map! :D

sorry for small mod, this map can't really be any better now! :D
Thanks~ :)
Add Gasai Yuno in the tags?
Start the offset with soft custom 1 hitsound so you can use hitsounds at the first part too.
The second kiai time should start at 02:13:987 and not to 02:14:404

00:01:070 (2) - Relatively to what I wrote above you should start this slider using SC:1 clap
00:02:737 (3) - ^ Maybe with a lower volume?
00:16:487 (3) - A finish on the end sounds very good to me, add it?
00:33:570 (7) - Remove finish from the head and add a clap. Add finish on the tail
00:43:987 (5) - New combo for symmetry
00:47:320 (1) - A finish sounds good here, add it on the head?
00:53:570 (1) - Spacing.. I suggest you to use distance snap here since this is the easiest diff and it could be confusing for beginners
01:06:487 (7) - Finish on the tail?
01:10:654 (6) - New combo for consistency with 02:23:988 (1)
01:23:570 (1) - Remove new combo and use here instead: 01:23:987 (2)
01:37:738 (4) - New combo
01:43:988 (4) - ^
01:46:904 (7) - Remove finish, add a clap on the head and add a finish on the tail
01:57:321 (5) - New combo for symmetry
02:00:654 (1) - Start this slider with a finish
02:06:904 (1) - Lol this part is copied/pasted. Then use distance snap here too
02:08:779 (3) - Reduce of 1/2 so it fits the vocal
02:13:154 (1) - Why new combo? Remove NC for consistency with 00:59:820 (4). And add a finish on the tail
02:14:404 (1) - Remove finish. You confused this part copying and pastying everything
02:19:821 (7) - Finish on the tail
02:31:488 (6) - New combo
02:33:154 (8) - Finish on the tail
02:36:904 (1) - Same thing I wrote above. Remove NC here and add it to 02:37:321 (2)

00:01:070 (2) - Follow the same hitsounds suggestion I wrote in the "Easy" please
00:16:695 (1) - Remove whistle at the end and add a finish
00:43:987 (5) - New combo?
00:47:320 (1) - Finish
00:53:570 (1) - Spacing.
00:55:237 (1) - Remove NC
01:20:654 (3,4) - Almost touch hp bar, move it elsewhere?
01:57:320 (5) - ew.. copy and paste lolol new combo
02:06:904 (1) - Spacing
02:08:570 (1) - Remove NC
I think there are so much 1/2 sliders with a lot of repeats, so hard for a Normal Diff.
Even if the sound is good I suggest you to check these sliders ;3

[KoiSuru's Hard]
00:17:320 (1) - Finish sounds very good for me here. Add it?
01:20:654 (1) - ^
01:37:529 (1) - Remove nc
01:37:737 (2) - Add nc here instead
02:13:987 (1) - Remove finish from the tail and add it on the head. Where the kiai time SHOULD start, as I wrote in "Geneneral"

00:53:987 (7) - New combo
00:58:570 (8) - Extend this till the blue tick
01:07:320 (1) - Finish on the head
Wao, I really like this map, it's awesome :3

That's all, good luck with it :3/
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:


Add Gasai Yuno in the tags? - ykcarrot said to remove this tags because this is not character songs or related thing
Start the offset with soft custom 1 hitsound so you can use hitsounds at the first part too. - I want to maintain this sounds
The second kiai time should start at 02:13:987 and not to 02:14:404 - because cymbals sound starts at 02:14:404
00:16:695 (1) - Remove whistle at the end and add a finish - whistle sounds are yk's suggestion so i don't want to remove it. but little fix it
K i A i
수정완료했습니다~ :D

파일 올리기 기능 종범이라니....
Hi hi n.n

01:08:987 (3) - Spacing

00:16:070 (4) - 1 gird left to have the same spacing that (2)
00:55:445 (4,5) - This can be confusing, imo

KoiSuru's Hard:


That's all, sorry for my nazi mod u.u
Sorry for my bad English, I hope you serve something.
Good map, good luck~
Topic Starter
I have the exam I can't join the osu until July 12
I'll check your modding on friday :D

Thanks for modding and star!
Nyaa ~
ChouCho ~

00:34:404 (1) - Place where the end of 00:32:320 (6) was.
01:18:154 (6) - New combo?
01:47:738 (1) - Place where the end of 01:45:654 (3) was.

01:02:320 (3) - Place where 01:02:320 (3) ended.
02:17:320 (1) - Place where 02:15:654 (3) ended.

[KoiSuru's Hard]
00:06:070 (2) - Put this in a way that would meet with 00:07:112 (1)
00:19:195 (5) - New combo ?
01:43:362 (7) - Place where (2) was.
01:46:070 (6) - New combo.
02:36:070 (6) - ^

00:56:278 (7) - Stack properly.
01:25:654 (2) - Stack ?
01:26:070 (4) - ^

Well mapped ~
Good luck and star ! >w<
Topic Starter

xXCrystalMoonAnimeXx wrote:

Nyaa ~
ChouCho ~

00:34:404 (1) - Place where the end of 00:32:320 (6) was.
01:18:154 (6) - New combo?
01:47:738 (1) - Place where the end of 01:45:654 (3) was.

01:02:320 (3) - Place where 01:02:320 (3) ended.
02:17:320 (1) - Place where 02:15:654 (3) ended.

[KoiSuru's Hard]
00:06:070 (2) - Put this in a way that would meet with 00:07:112 (1)
00:19:195 (5) - New combo ?
01:43:362 (7) - Place where (2) was.
01:46:070 (6) - New combo.
02:36:070 (6) - ^

00:56:278 (7) - Stack properly.
01:25:654 (2) - Stack ?
01:26:070 (4) - ^

Well mapped ~
Good luck and star ! >w<
Hi from Riki's and Roxas' queue


00:21:070 (1,2) - Make the pattern better like the screenshot
01:23:987 (1,2) - ^
01:33:987 (1,2,3) - ^
02:37:321 (1) - Delete this and copy 01:23:987 (1) - (ctrl+h ctrl+j and 1 grid up)


00:48:987 (3,4,5) - Make the pattern better like the screenshot
02:00:654 (1,2,3) - Copy and paste ^

Other diffs are ok, gj :)
Topic Starter

RoxasGrylls94 wrote:

All Fixed
Thx! :)
K i A i


your first kiai is unsnapped (AiBat said)
same tickrate for all diffs

don't like NC-nazi things. but numbers in easy better to be under 6+
so. here's NC Nazi
00:24:404 (3) - New combo
00:30:654 (4) - ^
01:04:404 (4) - ^
01:16:904 (4) - ^
02:17:737 (4) - ^

00:05:237 (1) - finish?
01:33:987 (1) - whistle+finish? :3
01:45:654 (3,1) - kinda hard to read (for easiest diff)

seems like some parts are copypasted.
anyway, plays good

AR / OD HP Drain + 1 (Normal feels better with this settings)
00:18:570 (3) - add reverse here. fits much better (don't forget to fix spacing after this fix(!))

Same SV as Insane, loool
HP Drain /OD +1 fits with song much better, imo / kinda unbalanced slidervelocity and AR
01:27:320 (6) - whistle?

i like your flow.

02:00:029 (5) - offscreen = unrankable


nice flow in Harder diffs. good hitsounds
good luck
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:


your first kiai is unsnapped (AiBat said) - Fixed
same tickrate for all diffs

don't like NC-nazi things. but numbers in easy better to be under 6+
so. here's NC Nazi
00:24:404 (3) - New combo
00:30:654 (4) - ^
01:04:404 (4) - ^
01:16:904 (4) - ^
02:17:737 (4) - ^
~ - All Fxied

00:05:237 (1) - finish? - Fixed
01:33:987 (1) - whistle+finish? :3
01:45:654 (3,1) - kinda hard to read (for easiest diff)

seems like some parts are copypasted.
anyway, plays good

AR / OD HP Drain + 1 (Normal feels better with this settings) - Fixed
00:18:570 (3) - add reverse here. fits much better (don't forget to fix spacing after this fix(!))

02:00:029 (5) - offscreen = unrankable - Fixed


nice flow in Harder diffs. good hitsounds
good luck
Thanks~ :)
Helpful modding :o
Hi there!
may I critics your Easy diff beatmap?

-Check it out!-

01:12:529 -Kiai time must off at this time-
01:13:987 -you did the Kiai time as well!- :D
02:14:195 -Kiai time must start at this time-

sorry for my bad grammar!
Topic Starter

namichann wrote:

Hi there!
may I critics your Easy diff beatmap?

-Check it out!-

01:12:529 -Kiai time must off at this time-
01:13:987 -you did the Kiai time as well!- :D
02:14:195 -Kiai time must start at this time-

sorry for my bad grammar!
Thx~ :)
19:26 *jieusieu is listening to SV TRIBE - U-n-d-e-r--STANDING! (TV Size)
19:26 jieusieu: dj
19:26 jieusieu: 이게 아니넫
19:26 *jieusieu is listening to Ray - Rakuen PROJECT (TV Size)
19:27 jieusieu: 주시죠 맵
19:27 Ra-s: ㅇㅇ
19:27 Ra-s:
19:28 jieusieu: 난이도 많아.
19:28 Ra-s: 어쩌러ㅏ고
19:28 Ra-s: 그럼 두개만 골라서 해\
19:28 jieusieu: ㅇㅇ
19:31 jieusieu: 01:08:362 (3)- 1그리드 오른쪽
19:31 Ra-s: 뭔 난이도
19:31 jieusieu: 인세인
19:32 jieusieu: 01:13:883- 여기 서클 하나 넣어서 3연타로 만드는게 좋지 않을까.
19:35 Ra-s: 01:08:362 (3)- 멍청아
19:35 Ra-s: lv4로 3칸이잖아 오른쪽으로
19:35 jieusieu: lv3...
19:36 Ra-s: 그래도 이전 서크링랑 0.02x 정도 차이남
19:36 Ra-s: lv4 3칸이랑 lv3 1칸이랑 존나 차이나는데
19:36 Ra-s: 그리고 3연타는 왜 넣음
19:36 jieusieu: 미안 내가 죽일놈이야
19:36 Ra-s: 노래에 들리지도 않는 음을 쳐넣냐
19:36 Ra-s: 왜 니가 죽일놈임
19:37 Ra-s: 니가 기껏 알려준걸 감사하게 받아들이지 않고 따지는 새기가 더 나쁜놈인데
19:37 Ra-s: 내가 더 나쁜놈이잖아 병신아
19:37 Ra-s: ㅉㅉ
19:37 jieusieu: 잡을게 안보이는데 이런거라도 걸어야
19:37 jieusieu: 지!
19:37 Ra-s: ㅇㅇ 그런자세로 모딩해야함
19:37 jieusieu: 그래 니가 나빠
19:37 Ra-s: 난 어짜피 상관없지미ㅏㄴ
19:38 Ra-s: 옜날에 만든건데 왜 문제점을 못잡냐
19:38 Ra-s: 일년넘었나
19:38 jieusieu: 00:29:404 (2,3)-
19:38 Ra-s: 대략 일년된거다
19:38 jieusieu: 나 너무 굽힌거 싫어
19:38 Ra-s: 나도 싫어
19:38 jieusieu: 고쳐
19:38 Ra-s: 싫어
19:38 jieusieu: 왜
19:38 Ra-s: 옛날의 내가 만든걸 왜 클레임을 걸어서 고침
19:38 Ra-s: 예전 매핑스타일을 보존할끄야
19:39 Ra-s: 아니다
19:39 Ra-s: 그냥 바꿀래
19:39 Ra-s: ㄳ
19:40 Ra-s: 이거면 되겠지
19:40 Ra-s: 끝나는 지점은 완전히 동일함
19:40 jieusieu: ㅇㅇ
19:40 jieusieu: 01:17:320 (2,3)-
19:40 jieusieu:
19:40 Ra-s: ?
19:41 Ra-s: 니 그림에서
19:41 Ra-s: 2번슬라이더 시작점이랑 끝점 가운데에
19:41 Ra-s: 3번 서클을 집어넣고서
19:41 Ra-s: 3번서클 잡고 거리측정해봐
19:41 Ra-s: 2번 끝점에 둔 서클이 약간 더 멀거다
19:41 jieusieu: ?
19:41 Ra-s: 끝지점에 놓기 싫은데
19:42 jieusieu: 슬라이더도 고쳐
19:42 Ra-s: 걍 둘래 이건
19:42 jieusieu: ㅇㅇ
19:42 Ra-s: 싫음
19:43 Ra-s: 아니다
19:43 jieusieu: 01:47:737 (1)-
19:43 Ra-s: 1,2,3번 위치 통째로 변경해서 저렇게 만든다 걍
19:43 jieusieu: 굽힐거면 대담하게
19:43 jieusieu: 이래야 사나이지!
19:43 Ra-s: ?
19:43 Ra-s: 안할껀데
19:43 Ra-s: Linear를 저기서 쓸 이유가 없어보임
19:44 jieusieu: 아니야 잘 보면
19:44 jieusieu: 01:46:487 (6)- 이랑도 막 연계되보이지 않음?
19:44 Ra-s: 원래대로 두는게 더 잘 연계된거 같다
19:44 Ra-s: 둘다 굽었잖아
19:44 jieusieu:
19:44 Ra-s: 그리고 누가 그랬었지 아마
19:45 Ra-s: 모딩받으면서 자기 스타일을 바꾸면서 까지 고치지 말라고
19:45 Ra-s: 난 리니어 슬라이더를 저런 중간에 끼어본적이 없다
19:45 Ra-s: 리니어 쓸꺼면 2개이상 써 난
19:45 jieusieu: 헉
19:45 jieusieu: 뉘우치겠슴미다...
19:45 Ra-s: 모딩수 채우기에는 충분한 내용이라 상관없음
19:45 Ra-s: 걍해 ㅇㅇ
19:46 jieusieu: ㅇㅇ
19:46 Ra-s: 시발 태그 오타났따
19:46 Ra-s: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
19:46 jieusieu: 굳종범
19:47 jieusieu: 겟난도 irc 모딩이 될까
19:47 Ra-s: 고쳤으 ㅁ뭐
19:47 Ra-s: 1:1로 직접 말해
19:47 jieusieu: 안 계시잖아.
19:47 jieusieu: 노말 ㄱ
19:47 Ra-s: 보이면 해라
19:47 jieusieu: 두개만 할건데
19:47 Ra-s: 노말 할꺼 많으니 ㄱㄱ
19:47 Ra-s: 이지 노말은 거들떠도 안봤으니 난
19:48 jieusieu: 완성도 높은데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
19:48 Ra-s: 무슨 개소리
19:48 Ra-s: 내가 혐오하는 노말임
19:48 jieusieu: 솔직히 이지 노말은
19:49 jieusieu: 봐도 뭔지 모르겠어
19:49 Ra-s: 이지는 그나마 최근에 만든거고
19:49 Ra-s: 노말은 존니스트 오래됌
19:49 jieusieu: 그리고 이거 복붙이잖아 2절
19:49 Ra-s: ㅇ
19:50 jieusieu: 이거 지적ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
19:50 Ra-s: 이지,노말 복붙 해도 되는걸 굳이 왜 또 만들까
19:50 jieusieu: 넌 하드도 그랬잖아
19:50 Ra-s: 그건 겟난이잖아
19:50 Ra-s: 겟난 긴거 받으면 그럼
19:50 jieusieu: 헉!
19:51 jieusieu: 안보여
19:52 jieusieu: 그래 나도 난이도 하나니까 모딩도 난이도 하나만 하는건 어때
19:52 Ra-s: 하나밖에 없잖아
19:53 Ra-s: 니가 난이도 하나 줄였으니
19:53 Ra-s: 나도 하나 줄여도 됌?
19:53 jieusieu: 아니...
19:53 jieusieu: 일 빼기 일은 백순데??
19:53 Ra-s: ㅇㅇ
19:53 jieusieu: 미안 말하고 쪽팔리다
19:53 Ra-s: 쨋든 로그같이 올려라
19:54 jieusieu: 지금 이거 그냥 올려도 되나
19:54 Ra-s: ㅇㅇ 스포일러 박스로
19:54 Ra-s: 올려
19:54 jieusieu: ㅇㅇ
K i A i
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