
TheFatRat - Mayday (feat. Laura Brehm)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, May 21, 2018 at 10:36:54 AM

Artist: TheFatRat
Title: Mayday (feat. Laura Brehm)
Tags: tsurumi 2b experimental slider overlap the fat rat universal music group spinnin' records
BPM: 37.5
Filesize: 22840kb
Play Time: 04:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. [2B] Calling Out Mayday (6.59 stars, 1049 notes)
Download: TheFatRat - Mayday (feat. Laura Brehm)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Experimental 2B slider overlap map

Redownload if you downloaded before May 21st, 2018

Ideal settings:

WARNING! The end can drop frames!

Tone down the above settings as you see fit if your computer can't handle the map.

Huge thanks to Medb for all the image selection/creation/editing and idea discussions, BTMC and Doomsday for hyping the map, and all my friends for playtesting! Credits to storybrew for the storyboard production. Also shoutouts to my computer calculator for doing all that math.

"Best Performance"
Divide your acc by 51.51% to calculate your actual acc!

"SS" is 51.51%: 286 300's and 763 100's, "Max Combo" is 1162x.

(Auto gets almost 53%: 307-309 300's due to inhuman aiming. This may vary due to computer performance.)

Theoretical best possible acc is 57.61%: 382 300's and 667 100's, Actual Max Combo is 1258x. See my notes for details. I did not intend this but you can get additional 300s and combo by grabbing the slider end of the first slider on each overlap pattern. If you get over 51.51%, personally, I'd call it an SSS.

Technical Insight
A slider functions by having its head clicked and its body held. Note that its tail only requires aiming at the proper time.

Interestingly, while a slider is in motion, some objects are blocked from interaction: specifically spinners, slider ticks/reverse arrows, and slider tails. These objects behave as if you completely ignore them, even if you tried to interact with them. In other words, while a main slider is active, only hitcircles and slider heads work properly.

In addition, other sliders cannot be held during a main slider. This means that the sliders in my overlap patterns will always force a 100 except the first slider in the pattern, i.e. the main slider. JULY 2019 UPDATE: The sliders actually force 100s because the game only lets you hit one sliderend every frame. Sliders stacked in this manner can actually be SSed as long as the sliderends are staggered in the order their heads appeared. This can be observed in my map, Snail's House - Lullaby. Note that sliderends are actually 36 ms before where they're shown to be in game, requiring the staggering delay to be at least 36 ms. I greatly abuse this particular mechanic to create complex sliders in another (unfinished) map of mine, TheFatRat - The Calling (feat. Laura Brehm). By design, I treat the main slider as identical to the sub-sliders to minimize the reading and tapping strain on the player. However, it is possible to get a 300 on the main slider as long as the player holds its body in a manner similar to a regular slider. This opens up options for actual 2B overlapping slider design where the main slider can reasonably give a 300.

Where 2B runs into a wall is the concept of autofail. This occurs when objects are unloaded during a map's run time, causing a checksum error at the end of the map because the number of objects is unequal to the number of registered hits & misses. Sliders can get unloaded when there are objects beneath them, though the details are still up in the air. Hitcircles, though always playable, can unload sliders (this needs more research to be properly understood). Slider heads, on the other hand, can never unload a slider while slider tails are what can (I assume). This is why my patterns all have their sliders converging in time, as the end of a slider is safe ground for any object. In other words, overlapping sliders and having them all end at the same time will never run the risk of autofail. By the way, autofail has been fixed now but unloaded objects still prevent score submission from happening!

P.S. osu!lazer should fix all of these issues! Probably!

Time Spent
  1. Total: About 50 hours
  2. Mapping: About 35 hours
  3. Hitsounding: About 5 hours
  4. Storyboarding: About 10 hours
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