
What is this element called? Can't find it in the skinning guide

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Specifically, the numbers on the right side that tracks the amount of clicks on a replay. They don't seem to have a background on my skin, making them hard to see, and i want to add one but don't know what it's called and how to add it. Thanks
If you want to change the color of the text in the key input overlay, go to your skin's skin.ini file, open it with notepad, and find a line called InputOverlayText. If there is no line with InputOverlayText, make one under the [Colours] section. Now change the RGB value that follows it to a color you want. So if you want white text, the line should be "InputOverlayText: 255,255,255" without the quotes. Afterwards, save the skin.ini file, go back in game and do ctrl+alt+shift+s to refresh your skin.
For changing them, there's scoreentry-XYZ
where XYZ is numbers 0-9, comma, dot, x, and percent
my name is hi
That moment when you ask how to add a background but two people reply "CHANGE DA COLOOOOOOWWW"
There's 2 ways to add a background, you can either add an inputoverlay-background (that will add color behind the keys), or you can add an inputoverlay-key which will be copied on all 4 keys and will expand and change color when you click.

If your resolution is bigger than 800px in height, make sure to use @2x elements, which will have double the canvas size of standard elements.
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