
Mapping With Rewards / Feedback

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Since Mapping With Rewards is kind of my thing to run right now:

I'm looking for feedback for future iterations of it.
  1. How do you feel about the songs for the current iteration?
  2. How do you feel about the current ruleset?
  3. Is there something that could be changed about the contest itself to make it more pleasant to compete in?

I'm having a few ideas on the topic myself but I'd like to hear what you people think before just going ahead with my own ideas.
Just get more 'mappable' songs
no collabs for "coherent" sets is a turn-off for me personally, and i usually enter every contest

oh yeah and saying that the competition won't run without enough participants is not helping me join either cause there's almost no chance ctb will get enough participants. makes our efforts worthless if we join.
simply said this contest has way too many obstacles to run for catch
The contest format for FA songs sucks, not to any fault of your own, Okoratu. It was always going to be a herculean task to get people interested enough for it to be viable.

Kinda talked about this in the Mapper's Guild thread, but implementing a rewards system for FA songs, but not under a "contest" system where people only have a chance to win for mapping entire mapsets is how you get more people interested.

Might be too optimistic, but extending such a thing to the entire pool of FA songs instead of just a handful would get the ball rolling. Seems like a lot to ask for the current pool of QAT in terms of organisation/management, but more people could be added to help for that purpose.

If you choose not to go ahead with this and continue with the contest format, I'd like to see a community poll for the next one, to gauge the songs people are most interested in being mapped/playing.
Nao Tomori
i don't understand the point about cohesive sets... i mean it makes sense to not have someone enter with a normal and a hard and then 3 gd insanes and extras ofc, but making a spread like nhiix with a lower diffs gds is pretty normal. and cohesive doesnt make any sense since people tend to only play one diff at a time, so having the diffs line up extraordinarily well seems rather pointless to me.
i think there is like a minimum of effort to produce to get a badge, which is making the whole set yourself sooooo yeah i ofc agree with this part of the rules but perphaps the "coherent" spread explanation should be switched with what i said. making an entire set in 3 6 months isn't supposed to be a big deal :roll:

also a big part of the judging is about the contestant's ability to make a set, not just some random part of it... that shouldn't even be brought as an issue imo

i think either the communication/advertising about this is off (it is) and/or ppl are generally not interested because of the song choices or the rewards (which i find pretty ok)
as someone who mapped the cut version of the namirin song, i like that it's treated with equal weight as the full version now lol. i just wish the cut version of that song included the more climactic chorus instead of the first 2 samey ones. worth keeping in mind for later song cuts

even when mapping the most populated mode, it's demotivating to hear that "if a song doesn't get enough participation, it won't get judged." i wouldn't be against having less songs to choose from, which would solve that

the long submission period makes it less appealing to me. i know it's based on the original's nonexistent deadline, but uh i didn't like that either. with such a long mapping period, there's no incentive to start right away, and by the time the deadline is nearing its end, i've got no interest in participating. a short submission period makes it feel more hype for some reaosn

the "coherency" thing rejecting gds shouldn't be a factor for submissions. if anything, it could be a factor for judging, allowing sets with gds that are coherent to be acceptable and making incoherent sets lose their chance at winning
I dunno if its a surprise, but if the idea of how the winning entires will get exposed may motivate mappers. "special placement" is kinda too vague.

MaridiuS wrote:

I dunno if its a surprise, but if the idea of how the winning entires will get exposed may motivate mappers. "special placement" is kinda too vague.
I doubt it will be more than it was before - "bundled in", not motivated many mappers to participate. Agree with pishifat about huge deadlines and bad cuts and with Naotoshi on cohesive sets. Side note - I see that ranked became more accessible and people may don't want to map okayish quality full set get 3rd-4th place and observe how their efforts rot in graveyard in the end. Personally I would like to participate but don't feel like I want to map full set of difficulties.
I know some people who saw pishi and Lasse maps and just gave up before even trying, I wonder why... I don't think a competition based on judges is the best way to incentive people mapping FA, but that's another matter.

The competition itself probably would work better if it was difficulty submission not completed mapsets, since most people don't like mapping full spreads unless they actually like a lot the song they're mapping, which usually is not the case in mapping competitions. Even with anime/metal/eletronic variety you can't really expect that a lot of people will find any of them interesting enough to map full spread because music taste is just as personal as it can get. There's also the loosing/not ranking factor that most likelly will lead people to have a negative experience towards FA mapping. So yeah, people might not think it's worth the effort of a full spread, but a single diff? That's more tangible.
For Point 3
  1. Is there something that could be changed about the contest itself to make it more pleasant to compete in?

For Next MWR Contest, open a pre-registration system.
To see if there is enough people interest on participating, 'ALONG' with map pool to be vote

People that registered on the contest must participate when the contest start.
If they failed to submit, they will receive a proper punishment. (The community can help to decide that)
Maybe there should be a prize for 1st runner up or something like that, it's too hard to compete with the experienced one.
The initial design of MWR felt like a 'bounty' system to me, so if someone maps the song in a good quality in a designated period, they get a reward. Now, it feels nothing much different with a regular 'mapping contest'. I think MWR needs its own identity compared to the old MBC. Otherwise, I personally wouldn't care if the two contests get merged as there are already lots of inofficial mapping contests running.
Honestly the song choices were either too bland or just really didn't suit mapping this time (for mania at least). Out of the 3 tracks, I only attempted to map the Fractal Dreamers song as it was the only one appealing to me (Loki's track sounded too generic). I got about 40% in, and then deleted the mapset since I knew what I was going to map wasn't going to represent the song well and I had no way to represent it with the choices I wanted to make.

This isn't to say these artists are bad artists, they have much better songs to choose from though such as:

- Anything Thaehan

Fractal Dreamers:
- Infinity Chasers
- Paradigm Shift

It's all about choosing something which suits each game mode, which is something usually with a strong beat and a good rhythm but not something that sounds the same for 4 minutes.
Song Choices were meh. Nothing really exciting in terms of rhythm gaming. I mapped Loki's song, and I think it was barely exciting enough. You need songs with complex structures.

I think you need strike a balance between what you want to be created, how much time there should be given to create it, and how much interest would maintained over that time. For example, doing an entire spread over the course of 6 months is reasonable (no way I would have done 4 difficulties within a span of a month), but interest dies down by the end of it such that you almost forget about the contest. Therefore, making a spread would lead to eventual disinterest considering how much time is needed for it. Spending a month to make a difficulty is reasonable, and I don't think much of the interest will be lost within a month.
Yes a prize for 1st runner up , :P
anna apple

also why is it even called mapping with rewards, X participants - 1 don't get anything for mapping lol

also ye a lot of people I Know don't really like the song choice :(
results to this things are still not out

the heck?

abraker wrote:

results to this things are still not out

the heck?

I think the same thing happened like before, not many people mapping the songs, I guess they just gave up on it for inactivity.
Not to blame though, there hasnt been like a soft reminder on the osu!weekly so :/
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judging is underway but i keep forgetting to actaully whip people lol

Taco seems to be judged
ctb forgot to even submit more than 1 entry
mania i have no idea
osu is mostly just me forgetting that i exist

I'm also still trying to come up with how the next round of this is supposed to work because clearly people don't find the current shape of it engaging enough to actually do stufF
results when

Okoratu wrote:

mania i have no idea
Topic Starter
I still have no idea for mania, taiko and osu are (mostly) done

if i can get the others to finish i can announce the winners soon and also the format for this set of contests going forward
Let's hopefully this contest isn't been cancelled because of lack of participants, it felt a waste of effort for people who attended it

Also results when

Firis Mistlud wrote:

Let's hopefully this contest isn't been cancelled because of lack of participants, it felt a waste of effort for people who attended it

Also results when
I would like have someone to be aware of it, it's almost 10 months after the extended deadline and the results are not even announced til this day. Can someone in the judging team at least have some reports about the progress of this contest instead of forgetting it just like nothing has happened?

I am very disappointed with the efficiency on this contest, compared to other contest wouldn't take longer than this.
is anything still happening with this? been over a year since the extended deadline passed, and nearly two years since the initial announcement
My submission for osu!mania didn't even get put in the spreadsheet
bruh tfw the results came out after 20 style reiteration after submitted the entry
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