
Hamtaro skin examples

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Dark Deception_old
I have some examples on the Hamtaro skin. I will try and get the entire skin finished.

Here is one of the examples:

nice! i might make a sonic skin in my free-time
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Dark Deception_old
Okay. Now here's the meter gauge:

are you ripping sprites, or getting them from the net? Cause if your ripping, i have a few ideas
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Dark Deception_old
Well... I don't have an emulator, so I have to both get them from the internet and become creative.

Anyways, Here's the Hamtaro sprite for each condition on the meter:

oh, nvm then, maybe the spinner should be a giant sunflower seed?
I don't know if Hamtaro has one, but a hamster wheel would make a cute spinner. :)
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Dark Deception_old
I am kinda going to make the spinner a sunflower, just so I can chafe out the situation. But when I get back into working on the mod, I will send more pics.
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Dark Deception_old
I'm back! And I have got the sprites.

maybe the X could be when hamtaro is covering his head?
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Dark Deception_old
I did have a sprite of Hamtaro holding some kind of... you'll see when I send it out, okay?
might be the ham-ham dictionary
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Dark Deception_old
:shock: Are you guys trying to think about a spinner idea? :shock: I'm trying as hard as posible to get a miss icon and get the spinner done. I'll try and show it to you when I'm done, okay? ;)
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Dark Deception_old
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Dark Deception_old
Don't sweat it Homestarrunner. He's going to get it back up on friday. ^_^
It all looks very cute, but I'm afraid it might be a bit big and intruding.
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Dark Deception_old
Hmm... Feels like the delay's getting on me. When is Eugen's internet be back up? But, I'm still not canceling it! If you want to make some of the sprites in my place, show it to me, okay?
Although you may not be able to get back on the computer for a while, you might be able to write down a list of what to do to finish up the skin; start drawing up some ideas with a pencil and paper.

Here's my suggestion:

You know when you fill up the spinner bar all the way, and at the end of the spinner, you get a message that says, 押忍!or "Oh Yeah!"
You should have yours say, "Grooba!"
Topic Starter
Dark Deception_old

Oddbrother wrote:

Although you may not be able to get back on the computer for a while, you might be able to write down a list of what to do to finish up the skin; start drawing up some ideas with a pencil and paper.

Here's my suggestion:

You know when you fill up the spinner bar all the way, and at the end of the spinner, you get a message that says, 押忍!or "Oh Yeah!"
You should have yours say, "Grooba!"
Uh, I was still thinking of is like "Hamu-riffic!" or something like that. :|

Dark Deception wrote:

Uh, I was still thinking of is like "Hamu-riffic!" or something like that. :|
Hamtaro has like 2 games for GameBoy and there are books with Ham-Ham words/phrases and what that mean that you have to find out by talking to other hamsters and helping them. you can look those up, and if i find my games i'll help

EDIT: some i can see from my games are;
Grooba (like Oddbrother said)
Greatchu (Great)
Hamtast (Perfect)
Wondachu (Wonderful)
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Dark Deception_old
I haven't responded to that in a long time, but thanks.

Also, I have great news! Eugen got his internet back up! But the bad news is he gone somewhere for today. But tomorrow, I will get there and add more sprites! and to mix things up, I'll add the countdown sprites!

I still can't figure out what the spinner would look like. I guess putting a Hamtaro episode disk would work.
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Dark Deception_old
Tottal disaster folks!

Eugen already sold his computer! *Runs around in terror* All the progress, GONE!

Well, there's one thing left to do: Since I'm lucky enough to save the sprites posted here, I'll continuing making it, this time, by saving it with my disk drive! *Parading around like an idiot* Problem is: How am I going to download the template skin w/o downloading the game itself?
You could always download something like the EBA/EBO skin and work from there.
Actually, as of the last time I checked, eirrol's Ouendan skin includes almost all of the template skin, so that might be a better place to start :P Even better, you could just ask Peppy in IRC, and he can probably give you a download link.
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Dark Deception_old

LuigiHann wrote:

Actually, as of the last time I checked, eirrol's Ouendan skin includes almost all of the template skin, so that might be a better place to start :P Even better, you could just ask Peppy in IRC, and he can probably give you a download link.
Thanks LuigiHann! *Hugs him* :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

But you are right about the 'Almost' part. I can't understand the japanese language and the miss, 300, 100, 50, Katu and Geki icons arn't there... :o

Can you send me another link? Or at least some images?
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Dark Deception_old
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Dark Deception_old
I got the geki and the two katu sprites.
By the by, Bijou's with him.

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Dark Deception_old
I got both the spinner up, but I need to find out how to make space on the meter and make a osu sprite for the hamham word: Wondachu?

Any help? Maybe doing those tricky parts for me would be nice.

The image of the bar that fills up will completely overlap the layer beneath it. When filling in the region that's to be coloured for the spinner (the greyish bars on the outside), make sure you "cut out" the shapes of the hamhams so they aren't covered up. Only fill in the grey parts that you can actually see on your spinner-background.PNG file.
Topic Starter
Dark Deception_old

awp wrote:

The image of the bar that fills up will completely overlap the layer beneath it. When filling in the region that's to be coloured for the spinner (the greyish bars on the outside), make sure you "cut out" the shapes of the hamhams so they aren't covered up. Only fill in the grey parts that you can actually see on your spinner-background.PNG file.
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Dark Deception_old
Does this look okay?

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Dark Deception_old
Okay. Now, here's the pause sprites. There are a pair of 2 of the same character, but speaks a different launguage you you can understand it. The same goes for the ranking ones. (The first two will count for both)

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Dark Deception_old
It's just me, quickening things up. I'm just showing you the replay sprites.

Note: The retry and back sprites are the same as from that last post a few minutes ago.

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Dark Deception_old
Quick update, again...

Got the graph done, by the way.

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Dark Deception_old
Whoops, I forgot!

I got the other 3 done.

The warningarrow
The skip sprite
The sprite for the spinner

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Dark Deception_old
Man, I'm really getting this done fast. Woo! Anyway, I made the reversearrow and menu-back sprites. Once this is done, I'm taking a break! :o

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Dark Deception_old
Ummm... Can someone point me on trying to get all 10 animation sprites on hamtaro rolling? I fliped him on the 90 degree angle 4 times and mannage to get 4 of it for the slider, but that's it... :o

Any help here?

You don't need to have 10 frames of animation. You can have more, or if you prefer, less. There's a .dat or .ini or something included in your skin template - just open it up in notepad, find the parameter, and change it.
Topic Starter
Dark Deception_old

awp wrote:

You don't need to have 10 frames of animation. You can have more, or if you prefer, less. There's a .dat or .ini or something included in your skin template - just open it up in notepad, find the parameter, and change it.
Thanks and all, but I didn't throw in a .dat of a .ini... :(
Uh, hmm. You should have started from the osu! template, but it's no tragedy. Copy the .dat or .ini (I actually don't know what the extension is but it's probably .dat) from any other skin to your skin's folder, then go through it and edit all the appropriate fields. Stuff like name, author, slider animation frame count, etc.
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Dark Deception_old
Thank-Q LuigiHann! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) *Hugs*
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Dark Deception_old
You know, I can't think of a design for a hitcircle, and my dad's laptop doesn't have MS paint.

Any help?
You mean, like, just the hitcircle overlay?

just a hamtaro face would be enough, don't you think? Two big saucer eyes and a little 3 mouth
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Dark Deception_old
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Dark Deception_old
I got the hitcircle done! Does it kinda look like the Taiko hitcircle?

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Dark Deception_old
Uh, can anyone give me some help on creating something for the menus?

This is the example:

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