mochi wrote:
Metro wrote:
I like how shinde didn't even have to request for mods and it gets approved.
Garven is probably like best friends forever with shinde.
Actually I got like 6 IRC mods that all said very little, and despite that I spent about an hour in editor for each of them trying to figure out what to improve. On top of that a handful of people told me in IRC that they liked my map, and a few more posted in the thread shortly after a semi-finished version was done. Considering free stars are now obsolete, I'm suprised those people even posted.
Besides, whenever I ask for mods people usually decline. (It's not like I used to mod a lot and never map, helping others before myself. Doing skin/video/timing work without kudosu. Spending all my KDs on other people's maps. Why should people mod my maps? Plus even in past ranked maps, the mods were usually rather empty and it'd only take til page 2 anyways, so it's not like I'm using up a lot of people's time.) I spent weeks trying to get people to mod it and even when they do they never really came up with anything. I spend a LOT of time myself doing rechecks and modding my own map so that others don't have to. I'm very thorough when it comes to style and rankability issues, because when I put something in Pending, I don't want any walls of text or issues. Now, if people are going to complain about score and approval versus ranked so much, I will keep it firmly in mind for future maps I make or look at. As I said before, there are already 3 full ranked mapsets for this song, you want another ENHI for a 3:30 song? Ok, I'll get right on that. Should only take me 8 months. I am a very slow mapper and I put a lot of time into my maps. Plus I don't sit on osu! all day mapping. You realize it took 4 months to get that approved right?
Also, yes Garven and I are good friends. He gave me constructive feedback through the entire process and recommended people who I could ask for mods, and sat on IRC with me talking about each others maps and life in general quite a few nights. Also we have similar tastes in music and enjoy each other's maps very much, mostly because we both date back to Shinxyn maps and were influenced by them. I've also modded his maps in the past, and he's modded mine. Problem? I'm sure you have friends. .. Right?
If it makes you feel better, I don't even know osuplayer111 personally and he had no complaints. He was like the 10th BAT (not even mentioning MATs I talked to) I asked for a mod over the course of the week and I just assumed he'd be too busy also. ztrot's only complaint was 'Well it's not 18m so I hope no one bitches.' and lo and behold. I'll just quote this too.
Shinde wrote:
Oh, I'll just turn HP Drain and OD back up one so that "No difficulty is allowed to exceed a score of 18 mill" applies then. I thought I'd be nice and lower them one for user accessibility, but if I have to use "logic" and the rules for approval rather than use common sense...
I think some of you should re-evaluate your thinking. If the only argument against a map is 'Why is this approved and not ranked? It's only 17m!', then I think I've either done a decent job mapping or you're just too caught up in things. You should probably go read Lyby's linked thread. Also, lesjuh/Gladi wasn't Tijdmachine ranked with 3 Insanes and a 'Normal' Easy difficulty? Pretty sure that's also against some 'rule' stashed away somewhere. While you guys argue over trivialities, I'll be busy doing things I consider fun.
But man, some of you guys are depressing. I thought we were moving away from nazi and restrictive modding? I feel like I'm back in late 2009. I could point out a lot other fallacies and inconsistencies several people in this thread have, (Especially a few key people
) but I'll try to refrain from personal attacks and making people look like dumbasses. I don't get paid enough to do that, and that's stupid. I should've just kept the original settings so I could go, "HERP DERP 19.5M APPROVAL THX"
This is a game (and a community), people play games to have fun, not deal with silly bullshit. Are you having fun?
PS. Have a nice day, I will be off enjoying the holidays.