
Switching from tablet to mouse

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Is this wise?

also this is definitely worth making a new topic for.
It's neutral.

Neither bad nor good.

Denebola wrote:

It's neutral.

Neither bad nor good.

But playing with mouse seems a lot more challenging imo

Frizz925 wrote:

But playing with mouse seems a lot more challenging imo
It's the opposite for me, however, this is day 2 for me with a tablet, vs months with a mouse, so I guess this is expected :p
I have not used a tablet. But I've seen plenty of youtube comments and map discussion comments stating that using a tablet is easier. Either it is or a lot of people are confused.

Zelmarked wrote:

I have not used a tablet. But I've seen plenty of youtube comments and map discussion comments stating that using a tablet is easier. Either it is or a lot of people are confused.
At the end of the day, it's all muscle memory.
I switch back and forth to get better at osu...granted I spend majority of my time with mouse but I can still FC most insanes and DT a lot of songs with tablet.

Seems that every time I play tablet for a day or two and switch back to mouse, all of a sudden my mouse improves randomly.

But ragelewa=already so pro with tablet...why switch D:
I switch tablet and mouse everyday, only because it's uncomfortable to be using tablet elsewhere than osu!
My tablet is kinda broken so I can't tap anymore, so I switch between "normal"-playing on tablet and mouse. imho, mouse is being a bit more fun, even though it's harder for me.
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SilentWings wrote:

But ragelewa=already so pro with tablet...why switch D:
My hands are too shaky to actually play well with a tablet in high bpm maps and doing streams is a nightmare because my hand starts shaking so much that I miss the stream

and I don't use a small area either, the shakiness is really bad
Don't see how tablet can help in this case then. My hands aren't exactly steady either, an I can't even DT stuff cause of jerky movement. :p
(and yes I use low sens, and no I am not that pro :( )
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I love how people think that I'm playing tap/x when they watch me do >200bpm streams

I guess that kind of shaking just goes away with practice though.
For me it's more like :

100 combo = no shaking
300 combo = a bit
500 combo = i start getting 100's
700 - fc = pray to god I don't have to try 1k times to fc this.

Although I guess it also depends on song/map and other things like, if I get disturbed or hard part in a song or getting tired and so on...
In the end, it's all depends on how players are used to the devices.

I think switching between mouse and tablet regularly (read: on routine, be it hourly, daily, weekly, or whatever) is the best way to balance your ability on playing between the two devices.

Denebola wrote:

Zelmarked wrote:

I have not used a tablet. But I've seen plenty of youtube comments and map discussion comments stating that using a tablet is easier. Either it is or a lot of people are confused.
At the end of the day, it's all muscle memory.
I think controllers do make a difference. Most know that digital mouse>analog controller. And a lot prefer a joystick for flying a plane in a simulator rather than a mouse.

There shouldn't be a reason another for the emergence of tablet users. Tablets are used for digital art right? So there shouldn't be a connection of tablets to Osu outside of it being a preferable/better choice. Not that it bothers me. I never play multiplayer.

Zelmarked wrote:

Denebola wrote:

At the end of the day, it's all muscle memory.
I think controllers do make a difference. Most know that digital mouse>analog controller. And a lot prefer a joystick for flying a plane in a simulator rather than a mouse.

There shouldn't be a reason another for the emergence of tablet users. Tablets are used for digital art right? So there shouldn't be a connection of tablets to Osu outside of it being a preferable/better choice. Not that it bothers me. I never play multiplayer.
As for a joystick for playing a plane/flying simulator... of course that's going to happen when you want to simulate flying a plane!

There are a lot of hurdles for using a mouse, what with mouse acceleration and all that jazz. Heck, I bet most players haven't even sat down and calculated the distance their mouse moves to do a jump from one side of the screen to the other. People take Quake 3/CS seriously enough to make a formula based on doing a complete 360 degree turn in game, how many people can say they've put that much effort into getting the right sensitivity for osu!?

With a tablet it's literally plug in and play, you don't have to worry about any of the bullshit Microsoft hid in Windows, don't have to worry about changing sensitivity with the most being changing your play area. Also I think a big difference is most people have a lot more muscle memory built up using a pen then using a mouse.

I honestly don't believe there is that much of a difference between mouse and tablet, when I changed to tablet I was still moving the pen in the same direction as the mouse I used prior. I'd bet that's a big factor, the fact that most people have used a pen longer than a mouse and perhaps that most people grew up being taught how to write our language.

So I'm still pretty confident that at the end of the day it's all muscle memory. The worst thing is this isn't really something we can objectively measure, unless you want to take a stab at trying to do that. How many people could objectively explain why a tablet was better than their mouse? How many do you think would simply just say "it feels better"? I don't know, I sort of went on a ramble here.

ragelewa wrote:

SilentWings wrote:

But ragelewa=already so pro with tablet...why switch D:
My hands are too shaky to actually play well with a tablet in high bpm maps and doing streams is a nightmare because my hand starts shaking so much that I miss the stream

and I don't use a small area either, the shakiness is really bad
Switching to mouse will probably do nothing to solve this problem for you.
you should try out my settings ^^ 450 dpi, windows standard, osu 1.0x. I played tablet for 8 months, an yea, it's easier to learn, and it has a higher potential (probably, but depends ofc), but mouse is more fun all the way! Also I have the coolest mouse snap 8D
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