
[added] Back button when using random?

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +41
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Well, maybe that's only my problem, but how about doing something like back button when using random to select songs. Sometimes I find myself using random a bit too much, and there are times when i hear great song I REALLY want to play now, but already pressed F2 again...
Kind of hard to tell what was it when you have over 2000 beatmaps. Of course back button (or previous track, whatever it's called) doesn't work. There are people that play their favourites/new maps. But there are also guys who, like me, go F2 many times until they find something "oh, I wanna play this".
Is it possible to have a function that remembers at least one track when going F2 over your whole list? Would be really helpfull :)
I would love for "f2" to just go to the next song in the playlist rather than just pick a random song.

ziin wrote:

I would love for "f2" to just go to the next song in the playlist rather than just pick a random song.
Useless, you can do this manually, but you cannot random manually.

About the suggested feature: I have this problem too sometimes, so I would appreciate such a back button.
i've had this before

back button sounded totally misleading though, maybe something like 'random history' dno

Tshemmp wrote:

ziin wrote:

I would love for "f2" to just go to the next song in the playlist rather than just pick a random song.
Useless, you can do this manually, but you cannot random manually.
Oh this would be really cool, I hate getting a little trigger happy just to miss a great map :P
Would love this as well.
Heh, this has happened to me quite a lot now, though I don't think it'll be too much of a priority request xD

Support from me still.
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Maybe it's not a priority request, but still an important one :)
And I agree with palion. Back could be a little misleading, random history is better way of saying it.

Keita wrote:

Maybe it's not a priority request, but still an important one :)
And I agree with palion. Back could be a little misleading, random history is better way of saying it.
But why shouldn't it be generalized to be more of Back. Sure it would be annoying to move backwards though a complete history of you scrolling up and down with the scrollwheel looking for things. But why not have it move backwards (and, as an additional request, forwards, in case you overshoot going back) through a history of mapsets you played and mapsets you "jumped" to (whether it was done by Random, by searching, by selecting a link from IRC, or by adding a new song).
PLEASE add this, happened to me tons of times that like I F2, listen to a song for a second, and still F2ing and I can't recall what was it called.
I want this too, I've sometimes clicked on random by accident when I meant to go to mods instead. Then I spend ages trying to find the song again.
supports this
apart from the reasons others have stated, this is also needed when i found a good song and i spectated some ppl then i was like, shit what was that song
i want f2 to go to the next map instantly without having to press it twice everytime (and miss one map everytime)
Agreed lol, plus (at least this happens to me) osu! get's like laggy when it's "shuffling".
How about: F2 starts randomizing, and F2 again to cancel randomization (before the randomization stops). You have ample of time to stop it anyway.

This apparently happened to me, because I accidentally tapped F2 instead of F1. The good thing is that I usually focus on certain beatmap before moving onto the others, so I can just type on Search to return to the beatmap I wanted to play.

Tshemmp wrote:

Useless, you can do this manually, but you cannot random manually.
yeah yeah, month late reply but consider this:

playlist is generated randomly. Pressing "next" is equivalent to getting a random song.
F2 = Start random time
F2 Again = Stop random time.

^ This.

Keita wrote:

there are times when i hear great song I REALLY want to play now, but already pressed F2 again..
And.. if you really like a song, you would remember the name of that song.. don't you think? When that happens to me I always search for the name of that song manually with the search function.
Also, that song is in your Maps folder. I think that the player should know a bit which beatmaps he actually have and played.
Well, that's what I personally think.

I don't support this. It doesn't seem necessary to me.
Support, i hate when this happens.

Kei wrote:

Keita wrote:

there are times when i hear great song I REALLY want to play now, but already pressed F2 again..
And.. if you really like a song, you would remember the name of that song.. don't you think? When that happens to me I always search for the name of that song manually with the search function.
Actually, you'd be wrong. Quite regularly I've already hit random again only to have my brain clue into the snippit I just heard and have it trigger the "Oh yeah, THAT song... I've been looking for that one forever, and now it's lost again" response.

I once had a song earworm me out of nowhere. It drove me nuts, not only by earworming me, but because couldn't recognize it or place where I heard it... I had large parts of the tune and bits of the lyrics, but searches on those were turning up nothing. It took more than a year (during which it kept coming back regularly) to finally figure out what it was and to realize that I had heard it a handful of times six months before it first earwormed me. Never underestimate the power of the brain to really like a song but not be able to name it.

Also, that song is in your Maps folder. I think that the player should know a bit which beatmaps he actually have and played.
I have 6000 odd songs (and growing)... there are many songs I can remember enough about to search for, but at that scale there are also many that I've played and might want to play again, but I've simply forgotten what they are. It's those latter ones that tend to get rediscovered by Random (and potentially lost again to what's known as a "Fast Finger Freddie")... the songs I remember I normally go to directly.
Just pressing f2 and waiting for the animation to finish takes forever. Double tapping f2 is the only way to play random beatmaps. I have probably saved hours of my life using that method.
Enna Alouette
seems nice to me, for me i dont use random so much, but i think it's gonna be really helpful, if something like that added in osu.
still supporting this~ :3
I prefer "Select previous beatmap in the beatmap select" or something.
I had an idea related to this. I thought that it would be a good idea to save all the random selection maps in a playlist. So every map that was selected with random would appear in a filter option.

TheVileOne wrote:

I had an idea related to this. I thought that it would be a good idea to save all the random selection maps in a playlist. So every map that was selected with random would appear in a filter option.

Last selected or something
Maybe just "back"
The more I think about this, the more I think Escape should be made to work properly for it. Escape will stop a random sort, but it leaves the game in a weird state... playing the old song, but selected on something else (which is typically off screen). Fixing that would handle the initial request.
Someone just made a duplicate of this t/104477/

I want. Sometimes I really need to undo a random movement.
just had this idea! It really bothers me to look for some random song (dbl tap F2) und pressing for the next too quick. Or recognize the song too late...

A 1 song back buffer would be nice.. (some random key.. dunno.. pos1?)

(Take a star with you, idea.. and flyyyyyy)
I agree that the back buffer is a good idea if this feature ever gets implemented.

A FIFO buffer of the previous few randoms could be used to keep memory usage low while still being able to go back a few randoms.

As for the key binding, maybe Shift + F2 or something of the like?
Ironically, now my problem is sometimes finding the previous song just after reverse-random, although this happens much less than the original problem that was solved.
Don't bump old marked threads. It's already added quite some time ago and needs no further discussion
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