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Hi, some time ago I showed my tablet area thing to my friend and he said that widescreen monitors need tablet area that looks like widescreen or I will get random lags and jumps with cursor, at that time I just ignored him but now when I play jumpy maps I am starting to feel weird lag with my cursor could it be because my monitor is 1366x768 and my tablet area is just a small box? Should I use force proprtions?
This is how it looks right now.

And this is what I mean by "widescreen area"

I tried to change it, but I can't play with other areas I am so used to small box ._.. Thanks!
Do you have framelimiter on? turn it off as it may causes input lag.

Also if you use a wacom tablet, try disabling the "wacom virtual hid driver" in the device manager. It disables specific windows functions for your wacom which you won't use anyway (reduces lag as far as i know)

And i don't think it's the monitors fault. Either change desktop resolution or try updating your graphic's driver.

if you really want to have an exact area which reflects your monitor you should enalbe forced propotions.

also isn't this more appropriate in the help section?


Vmx wrote:

Should I use force proprtions?
Why don't you try it out?

From what I know there shouldn't be any kind of lagg no matter what size of the area since it's all the way of proportions which will just result in changing your cursor "speed" while moving.
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Ok thanks I will keep it the same then, also I disabled "wacom virtual hid driver" and it feels a little bit smoother now. Thanks!
thnx for posting this topic I hope to get a tablet for his soon :P
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