
What playstyle changes have you made to improve?

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Recently I changed the way I grip the mouse and I feel like its helped me a *ton*. I used to play with my palm right on the mouse, but ever since I backed my hand off a little bit I feel like I have better accuracy and speed. Or maybe I'm just improving with practice :)

So, what changes have you made to the way you play that helped you improve the most? Ofc everyone has to figure out what works for them, but I feel like there are some little tricks out there that could make a big difference for the right person.
Almost everday day I change something about the way I play. They way I hold the pen of the tablet, the buttons I press, even they way I sit...
Making my tablet area bigger.
changing mouse sensitivity speed very often :)
I've been playing the same since I started. I only change to Z and X when i do stream songs
None. Mouse only from start, TILL THE BITTER END
- Change my keyboard buttons occasionally, but most of the time I use S, D
- Change mouse sensitivity back and forth from 6-7 on Windows Mouse CP
- Recently (like earlier today recently), I learned that if I don't smash the keyboard buttons in, I can stream longer :p
I turned off Mouse Acceleration...didn't even know about such a thing...
Instant results that made it better...
changing to a tablet... lol. Then constantly readjusting it until i found like some perfect area that seemd to allow me to do my best ._.
Started applying some chalk to my tablet hand so my pen didn't stay there for half the song then suddenly go "LOL *SLIP*" and break my combo.
Changing to tablet -> Changing to Full Area -> Changing to mechanical keyboard~
Switching to tablet was some pretty drastic improvement...
Went from barely passing 0108 diffs to nearly fc-ing BDs mittens (with hr!) in just one month.

aaand getting a mechanical keyboard was really useful aswell.

Oh well... and there is that method of pressing z+x at the same time rapidly. Got me FC in mad machine. (you can do 300BPM streams with that! :D)
i troll people, thats how i improve
cococococo can't speak for another 98 hour(s).

Was it really worth it?

GladiOol wrote:

None. Mouse only from start, TILL THE BITTER END

and learn to click faster. and lowering sensitivity to be more accurate.
enabled mouse precision mode, bought a better mouse (3times), increasing sensitivity to gain better results at jumps - slowly progressing,
current step: getting tablet at xmas :)
comming soon: mechanical keyboard
grinding maps like a bau5,thats how i improve
i attempted to turn off enhance pointer precision... then went back
If taiko counts : Config change.

(AZERTY keyboard)


Jalatiphra wrote:

enabled mouse precision mode
complete opposite of his.
I disabled my precision mode :v

it was hard at first. I changed from 2400dpi to 1600dpi and from 5th tick to 6th.

Neruell wrote:

Almost everday day I change something about the way I play. They way I hold the pen of the tablet, the buttons I press, even they way I sit...
^This, mostly just change the way I have my hand on the tablet.

Right now I've settled for one style for normal playing and another style for DT which helps me circle snap a lot easier and faster but fucks up long jumps ;_;
I switched from tablet & keyboard to mouse only \o/ (this because I'm not a good kb-streamer and I saw potential elsewhere. Also I'm a taNa fan :3)
I had to change the way I grip the mouse (from claw to palm grip) and dpi (from 900 to 450) to get the optimal potential /o/
I tried 3 different expensive gaming mice and settled on a Mionix Naos 5000 (sickest mouse ever for clicking. It's just like the Qpad 5000, but a little more ergonomic imo)

Then I practiced daily for 8 months. gg.

I also play with precision enabled. I could hardly notice the effect, because after all, it doesn't work like mouse acceleration.
It's gonna be enabled as a standard at some point anyway, so I don't see why I shouldn't get used to it. I think it's a bug-fix, actually, but not sure.

Nowadays I don't change anything about the way I play. And I who used to be so experimental back in the day (. .)
I'll be switching from right-hand mouse+keyboard to left-hand tablet+keyboard after the OWC probably (currently still sticking with the mouse because tablet takes time to learn, i refuse to screw my team even further by using the tablet which i have only half-assedly trained on so far). Also making the decision to switch as bring a left hander, right hand on mouse just isn't working out for me (imo). I still can't spin (280-320 after a year's worth of play anyone?) coupled with slow recovery, can't jump, and just lack control in general. Guess i'm on the same boat as that JesusYamato guy.

Also bought a new keyboard (Logitech Ultra X Premium) for 20 pounds after some research and it's all good so far. Excellent keytaps, good response, and single tapping just got a whole lot easier. If you can't afford a mech (or feel it's too expensive for games like these) maybe go for this pretty much.
Besides my mouse to mouse and keyboard transition, I've also tried snapping to notes faster. Even if I'm doing a normal I snap to the next note because I'm going to need those trained fast reflexes later.
i use a shitty wireless microsoft mobile mouse 6000 and a laptop keyboard

i'm pretty deprived

Gon wrote:

Guess i'm on the same boat as that JesusYamato guy
lol ye... you are like JesusYamato all over again :P
Good luck adjusting to streams. It can be tough using the non-dominant hand for that stuff :o
how to improve:
if you use mouse then turn off your mouse acceleration
One question: How do you turn off acceleration?

BeatofIke wrote:

One question: How do you turn off acceleration?
I don't think it's a mouse setting provided by default in windows. I couldn't find it. It's probably specific to the driver settings. So find your mouse driver settings and snoop around.

BeatofIke wrote:

One question: How do you turn off acceleration?
Googling "mouse fix" will probably help you.

I don't have the information on hand to give you, sorry.
Yea...I did find this earlier.

I have a modded W7 that has a lot of "gamer" settings already applied. Apparently, according to that page, if you are using a standard W7 OS, you have the mouse acceleration settings applied by default in your registry settings. And therefore cannot change them with conventional means. So you will probably benefit from the program that makes the registry changes.

Zelmarked wrote:

Yea...I did find this earlier.

I have a modded W7 that has a lot of "gamer" settings already applied. Apparently, according to that page, if you are using a standard W7 OS, you have the mouse acceleration settings applied by default in your registry settings. And therefore cannot change them with conventional means. So you will probably benefit from the program that makes the registry changes.
Yeah, too completely remove mouse acceleration you have to edit the registry. Luckily all you have to do is run a script that someone else made previously.

I'd upload/link to something but I don't want to be responsible for somebody running a registry script :).
Old standard keyboard > slim one
Mouse > tablet
Smallest active area > full area + disabled "force proportions" setting
Usual smooth movement to get all the jumps > snapping to circles
Started spinning with a relaxed grip because I just got pissed at doing spinners in general, then all of a sudden one day I made it over 400 repeatedly. Not sure how so I have started investigating lol.
M i l o t i c
a shitty mouse to a gaming mouse
A shitty mouse to a decent mouse, a really remarkable improvement. And also moved from mouse only to mouse and keyboard back when I was still playing normals. It makes aiming much more easier.
Switching from mouse only to mouse + keyboard
Switching from mouse to tablet
Using full tablet area instead of a small proportion
Lifting my wrist from the keyboard when doing streams

GensokyoAkuma wrote:

Switching from mouse only to mouse + keyboard
Switching from mouse to tablet
Using full tablet area instead of a small proportion
Lifting my wrist from the keyboard when doing streams
In which phase did you manage this?

Neruell wrote:

GensokyoAkuma wrote:

Switching from mouse only to mouse + keyboard
Switching from mouse to tablet
Using full tablet area instead of a small proportion
Lifting my wrist from the keyboard when doing streams
In which phase did you manage this?
Final phaze: Full tablet and sliding the pen over the tablet, not hovering.
2Neruell: - My square pattern training diff that I made long time ago.
I can't say it helped me improve though, my hand still doesn't want to move cursor when it should

Kert wrote:

2Neruell: - My square pattern training diff that I made long time ago.
I can't say it helped me improve though, my hand still doesn't want to move cursor when it should
From what I heared and know, training specific patterns wont help much, since you "must" learn to aim for a single circle rather than a special pattern which will improve your "aiming skill". At least that what helped me in many cases so far.
I made my active area bigger again, changed the way I hold the pen, AND THERE IS NO PAIN ANYMORE YEAH #5 after I made the active area bigger yay
Yuki Hana-Chan
There are a lot of different ways that I change my playstyle o-o
I always try and experiment with the area that I leave for my arm and mouse pad. o-o Wide range, short, etc.
You should do some mad clicks too. LOL. Just practice clicking? o-o Although x and z would make your life easier.
Switching from mouse only to mouse + keyboard z/x (Easier to stream)
Switch sensibility from 1.4x to 1.0x (Easier to do jumps)
Practice (Easier to Pass maps)
changed into blackwidow :O
from Mouse+Keyboard to Tablet+Keyboard. All easier
many players forget that they get better in the process of learning how to use the tablet and don't realize they would be just as good if they kept working hard on mouse skills.
Not really i'm pretty sure i hit my skillcap with mouse as i was using my non dominant hand for it.

kriers wrote:

many players forget that they get better in the process of learning how to use the tablet and don't realize they would be just as good if they kept working hard on mouse skills.
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