
What playstyle changes have you made to improve?

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Zelmarked wrote:

Yea...I did find this earlier.

I have a modded W7 that has a lot of "gamer" settings already applied. Apparently, according to that page, if you are using a standard W7 OS, you have the mouse acceleration settings applied by default in your registry settings. And therefore cannot change them with conventional means. So you will probably benefit from the program that makes the registry changes.
Yeah, too completely remove mouse acceleration you have to edit the registry. Luckily all you have to do is run a script that someone else made previously.

I'd upload/link to something but I don't want to be responsible for somebody running a registry script :).
Old standard keyboard > slim one
Mouse > tablet
Smallest active area > full area + disabled "force proportions" setting
Usual smooth movement to get all the jumps > snapping to circles
Started spinning with a relaxed grip because I just got pissed at doing spinners in general, then all of a sudden one day I made it over 400 repeatedly. Not sure how so I have started investigating lol.
M i l o t i c
a shitty mouse to a gaming mouse
A shitty mouse to a decent mouse, a really remarkable improvement. And also moved from mouse only to mouse and keyboard back when I was still playing normals. It makes aiming much more easier.
Switching from mouse only to mouse + keyboard
Switching from mouse to tablet
Using full tablet area instead of a small proportion
Lifting my wrist from the keyboard when doing streams

GensokyoAkuma wrote:

Switching from mouse only to mouse + keyboard
Switching from mouse to tablet
Using full tablet area instead of a small proportion
Lifting my wrist from the keyboard when doing streams
In which phase did you manage this?

Neruell wrote:

GensokyoAkuma wrote:

Switching from mouse only to mouse + keyboard
Switching from mouse to tablet
Using full tablet area instead of a small proportion
Lifting my wrist from the keyboard when doing streams
In which phase did you manage this?
Final phaze: Full tablet and sliding the pen over the tablet, not hovering.
2Neruell: - My square pattern training diff that I made long time ago.
I can't say it helped me improve though, my hand still doesn't want to move cursor when it should

Kert wrote:

2Neruell: - My square pattern training diff that I made long time ago.
I can't say it helped me improve though, my hand still doesn't want to move cursor when it should
From what I heared and know, training specific patterns wont help much, since you "must" learn to aim for a single circle rather than a special pattern which will improve your "aiming skill". At least that what helped me in many cases so far.
I made my active area bigger again, changed the way I hold the pen, AND THERE IS NO PAIN ANYMORE YEAH #5 after I made the active area bigger yay
Yuki Hana-Chan
There are a lot of different ways that I change my playstyle o-o
I always try and experiment with the area that I leave for my arm and mouse pad. o-o Wide range, short, etc.
You should do some mad clicks too. LOL. Just practice clicking? o-o Although x and z would make your life easier.
Switching from mouse only to mouse + keyboard z/x (Easier to stream)
Switch sensibility from 1.4x to 1.0x (Easier to do jumps)
Practice (Easier to Pass maps)
changed into blackwidow :O
from Mouse+Keyboard to Tablet+Keyboard. All easier
many players forget that they get better in the process of learning how to use the tablet and don't realize they would be just as good if they kept working hard on mouse skills.
Not really i'm pretty sure i hit my skillcap with mouse as i was using my non dominant hand for it.

kriers wrote:

many players forget that they get better in the process of learning how to use the tablet and don't realize they would be just as good if they kept working hard on mouse skills.

kriers wrote:

many players forget that they get better in the process of learning how to use the tablet and don't realize they would be just as good if they kept working hard on mouse skills.
let me help you there
thank you
F m L_old
from mouse only to tablet x/z

mad kriers?

F m L wrote:

from mouse only to tablet x/z

mad kriers?
no? enjoy your painful wrist

kriers wrote:

F m L wrote:

from mouse only to tablet x/z

mad kriers?
no? enjoy your painful wrist
THE PAIN IS UNBEARABLE if you play way too much and don't take breaks
Setting my mouse polling rate from 150hz to 1000hz
btw is it normal that I can play better with my 8€ normal mouse than the 50€ gaming one? x:

Jordan wrote:

Setting my mouse polling rate from 150hz to 1000hz
btw is it normal that I can play better with my 8€ normal mouse than the 50€ gaming one? x:
I recently bought razor deathadder and my skill has gone wayyy down.. this mouse is way to heavy to move and i might go back to my 10$ mouse.. also it doesnt feel comfortable

ragelewa wrote:

THE PAIN IS UNBEARABLE if you play way too much and don't take breaks
so damn true. I'm always in pain the day after too :P

kriers wrote:

many players forget that they get better in the process of learning how to use a mouse with low acceleration and don't realize they would be just as good if they kept working hard on mouse skills with higher acceleration.

ziin wrote:

kriers wrote:

many players don't realize that this particular quote can be used on anything
Why should I use high sensitivity to achieve the same thing I can do with low?
High sensitivity just destroys my wrist, with low sensitivity I can adjust the preassure and wearing to my whole arm and shoulder, instead of just a small area of my hand
M i l o t i c

Valentiino wrote:

High sensitivity just destroys my wrist, with low sensitivity I can adjust the preassure and wearing to my whole arm and shoulder, instead of just a small area of my hand
this is the reseon i play with low sensitivity too.

Valentiino wrote:

Why should I use high sensitivity to achieve the same thing I can do with low?
High sensitivity just destroys my wrist, with low sensitivity I can adjust the preassure and wearing to my whole arm and shoulder, instead of just a small area of my hand
+ low sensitivity = sexy cursor movements
empty post. Shitty browser. kkthx
[Etna] for this map forced me to increase the sensitivity. Since then, it stuck.
Increased tablet area, got way better.

Xafnia wrote:

Increased tablet area, got way better.
That's a fact. Too bad everyone is too stubborn to listen.
F m L_old

kriers wrote:

Too bad everyone is too stubborn to listen.
That is a fact.

F m L wrote:

kriers wrote:

Too bad everyone is too stubborn to listen.
That is a fact.
that fact takes things out of context
Putting the keyboard further than me, that way the palm of my hand is extended and I play slightly better. sorry my english though
use hentai pic on the score board skin *.*

ragelewa wrote:

kriers wrote:

from mouse only to tablet x/z

mad kriers?
no? enjoy your painful wrist
THE PAIN IS UNBEARABLE if you play way too much and don't take breaks[/quote]

that's true, i need a doctor to visit me now, it seriously damaged my arm i'm serious
I got a new mechanical keyboard and it helped a lot on streams. My shitty rubber dome keyboard was so hard to press (it was like 5 years old) but this doesn't take nearly as much effort. Too bad now my rhythm is messed up because of the old keyboard..
started playing with left hand. it's super effective.
I've used nothing but a mouse since I started a few years back. The fascination with hyper speed/ridiculous stream maps over the past year or so has made me consider doing something different but in the end I decided it just wasn't worth it. I say just keep practicing with whatever is comfortable. Just avoid maps that are going to give you CTS. That's what I do.

malcom1985 wrote:

I've used nothing but a mouse since I started a few years back. The fascination with hyper speed/ridiculous stream maps over the past year or so has made me consider doing something different but in the end I decided it just wasn't worth it. I say just keep practicing with whatever is comfortable. Just avoid maps that are going to give you CTS. That's what I do.
I didn't avoid those maps and I've got CTS in my left hand xD

Mouse only big big yeahh!!!
What is CTS anyway
I changed to full screen from windowed. Eliminated all the lag in the cursor movement. Instant huge skillboost. It seems that I've been a way better player than I or anyone else thought.
Started wearing a glove on my left hand.

Changed to windowed mode...

Mouse only... but still needs practice on jumps and long streams..

Removed those too-bright-osu-graphics with some transparent pngs, if u know what I mean~~
Xylem Beer
Turned off the 'mouse precision'
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