
Stable Fallback now removed from the osu! release stream menu, so...?

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The thing is, in osu! Stable (Latest), Stable Fallback is removed from the release stream drop down menu on the options menu. PCs with not decent hardware specs tend to run Fallback well. Somehow, compatibility mode and regular mode are different things. Compatibility mode translates OpenGL to DirectX, and while Fallback's default renderer is also DirectX there are still differences. (Fallback technically exists)
I would like to ask some questions:
1) Why not have OpenGL and DirectX in the latest Stable build?
2) If the PC with osu! has not decent enough hardware, why not set the default renderer to DirectX?
3) What if the compatibility mode did not switch to Fallback but stayed on Stable and translated the renderer from OGL to DirectX?
Thanks in advance.
If there is something I missed, let me know.
DirectX has poor cross platform support and OpenGL has great cross platform support. Performance hits is an unfortunate side effect from using something that is not optimized to run on a specific operating system and hardware.

Also iirc osu! uses Angle for compatibility (OpenGL ES to DirectX translation)
ANGLE allows Windows users to seamlessly run OpenGL ES content by efficiently translating OpenGL ES API into DirectX 11 API calls.
Yeahhh, for someone like me who has a computer that only supports partial DX9 and OpenGL 1.4, Stable is never going to run on my computer.

So peppy, can't you just implement the touchscreen patch and maybe some other things into fallback? I would assume it isn't THAT hard to do it.

TGminer wrote:

So peppy, can't you just implement the touchscreen patch and maybe some other things into fallback? I would assume it isn't THAT hard to do it.
Fallback isn't supported. Despite it working fine for you, it's not working fine for the devs. It Isn't worth the time to touch badly designed code when you have a rewrite made to fix that badly designed code.
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